If you enable this plugin you will gather statistics for your DCS servers.
Command | Parameter | Role | Description |
.serverstats | [day/week/month] [-all] | Admin | Displays server statistics, like usual playtime, most frequented servers and missions. If -all is provided, you can cycle through all your servers. |
.serverload | [hour/day/week] [-all] | Admin | Displays technical server statistics, like CPU load, memory consumption, etc. If -all is provided, you can cycle through all your server nodes. |
Column | Type | Description |
#id | SERIAL | Auto-incrementing unique ID of this column. |
agent_host | TEXT NOT NULL | Hostname the bot runs on. |
server_name | TEXT NOT NULL | Server name of this event. |
mission_id | INTEGER NOT NULL | The ID of the running mission. |
users | INTEGER NOT NULL | Number of active users at that point in time. |
status | TEXT NOT NULL | Status of the server (PAUSED, RUNNING, etc.) |
cpu | NUMERIC(5,2) NOT NULL | CPU load of the dcs.exe process |
mem_total | NUMERIC NOT NULL | total memory consumption of the dcs.exe process |
mem_ram | NUMERIC NOT NULL | part of memory being in RAM |
read_bytes | NUMERIC NOT NULL | number of bytes read from disk per minute |
write_bytes | NUMERIC NOT NULL | number of bytes written to disk per minute |
bytes_sent | NUMERIC NOT NULL | number of bytes sent over the network per minute |
bytes_recv | NUMERIC NOT NULL | number of bytes received over the network per minute |
fps | NUMERIC(5,2) NOT NULL | current "FPS" at that point in time |
time | TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() | time of measurement |