cargo run --features=build-bin -- [OPTIONS] <INPUT>
Stage Selection Options
Run the C AST printer, print the generated C AST from the input C file.
Run the IRgen, print the generated IR from the input C file.
no stage selection option
If no stage selection option is specified, print the generated Assembly from the input C or IR file.
IR Optimization Options
Enable all optimizations (simpilfy-cfg, mem2reg, gvn, deadcode) supported in KECC.
Perform simplify-cfg.
Perform mem2reg.
Perform global value numbering.
Perform deadcode elimination.
Driver Options
Display available options.
<FILE>Write output to <FILE>.
Parse the input C file. If parse failed, it returns the error message.
Print the output IR.
Parse the input IR file. If parse failed, it returns the error message.
Print the input IR AST.
Execute the input IR file and print the return value.
<FILE>Save visualized IR file to <FILE>.
package need to be installed. -
Print the version information.
Homework 1
Print the generated C AST from
cargo run --features=build-bin -- -p examples/c/fibonacci.c
Homework 2
Print the generated IR from
cargo run --features=build-bin -- -i examples/c/fibonacci.c
Save the IR visualization of generated IR from
cargo run --features=build-bin -- --irviz fibonacci.png examples/c/fibonacci.c
Interpret generated IR from
cargo run --features=build-bin -- --irrun examples/c/fibonacci.c
Homework 3
Perform simplify-cfg to
and print the optimized IRcargo run --features=build-bin -- --iroutput --simplify-cfg examples/simplify_cfg/
Homework 4
Perform mem2reg to
and print the optimized IRcargo run --features=build-bin -- --iroutput --mem2reg examples/mem2reg/
Homework 5
Perform global value numbering to
and print the optimized IRcargo run --features=build-bin -- --iroutput --gvn examples/gvn/
Homework 6
Perform deadcode elimination to
and print the optimized IRcargo run --features=build-bin -- --iroutput --deadcode examples/deadcode/
Homework 7
Print the generated Assembly from
cargo run --features=build-bin -- examples/c/fibonacci.c # Generate Assembly from `examples/c/fibonacci.c` cargo run --features=build-bin -- examples/ir0/ # Generate Assembly from `examples/ir0/`
Print the generated Assembly from
with all IR optimizations enabledcargo run --features=build-bin -- -O examples/c/fibonacci.c # Generate Assembly from `examples/c/fibonacci.c` cargo run --features=build-bin -- -O examples/ir0/ # Generate Assembly from `examples/ir0/`