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This is an unofficial TensorFlow (version 1.1.0) implementation of a publicly available research paper on InPainting i.e. completing images based on the surrounding pixel values. Some components of Keras also have been used.

The entire code has been written by me with the sole purpose of exploration. I don't have any intention of gaining any monetary benefits, whatsoever, from it.

The research paper can be found at the below location.


Please go the link mentioned below for demo web service.

Source Code for this web service can be found at below mentioned link.


In this research paper authors have tried to solve the challenging problem of image completion using surrounding pixel values, also known as InPainting.

Here, they have taken a learning based approach where the neural network can be trained once on a large no. of real images and then be used for completing patches in the new images.

The Neural Network Architecture used for training is a combination of Convolutional Neural Networks(CNNs) and Generative Adversarial Networks(GANs) and is depicted in the picture right below.

The picture below has been taken from the research paper and gives a pictorial representation of the neural network architecture used for training the model


image_courtsey - Research Paper

Model Architecture

Model architecture is divided in two parts, Generator and Discriminator.

Generator is used for completing the patched image. It consists of several convolutional layers and is used to re-generate the entire image when a patched image is fed to the model. The regenerated image is then completed by using patch area from it and the surrounding area from the original image.

Discriminator, on the other hand, is used for identifying if the image fed to the discriminator is original or completed and is required only during the model training process. Once training is over, we discard the Discriminator and use only Generator for completing images. It consists of two separate networks, Global Discriminator and Local Discriminator. Global Discriminator takes the entire image as input whereas Local Discriminator takes only surrounding area of the patch and the patch itself. Outputs of both Global and Local Discriminators are concatenated and fed to a logistic function which gives probability of image being real.

Model Training

Model Training part is divided in three parts:

  1. Training only Generator - In this part only generator network is trained using L1 loss. In this a patched image is fed to the generator network which completes the image(fills the patch). The objective of training in this part is to minimize L1 distance between original image(without patch) and completed image.

  2. Training only Discriminator - In this part only discriminator is trained using Cross Entropy loss. Here completed and original images are fed to the discriminator alternatively and the Cross Entropy loss is minimized over the training process.

  3. Training both Generator and Discriminator - In this part both Generator and Discriminator are trained. Here Generator is trained using both L1 and GAN loss, GAN loss is nothing but reverse of Cross Entropy where the objective is to train generator in such a way that the generated images are very close to the original ones and discriminator is forced to classify them as original(real). Discriminator is trained the same way as in part 2.

The following images are from my model training process and depict network graph, loss values and completed images during training

Tensorflow Graph


Discriminator Generator
discriminator.png generator.png

Loss Value Visualization

Generator Loss (L1) Generator Loss (L1 and GAN) Discriminator Loss (Cross Entropy)
generator_loss_L1.png generator_loss_L1_GAN.png discriminator_loss.png

Completed Images on Tensorboard


Images Comparison

Input Output Input Output Input Output
image_0_original_to_be_patched.jpg image_0_both_gen_dis.jpg image_1_original_to_be_patched.jpg image_1_both_gen_dis.jpg image_2_original_to_be_patched.jpg image_2_both_gen_dis.jpg
image_3_original_to_be_patched.jpg image_3_both_gen_dis.jpg image_4_original_to_be_patched.jpg image_4_both_gen_dis.jpg image_5_original_to_be_patched.jpg image_5_both_gen_dis.jpg
image_6_original_to_be_patched.jpg image_6_both_gen_dis.jpg image_7_original_to_be_patched.jpg image_7_both_gen_dis.jpg image_8_original_to_be_patched.jpg image_8_both_gen_dis.jpg
image_9_original_to_be_patched.jpg image_9_both_gen_dis.jpg image_10_original_to_be_patched.jpg image_10_both_gen_dis.jpg image_11_original_to_be_patched image_11_both_gen_dis

Note: The results above are on a small subset of training data and the model hasn't been trained fully due to hardware and time constraints. And since i have used only square patches during training, the model available on GitHub works on only on square patches.
By the way, to get results like those in the published paper the entire training process takes around 2 months on a single machine with 4 K80 GPUs. Additionally, some post-processing is also required to make inpainting results look authentic.

Training on Personal/Public Data

One can start one's own training session by following below instructions :

  1. Clone the GIT repo in your local system. Note: One might need to install git-lfs first as it is required for version-controlling large files, such as logs and weight checkpoints
  2. Recreate the environment used while writing the code using the environment.yml file. Run command 'conda env create -f environment.yml' after installing anaconda
  3. Change the training and validation data path at line 160 and 166 in Note: Image files should be in a folder named 'original' inside training folder. For e.g. 'data/train/original/img_1.jpg'
  4. Delete saved_sessions, results and logs directories
  5. Start the training process by running "python" in terminal
  6. Checkoints are stored at regular intervals(interval is customizable), so training can be stopped and resumed. When training is resumed model loads the weights from the saved checkpoints, if they exist
  7. To restart the training from scratch just delete the saved_sessions, logs, results folders and run "python" again
  8. To start the Tensorboard run "tensorboard --logdir=logs/" in terminal