Releases: kairos-fhir/kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example
What's Changed
- CENTRAXX-20682 by @kairosliem in #98
- Bielefeld mii validator by @kairosjonas in #99
- Add Diagnostic Report for Hull by @kairosliem in #101
- Update DSL version and add package by @kairosliem in #102
New Contributors
- @kairosliem made their first contribution in #98
Full Changelog: kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.42.0...kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.44.0
Supported CXX versions v.2024.4.3, v.2024.5.0
What's Changed
- Napkon groovy by @seboekphilipp in #6
- Update specimen.groovy by @franzyhohnstaedter in #7
- Extension Diagnosesicherheit: Use type coding instead of type code by @fhir-dev in #8
- Etiennenavarre patch 1 by @etiennenavarre in #10
- Prevent Export of Procedure ReasonReference on Missing Tumour by @alexanderkiel in #12
- Fix Wrong Loinc Code for TNM-N Clinical by @alexanderkiel in #13
- Generate Diagnosis Extension on Specimen #14 by @kairosmike in #15
- Issues/14 specimen diagnosis extension by @kairosmike in #16
- Add Missing UICC System by @alexanderkiel in #17
- Us core vitalsigns by @kairosjonas in #18
- Us core diagnostic reports, observation, procedure and smoking status by @kairosjonas in #19
- Us core condition by @BiedkaNiklas in #20
- Us core goal + provenance by @BiedkaNiklas in #22
- Missing example messages by @BiedkaNiklas in #23
- replaced dimdi url with bfarm url, by @kairosjonas in #24
- Fix ecrf code of gender field by @fhir-dev in #25
- Gecco: Consnet DNR: Add Consent.policy.uri by @fhir-dev in #27
- Datentyp des Parameters für Aufruf von mapEthnicityCode() by @fhir-dev in #26
- GECCO: Fix uncertainty-of-presence URI by @fhir-dev in #28
- Aggregate bundle by @kairosjonas in #29
- Fixed the dktk specimen according to their respective FHIR Profiles by @patrickskowronekdkfz in #30
- updated ibdw scripts by @neumichel in #31
- Dktk/updating specimen by @patrickskowronekdkfz in #32
- Centraxx 16274 xml stammdaten konsolidieren by @kairosmike in #33
- Code von Messparameter ABWEICHUNGEN zu CIMD_ABWEICHUNGEN geändert by @kairosmike in #34
- Centraxx 16918 erweiterung des fhir mappings für dktk by @kairosmike in #35
- Update specimen.groovy by @davidmscholz in #37
- Fixed version for LokaleBeurteilungResidualstatus by @jschlad in #38
- added trasnformation scripts for SACT_Profil to CarePlan and Medicati… by @kairosjonas in #39
- Update ExportResourceMappingConfig.json by @kairosjonas in #40
- Sact scripts by @kairosjonas in #41
- Changed value type to CodeableConcept for TNMcpuPraefix to match specification by @jschlad in #42
- Extension of the dktk sample mapping by @MLambarki in #43
- New sample type mapping by @kairosmike in #44
- Filter diagnosis by c d code by @kairosmike in #45
- Fnusa updates by @kairosjonas in #46
- Fnusa updates by @kairosjonas in #48
- observation: corrected label of PBMC profile - specimen: added specim… by @neumichel in #47
- Centraxx 18515 custom fhir import example by @kairosjonas in #49
- added export of Diagnosis comments in Condition.note field by @kairosjonas in #50
- created first draft for Transformation of FHIR MII KDS -> CXX FHIR by @kairosjonas in #51
- added example script episodeOfCare.groovy by @kairosjonas in #52
- Fixed code for Systemtherapie Protokoll Extension by @jschlad in #53
- Specimen script fnusa by @kairosjonas in #54
- Fnusa enhancements by @kairosjonas in #55
- added export of measurement parameter group as category in diagnostic… by @kairosjonas in #56
- removed print statement by @kairosjonas in #57
- Centraxx 19287 fhir dsl new multilinguals for cxx.v.2024.2.0 by @kairosmike in #58
- added export of procedure status since we support it in CXX now by @kairosjonas in #59
- added import transformation for MII ResearchSubject by @kairosjonas in #60
- started script for encounter by @kairosjonas in #61
- fix: correct dktk tnm systems by @patrickskowronekdkfz in #62
- added special handling of specialism laborvalue in fnusa diagnostic r… by @kairosjonas in #64
- URLs renamed from TNMcpuPraefixMCS/TNMcpuPraefixNCS to TNMcpuPraefixTCS by @MLambarki in #65
- added two example scripts for export of LaborMethods as Questionnaire… by @kairosjonas in #66
- DKTK reduce D Diagnosis to only oncology ones by @patrickskowronekdkfz in #67
- CENTRAXX-18572 added script for import script for ctcue questionnaire by @kairosjonas in #69
- Ctcue allergy intolerance by @kairosjonas in #70
- CENTRAXX-19924 by @kairosjonas in #71
- Fixed: valueCodeableConcept instead of valueCoding by @MLambarki in #73
- add export script for siop MetPredict by @davidmscholz in #72
- Ctcue sact as questionnaire and questionnaireresponse by @kairosjonas in #74
- CENTRAXX-20016 by @kairosjonas in #75
- Fix medication request script hull by @kairosjonas in #76
- update dsl version by @kairosjonas in #77
- fixed mistake by @kairosjonas in #78
- fixed medicationAdministration.groovy by @kairosjonas in #79
- Appointment and medication with mappings by @kairosjonas in #80
- added mapping of labormapping in patientfinder condition.groovy by @kairosjonas in #81
- Allergy intolerance fix by @kairosjonas in #82
- fixed missing property read by @kairosjonas in #83
- CENTRAXX-20337 added extension for post box by @kairosjonas in #84
- added normalization of dates in allergyIntolerance.groovy by @kairosjonas in #85
- added filter to only allow value set codes for AllergyIntoleranceSeve… by @kairosjonas in
Supported by CentraXX v.2024.3.3, v.2024.4.0
What's Changed
- added export of procedure status since we support it in CXX now by @kairosjonas in #59
- added import transformation for MII ResearchSubject by @kairosjonas in #60
- started script for encounter by @kairosjonas in #61
- fix: correct dktk tnm systems by @patrickskowronekdkfz in #62
- added special handling of specialism laborvalue in fnusa diagnostic r… by @kairosjonas in #64
- URLs renamed from TNMcpuPraefixMCS/TNMcpuPraefixNCS to TNMcpuPraefixTCS by @MLambarki in #65
- added two example scripts for export of LaborMethods as Questionnaire… by @kairosjonas in #66
- DKTK reduce D Diagnosis to only oncology ones by @patrickskowronekdkfz in #67
- CENTRAXX-18572 added script for import script for ctcue questionnaire by @kairosjonas in #69
- Ctcue allergy intolerance by @kairosjonas in #70
- CENTRAXX-19924 by @kairosjonas in #71
- Fixed: valueCodeableConcept instead of valueCoding by @MLambarki in #73
- add export script for siop MetPredict by @davidmscholz in #72
- Ctcue sact as questionnaire and questionnaireresponse by @kairosjonas in #74
Full Changelog: kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.32.0...kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.34.0
Supported by CentraXX v.2024.2.2
What's Changed
- Centraxx 19287 fhir dsl new multilinguals for cxx.v.2024.2.0 by @kairosmike in #58
Full Changelog: kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.31.0...kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.32.0
Supported by CentraXX v.2024.2.0
What's Changed
- Specimen script fnusa by @kairosjonas in #54
- Fnusa enhancements by @kairosjonas in #55
- added export of measurement parameter group as category in diagnostic… by @kairosjonas in #56
- removed print statement by @kairosjonas in #57
Full Changelog: kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.30.0...kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.31.0
Supported by CentraXX v.2024.2.0
What's Changed
- Fnusa updates by @kairosjonas in #46
- Fnusa updates by @kairosjonas in #48
- observation: corrected label of PBMC profile - specimen: added specim… by @neumichel in #47
- Centraxx 18515 custom fhir import example by @kairosjonas in #49
- added export of Diagnosis comments in Condition.note field by @kairosjonas in #50
- created first draft for Transformation of FHIR MII KDS -> CXX FHIR by @kairosjonas in #51
- added example script episodeOfCare.groovy by @kairosjonas in #52
- Fixed code for Systemtherapie Protokoll Extension by @jschlad in #53
Full Changelog: kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.27.0...kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.30.0
Supported by CentraXX v.2023.6.0 and CentraXX v.2023.5.3
What's Changed
- Sact scripts by @kairosjonas in #41
- Changed value type to CodeableConcept for TNMcpuPraefix to match specification by @jschlad in #42
- Extension of the dktk sample mapping by @MLambarki in #43
- New sample type mapping by @kairosmike in #44
- Filter diagnosis by c d code by @kairosmike in #45
New Contributors
- @MLambarki made their first contribution in #43
Full Changelog: kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.26.0...kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.27.0
- Supported by CentraXX v.2023.3.6
What's Changed
- Fixed version for LokaleBeurteilungResidualstatus by @jschlad in #38
- IZI script changes
- NHS script changes
New Contributors
Full Changelog: kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.24.0...kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.25.0
- Supported by CentraXX v.2023.3.3
What's Changed
- NHS script changes
Full Changelog: kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.23.0...kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.24.0
- Supported by CentraXX v.2023.2.0
What's Changed
- Centraxx 16918 erweiterung des fhir mappings für dktk by @kairosmike in #35
- Update specimen.groovy by @davidmscholz in #37
- IZI script changes
- NHS script changes
New Contributors
- @davidmscholz made their first contribution in #37
Full Changelog: kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.19.0...kairos-fhir-dsl-mapping-example-1.23.0