This document describes the system tests that are to be executed on a candidate Pulsar release.
The developer standalone version can be used for sanity tests, but the majority of the tests must be run against Docker images running in a real (ie not Minikube/kind) Kubernetes cluster. There also needs to be multiple of each component (zookeeper, bookkeeper, broker, proxy etc). This is a very important port, since most testing is done with a single instance of each component on a developer laptop or in the automated test pipeline. These tests are meant to test a fully deployed Pulsar cluster in order to determine if the load is suitable for production deployments.
- Repository: kafkaesque-io/pulsar
- Tag: 2.6.0_kesque_1
- Docker Images: kafkaesqueio/pulsar-all
Perf client in these tests can be connected using bastion
- Docker images install in Minikube/kind using Helm
- Helm upgrade from previous release to new Docker images
- Rollout restart Zookeeper with connected perf client
- Rollout restart BookKeeper with connected perf client
- Rollout restart Broker with connected perf client
- Rollout restart Proxy with connected perf client
Perf client in these tests must be external to the cluster
- Upgrade from previous release to new Docker images
- Rollout restart Zookeeper with connected perf client
- Rollout restart BookKeeper with connected perf client
- Rollout restart Broker with connected perf client
- Rollout restart Proxy with connected perf client
This can be tested using Pulsar standalone.
- Websocket client consume connect and send messages
- Websocket client reader connect and send messages
- Websocket client reader replay messages
- Connect Exclusive subscription
- Only one client on exclusive subscription
- Connect Failover subscription
- Multiple clients on failover subscription
- Only one client on failover sub receives messages
- Connect Shared subscription
- Multiple clients on shared subscription, round robin delivery
- Add/remove clients to shared subscription while sending messages
- Connect Key Shared subscription
- Multiple clients on key shared subscription, delivery based on key
- Add/remove clients to key shared subscription while sending messages delivery based on key
- Manual topic create, send messages on topic
- Attempt to delete topic with active producers/consumers
- Force delete topic with active producers/consumers
- Topic create with partitions
- Send messages to partition topic
- Receive messages with client connected to all partitions
- Receive messages with client connected to a single partition
- Topic delete with partitions
- Delete one partition from topic. Can still send/receive messages
- Deleting topic deletes all partitions
- Deleting topic with some partitions already deleted removed remaining partitions
- Stats for non-partitioned topics are correct
- Stats for partitioned topics are correct
- Create subscription on non-partition topic
- Create multiple subscriptions on non-partitioned topic
- Subscription type is set when consumer connects
- Create subscription with earliest message
- Create subscription starting with specific message
- Create subscription on partitioned topic; subscription shows on all partitions
- Delete subscription on partitioned topic; subscription deleted on all partitions
- Stats for subscriptions are correct
- Peek at messages in a subscription
- Skip all messages in a subscription
- Skip some messages in a subscription
- Rewind messages in a subscription to a time
- Rewind messages ins a subscription to a message ID
- Peek at messages in a subscription on partitioned topic
- Skip all messages in a subscription on partitioned topic
- Skip some messages in a subscription on partitioned topic
- Rewind messages in a subscription to a time on partitioned topic
- Rewind messages ins a subscription to a message ID on partitioned topic
- Connect wss client with token-based authentication
- Producer on wss client
- Consumer on wss client
- Reader on wss client
- Connect Python client with TLS and token-based authentication
- Producer on secure Python client
- Consumer on secure Python client
- Reader on secure Python client
- Connect Java client with TLS and token-based authentication
- Producer on secure Java client
- Consumer on secure Java client
- Reader on secure Java client
- Message TTL can be configured on namespace
- Unacked messages are removed from topic when TTL expires
- Add schema with producer
- Add schema with consumer
- Add schema with admin API
- Delete schema
- Update existing schema on topic using admin API
- Schema evolution backward compatibility (remove field)
- Clients can connect with TLS enabled
- Clients can connect with token-based authentication enabled
- Clients with incorrect token are rejected
- Messages can be configured to be retained after they are acknowledged
- Retained messages can be added back to subscription
- Readers can retrieve all retained messages
- Non-persistent messages can be sent and received
- Stats for non-persistent messages are correct
- Persistent topics with no consumers/producers/subscriptions are removed
- Non-persistent topics with no consumers/producers/subscriptions are removed
- Partitioned topics with no consumers/producers/subscriptions are removed
- Subscriptions with no backlog are removed (when enabled)
- Persistent topics that have been cleaned up do not re-appear
- Non-persistent topics that have been cleaned up do not re-appear
- Non-persistent topics with schema that have been cleaned up do not re-appear
- AWS S3. Messages offloaded to tiered storage and retrieved from tiered storage
- Google Cloud Storage. Messages offloaded to tiered storage and retrieved from tiered storage
- Tardigrade Cloud Storage. Messages offloaded to tiered storage and retrieved from tiered storage
- Automatic offload can be configured globally in
- Automatic offload can be configured at the namespace level
- Namespace level automatic offload configuration persists over upgrade
- Upload Java function
- Upload Python function
- Delete Java function
- Delete Python function
- Update Java function
- Update Python function
- Trigger Java function
- Trigger Python function
- Create function with multiple instances
- Restart all instances of a function
- Restart one instance of a function
- Stop all instances of a function
- Stop one instance of a function
- Start all instances of a function
- Start one instance of a function
- Function with multiple input topics
- Windowed function
- Function with state storage
- Function with metrics
- Add sink from built-ins
- Delete a sink
- Update a sink
- Create sink with multiple instances
- Restart all instances of a sink
- Restart one instance of a sink
- Stop all instances of a sink
- Stop one instance of a sink
- Start all instances of a sink
- Start one instance of a sink
- End-to-end sink test using JDBC sink. Publish messages that populate mysql table.
- Add source from built-ins
- Delete a source
- Update a source
- Create source with multiple instances
- Restart all instances of a source
- Restart one instance of a source
- Stop all instances of a source
- Stop one instance of a source
- Start all instances of a source
- Start one instance of a source
- End-to-end sink test using source. Send messages that end up in Pulsar topic.