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UniSwapper - Swap Token Assets on Uniswap

How UniSwap works?

Uniswap is made up of a series of ETH-ERC20 exchange contracts.

There is exactly one exchange contract per ERC20 token.

If a token does not yet have an exchange it can be created by 
anyone using the Uniswap factory contract. 

The factory serves as a public registry and is used to look up all token
and exchange addresses added to the system.

How UniSwap-Exchange Contract is operated?

Each exchange holds reserves of both ETH and its associated ERC20 token. 
Anyone can become a liquidity provider on an exchange and contribute to its reserves. 

This is different than buying or selling; it requires depositing
an equivalent value of both ETH and the relevant ERC20 token. 

How is liquidity handled in UniSwap-Exchange Contract?

Liquidity is pooled across all providers and an internal “pool token” (ERC20) 
is used to track each providers relative contribution.

Pool tokens are minted when liquidity is deposited into the system and 
can be burned at any time to withdraw a proportional share of the reserves.

Exchange contracts are automated market makers between an ETH-ERC20 pair. 

How tokens are swapped using UniSwap-Exchange Contract?

Traders can swap between the two in either direction by adding to the
liquidity reserve of one and withdrawing from the reserve of the other. 

Since ETH is a common pair for all ERC20 exchanges, it can be used as an 
intermediary allowing direct ERC20-ERC20 trades in a single transaction. 

Users can specify a recipient address if they want to receive purchased tokens 
at a different address from the one used to make a transaction.

Use case:

  1. I have my token named as LAKSHMI_KANTH_TOKEN


  2. User can mint LAKSHMI_TOKEN using their ETH

  3. My Agenda is to enable users to easily:

    • swap ETH for LAKSHMI_TOKEN
  4. Each Token Swap has an associated ExchangeContract. i.e an exclusive contract for each Token pair

  5. We will deploy an Exchange contract with pair: ETH & LAKSHMI

  6. Exchange TokenContract can be used to swap ETH for LAKSHMI_TOKEN and vice-versa

  7. We will showcase on how user can swap their LAKSHMI_TOKEN for a LINK_TOKEN


  • We will be using Ropsten testnet for deployment of Token and Exchange Contracts
  • Deployer address and privateKey are provided here.
    • As this is only tesnet, i am providing keys here
    • PLEASE DONT SHARE any mainnet Keys
const OWNER = '0x1c4411c670Ef6c3B1009B5D13C3822b977b52ce1';
const OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY = '7b686b07e74fb5669b45a3eedb03b7af7ca69763b2a1a941815d210f3e1b5729';
  • contract Addresses on Ropsten:

  • Uniswap Factory Contract on Ropsten:

  const ropsten = '0x9c83dCE8CA20E9aAF9D3efc003b2ea62aBC08351'

Pre-Requisites for Project:

  1. node > version 10
  2. npm / yarn
  3. truffle
  • install all dependencies essential for project

Deploy an ERC20 token - LakshmiKanthToken to Ropsten

  1. Create a Simple ERC20 Token contract
contract LakshmiKanthToken is Ownable, ERC20Detailed, ERC20Capped {

    using SafeMath for uint256;

     uint256 CAP = 1000000000;
     uint256 TOTALSUPPLY = CAP.mul(10 ** 18);

		ERC20Detailed('LakshmiKanthToken', 'LAKSHMI_KANTH_TOKEN', 18)
		_mint(msg.sender, TOTALSUPPLY);
  1. Deploy to Ropsten using truffle framework
$ truffle migrate 
  1. Console log
lakshmikanth-MacBook-Pro:UniSwapper lakshmikanth$ truffle migrate --reset --network ropsten_infura

Compiling your contracts...
> Compiling ./contracts/LakshmiKanthToken.sol
> Artifacts written to /Users/lakshmikanth/Documents/finxflow/UniSwapper/build/contracts
> Compiled successfully using:
   - solc: 0.5.16+commit.9c3226ce.Emscripten.clang

Starting migrations...
> Network name:    'ropsten_infura'
> Network id:      3
> Block gas limit: 8000000 (0x7a1200)

1_initial_migration:  ropsten_infura

   Replacing 'Migrations'
   > transaction hash:    0x2019697efa0fbd64c3f9fd6082f99d0376d06883939c64d47cdfc53e4c4f7ca4
   > Blocks: 1            Seconds: 21
   > contract address:    0x9c8EFEa9201294d39b04d336A7Ae31512A9302a0
   > block number:        8982935
   > block timestamp:     1604193534
   > account:             0x1c4411c670Ef6c3B1009B5D13C3822b977b52ce1
   > balance:             0.92440753
   > gas used:            225225 (0x36fc9)
   > gas price:           30 gwei
   > value sent:          0 ETH
   > total cost:          0.00675675 ETH

   Pausing for 1 confirmations...
   > confirmation number: 1 (block: 8982936)

   > Saving migration to chain.
   > Saving artifacts
   > Total cost:          0.00675675 ETH


   Deploying 'LakshmiKanthToken'
   > transaction hash:    0x17d78eda02f46addcacba47056af88008cb692c56907fb0ce81e7a54b5222216
   > Blocks: 2            Seconds: 13
   > contract address:    0x832f1854532927A061790E8d1E432C66985ecA29
   > block number:        8982941
   > block timestamp:     1604193598
   > account:             0x1c4411c670Ef6c3B1009B5D13C3822b977b52ce1
   > balance:             0.86314513
   > gas used:            1999717 (0x1e8365)
   > gas price:           30 gwei
   > value sent:          0 ETH
   > total cost:          0.05999151 ETH

   Pausing for 1 confirmations...
   > confirmation number: 1 (block: 8982943)
lakshmiKanthToken is deployed with Address: 0x832f1854532927A061790E8d1E432C66985ecA29

   > Saving migration to chain.
   > Saving artifacts
   > Total cost:          0.05999151 ETH

> Total deployments:   2
> Final cost:          0.06674826 ETH

- Etherscan for Events emitted during token creation:

Usecase Details & Execution Steps:

  1. Create an Exchange-Contract for LakshmiKanth Token
  2. Verify if the UniSwap-Exchange-Contract_LakshmiKanth_Token has-been created successfully by querying the Uniswap-Exchange-Factory Contract
  3. Approve the Spending of LakshmiKanth Token for UniSwap-Exchange-Contract_LakshmiKanth_Token
  4. Add Liquidity of LakshmiKanth Token and some ETH to the UniSwap-Exchange-Contract_LakshmiKanth_Token
  5. Buyer with a walletAddress will exchange ETH for LakshmiKanth Token
  6. Buyer with LakshmiKanthToken Assets will exchange LakshmiKanth-Token for the Link Tokens
    • Buyer will allow approval of spending of Lakshmikanth-Token to UniSwap-Exchange-Contract_LakshmiKanth_Token

    • Uniswap-V1 will exchange LakshmiKanthToken for ETH, then it will communicate with Exchange-Contract of Link Token

    • Uniswap-V1 will then exchange ETH for LINK tokens

    • UniSwap-V1 has a 2 step process to exchange ERC20 (Token-A) <-> ERC20 (Token-B)

      i. Exchange ERC20 (Token-A) for ETH on Exchange-Token-Contract of Token-A ii. Exchange ETH for ERC20 (Token-B) on Exchange-Token-Contract of Token-B

  • This Usecase contains execution of 5 scripts in Sequence to simulate the 7 Steps mentioned above:

Javascript files for Usecase:

  • 6 Javascript files are programmed to execute all the 6 steps listed in Use-Case described in next Section

  • source directory: all JS files are under scripts/ of root directory

    # FileName Command Addresses Description
    0 CreateUniswapTokenExchangeContract node commands/CreateUniswapTokenExchangeCommand.js Create a Uniswap-Exchange-Contract for ERC20 Token
    1 QueryUniswapTokenExchangeContract node commands/QueryUniswapTokenExchangeContractCommand.js Query the Exchange-Contract address using Uniswap Exchange Factory Contract
    3 ApproveTokenSpendingForUniswapExchangeContract node commands/ApproveTokenSpendingCommand.js --tokens=100 Approve Spending of ERC20 token for the Exchange-Contract
    4 AddLiquidityToExchangeContract node commands/AddLiquidityCommand.js --liquidity=1 Add Liquidity ERC20, ETH to the ERC20-Exchange-Contract
    5 SwapETHForERC20Token node commands/SwapETHForERC20Command.js --ethForSpending=1 User to sell ETH and buy ERC20 Token available on ERC20-Exchange-Contract
    6 SwapERC20ForERC20Token node commands/SwapERC20ForERC20Command.js --receivableERC20Address='0x20fE562d797A42Dcb3399062AE9546cd06f63280' --maxLinkTokensForPurchase= '100' --maxLinkTokensForSale= '1000000000' --maxEthForSpending= '1' User to swap ERC20 token for another ERC20 token


Step-1: Script to create new Exchange-Contract from Factory:

  • Run javaScript file:
    node commands/CreateUniswapTokenExchangeCommand.js

Script Execution Log:

  • Ropsten Etherscan for Exchange-Contract creation:

Step-2: Verify if the Exchange-Contract has-been created by querying the Uniswap-Exchange-Factory Contract

  • Execute command to Query the ExchangeContract Address for LakshmiKanthToken
    node commands/QueryUniswapTokenExchangeContractCommand.js 
  • Terminal Logs:
    output of  exchange-address-Query for LakshmiKanth token is: 0x0DA1e0d8ca4364F944bD98AC4D7760D574a12797
    Exchange Address for LakshmiKanth Token in previous Step is: 0x0da1e0d8ca4364f944bd98ac4d7760d574a12797

Step-3: Approve the Spending of LakshmiKanth Token for UniSwap Exchange-Contract of LakshmiKanth Token

  • This is also considered as adding liquidity to Uniswap-Exchange-Contract
   node commands/ApproveTokenSpendingCommand.js --tokens=100
  • Terminal Log:
completed Spending-Approval of 100 - with transactionHash: 0x7e0495dafefc607908c90c971cce784e0fb07cdc7cfb9cd83e72dbe01742e4b7

Step-4: Add Liquidity of LakshmiKanth Token and some ETH to the Exchange-Contract of LakshmiKanth Token

  • LakshmiKanthTokens as well as ETH will be added as Liquidity to the Exchange Token Contract
 node commands/AddLiquidityCommand.js --liquidity=1
  • Terminal Logs:
Successfully Added liquidity: 15 and transactionHash is: 0xaff9a02459ba51eb29049cc7ecbfc1b3cf1090c6a442b31ef2266246cd3b3f0a
  • Event Emitted from AddLiquidity Function Call:

    # Name Type Data
    0 min_liquidity uint256 1
    1 max_tokens uint256 15000000000000000000
    2 deadline uint256 1742680400

minimum Liquidity: 1 maximum Tokens: 15 LakshmiKanth Tokens (15 * 1e18) deadline: 1742680400


EtherScan Logs:

Verify Uniswap V1 Tokens added to transactionMaker:


Verify the Funding of Tokens to ExchangeContract

Add Liquidity For LakshmiKanthToken To UniSwap-V1-Exchange-Contract


Step-5: Buyer with a walletAddress will exchange ETH for LakshmiKanth Token

  • Command to execute:
 node commands/SwapETHForERC20Command.js  --ethForSpending=1
  • terminal Logs:
ethForSpending in command trigger : 1
etherToSpendForERC20 In Hex: 0x2386f26fc10000 - inEth: 0.01
completed swapping 1 ETH for ERC20 Script - in transaction: 0x27e7facac70cf24b0d0ef048b301ed28c1fdb335e8abf4cc4f33bc394044470e
Function: ethToTokenSwapInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline) ***

MethodID: 0xf39b5b9b
[0]:  0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
[1]:  0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000067df3150


Verify the Token transfer transaction on Etherscan (Tonken Tracker: Uniswap V1)


Step-6: Buyer with LakshmiKanthToken Assets will exchange LakshmiKanth-Token for the Link Tokens

  • Run command to swap ERC20 Tokens
   node commands/SwapERC20ForERC20Command.js  --receivableERC20Address='0x20fE562d797A42Dcb3399062AE9546cd06f63280' --maxLinkTokensForPurchase='10'   --maxLinkTokensForSale='50'  --maxEthForSpending='1' 
  • Terminal Logs:
sent 0xbf44f4d342a9e3ba1ce38f7841dc22b94273bff4f866750fc95b036c6b31b5db
  • Etherscan Proofs:

    • transactionHash: 0xbf44f4d342a9e3ba1ce38f7841dc22b94273bff4f866750fc95b036c6b31b5db