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File metadata and controls

1906 lines (1881 loc) · 43.1 KB


Configuration parameters could be provided upon instantiation of the player instance.

var config = {
  // Configuration here
var player = playkit.core.loadPlayer(config);

Configuration Structure

  log: PKLogConfigObject,
  text: PKTextConfigObject,
  playback: PKPlaybackConfigObject,
  streaming: PKStreamingConfigObject,
  session: PKSessionConfigObject,
  network: PKNetworkConfigObject,
  customLabels: PKCustomLabelsConfigObject,
  abr: PKAbrConfigObject,
  drm: PKDrmConfigObject,
  dimensions: PKDimensionsConfig

Default Configuration Values

var config = {
  log: {
    level: 'ERROR'
  text: {
    enableCEA708Captions: true,
    useNativeTextTrack: false,
    forceCenter: false,
    captionsTextTrack1Label: 'English',
    captionsTextTrack1LanguageCode: 'en',
    captionsTextTrack2Label: 'Spanish',
    captionsTextTrack2LanguageCode: 'es'
  playback: {
    audioLanguage: '',
    textLanguage: '',
    captionsDisplay: false,
    additionalAudioLanguage: '',
    additionalTextLanguage: '',
    volume: 1,
    playsinline: true,
    preload: 'none',
    autoplay: false,
    loop: false,
    allowMutedAutoPlay: true,
    muted: false,
    pictureInPicture: true,
    options: {
      html5: {
        hls: {},
        dash: {},
        native: {}
    preferNative: {
      hls: false,
      dash: false
    streamPriority: [
        engine: 'html5',
        format: 'hls'
        engine: 'html5',
        format: 'dash'
        engine: 'html5',
        format: 'progressive'
  abr: {
    enabled: true,
    fpsDroppedFramesInterval: 5000,
    fpsDroppedMonitoringThreshold: 0.2,
    capLevelOnFPSDrop: false,
    capLevelToPlayerSize: false,
    restrictions: {
      minHeight: 0,
      maxHeight: Infinity,
      minWidth: 0,
      maxWidth: Infinity,
      minBitrate: 0,
      maxBitrate: Infinity
  drm: {
    keySystem: ''


Type: PKLogConfigObject
  level: string,
  playerVersion: boolean,
  handler: ?LogHandlerType


Default: "ERROR"
Description: Defines the player log level.

Possible values: "DEBUG", "INFO", "TIME", "WARN", "ERROR", "OFF"


Default: true
Description: Whether to show or hide player verion in logs.

Possible values: true/false


Type LogHandlerType
Description: Defines the player log handler.
function(messages: any[], context: Object)

(messages: any[], context: Object)


Type: PKSourcesConfigObject
 dash: Array<PKMediaSourceObject>,
 hls: Array<PKMediaSourceObject>,
 progressive: Array<PKMediaSourceObject>,
 options: PKMediaSourceOptionsObject,
 type: string,
 dvr: boolean,
 vr?: Object,
 metadata: PKMetadataConfigObject,
 id?: string,
 poster?: string,
 duration?: number,
 captions?: Array<PKExternalCaptionObject>,
 thumbnails?: PKExternalThumbnailsConfig,
 startTime?: number
 seekFrom?: number
 clipTo?: number
Type PKMediaSourceObject
 mimetype: string,
 url: string,
 id: string, // optional
 bandwidth: number, // optional
 width: number, // optional
 height: number, // optional
 drmData: Array<PKDrmDataObject> // optional
Type PKDrmDataObject
 licenseUrl: string,
 scheme: string,
 certificate: string // optional
Type PKMediaSourceOptionsObject
 forceRedirectExternalStreams: boolean,
 redirectExternalStreamsHandler: ?Function,
 redirectExternalStreamsTimeout: ?number
Type PKMetadataConfigObject
 name?: string,
 description?: string
Type PKExternalCaptionObject
 url: string,
 label: string,
 language: string,
 default?: string,
 type?: string
 options: {
   forceRedirectExternalStreams: false
 metadata: {}
Description: Defines related sources configurations.


Type: Array<PKMediaSourceObject>
Default: []
Description: Defines the optional hls sources for playback.


var sources: {
  hls: [
      mimetype: 'application/x-mpegurl',
      url: '//PATH/TO/MANIFEST.m3u8'


Type: Array<PKMediaSourceObject>
Default: []
Description: Defines the optional dash sources for playback.


var sources: {
  dash: [
      mimetype: 'application/x-mpegurl',
      url: '//PATH/TO/MANIFEST.mpd'

Type: Array<PKMediaSourceObject>
Default: []
Description: Defines the optional progressive sources for playback.


var sources: {
  progressive: [
      mimetype: 'video/mp4',
      url: '//PATH/TO/FILE.mp4'


Type: PKMediaSourceOptionsObject
  forceRedirectExternalStreams: false;
Description: Defines the sources options.


Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Enable workaround for some user-agents that don't allow redirects after a successful CORS-preflight request.


Type: Function
Default: -
Description: The handler function which redirects the stream.


Type: number
Default: -
Description: The timeout for the redirect operation.


Type: string
Default: -
Description: Defines the type of media being used.

Possible values: "Vod", "Live", "Image", "Audio", "Unknown".

Type: boolean
Default: -
Description: Defines the dvr value.

Relevant only if the media type="Live".


Type: PKMetadataConfigObject
Default: {}
Description: Defines the metadata of the media.

Type: string
Default: -
Description: The name of the media.


Type: string
Default: -
Description: The description of the media.

Type: string
Default: -
Description: The id of the media.


Type: string
Default: -
Description: The poster url of the media.


Type: number
Default: -
Description: The duration of the media.


Type: Array<PKExternalCaptionObject>
Default: -
Description: An array of captions to be added to the media.

The following fields are mandatory: url, language and label.


var sources: {
  captions: [
      url: '',
      type: 'vtt',
      default: true,
      language: 'en',
      label: 'English'


Type: PKExternalThumbnailsConfig
Default: -
Description: vtt thumbnails to be added to the media.

The imgBaseUrl field is optional, if not provided - it would be resolved to the application domain.


var sources: {
  thumbnails: [
      imgBaseUrl: '',
      vttUrl: ''


Type: number
Default: -1
Description: Optional start time, in seconds, to begin playback.

Default -1 refer to automatic start time - 0 to VOD and live edge to live.

Note. startTime affects the ad playback, e.g. startTime: 10 will skip ads scheduled until 10.
To force playing ads scheduled before startTime, need to configure the ads plugin.
For example with IMA plugin, set adsRenderingSettings: {playAdsAfterTime: -1}.


Type: number
Default: -
Description: Optional time, in seconds, to start the playback from, by cutting the video.

Unlike startTime, this configuration will cut and omit the part of the video that is before the configured seekFrom value and will start from there. This will affect the duration of the video.


Type: number
Default: -
Description: Optional time, in seconds, to end the playback, by cutting the video.

clipTo will cut and omit the part of the video that is after the configured value, and will end at this position. This will affect the duration of the video.


Type: PKTextConfigObject
 useNativeTextTrack: boolean,
 enableCEA708Captions: boolean,
 forceCenter: boolean,
 textTrackDisplaySetting: PKTextTrackDisplaySettingObject,
 textStyle: TextStyle,
 captionsTextTrack1Label: string,
 captionsTextTrack1LanguageCode: string,
 captionsTextTrack2Label: string,
 captionsTextTrack2LanguageCode: string
 useNativeTextTrack: false,
 enableCEA708Captions: true,
 forceCenter: false,
 captionsTextTrack1Label: "English",
 captionsTextTrack1LanguageCode: "en",
 captionsTextTrack2Label: "Spanish",
 captionsTextTrack2LanguageCode: "es"


Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Determines whether to use native browser text tracks or not.

If set to True, the native browser captions will be displayed.


Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Whether or not to enable CEA-708 captions.


Type: Object
Default: false
Description: set the forceCenter to true will override the position, align and size in textTrackDisplaySetting


Type: PKTextTrackDisplaySettingObject
Default: null
Description: set the textTrackDisplaySetting to override the vtt cues position
  line: string | number, // [-16 .. 16]
  lineAlign: string, // ['start', 'center', 'end']
  align: string, // ['start', 'center', 'end', 'left', 'right']
  position: number, //[0 .. 100]
  positionAlign: string, // ['line-left', 'center', 'line-right']
  snapToLines: boolean, // [true, false]
  vertical: string, //['', 'lr', 'rl']
  size: number //[0 .. 100]

The line defines positioning of the cue box


An alignment for the cue box’s line, one of start/center/end alignment


An alignment for all lines of text within the cue box, in the dimension of the writing direction


is a boolean indicating whether the line is an integer number of lines (using the line dimensions of the first line of the cue), or whether it is a percentage of the dimension of the video. The flag is set to true when lines are counted, and false otherwise.


The position defines the indent of the cue box in the direction defined by the writing direction


An alignment for the cue box in the dimension of the writing direction, describing what the position


is a boolean indicating whether the line is an integer number of lines (using the line dimensions of the first line of the cue), or whether it is a percentage of the dimension of the video. The flag is set to true when lines are counted, and false otherwise.


configures the cue to use vertical text layout rather than horizontal text layout. Vertical text layout is sometimes used in Japanese, for example. The default is horizontal layout


A number giving the size of the cue box, to be interpreted as a percentage of the video, as defined by the writing direction



Type: TextStyle
Default: null
Description: set the styling for text tracks
  fontSize?: '50%' | '75%' | '100%' | '200%' | '300%' | '400%'
  textAlign?: string, // ['default', 'center', 'left', 'right']
  fontScale?: -2 | -1 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 4
  fontFamily?: string, // font family available in browser
  fontColor?: [number, number, number], // RGB
  fontOpacity?: number, // [0.0 .. 1.0]
  fontEdge?: Array<[number, number, number, number, number, number]>, //
  backgroundColor?: [number, number, number], // RGB
  backgroundOpacity?: number // [0.0 .. 1.0]

An alignment for all lines of text within the cue box, in the dimension of the writing direction


Percentage unit relative to the parent element's font


Integer number representing the scaling factor relative to the parent element's font size


The font family


Font color in RGB format


The font opacity


Each inner array represents a shadow, and is composed of RGB values for the shadow color, followed by pixel values for x-offset, y-offset, and blur


Background color in RGB format


The background opacity


Type: string
Default: English
Description: Label for the CEA-708 captions track 1.


Type: string
Default: en
Description: RFC 3066 language code for the CEA-708 captions track 1.


Type: string
Default: Spanish
Description: Label for the CEA-708 captions track 2.


Type: string
Default: es
Description: RFC 3066 language code for the CEA-708 captions track 2.


Type: PKPlaybackConfigObject
 audioLanguage: string,
 textLanguage: string,
 additionalAudioLanguage: string,
 additionalTextLanguage: string,
 captionsDisplay: boolean,
 volume: number,
 playsinline: boolean,
 crossOrigin: string,
 preload: string,
 autoplay: PKAutoPlayTypes,
 loop: boolean,
 autopause: boolean,
 allowMutedAutoPlay: boolean,
 muted: boolean,
 pictureInPicture: boolean,
 options: PKPlaybackOptionsObject,
 streamPriority: Array<PKStreamPriorityObject>,
 preferNative: PKPreferNativeConfigObject,
 inBrowserFullscreen: boolean,
 playAdsWithMSE: boolean,
 screenLockOrientionMode: string
 audioLanguage: "",
 textLanguage: "",
 additionalAudioLanguage: "",
 additionalTextLanguage: "",
 captionsDisplay: false,
 volume: 1,
 playsinline: true,
 preload: "none",
 autoplay: false,
 loop: false,
 allowMutedAutoPlay: true,
 muted: false,
 pictureInPicture: true,
 playAdsWithMSE: false,
 screenLockOrientionMode: ScreenOrientationType.NONE,
 options: {
   html5: {
     hls: {},
     dash: {}
 preferNative: {
   hls: false,
   dash: false
 streamPriority: [
     engine: "html5",
     format: "hls"
     engine: "html5",
     format: "dash"
     engine: "html5",
     format: "progressive"
Description: Defines the playback options.


Type: string || "auto"
Default: ""
Description: Sets the default audio track language.

If an audio track with the defined language exists, this audio track will be selected as the initial audio track.


var config = {
  playback: {
    audioLanguage: 'eng' // Start playback with english audio

If the value "auto" is set, i.e:

var config = {
  playback: {
    audioLanguage: 'auto'

If there is an audio track with the same language as the user's system locale language, this audio track will be selected.


Type: string || "auto"
Default: ""
Description: Defines the default captions language

If captions for the defined language are available, this text track will be selected as the initial text track.


var config = {
  playback: {
    textLanguage: 'heb' // Start playback with hebrew captions

If the value "auto" is set, i.e:

var config = {
  playback: {
    textLanguage: 'auto'

The player will choose the default captions language using the following logic:

  1. Locale language - If there is a text track with the same language as the user's system locale language, this text track will be selected.
  2. Manifest default language - If a default language is specified in the manifest file then this language will be selected.
  3. First language in manifest - The first language specified in the manifest file will be selected.
  4. If none of the above conditions have taken place, do not display captions.


Type: string
Default: ""
Description: Sets the default audio track language from the additionalAudioLanguage.

option to add the audioLanguage with additional code (should be the same language as the audioLanguage field). intended for cases where the 639-1 code is totaly different than the 639-2 code. for example: Spanish 639-1: 'es' 639-2: 'spa'

If an audio track with the defined language exists, this audio track will be selected as the initial audio track.


var config = {
  playback: {
    additionalAudioLanguage: 'spa' // Start playback with Spanish audio


Type: string
Default: ""
Description: Defines the default captions language from the additionalTextLanguage

option to add the textLanguage with additional code. (should be the same language as the textLanguage field). intended for cases where the 639-1 code is totaly different than the 639-2 code. for example: Spanish 639-1: 'es' 639-2: 'spa'

If captions for the defined language are available, this text track will be selected as the initial text track.


var config = {
  playback: {
    additionalTextLanguage: 'spa' // Start playback with Spanish captions


Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: A Boolean attribute that indicates whether the captions are disabled or enabled by default.


var config = {
  playback: {
    captionsDisplay: true


Type: number
Default: 1
Description: Defines the initial volume value.

The value must be in the range of 0-1.


var config = {
  playback: {
    volume: 0.5


Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: A Boolean attribute that indicates whether the video should be played "inline", that is, within the element's playback area.

This is especially relevant when playing videos on iPhone devices, where - if the value is set to false - the video will be played using the AV Player (iOS native video player).


Type: string
Default: -
Description: This enumerated attribute indicates whether to use CORS to fetch the related image. CORS-enabled resources can be reused in the element without being tainted.

Possible values:

  • "anonymous": Sends a cross-origin request without a credential. In other words, it sends the Origin: HTTP header without a cookie, X.509 certificate, or performing HTTP Basic authentication. If the server does not give credentials to the origin site (by not setting the Access-Control-Allow-Origin: HTTP header), the image will be tainted, and its usage restricted.
  • "use-credentials": Sends a cross-origin request with a credential. In other words, it sends the Origin: HTTP header with a cookie, a certificate, or performing HTTP Basic authentication. If the server does not give credentials to the origin site (through Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: HTTP header), the image will be tainted and its usage restricted.

When not present, the resource is fetched without a CORS request (i.e. without sending the Origin: HTTP header), preventing its non-tainted used in elements. If invalid, it is handled as if the enumerated keyword anonymous was used. See CORS settings attributes for additional information.


Type: string
Default: "none"
Description: Indicates whether the video should be preloaded or not.

Possible values:

  • "none": indicates that the video should not be preloaded.
  • "auto": indicates that the whole video file could be downloaded, even if the user is not expected to use it.


for autoplay & allowMutedAutoPlay options read here.


Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Indicates whether the video should play in loop


Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Indicates whether the video should be automatically paused when not in view


Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Indicates whether the video should be muted or not.

This is a Boolean attribute that indicates the default setting of the audio contained in the video. If set, the audio will be initially silenced. The attribute's default value is false, which means that the audio will be played automatically when the video is played.


Type: Array<number>
Description: Sets the available rates at which the media can be played back.

This is an Array attribute that is used to implement user controls for fast forward, slow motion, and so forth. The normal playback rate is multiplied by this value to obtain the current rate, so a value of 1.0 indicates normal speed.


Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Indiciates if the picture in picture feature is enabled.

This is a boolean attribute that allows to disable (enabled by default) the picture in picture feature (it will be enabled only in browsers supporting this ability)


Type: PKPlaybackOptionsObject
 html5: {
   hls: Object,
   dash: Object
 html5: {
   hls: {},
   dash: {}
Description: Defines the media source adapters configurations.
  • For hls configuration, see the hls.js documentation.
  • For dash configuration, see the shaka-player documentation.


Type: PKPreferNativeConfig
 hls: boolean,
 dash: boolean
 hls: false,
 dash: false
Description: Indicates whether to prefer native browser playback (if supported) with media source extensions.

If one of the values is set to True and the player chooses to play the truthly media source extension, the player will try to play it natively if supported by the browser.


Lets assume the following configuration:

var config = {
  playback: {
    preferNative: {
      hls: true

If the player is running on a Safari browser, the player will use the native hls playback managed by the Safari browser. However, if running on a browser in which hls playback is not supported natively, for example, Chrome, the player will play hls using the hls.js library.


Type: boolean
Default: false
inBrowserFullscreen: boolean;
Description: Gives the ability to choose an in-browser fullscreen experience. Useful on iOS devices which will replace the native fullscreen of the AV player.


Type: boolean
Default: false
playAdsWithMSE: boolean;
Description: Gives the ability to share same video tag to play ads and source with media source


Type: string - value list option in ScreenOrientationType
Default: none - ScreenOrientationType.NONE
screenLockOrientionMode: string;
Description: Gives the ability to lock the screen orientation in fullscreen


Type: Array<PKStreamPriorityObject
Type PKStreamPriorityObject
  engine: string,
  format: string
    engine: 'html5',
    format: 'hls'
    engine: 'html5',
    format: 'dash'
    engine: 'html5',
    format: 'progressive'
    engine: 'flash',
    format: 'hls'
Description: Specifies the list of engine and stream format pairs of the player by ascending order.

As soon as the player receives the sources, it will review the configuration array and try to play the source with the matched stream format according to the matched engine. For example, in the priority configuration above, the player will try to play the hls stream using an html5 engine first. If an hls stream isn't received, the player will continue to play the dash stream using an html5 engine. If a dash stream isn't received, the player will then will continue to play the progressive stream using an html5 engine.


Type: PKStreamingConfigObject
  forceBreakStall: boolean,
  lowLatencyMode: boolean,
  trackEmsgEvents: boolean,
  switchDynamicToStatic: boolean
  forceBreakStall: false,
  lowLatencyMode: true, // default for hls playback (optional)
  lowLatencyMode: false, // default for dash & smart TV playback (optional)
  trackEmsgEvents: true, // default for dash (optional)
  switchDynamicToStatic: false // toggle whether to switch to static manifest when live stream ends


Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Gives the ability to break stalls on low level devices which could get stuck on stall

config.streaming.lowLatencyMode (optional)

Type: boolean
Default: hls: true, dash and smart TV: false (in smart TV due to an issue in dash on samsung)
Description: Enable low latency streaming mode

config.streaming.trackEmsgEvents (optional)

Default: dash: true
Description: Toggle emsg event listener on/off in dash adapter

config.streaming.switchDynamicToStatic (optional)

Default: dash: false
Description: Toggle whether to switch to static manifest when live stream ends.


Type: PKSessionConfigObject
 id: string,
 ks: string,
 partnerId: number,
 uiConfId: number
Default: -
Description: Defines the session data (optional).

Type: string
Default: -
Description: The session id.


Type: string
Default: -
Description: The session secret.


Type: number
Default: -
Description: The partner id.


Type: number
Default: -
Description: The ui configuration id.

Type: PKNetworkConfigObject
 requestFilter?: Function,
 responseFilter?: Function
Default: -
Description: Defines the network data (optional).

Type: function(type: PKRequestType, request: PKRequestObject): (void | Promise<PKRequestObject>)
Default: -
Description: Defines a filter for requests. This filter takes the request and modifies it before it is sent. A request filter can run asynchronously by returning a promise; in this case, the request will not be sent until the promise is resolved.

Type: PKRequestType

Type: PKRequestObject
  url: string,
  body: ?string | ArrayBuffer,
  headers: { [header: string] : string }

Type: string
Description: The request URL.

Type: string || ArrayBuffer
Description: The body of the request.

Type: { [header: string] : string }
Description: A mapping of headers for the request. e.g.: {'HEADER': 'VALUE'}.


var config = {
  network: {
    requestFilter: function (type, request) {
      if (type === KalturaPlayer.core.RequestType.LICENSE) {
        request.headers['customData'] = CUSTOM_DATA;
var config = {
  network: {
    requestFilter: function (type, request) {
      if (type === KalturaPlayer.core.RequestType.LICENSE) {
        return new Promise(function (resolve) {
          request.headers['customData'] = CUSTOM_DATA;

Type: function(type: PKRequestType, request: PKResponseObject): (void | Promise<PKResponseObject>)
Default: -
Description: Defines a filter for responses. This filter takes the response and modifies it before it is returned. A response filter can run asynchronously by returning a promise.

Type: PKRequestType

Type: PKResponseObject
  url: string,
  originalUrl: string,
  data: ArrayBuffer,
  headers: { [header: string] : string }

Type: string
Description: The URI which was loaded. Request filters and server redirects can cause this to be different from the original request URIs.

Type: string
Description: The original URI passed to the browser for networking. This is before any redirects, but after request filters are executed.
Type: ArrayBuffer
Description: The body of the response.

Type: { [header: string] : string }
Description: A map of response headers, if supported by the underlying protocol. All keys should be lowercased. For HTTP/HTTPS, may not be available cross-origin.


var config = {
  network: {
    responseFilter: function (type, response) {
      if (type === KalturaPlayer.core.RequestType.LICENSE) { = MANIPULATED_DATA;
var config = {
  network: {
    responseFilter: function (type, response) {
      if (type === KalturaPlayer.core.RequestType.LICENSE) {
        return new Promise(function (resolve) {

Type: number
Default: 20
Description: The maximal amount of times player should request a manifest refresh, when no new segments appear in the refreshed manifest.


Type: PKCustomLabelsConfigObject
 audio: Function,
 qualities: Function,
 captions: Function
Default: -
Description: Specifies callback functions that modify the default label of a track. If this section or one of the keys is not present, the player will use a default label.

This part of the configuration has three possible keys:

  • audio (for Audio tracks).
  • qualities (for Video tracks).
  • captions (for Text tracks).

The value of the keys is a reference to a function. The function gets a track object as an input and returns a string with the custom label. Here is an example to a possible use of this configuration:

var config = {
  customLabels: {
    qualities: function (videoTrack) {
      if (videoTrack.height > 500) {
        return 'High';
      return 'Low';

Important: A Text track has language and label properties. The label is set by the label property in the manifest. However, in case the manifest does not have a label property - the language property will be set as the tracks label.


Type: PKAbrConfigObject
  enabled: boolean,
  fpsDroppedFramesInterval: number,
  fpsDroppedMonitoringThreshold: number,
  capLevelOnFPSDrop: boolean,
  capLevelToPlayerSize: boolean,
  defaultBandwidthEstimate: number,
  restrictions: {
    minHeight: number,
    maxHeight: number,
    minWidth: number,
    maxWidth: number,
    minBitrate: number,
    maxBitrate: number
  enabled: true,
  fpsDroppedFramesInterval: 5000,
  fpsDroppedMonitoringThreshold: 0.2,
  capLevelOnFPSDrop: false,
  capLevelToPlayerSize: false,
  restrictions: {
    minHeight: 0,
    maxHeight: Infinity,
    minWidth: 0,
    maxWidth: Infinity,
    minBitrate: 0,
    maxBitrate: Infinity
Description: Specifies flags to control / restrict the ABR mechanism.


Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Whether the ABR mechanism is enabled.


Type: number
Default: 5000
Description: Interval time in milliseconds to check if too many frames are dropped


Type: number
Default: 0.2
Description: The allowed frames dropped threshold.


Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: If the player should cap the level when the fps exceeds the threshold.


Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: If the player should cap the level to the player dimensions (width and height).


Type: number
Description: The default bandwidth estimate to use if there is not enough data, in bit/sec.


Type: PKABRRestrictionObject
Default: {}
Description: The restrictions to apply to ABR decisions.


Type: number
Default: 0
Description: The minimum height of video track.


Type: number
Default: Infinity
Description: The maximum height of video track.


Type: number
Default: 0
Description: The minimum width of video track.


Type: number
Default: Infinity
Description: The maximum width of video track.


Type: number
Default: 0
Description: The minimum bitrate in bit/sec.


Type: number
Default: Infinity
Description: The maximum bitrate in bit/sec.


Type: PKDrmConfigObject
  keySystem: string;
Description: DRM system configuration


Type: string
Default: ``
Description: A specific DRM key system to use.


Type: PKDimensionsConfig
  width?: string | number;
  height?: string | number;
  ratio?: string;
Description: Dimensions configuration


Type: string | number
Default: ''
Description: The width of the player.

If number was provided, the width will be calculated in pixels (width: 640 equivalent to width: '640px'). If string was provided, any valid css syntax can be passed, for example: width: '100%', width: 'auto', etc.


Type: string | number
Default: ''
Description: The height of the player.

If number was provided, the height will be calculated in pixels (height: 360 equivalent to width: '360px'). If string was provided, any valid css syntax can be passed, for example: height: '100%', height: 'auto', etc.


Type: string
Default: ''
Description: Defines the aspect ratio of the player.

The aspect ratio should be written in the form of 'width:height', for example: '4:3' (classic TV ratio). If one of the height or width parameters is additionally provided in the configuration, the value of the other parameter not provided will be calculated accordingly to match the aspect ratio. If both were provided, the height value would be overridden.

Now that we've learned about the different options available in the player configuration, let's see how does the source selection logic works.