Applying this terraform deployment will create a K8s cluster with the following deployed:
- Prometheus
- K2s Deasboard
- Confluent Platform
- HiveMQ
The following components are required:
- jq: e.g. 'brew install jq'
- kubectl: e.g. brew install kubernetes-cli (tested with 1.16.0)
- helm 3: e.g.
brew reinstall helm
(tested with 3.0.2) see Migrate from Helm 2 to 3, install helm 3.0.2 and Helm 2 to Helm 3 Upgrade. In most cases, you just need to install Helm 3 and then add the stable Helm Repo:helm repo add stable
- terraform (0.12.19): e.g. brew install terraform
- GCloud CLI v. 277.0.0 (run
gcloud init
The setup is tested on Mac OS X.
Make sure to have updated versions, e.g. an older version of helm did not work.
- Ensure account.json is in this folder. You will have to create a service account on GCP first. Choose the right roles and enable google API. If something is missing terraform let you know. My service Account has the following roles
- Compute Admin
- Compute Network Admin
- Compute Storage Admin
- Kubernetes Engine Admin
- Kubernetes Engine Cluster Admin
- Kubernetes Engine Developer
- Create Service Accounts
- Delete Service Accounts
- Service Account Key Admin
- Service Account User
- Storage Admin
Choose a GCP project or create a new one on your cloud console. Terraform will prompt you to specify your project name when applying.
Before starting terraform: change the file Here you will find entries which have to fit with your environment. You have to set the right region, the node count and preemptible_nodes.
First Step: Create the environment in Google Cloud: Create the GKE Cluster (you have to enter the project name)
# set the right project
gcloud init
# create the GKE Cluster
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
- Run 'terraform destroy' to stop and remove the created Kubernetes infrastructure
# destroy the GKE Cluster, enter the project name
terraform destroy
- Double check in Google Cloud Console if everything is destroyed: Kubernetes Engine, Compute Engine and under Compute Engine please check also Disks and Instance Groups.
- It seems to be that the ssd Disk from Confluent will not be deleted, so please delete manually in your google console UI.
- If the destroy takes more than 10 minutes then terraform is throwing an error.
Then you have to destory manually via Google Cloud Console.
- delete Service accounts gcloud iam service-accounts delete
- delete storage bucket in console car-demo-tensorflow-models_projectname
- delete services in Kubernetes Engibe Console under Service check
- delete instance groups in Compute Engine
- delete not attached Disks in Compute Engine
- Delete cluster in Kubernetes Engine