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Microsoft Defender 365 Advanced hunting full schema reference (Streaming API overview)

MS 365 Advanced hunting schema tables reference

MS 365 Defender/Azure Sentinel detections/custom KQL querries

Table Schema:

Acronym Product
MS365D Microsoft 365 Defender
MDI Microsoft Defender for Identity
MDE Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
MDA Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
MDO Microsoft Defender for Office 365
TVM Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management

Schema Overview

Table: AADSignInEventsBeta

Link to Microsoft Description: Information about Azure Active Directory (AAD) sign-in events either by a user (interactive) or a client on the user's behalf (non-interactive)

Table Schema:

Field Description
AadDeviceId Unique identifier for the device in Azure AD
AccountDisplayName Name displayed in the address book entry for the account user. This is usually a combination of the given name, middle initial, and surname of the user.
AccountObjectId Unique identifier for the account in Azure AD
AccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account
AlternateSignInName On-premises user principal name (UPN) of the user signing in to Azure AD
Application Application that performed the recorded action
ApplicationId Unique identifier for the application
AuthenticationProcessingDetails Details about the authentication processor
AuthenticationRequirement Type of authentication required for the sign-in. Possible values: multiFactorAuthentication (MFA was required) and singleFactorAuthentication (no MFA was required).
Browser Details about the version of the browser used to sign in
City City where the client IP address is geolocated
ClientAppUsed Indicates the client app used
ConditionalAccessPolicies Details of the conditional access policies applied to the sign-in event
ConditionalAccessStatus Status of the conditional access policies applied to the sign-in. Possible values are 0 (policies applied), 1 (attempt to apply policies failed), or 2 (policies not applied).
CorrelationId Unique identifier of the sign-in event
Country Country/Region where the account user is located
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
DeviceTrustType Indicates the trust type of the device that signed in. For managed device scenarios only. Possible values are Workplace, AzureAd, and ServerAd.
EndpointCall Information about the AAD endpoint that the request was sent to and the type of request sent during sign in
ErrorCode Contains the error code if a sign-in error occurs. To find a description of a specific error code, visit
IPAddress IP address assigned to the device during communication
IsCompliant Indicates whether the device that initiated the event is compliant or not
IsExternalUser Indicates whether a user inside the network does not belong to the organization’s domain
IsGuestUser Indicates whether the user that signed in is a guest in the tenant
IsManaged Indicates whether the endpoint has been onboarded to and is managed by Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
LastPasswordChangeTimestamp Date and time when the user that signed in last changed their password
Latitude The north to south coordinates of the sign-in location
LogonType Type of logon session, specifically interactive, remote interactive (RDP), network, batch, and service
Longitude The east to west coordinates of the sign-in location
NetworkLocationDetails Network location details of the authentication processor of the sign-in event
OSPlatform Platform of the operating system running on the device. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 10 and Windows 7
ReportId Unique identifier for the event
RequestId Unique identifier of the request
ResourceDisplayName Display name of the resource accessed. The display name can contain any character.
ResourceId Unique identifier of the resource accessed
ResourceTenantId Unique identifier of the tenant of the resource accessed
RiskEventTypes Array of risk event types applicable to the event
RiskLevelAggregated Aggregated risk level during sign-in. Possible values: 0 (aggregated risk level not set), 1 (none), 10 (low), 50 (medium), or 100 (high).
RiskLevelDuringSignIn User risk level at sign-in
RiskState Indicates risky user state. Possible values: 0 (none), 1 (confirmed safe), 2 (remediated), 3 (dismissed), 4 (at risk), or 5 (confirmed compromised).
SessionId Unique number assigned to a user by a website's server for the duration of the visit or session
State State where the sign-in occurred, if available
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated
TokenIssuerType Indicates if the token issuer is Azure Active Directory (0) or Active Directory Federation Services (1)
UserAgent User agent information from the web browser or other client application


Finds attempts to sign in to disabled accounts, listed by IP address

// Finds attempts to sign in to disabled accounts, listed by IP address
let timeRange = 14d;
| where  Timestamp >= ago(timeRange)
| where ErrorCode == '50057'  // The user account is disabled.
| summarize StartTime = min(Timestamp), EndTime = max(Timestamp), numberAccountsTargeted = dcount(AccountObjectId),
numberApplicationsTargeted = dcount(ApplicationId), accountSet = make_set(AccountUpn), applicationSet=make_set(Application),
numberLoginAttempts = count() by IPAddress
| extend timestamp = StartTime, IPCustomEntity = IPAddress
| order by numberLoginAttempts desc

Gets a list of users that signed in from multiple locations in the last 24 hours

// Users with multiple cities 
// Get list of users that signed in from multiple cities for the last day. 
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| summarize CountPerCity = dcount(City), citySet = make_set(City) by AccountUpn 
| where CountPerCity > 1
| order by CountPerCity desc

Table: AADSpnSignInEventsBeta

Link to Microsoft Description: Information about sign-in events initiated by Azure Active Directory (AAD) service principal or managed identities

Table Schema:

Field Description
Application Application that performed the recorded action
ApplicationId Unique identifier for the application
City City where the client IP address is geolocated
CorrelationId Unique identifier of the sign-in event
Country Country/Region where the account user is located
ErrorCode Contains the error code if a sign-in error occurs. To find a description of a specific error code, visit
IPAddress IP address assigned to the device during communication
IsManagedIdentity Indicates whether the sign-in was initiated by a managed identity
Latitude The north to south coordinates of the sign-in location
Longitude The east to west coordinates of the sign-in location
ReportId Unique identifier for the event
RequestId Unique identifier of the request
ResourceDisplayName Display name of the resource accessed. The display name can contain any character.
ResourceId Unique identifier of the resource accessed
ResourceTenantId Unique identifier of the tenant of the resource accessed
ServicePrincipalId Unique identifier of the service principal that initiated the sign-in
ServicePrincipalName Name of the service principal that initiated the sign-in
State State where the sign-in occurred, if available
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


Gets list of service principals with no sign-ins in the last ten days

// Inactive Service Principals 
// Service principals that had no sign-ins for the last 10d. 
| where Timestamp > ago(30d)
| where ErrorCode == 0
| summarize LastSignIn = max(Timestamp) by ServicePrincipalId
| where LastSignIn < ago(10d)
| order by LastSignIn desc

Gets list of the top 100 most active managed identities in the last 24 hours

// Most active Managed Identities 
// Gets list of top 100 most active managed identities for the last day. 
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| where IsManagedIdentity == True
| summarize CountPerManagedIdentity = count() by ServicePrincipalId
| order by CountPerManagedIdentity desc
| take 100

Table: AlertEvidence

Link to Microsoft Description: Files, IP addresses, URLs, users, or devices associated with alerts

Table Schema:

Field Description
AccountDomain Domain of the account
AccountName User name of the account
AccountObjectId Unique identifier for the account in Azure AD
AccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account
AccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event
AlertId Unique identifier for the alert
Application Application that performed the recorded action
ApplicationId Unique identifier for the application
AttackTechniques MITRE ATT&CK techniques associated with the activity that triggered the alert
Categories List of categories that the information belongs to, in JSON array format
DetectionSource Detection technology or sensor that identified the notable component or activity
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
EmailSubject Subject of the email
EntityType Type of object, such as a file, a process, a device, or a user
EvidenceDirection Indicates whether the entity is the source or the destination of a network connection
EvidenceRole How the entity is involved in an alert, indicating whether it is impacted or is merely related
FileName Name of the file that the recorded action was applied to
FileSize Size of the file in bytes
FolderPath Folder containing the file that the recorded action was applied to
LocalIP IP address assigned to the local machine used during communication
NetworkMessageId Unique identifier for the email, generated by Office 365
OAuthApplicationId Unique identifier of the third-party OAuth application
ProcessCommandLine Command line used to create the new process
RegistryKey Registry key that the recorded action was applied to
RegistryValueData Data of the registry value that the recorded action was applied to
RegistryValueName Name of the registry value that the recorded action was applied to
RemoteIP IP address that was being connected to
RemoteUrl URL or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that was being connected to
ServiceSource Product or service that provided the alert information
Severity Indicates the potential impact (high, medium, or low) of the threat indicator or breach activity identified by the alert
SHA1 SHA-1 hash of the file that the recorded action was applied to
SHA256 SHA-256 of the file that the recorded action was applied to
ThreatFamily Malware family that the suspicious or malicious file or process has been classified under
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated
Title Title of the alert


List all alerts involving a particular user account

let userID = "<inert your AAD user ID>";
let userSid = "<inert your user SID>";
| where EntityType == "User" and (AccountObjectId == userID or AccountSid == userSid )
| join AlertInfo on AlertId
| project Timestamp, AlertId, Title, Category , Severity , ServiceSource , DetectionSource , AttackTechniques, AccountObjectId, AccountName, AccountDomain , AccountSid 

List all alerts involving a specific device

let myDevice = "<insert your device ID>";
let deviceName = "<insert your device name>";
| extend DeviceName = todynamic(AdditionalFields)["HostName"]
| where EntityType == "Machine" and (DeviceId == myDevice or DeviceName == deviceName)
| project DeviceId, DeviceName, AlertId 
| join AlertInfo on AlertId
| project Timestamp, AlertId, Title, Category , Severity , ServiceSource , DetectionSource , AttackTechniques, DeviceId, DeviceName

Table: AlertInfo

Link to Microsoft Description: Alerts from Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Defender for Office 365, Microsoft Cloud App Security, and Microsoft Defender for Identity, including severity information and threat categorization

Table Schema:

Field Description
AlertId Unique identifier for the alert
AttackTechniques MITRE ATT&CK techniques associated with the activity that triggered the alert
Category Type of threat indicator or breach activity identified by the alert
DetectionSource Detection technology or sensor that identified the notable component or activity
ServiceSource Product or service that provided the alert information
Severity Indicates the potential impact (high, medium, or low) of the threat indicator or breach activity identified by the alert
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated
Title Title of the alert


Get the number of alerts by MITRE ATT&CK technique

| where isnotempty(AttackTechniques)
| mvexpand todynamic(AttackTechniques) to typeof(string)
| summarize AlertCount = dcount(AlertId) by AttackTechniques
| sort by AlertCount desc

Get the number of alerts by severity

| summarize alertsCount=dcount(AlertId) by Severity
| sort by alertsCount desc

Table: BehaviorEntities

Link to Microsoft Description: Contains information about entities (file, process, device, user, and others) that are involved in a behavior

Table Schema:

Field Description
AccountDomain Domain of the account
AccountName User name of the account
AccountObjectId Unique identifier for the account in Azure AD
AccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account
AccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account
ActionType Type of behavior
AdditionalFields Additional information about the behavior
Application Application that performed the recorded action
ApplicationId Unique identifier for the application
BehaviorId Unique identifier for the behavior
Categories Type of threat indicator or breach activity identified by the behavior
DataSources Products or services that provided information for the behavior
DetailedEntityRole The role of the entity in the behavior
DetectionSource Detection technology or sensor that identified the notable component or activity
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
EmailClusterId Identifier for the group of similar emails clustered based on heuristic analysis of their contents
EmailSubject Subject of the email
EntityRole Indicates whether the entity is impacted or merely related
EntityType Type of object, such as a file, a process, a device, or a user
FileName Name of the file that the recorded action was applied to
FileSize Size of the file in bytes
FolderPath Folder containing the file that the recorded action was applied to
LocalIP IP address assigned to the local machine used during communication
NetworkMessageId Unique identifier for the email, generated by Office 365
OAuthApplicationId Unique identifier of the third-party OAuth application
ProcessCommandLine Command line used to create the new process
RegistryKey Registry key that the recorded action was applied to
RegistryValueData Data of the registry value that the recorded action was applied to
RegistryValueName Name of the registry value that the recorded action was applied to
RemoteIP IP address that was being connected to
RemoteUrl URL or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that was being connected to
ServiceSource Product or service that identified the behavior
SHA1 SHA-1 hash of the file that the recorded action was applied to
SHA256 SHA-256 of the file that the recorded action was applied to
ThreatFamily Malware family that the suspicious or malicious file or process has been classified under
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated

Table: BehaviorInfo

Link to Microsoft Description: Contains information about behaviors, which in the context of Microsoft 365 Defender refers to a conclusion or insight based on one or more raw events, which can provide analysts more context in investigations

Table Schema:

Field Description
AccountObjectId Unique identifier for the account in Azure AD
AccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account
ActionType Type of behavior
AdditionalFields Additional information about the behavior
AttackTechniques MITRE ATT&CK techniques associated with the activity that triggered the behavior
BehaviorId Unique identifier for the behavior
Categories Type of threat indicator or breach activity identified by the behavior
DataSources Products or services that provided information for the behavior
Description Description of behavior
DetectionSource Detection technology or sensor that identified the notable component or activity
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
EndTime Date and time of the last activity related to the behavior
ServiceSource Product or service that identified the behavior
StartTime Date and time of the first activity related to the behavior
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


All behaviors in the last week on users that raised an alert in the last week

| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
| where EntityType == 'User' | distinct AccountObjectId
| join (BehaviorInfo | where Timestamp > ago(7d)) on AccountObjectId

Get behaviors associated with a specific MITRE ATT&CK technique in the last week

let technique = 'Valid Accounts (T1078)';
| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
| where AttackTechniques has technique

Table: CloudAppEvents

Link to Microsoft Description: Events involving accounts and objects in Office 365 and other cloud apps and services

Table Schema:

Field Description
AccountDisplayName Name displayed in the address book entry for the account user. This is usually a combination of the given name, middle initial, and surname of the user.
AccountId An identifier for the account as found by Microsoft Cloud App Security. Could be Azure Active Directory ID, user principal name, or other identifiers.
AccountObjectId Unique identifier for the account in Azure AD
AccountType Type of user account, indicating its general role and access levels, such as Regular, System, Admin, Application
ActionType Type of activity that triggered the event
ActivityObjects List of objects, such as files or folders, that were involved in the recorded activity
ActivityType Type of activity that triggered the event
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event
AppInstanceId Unique identifier for the instance of an application
Application Application that performed the recorded action
ApplicationId Unique identifier for the application
City City where the client IP address is geolocated
CountryCode Two-letter code indicating the country where the client IP address is geolocated
DeviceType Type of device based on purpose and functionality, such as network device, workstation, server, mobile, gaming console, or printer
IPAddress IP address assigned to the device during communication
IPCategory Additional information about the IP address
IPTags Customer-defined information applied to specific IP addresses and IP address ranges
IsAdminOperation Indicates whether the activity was performed by an administrator
IsAnonymousProxy Indicates whether the IP address belongs to a known anonymous proxy
IsExternalUser Indicates whether a user inside the network does not belong to the organization’s domain
IsImpersonated Indicates whether the activity was performed by one user on behalf of another (impersonated) user
ISP Internet service provider associated with the IP address
ObjectId Unique identifier of the object that the recorded action was applied to
ObjectName Name of the object that the recorded action was applied to
ObjectType The type of object, such as a file or a folder, that the recorded action was applied to
OSPlatform Platform of the operating system running on the device. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 10 and Windows 7
RawEventData Raw event information from the source application or service in JSON format
ReportId Unique identifier for the event
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated
UserAgent User agent information from the web browser or other client application
UserAgentTags More information provided by Microsoft Cloud App Security in a tag in the user agent field. Can have any of the following values: Native client, Outdated browser, Outdated operating system, Robot


Find app activity renaming .docx files to .doc on devices

// Find applications that renamed .docx files to .doc on devices
| where Timestamp > ago(3d)
| where Application in ("Microsoft OneDrive for Business", "Microsoft SharePoint Online") and ActionType == "FileRenamed"
| extend NewFileNameExtension = tostring(RawEventData.DestinationFileExtension)
| extend OldFileNameExtension = tostring(RawEventData.SourceFileExtension)
| extend OldFileName = tostring(RawEventData.SourceFileName)
| extend NewFileName = tostring(RawEventData.DestinationFileName)
| where NewFileNameExtension == "doc" and OldFileNameExtension == "docx" 
| project RenameTime = Timestamp, OldFileNameExtension, OldFileName, NewFileNameExtension, NewFileName, ActionType, Application, AccountDisplayName, AccountObjectId
| join kind=inner (
| where Timestamp > ago(3d)
| project FileName, AccountObjectId = InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId , DeviceName, SeenOnDevice = Timestamp, FolderPath 
) on $left.NewFileName == $right.FileName, AccountObjectId
| project RenameTime, NewFileName, OldFileName, Application, AccountObjectId, AccountDisplayName, DeviceName , SeenOnDevice, FolderPath

Gives a list of sharing activities in cloud apps

// Gives a list of sharing activities in cloud apps
// Includes invitations, acceptances, requests and approvals for sharing files and folders in the cloud
| where ActivityType == "Share"
| take 100

Table: DeviceBaselineComplianceAssessment

Link to Microsoft Description: Baseline compliance assessment snapshot, indicating the status of various security configurations related to baseline profiles on devices

Table Schema:

Field Description
ConfigurationId Unique identifier for a specific configuration
CurrentValue Set of detected values found on the device
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
IsApplicable Indicates whether the configuration or policy is applicable
IsCompliant Indicates whether the device that initiated the event is compliant or not
IsExempt Indicates whether the device is exempt from having the baseline configuration
OSPlatform Platform of the operating system running on the device. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 10 and Windows 7
OSVersion Version of the operating system running on the machine
ProfileId Unique identifier for the profile
RecommendedValue Set of expected values for the current device setting to be complaint
Source The registry path or other location used to determine the current device setting

Table: DeviceBaselineComplianceAssessmentKB

Link to Microsoft Description: Knowledge base of various security configurations used by baseline compliance to assess devices

Table Schema:

Field Description
BenchmarkProfileLevels List of benchmark compliance levels for which the configuration is applicable
CCEReference Unique Common Configuration Enumeration (CCE) identifier for the configuration
ConfigurationBenchmark Industry benchmark recommending the configuration
ConfigurationCategory Category or grouping to which the configuration belongs
ConfigurationDescription Description of the configuration
ConfigurationId Unique identifier for a specific configuration
ConfigurationName Display name of the configuration
ConfigurationRationale Description of any associated risks and rationale behind the configuration
RecommendedValue Set of expected values for the current device setting to be complaint
RemediationOptions Recommended actions to reduce or address any associated risks
Source The registry path or other location used to determine the current device setting

Table: DeviceBaselineComplianceProfiles

Link to Microsoft Description: Baseline profiles used for monitoring device baseline compliance

Table Schema:

Field Description
BaseBenchmark Industry benchmark on top of which the profile was created
BenchmarkProfileLevel Benchmark compliance level set for the profile
BenchmarkVersion Version of the industry benchmark on top of which the profile was created
CreatedBy Identity of the user account who created the profile
CreatedOn Date and time when the profile was created
LastUpdatedBy Identity of the user account who last updated the profile
LastUpdatedOn Date and time when the profile was last updated
OSPlatform Platform of the operating system running on the device. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 10 and Windows 7
OSVersion Version of the operating system running on the machine
ProfileDescription Optional description providing additional information related to the profile
ProfileId Unique identifier for the profile
ProfileName Display name of the profile
Status Indicator of the profile status - can be Enabled or Disabled

Table: DeviceEvents

Link to Microsoft Description: Multiple event types, including events triggered by security controls such as Windows Defender Antivirus and exploit protection

Table Schema:

Field Description
AccountDomain Domain of the account
AccountName User name of the account
AccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account
ActionType Type of activity that triggered the event
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event
AppGuardContainerId Identifier for the virtualized container used by Application Guard to isolate browser activity
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
FileName Name of the file that the recorded action was applied to
FileOriginIP IP address where the file was downloaded from
FileOriginUrl URL where the file was downloaded from
FileSize Size of the file in bytes
FolderPath Folder containing the file that the recorded action was applied to
InitiatingProcessAccountDomain Domain of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountName User name of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId Azure AD object ID of the user account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessCommandLine Command line used to run the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessCreationTime Date and time when the process that initiated the event was started
InitiatingProcessFileName Name of the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessFileSize Size of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessFolderPath Folder containing the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessId Process ID (PID) of the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessLogonId Identifier for a logon session of the process that initiated the event. This identifier is unique on the same machine only between restarts.
InitiatingProcessMD5 MD5 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime Date and time when the parent of the process responsible for the event was started
InitiatingProcessParentFileName Name of the parent process that spawned the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessParentId Process ID (PID) of the parent process that spawned the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessSHA1 SHA-1 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessSHA256 SHA-256 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event. This field is usually not populated - use the SHA1 column when available.
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName Company name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription Description from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName Internal file name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName Original file name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName Product name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion Product version from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
LocalIP IP address assigned to the local machine used during communication
LocalPort TCP port on the local machine used during communication
LogonId Identifier for a logon session. This identifier is unique on the same machine only between restarts
MD5 MD5 hash of the file that the recorded action was applied to
ProcessCommandLine Command line used to create the new process
ProcessCreationTime Date and time the process was created
ProcessId Process ID (PID) of the newly created process
ProcessTokenElevation Indicates the type of token elevation applied to the newly created process. Possible values: TokenElevationTypeLimited (restricted), TokenElevationTypeDefault (standard), and TokenElevationTypeFull (elevated)
RegistryKey Registry key that the recorded action was applied to
RegistryValueData Data of the registry value that the recorded action was applied to
RegistryValueName Name of the registry value that the recorded action was applied to
RemoteDeviceName Name of the device that performed a remote operation on the affected machine. Depending on the event being reported, this name could be a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN), a NetBIOS name, or a host name without domain information.
RemoteIP IP address that was being connected to
RemotePort TCP port on the remote device that was being connected to
RemoteUrl URL or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that was being connected to
ReportId Event identifier based on a repeating counter.To identify unique events, this column must be used in conjunction with the DeviceName and Timestamp columns.
SHA1 SHA-1 hash of the file that the recorded action was applied to
SHA256 SHA-256 of the file that the recorded action was applied to
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


ActionType Description
AccountCheckedForBlankPassword An account was checked for a blank password.
AntivirusDefinitionsUpdated Security intelligence updates for Windows Defender Antivirus were applied successfully.
AntivirusDefinitionsUpdateFailed Security intelligence updates for Windows Defender Antivirus were not applied.
AntivirusDetection Windows Defender Antivirus detected a threat.
AntivirusEmergencyUpdatesInstalled Emergency security intelligence updates for Windows Defender Antivirus were applied.
AntivirusError Windows Defender Antivirus encountered an error while taking action on malware or a potentially unwanted application.
AntivirusMalwareActionFailed Windows Defender Antivirus attempted to take action on malware or a potentially unwanted application but the action failed.
AntivirusMalwareBlocked Windows Defender Antivirus blocked files or activity involving malware potentially unwanted applications or suspicious behavior.
AntivirusScanCancelled A Windows Defender Antivirus scan was cancelled.
AntivirusScanCompleted A Windows Defender Antivirus scan completed successfully.
AntivirusScanFailed A Windows Defender Antivirus scan did not complete successfully.
AntivirusTroubleshootModeEvent The troubleshooting mode in Microsoft Defender Antivirus was used.
AppControlAppInstallationAudited Application control detected the installation of an untrusted app.
AppControlAppInstallationBlocked Application control blocked the installation of an untrusted app.
AppControlCIScriptAudited A script or MSI file generated by Windows LockDown Policy was audited.
AppControlCIScriptBlocked A script or MSI file generated by Windows LockDown Policy was blocked.
AppControlCodeIntegrityDriverRevoked Application control found a driver with a revoked certificate.
AppControlCodeIntegrityImageAudited Application control detected an executable file that violated code integrity policies.
AppControlCodeIntegrityImageRevoked Application control found an executable file with a revoked certificate.
AppControlCodeIntegrityOriginAllowed Application control allowed a file due to its good reputation (ISG) or installation source (managed installer).
AppControlCodeIntegrityOriginAudited Application control would have blocked a file due to its bad reputation (ISG) or installation source (managed installer) if the policy was enforced.
AppControlCodeIntegrityOriginBlocked Application control blocked a file due to its bad reputation (ISG) or installation source (managed installer).
AppControlCodeIntegrityPolicyAudited Application control detected a code integrity policy violation.
AppControlCodeIntegrityPolicyBlocked Application control blocked a code integrity policy violation.
AppControlCodeIntegrityPolicyLoaded An application control code integrity policy was loaded.
AppControlCodeIntegritySigningInformation Application control signing information was generated.
AppControlExecutableAudited Application control detected the use of an untrusted executable.
AppControlExecutableBlocked Application control blocked the use of an untrusted executable.
AppControlPackagedAppAudited Application control detected the use of an untrusted packaged app.
AppControlPackagedAppBlocked Application control blocked the installation of an untrusted packaged app.
AppControlPolicyApplied An application control policy was applied to the device.
AppControlScriptAudited Application control detected the use of an untrusted script.
AppControlScriptBlocked Application control blocked the use of an untrusted script.
AppGuardBrowseToUrl A URL was accessed from within an application guard container.
AppGuardCreateContainer Application guard initiated an isolated container.
AppGuardLaunchedWithUrl The opening of an untrusted URL has initiated an application guard container.
AppGuardResumeContainer Application guard resumed an isolated container from a suspended state.
AppGuardStopContainer Application guard stopped an isolated container.
AppGuardSuspendContainer Application guard suspended an isolated container.
AppLockerBlockExecutable AppLocker prevented an untrusted executable from running.
AppLockerBlockPackagedApp AppLocker prevented an untrusted packaged app from running.
AppLockerBlockPackagedAppInstallation AppLocker prevented the installation of an untrusted packaged app.
AppLockerBlockScript AppLocker prevented an untrusted script from running.
AsrAdobeReaderChildProcessAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected Adobe Reader creating a child process.
AsrAdobeReaderChildProcessBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked Adobe Reader from creating a child process.
AsrExecutableEmailContentAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected the launch of executable content from an email client and or webmail.
AsrExecutableEmailContentBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked executable content from an email client and or webmail.
AsrExecutableOfficeContentAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected an Office application creating executable content.
AsrExecutableOfficeContentBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked an Office application from creating executable content.
AsrLsassCredentialTheftAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected possible credential theft from lsass.exe.
AsrLsassCredentialTheftBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked possible credential theft from lsass.exe.
AsrObfuscatedScriptAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected the execution of scripts that appear obfuscated.
AsrObfuscatedScriptBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked the execution of scripts that appear obfuscated.
AsrOfficeChildProcessAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected an Office application spawning a child process.
AsrOfficeChildProcessBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked an Office application from creating child processes.
AsrOfficeCommAppChildProcessAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected an Office communication app attempting to spawn a child process.
AsrOfficeCommAppChildProcessBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked an Office communication app from spawning a child process.
AsrOfficeMacroWin32ApiCallsAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected Win32 API calls from Office macros.
AsrOfficeMacroWin32ApiCallsBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked Win32 API calls from Office macros.
AsrOfficeProcessInjectionAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected an Office application injecting code into other processes.
AsrOfficeProcessInjectionBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked an Office application from injecting code into other processes.
AsrPersistenceThroughWmiAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected an attempt to establish persistence through WMI event subscription.
AsrPersistenceThroughWmiBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked an attempt to establish persistence through WMI event subscription.
AsrPsexecWmiChildProcessAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected the use of PsExec or WMI commands to spawn a child process.
AsrPsexecWmiChildProcessBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked the use of PsExec or WMI commands to spawn a child process.
AsrRansomwareAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected ransomware activity.
AsrRansomwareBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked ransomware activity.
AsrScriptExecutableDownloadAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected JavaScript or VBScript code launching downloaded executable content.
AsrScriptExecutableDownloadBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked JavaScript or VBScript code from launching downloaded executable content.
AsrUntrustedExecutableAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected the execution of an untrusted file that doesn't meet criteria for age or prevalence.
AsrUntrustedExecutableBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked the execution of an untrusted file that doesn't meet criteria for age or prevalence.
AsrUntrustedUsbProcessAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected the execution of an untrusted and unsigned processes from a USB device.
AsrUntrustedUsbProcessBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked the execution of an untrusted and unsigned processes from a USB device.
AsrVulnerableSignedDriverAudited An attack surface reduction rule detected a signed driver that has known vulnerabilities.
AsrVulnerableSignedDriverBlocked An attack surface reduction rule blocked a signed driver that has known vulnerabilities.
AuditPolicyModification Changes in the Windows audit policy (which feed events to the event log).
BitLockerAuditCompleted An audit for BitLocker encryption was completed.
BluetoothPolicyTriggered A Bluetooth service activity was allowed or blocked by a device control policy.
BrowserLaunchedToOpenUrl A web browser opened a URL that originated as a link in another application.
ControlFlowGuardViolation Control Flow Guard terminated an application after detecting an invalid function call
ControlledFolderAccessViolationAudited Controlled folder access detected an attempt to modify a protected folder.
ControlledFolderAccessViolationBlocked Controlled folder access blocked an attempt to modify a protected folder.
CreateRemoteThreadApiCall A thread that runs in the virtual address space of another process was created.
CredentialsBackup The backup feature in Credential Manager was initiated
DeviceBootAttestationInfo System Guard generated a boot-time attestation report.
DirectoryServiceObjectCreated An object was added to the directory service.
DirectoryServiceObjectModified An object in the directory service was modified.
DlpPocPrintJob A file was sent to a printer device for printing.
DnsQueryRequest A DNS request was initiated.
DnsQueryResponse A response to a DNS query was sent.
DpapiAccessed Decription of saved sensitive data encrypted using DPAPI.
DriverLoad A driver was loaded.
ExploitGuardAcgAudited Arbitrary code guard (ACG) in exploit protection detected an attempt to modify code page permissions or create unsigned code pages.
ExploitGuardAcgEnforced Arbitrary code guard (ACG) blocked an attempt to modify code page permissions or create unsigned code pages.
ExploitGuardChildProcessAudited Exploit protection detected the creation of a child process.
ExploitGuardChildProcessBlocked Exploit protection blocked the creation of a child process.
ExploitGuardEafViolationAudited Export address filtering (EAF) in exploit protection detected possible exploitation activity.
ExploitGuardEafViolationBlocked Export address filtering (EAF) in exploit protection blocked possible exploitation activity.
ExploitGuardIafViolationAudited Import address filtering (IAF) in exploit protection detected possible exploitation activity.
ExploitGuardIafViolationBlocked Import address filtering (IAF) in exploit protection blocked possible exploitation activity.
ExploitGuardLowIntegrityImageAudited Exploit protection detected the launch of a process from a low-integrity file.
ExploitGuardLowIntegrityImageBlocked Exploit protection blocked the launch of a process from a low-integrity file.
ExploitGuardNetworkProtectionAudited Network protection detected an attempt to access a malicious or unwanted IP address domain or URL.
ExploitGuardNetworkProtectionBlocked Network protection blocked a malicious or unwanted IP address domain or URL.
ExploitGuardNonMicrosoftSignedAudited Exploit protection detected the launch of a process from an image file that is not signed by Microsoft.
ExploitGuardNonMicrosoftSignedBlocked Exploit protection blocked the launch of a process from an image file that is not signed by Microsoft.
ExploitGuardRopExploitAudited Exploit protection detected possible return-object programming (ROP) exploitation.
ExploitGuardRopExploitBlocked Exploit protection blocked possible return-object programming (ROP) exploitation.
ExploitGuardSharedBinaryAudited Exploit protection detected the launch of a process from a remote shared file.
ExploitGuardSharedBinaryBlocked Exploit protection blocked the launch of a process from a file in a remote device.
ExploitGuardWin32SystemCallAudited Exploit protection detected a call to the Windows system API.
ExploitGuardWin32SystemCallBlocked Exploit protection blocked a call to the Windows system API.
FileTimestampModificationEvent File timestamp information was modified.
FirewallInboundConnectionBlocked A firewall or another application blocked an inbound connection using the Windows Filtering Platform.
FirewallInboundConnectionToAppBlocked The firewall blocked an inbound connection to an app.
FirewallOutboundConnectionBlocked A firewall or another application blocked an outbound connection using the Windows Filtering Platform.
FirewallServiceStopped The firewall service was stopped.
GetAsyncKeyStateApiCall The GetAsyncKeyState function was called. This function can be used to obtain the states of input keys and buttons.
GetClipboardData The GetClipboardData function was called. This function can be used obtain the contents of the system clipboard.
LdapSearch An LDAP search was performed.
LogonRightsSettingEnabled Interactive logon rights on the machine were granted to a user.
MemoryRemoteProtect A process has modified the protection mask for a memory region used by another process. This might allow execution of content from non-executable memory.
NamedPipeEvent A named pipe was created or opened.
NetworkProtectionUserBypassEvent A user has bypassed network protection and accessed a blocked IP address, domain, or URL.
NetworkShareObjectAccessChecked A request was made to access a file or folder shared on the network and permissions to the share was evaluated.
NetworkShareObjectAdded A file or folder was shared on the network.
NetworkShareObjectDeleted A file or folder shared on the network was deleted.
NetworkShareObjectModified A file or folder shared on the network was modified.
NtAllocateVirtualMemoryApiCall Memory was allocated for a process.
NtAllocateVirtualMemoryRemoteApiCall Memory was allocated for a process remotely.
NtMapViewOfSectionRemoteApiCall A section of a process's memory was mapped by calling the function NtMapViewOfSection.
NtProtectVirtualMemoryApiCall The protection attributes for allocated memory was modified.
OpenProcessApiCall The OpenProcess function was called indicating an attempt to open a handle to a local process and potentially manipulate that process.
PasswordChangeAttempt An attempt to change a user password was made.
PlistPropertyModified A property in the plist was modified.
PnpDeviceAllowed Device control allowed a trusted plug and play (PnP) device.
PnpDeviceBlocked Device control blocked an untrusted plug and play (PnP) device.
PnpDeviceConnected A plug and play (PnP) device was attached.
PowerShellCommand A PowerShell alias function filter cmdlet external script application script workflow or configuration was executed from a PowerShell host process.
PrintJobBlocked Device control prevented an untrusted printer from printing.
ProcessCreatedUsingWmiQuery A process was created using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
ProcessPrimaryTokenModified A process's primary token was modified.
PTraceDetected A process trace (ptrace) was found to have occurred on this device.
QueueUserApcRemoteApiCall An asynchronous procedure call (APC) was scheduled to execute in a user-mode thread.
ReadProcessMemoryApiCall The ReadProcessMemory function was called indicating that a process read data from the process memory of another process.
RemoteDesktopConnection A Remote Desktop connection was established
RemoteWmiOperation A Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) operation was initiated from a remote device.
RemovableStorageFileEvent Removable storage file activity matched a device control removable storage access control policy.
RemovableStoragePolicyTriggered Device control detected an attempted read/write/execute event from a removable storage device.
SafeDocFileScan A document was sent to the cloud for analysis while in protected view.
ScheduledTaskCreated A scheduled task was created.
ScheduledTaskDeleted A scheduled task was deleted.
ScheduledTaskDisabled A scheduled task was turned off.
ScheduledTaskEnabled A scheduled task was turned on.
ScheduledTaskUpdated A scheduled task was updated.
ScreenshotTaken A screenshot was taken.
SecurityGroupCreated A security group was created
SecurityGroupDeleted A security group was deleted.
SecurityLogCleared The security log was cleared.
SensitiveFileRead A file that matched DLP policy was accessed or processes that are reading sensitive files such as ssh keys, Outlook mail archives etc.
ServiceInstalled A service was installed. This is based on Windows event ID 4697, which requires the advanced security audit setting Audit Security System Extension.
SetThreadContextRemoteApiCall The context of a thread was set from a user-mode process.
ShellLinkCreateFileEvent A specially crafted link file (.lnk) was generated. The link file contains unusual attributes that might launch malicious code along with a legitimate file or application.
SmartScreenAppWarning SmartScreen warned about running a downloaded application that is untrusted or malicious.
SmartScreenExploitWarning SmartScreen warned about opening a web page that contains an exploit.
SmartScreenUrlWarning SmartScreen warned about opening a low-reputation URL that might be hosting malware or is a phishing site.
SmartScreenUserOverride A user has overridden a SmartScreen warning and continued to open an untrusted app or a low-reputation URL.
TamperingAttempt An attempt to change Microsoft Defender 365 settings was made.
UntrustedWifiConnection A connection was established to an open Wi-Fi access point that is set to connect automatically.
UsbDriveDriveLetterChanged The drive letter assigned to a mounted USB storage device was modified
UsbDriveMount A USB storage device was mounted as a drive.
UsbDriveMounted A USB storage device was mounted as a drive.
UsbDriveUnmount A USB storage device was unmounted.
UsbDriveUnmounted A USB storage device was unmounted.
UserAccountAddedToLocalGroup A user was added to a security-enabled local group.
UserAccountCreated A local SAM account or a domain account was created.
UserAccountDeleted A user account was deleted.
UserAccountModified A user account was modified.
UserAccountRemovedFromLocalGroup A user was removed from a security-enabled local group.
WmiBindEventFilterToConsumer A filter for WMI events was bound to a consumer. This enables listening for all kinds of system events and triggering corresponding actions, including potentially malicious ones.
WriteProcessMemoryApiCall The WriteProcessMemory function was called indicating that a process has written data into memory for another process.
WriteToLsassProcessMemory The WriteProcessMemory function was called indicating that a process has written data into memory for another process.


Get antivirus scan events, including completed and cancelled scans on a device in the past week

// Get antivirus scan events, including completed and cancelled scans
let myDevice = "<insert your device ID>";
| where ActionType startswith "AntivirusScan"  and Timestamp > ago(7d) and DeviceId == myDevice
| extend ScanDesc = parse_json(AdditionalFields)
|project Timestamp, DeviceName, ActionType, Domain = ScanDesc.Domain, ScanId= ScanDesc.ScanId, User = ScanDesc.User, ScanParametersIndex = ScanDesc.ScanParametersIndex, ScanTypeIndex = ScanDesc.ScanTypeIndex

Get the list the USB devices attached to a device in the past week

//Get the list the USB devices attached to a device in the past week
let myDevice = "<insert your device ID>";
| where ActionType == "UsbDriveMount" and Timestamp > ago(7d) and DeviceId == myDevice
| extend ProductName = todynamic(AdditionalFields)["ProductName"], SerialNumber = todynamic(AdditionalFields)["SerialNumber"], 
Manufacturer = todynamic(AdditionalFields)["Manufacturer"], Volume = todynamic(AdditionalFields)["Volume"]
| summarize lastInsert = max(Timestamp) by tostring(ProductName), tostring(SerialNumber), tostring(Manufacturer), tostring(Volume) 

Table: DeviceFileCertificateInfo

Link to Microsoft Description: Certificate information of signed files obtained from certificate verification events on endpoints

Table Schema:

Field Description
CertificateCountersignatureTime Date and time the certificate was countersigned
CertificateCreationTime Date and time the certificate was created
CertificateExpirationTime Date and time the certificate is set to expire
CertificateSerialNumber Identifier for the certificate that is unique to the issuing certificate authority (CA)
CrlDistributionPointUrls JSON array listing the URLs of network shares that contain certificates and certificate revocation lists (CRLs)
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
IsRootSignerMicrosoft Indicates whether the signer of the root certificate is Microsoft
IsSigned Indicates whether the file is signed
Issuer Information about the issuing certificate authority (CA)
IssuerHash Unique hash value identifying issuing certificate authority (CA)
IsTrusted Indicates whether the file is trusted based on the results of the WinVerifyTrust function, which checks for unknown root certificate information, invalid signatures, revoked certificates, and other questionable attributes
ReportId Event identifier based on a repeating counter.To identify unique events, this column must be used in conjunction with the DeviceName and Timestamp columns.
SHA1 SHA-1 hash of the file that the recorded action was applied to
SignatureType Indicates whether signature information was read as embedded content in the file itself or read from an external catalog file
Signer Information about the signer of the file
SignerHash Unique hash value identifying the signer
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


Find files with Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) certificates showing Microsoft as the root signer but the incorrect signer name

| where Timestamp > ago(30d)
| where IsSigned == 1 
    and IsTrusted == 1 
    and IsRootSignerMicrosoft == 1
| where SignatureType == "Embedded"
| where Issuer !startswith "Microsoft" 
    and Issuer !startswith "Windows"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName,SHA1,Issuer,IssuerHash,Signer,SignerHash,
| limit 10 

Table: DeviceFileEvents

Link to Microsoft Description: File creation, modification, and other file system events

Table Schema:

Field Description
ActionType Type of activity that triggered the event
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event
AppGuardContainerId Identifier for the virtualized container used by Application Guard to isolate browser activity
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
FileName Name of the file that the recorded action was applied to
FileOriginIP IP address where the file was downloaded from
FileOriginReferrerUrl URL of the web page that links to the downloaded file
FileOriginUrl URL where the file was downloaded from
FileSize Size of the file in bytes
FolderPath Folder containing the file that the recorded action was applied to
InitiatingProcessAccountDomain Domain of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountName User name of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId Azure AD object ID of the user account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessCommandLine Command line used to run the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessCreationTime Date and time when the process that initiated the event was started
InitiatingProcessFileName Name of the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessFileSize Size of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessFolderPath Folder containing the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessId Process ID (PID) of the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel Integrity level of the process that initiated the event. Windows assigns integrity levels to processes based on certain characteristics, such as if they were launched from an internet download. These integrity levels influence permissions to resources.
InitiatingProcessMD5 MD5 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime Date and time when the parent of the process responsible for the event was started
InitiatingProcessParentFileName Name of the parent process that spawned the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessParentId Process ID (PID) of the parent process that spawned the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessSHA1 SHA-1 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessSHA256 SHA-256 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event. This field is usually not populated - use the SHA1 column when available.
InitiatingProcessTokenElevation Token type indicating the presence or absence of User Access Control (UAC) privilege elevation applied to the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName Company name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription Description from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName Internal file name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName Original file name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName Product name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion Product version from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
IsAzureInfoProtectionApplied Indicates whether the file is encrypted by Azure Information Protection
MD5 MD5 hash of the file that the recorded action was applied to
PreviousFileName Original name of the file that was renamed as a result of the action
PreviousFolderPath Original folder containing the file before the recorded action was applied
ReportId Event identifier based on a repeating counter.To identify unique events, this column must be used in conjunction with the DeviceName and Timestamp columns.
RequestAccountDomain Domain of the account used to remotely initiate the activity
RequestAccountName User name of account used to remotely initiate the activity
RequestAccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account used to remotely initiate the activity
RequestProtocol Network protocol, if applicable, used to initiate the activity: Unknown, Local, SMB, or NFS
RequestSourceIP IPv4 or IPv6 address of the remote device that initiated the activity
RequestSourcePort Source port on the remote device that initiated the activity
SensitivityLabel Label applied to an email, file, or other content to classify it for information protection
SensitivitySubLabel Sublabel applied to an email, file, or other content to classify it for information protection; sensitivity sublabels are grouped under sensitivity labels but are treated independently
SHA1 SHA-1 hash of the file that the recorded action was applied to
SHA256 SHA-256 of the file that the recorded action was applied to
ShareName Name of shared folder containing the file
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


ActionType Description
FileCreated A file was created on the device.
FileDeleted A file was deleted.
FileModified A file on the device was modified.
FileRenamed A file on the device was renamed.


Get the list of sensitive files that were uploaded to a cloud app or service

//Get the list of sensitive files that were uploaded to a cloud app or service
| where SensitivityLabel in ("Highly Confidential", "Confidential") and Timestamp > ago(1d)
| project FileName, FolderPath, DeviceId, DeviceName , ActionType , SensitivityLabel , Timestamp 
| summarize LastTimeSeenOnDevice = max(Timestamp) by FileName, FolderPath, DeviceName , DeviceId , SensitivityLabel 
| join (CloudAppEvents
| where ActionType == "FileUploaded" and Timestamp > ago(1d) | extend FileName = tostring(RawEventData.SourceFileName) ) on FileName
| project UploadTime = Timestamp, ActionType, Application, FileName, SensitivityLabel, AccountDisplayName , 
AccountObjectId , IPAddress, CountryCode , LastTimeSeenOnDevice, DeviceName, DeviceId, FolderPath
| limit 100

Track when a specific file has been copied or moved

let myFile = '<file SHA1>';
| where SHA1 == myFile and ActionType == 'FileCreated'
| limit 100

Table: DeviceImageLoadEvents

Link to Microsoft Description: DLL loading events

Table Schema:

Field Description
ActionType Type of activity that triggered the event
AppGuardContainerId Identifier for the virtualized container used by Application Guard to isolate browser activity
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
FileName Name of the file that the recorded action was applied to
FileSize Size of the file in bytes
FolderPath Folder containing the file that the recorded action was applied to
InitiatingProcessAccountDomain Domain of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountName User name of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId Azure AD object ID of the user account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessCommandLine Command line used to run the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessCreationTime Date and time when the process that initiated the event was started
InitiatingProcessFileName Name of the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessFileSize Size of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessFolderPath Folder containing the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessId Process ID (PID) of the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel Integrity level of the process that initiated the event. Windows assigns integrity levels to processes based on certain characteristics, such as if they were launched from an internet download. These integrity levels influence permissions to resources.
InitiatingProcessMD5 MD5 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime Date and time when the parent of the process responsible for the event was started
InitiatingProcessParentFileName Name of the parent process that spawned the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessParentId Process ID (PID) of the parent process that spawned the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessSHA1 SHA-1 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessSHA256 SHA-256 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event. This field is usually not populated - use the SHA1 column when available.
InitiatingProcessTokenElevation Token type indicating the presence or absence of User Access Control (UAC) privilege elevation applied to the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName Company name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription Description from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName Internal file name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName Original file name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName Product name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion Product version from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
MD5 MD5 hash of the file that the recorded action was applied to
ReportId Event identifier based on a repeating counter.To identify unique events, this column must be used in conjunction with the DeviceName and Timestamp columns.
SHA1 SHA-1 hash of the file that the recorded action was applied to
SHA256 SHA-256 of the file that the recorded action was applied to
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


ActionType Description
ImageLoaded A dynamic link library (DLL) was loaded.

Table: DeviceInfo

Link to Microsoft Description: Machine information, including OS information

Table Schema:

Field Description
AadDeviceId Unique identifier for the device in Azure AD
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event
AssetValue Priority or value assigned to the device in relation to its importance in computing the organization's exposure score; can be: Low, Normal (Default), High
ClientVersion Version of the endpoint agent or sensor running on the machine
DeviceCategory Broader classification that groups certain device types under the following categories: Endpoint, Network device, IoT, Unknown
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
DeviceSubtype Additional modifier for certain types of devices; for example, a mobile device can be a tablet or a smartphone; only available if device discovery finds enough information about this attribute
DeviceType Type of device based on purpose and functionality, such as network device, workstation, server, mobile, gaming console, or printer
ExclusionReason The reason for the device being excluded
ExposureLevel The device's level of vulnerability to exploitation based on its exposure score; can be: Low, Medium, High
IsAzureADJoined Boolean indicator of whether machine is joined to the Azure Active Directory
IsExcluded Determines if the device is excluded from different views and reports in the portal
IsInternetFacing Indicates whether the device is internet-facing
JoinType The device's Azure Active Directory join type
LoggedOnUsers List of all users that are logged on the machine at the time of the event in JSON array format
MachineGroup Machine group of the machine. This group is used by role-based access control to determine access to the machine
MergedDeviceIds Previous device IDs that have been assigned to the same device.
MergedToDeviceId The most recent device ID assigned to a device
Model Model name or number of the product from the vendor or manufacturer; only available if device discovery finds enough information about this attribute
OnboardingStatus Indicates whether the device is currently onboarded or not to Microsoft Defender For Endpoint or if the device is not supported
OSArchitecture Architecture of the operating system running on the machine
OSBuild Build version of the operating system running on the machine
OSDistribution Distribution of the OS platform, such as Ubuntu or RedHat for Linux platforms
OSPlatform Platform of the operating system running on the device. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 10 and Windows 7
OSVersion Version of the operating system running on the machine
OSVersionInfo Additional information about the OS version, such as the popular name, code name, or version number
PublicIP Public IP address used by the onboarded machine to connect to the Windows Defender ATP service. This could be the IP address of the machine itself, a NAT device, or a proxy
RegistryDeviceTag Device tag added through the registry
ReportId Event identifier based on a repeating counter.To identify unique events, this column must be used in conjunction with the DeviceName and Timestamp columns.
SensorHealthState Indicates health of the device’s EDR sensor, if onboarded to Microsoft Defender For Endpoint
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated
Vendor Name of the product vendor or manufacturer; only available if device discovery finds enough information about this attribute


List devices running operating systems older than Windows 10

//List devices running operating systems older than Windows 10
| where todecimal(OSVersion) < 10 
| summarize by DeviceId, DeviceName, OSVersion, OSPlatform, OSBuild  

List users that have logged on to a specific device during a specific time period

let myDevice = "<insert your device ID>";
| where Timestamp between (datetime(2020-05-19) .. datetime(2020-05-20)) and DeviceId == myDevice
| project LoggedOnUsers 
| mvexpand todynamic(LoggedOnUsers) to typeof(string)
| summarize by LoggedOnUsers

Table: DeviceLogonEvents

Link to Microsoft Description: Sign-ins and other authentication events

Table Schema:

Field Description
AccountDomain Domain of the account
AccountName User name of the account
AccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account
ActionType Type of activity that triggered the event
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event
AppGuardContainerId Identifier for the virtualized container used by Application Guard to isolate browser activity
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
FailureReason Information explaining why the recorded action failed
InitiatingProcessAccountDomain Domain of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountName User name of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId Azure AD object ID of the user account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessCommandLine Command line used to run the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessCreationTime Date and time when the process that initiated the event was started
InitiatingProcessFileName Name of the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessFileSize Size of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessFolderPath Folder containing the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessId Process ID (PID) of the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel Integrity level of the process that initiated the event. Windows assigns integrity levels to processes based on certain characteristics, such as if they were launched from an internet download. These integrity levels influence permissions to resources.
InitiatingProcessMD5 MD5 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime Date and time when the parent of the process responsible for the event was started
InitiatingProcessParentFileName Name of the parent process that spawned the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessParentId Process ID (PID) of the parent process that spawned the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessSHA1 SHA-1 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessSHA256 SHA-256 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event. This field is usually not populated - use the SHA1 column when available.
InitiatingProcessTokenElevation Token type indicating the presence or absence of User Access Control (UAC) privilege elevation applied to the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName Company name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription Description from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName Internal file name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName Original file name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName Product name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion Product version from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
IsLocalAdmin Boolean indicator of whether the user is a local administrator on the machine
LogonId Identifier for a logon session. This identifier is unique on the same machine only between restarts
LogonType Type of logon session, specifically interactive, remote interactive (RDP), network, batch, and service
Protocol Protocol used during the communication
RemoteDeviceName Name of the device that performed a remote operation on the affected machine. Depending on the event being reported, this name could be a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN), a NetBIOS name, or a host name without domain information.
RemoteIP IP address that was being connected to
RemoteIPType Type of IP address, for example Public, Private, Reserved, Loopback, Teredo, FourToSixMapping, and Broadcast
RemotePort TCP port on the remote device that was being connected to
ReportId Event identifier based on a repeating counter.To identify unique events, this column must be used in conjunction with the DeviceName and Timestamp columns.
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


ActionType Description
LogonAttempted A user attempted to log on to the device.
LogonFailed A user attempted to logon to the device but failed.
LogonSuccess A user successfully logged on to the device.


Get the 10 latest logons performed by accounts within 30 minutes of receiving a known malicious email. Use the logons to check whether the accounts have been compromised.

//Find logons that occurred right after malicious email was received
let MaliciousEmail=EmailEvents
| where ThreatTypes has "Malware" 
| project TimeEmail = Timestamp, Subject, SenderFromAddress, AccountName = tostring(split(RecipientEmailAddress, "@")[0]);
| join (
| project LogonTime = Timestamp, AccountName, DeviceName
) on AccountName 
| where (LogonTime - TimeEmail) between (0min.. 30min)
| take 10

List authentication events by members of the local administrator group or the built-in administrator account

//List authentication events by members of the local administrator group or the built-in administrator account
let myDevice = "<insert your device ID>";
| where  IsLocalAdmin == '1'  and Timestamp > ago(7d) and DeviceId == "00d20207bebd88fea19194bd775a372875c7ab1f"
| limit 500

Table: DeviceNetworkEvents

Link to Microsoft Description: Network connection and related events

Table Schema:

Field Description
ActionType Type of activity that triggered the event
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event
AppGuardContainerId Identifier for the virtualized container used by Application Guard to isolate browser activity
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
InitiatingProcessAccountDomain Domain of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountName User name of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId Azure AD object ID of the user account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessCommandLine Command line used to run the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessCreationTime Date and time when the process that initiated the event was started
InitiatingProcessFileName Name of the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessFileSize Size of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessFolderPath Folder containing the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessId Process ID (PID) of the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel Integrity level of the process that initiated the event. Windows assigns integrity levels to processes based on certain characteristics, such as if they were launched from an internet download. These integrity levels influence permissions to resources.
InitiatingProcessMD5 MD5 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime Date and time when the parent of the process responsible for the event was started
InitiatingProcessParentFileName Name of the parent process that spawned the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessParentId Process ID (PID) of the parent process that spawned the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessSHA1 SHA-1 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessSHA256 SHA-256 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event. This field is usually not populated - use the SHA1 column when available.
InitiatingProcessTokenElevation Token type indicating the presence or absence of User Access Control (UAC) privilege elevation applied to the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName Company name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription Description from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName Internal file name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName Original file name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName Product name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion Product version from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
LocalIP IP address assigned to the local machine used during communication
LocalIPType Type of IP address, for example Public, Private, Reserved, Loopback, Teredo, FourToSixMapping, and Broadcast
LocalPort TCP port on the local machine used during communication
Protocol Protocol used during the communication
RemoteIP IP address that was being connected to
RemoteIPType Type of IP address, for example Public, Private, Reserved, Loopback, Teredo, FourToSixMapping, and Broadcast
RemotePort TCP port on the remote device that was being connected to
RemoteUrl URL or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that was being connected to
ReportId Event identifier based on a repeating counter.To identify unique events, this column must be used in conjunction with the DeviceName and Timestamp columns.
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


ActionType Description
ConnectionFailed An attempt to establish a network connection from the device failed.
ConnectionFound An active network connection was found on the device.
ConnectionRequest The device initiated a network connection.
ConnectionSuccess A network connection was successfully established from the device.
FtpConnectionInspected The deep packet inspection engine in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint inspected an FTP connection.
HttpConnectionInspected The deep packet inspection engine in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint inspected an HTTP connection.
IcmpConnectionInspected The deep packet inspection engine in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint inspected an ICMP connection.
InboundConnectionAccepted The device accepted a network connection initiated by another device.
InboundInternetScanInspected An incoming packet from a Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management scan was inspected on the device.
ListeningConnectionCreated A process has started listening for connections on a certain port.
NetworkSignatureInspected A packet content was inspected.
SmtpConnectionInspected The deep packet inspection engine in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint inspected an SMTP connection.
SshConnectionInspected The deep packet inspection engine in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint inspected an SSH connection.


Check command lines used to launch PowerShell for strings that indicate download activity

// Finds PowerShell execution events that could involve a download
union DeviceProcessEvents, DeviceNetworkEvents
| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
// Pivoting on PowerShell processes
| where FileName in~ ("powershell.exe", "powershell_ise.exe")
// Suspicious commands
| where ProcessCommandLine has_any("WebClient",
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, 
FileName, ProcessCommandLine, RemoteIP, RemoteUrl, RemotePort, RemoteIPType
| top 100 by Timestamp

Find network connections by known Tor clients

//Find network connections by known Tor clients
| where Timestamp > ago(7d) and InitiatingProcessFileName in~ ("tor.exe", "meek-client.exe")
// Returns MD5 hashes of files used by Tor, to enable you to block them.
// We count how prevalent each file is (by devices) and show examples for some of them (up to 5 device names per hash).
| summarize DeviceCount=dcount(DeviceId), DeviceNames=make_set(DeviceName, 5) by InitiatingProcessMD5
| order by DeviceCount desc

Table: DeviceNetworkInfo

Link to Microsoft Description: Network properties of machines, including adapters, IP and MAC addresses, as well as connected networks and domains

Table Schema:

Field Description
ConnectedNetworks Networks that the adapter is connected to. Each JSON element in the array contains the network name, category (public, private or domain), a description, and a flag indicating if it’s connected publicly to the internet
DefaultGateways Default gateway addresses in JSON array format
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
DnsAddresses DNS server addresses in JSON array format
IPAddresses JSON array containing all the IP addresses assigned to the adapter, along with their respective subnet prefix and the IP class (RFC 1918 & RFC 4291)
IPv4Dhcp IPv4 address of DHCP server
IPv6Dhcp IPv6 address of DHCP server
MacAddress MAC address of the network adapter
NetworkAdapterName Name of the network adapter
NetworkAdapterStatus Operational status of the network adapter
NetworkAdapterType Network adapter type
NetworkAdapterVendor Name of the manufacturer or vendor of the network adapter
ReportId Event identifier based on a repeating counter.To identify unique events, this column must be used in conjunction with the DeviceName and Timestamp columns.
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated
TunnelType Tunneling protocol, if the interface is used for this purpose, for example 6to4, Teredo, ISATAP, PPTP, SSTP, and SSH


List all devices that have been assigned a specific IP address

let pivotTimeParam = datetime(2020-05-18 19:51:00);
let ipAddressParam = "";
| where Timestamp between ((pivotTimeParam-15m) ..30m) 
    and IPAddresses contains strcat("\", ipAddressParam, \"") 
    and NetworkAdapterStatus == "Up"
//// Optional - add filters to make sure machine is part of the relevant network (and not using that IP address as part of another private network).
//// For example:
// and ConnectedNetworks contains ""
// and IPv4Dhcp == ""
// and DefaultGateways contains "\"\"
| project DeviceName, Timestamp, IPAddresses, TimeDifference=abs(Timestamp-pivotTimeParam)
// In case multiple machines have reported from that IP address arround that time, start with the ones reporting closest to pivotTimeParam
| sort by TimeDifference asc

Table: DeviceProcessEvents

Link to Microsoft Description: Process creation and related events

Table Schema:

Field Description
AccountDomain Domain of the account
AccountName User name of the account
AccountObjectId Unique identifier for the account in Azure AD
AccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account
AccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account
ActionType Type of activity that triggered the event
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event
AppGuardContainerId Identifier for the virtualized container used by Application Guard to isolate browser activity
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
FileName Name of the file that the recorded action was applied to
FileSize Size of the file in bytes
FolderPath Folder containing the file that the recorded action was applied to
InitiatingProcessAccountDomain Domain of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountName User name of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId Azure AD object ID of the user account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessCommandLine Command line used to run the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessCreationTime Date and time when the process that initiated the event was started
InitiatingProcessFileName Name of the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessFileSize Size of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessFolderPath Folder containing the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessId Process ID (PID) of the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel Integrity level of the process that initiated the event. Windows assigns integrity levels to processes based on certain characteristics, such as if they were launched from an internet download. These integrity levels influence permissions to resources.
InitiatingProcessLogonId Identifier for a logon session of the process that initiated the event. This identifier is unique on the same machine only between restarts.
InitiatingProcessMD5 MD5 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime Date and time when the parent of the process responsible for the event was started
InitiatingProcessParentFileName Name of the parent process that spawned the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessParentId Process ID (PID) of the parent process that spawned the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessSHA1 SHA-1 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessSHA256 SHA-256 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event. This field is usually not populated - use the SHA1 column when available.
InitiatingProcessSignatureStatus Information about the signature status of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessSignerType Type of file signer of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessTokenElevation Token type indicating the presence or absence of User Access Control (UAC) privilege elevation applied to the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName Company name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription Description from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName Internal file name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName Original file name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName Product name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion Product version from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
LogonId Identifier for a logon session. This identifier is unique on the same machine only between restarts
MD5 MD5 hash of the file that the recorded action was applied to
ProcessCommandLine Command line used to create the new process
ProcessCreationTime Date and time the process was created
ProcessId Process ID (PID) of the newly created process
ProcessIntegrityLevel Integrity level of the newly created process. Windows assigns integrity levels to processes based on certain characteristics, such as if they were launched from an internet downloaded. These integrity levels influence permissions to resources.
ProcessTokenElevation Indicates the type of token elevation applied to the newly created process. Possible values: TokenElevationTypeLimited (restricted), TokenElevationTypeDefault (standard), and TokenElevationTypeFull (elevated)
ProcessVersionInfoCompanyName Company name from the version information of the newly created process
ProcessVersionInfoFileDescription Description from the version information of the newly created process
ProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName Internal file name from the version information of the newly created process
ProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName Original file name from the version information of the newly created process
ProcessVersionInfoProductName Product name from the version information of the newly created process
ProcessVersionInfoProductVersion Product version from the version information of the newly created process
ReportId Event identifier based on a repeating counter.To identify unique events, this column must be used in conjunction with the DeviceName and Timestamp columns.
SHA1 SHA-1 hash of the file that the recorded action was applied to
SHA256 SHA-256 of the file that the recorded action was applied to
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


ActionType Description
OpenProcess The OpenProcess function was called indicating an attempt to open a handle to a local process and potentially manipulate that process.
ProcessCreated A process was launched on the device.


Check process command lines for attempts to clear event logs

//Check process command lines for attempts to clear event logs
let myDevice = "<insert your device ID>";
| where DeviceId == myDevice and Timestamp > ago(7d) and ((InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains "wevtutil" and (InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains ' cl ' or InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains ' clear ' or InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains ' clearev ' )) 
or (InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains ' wmic ' and InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains ' cleareventlog '))

Find PowerShell activities that occur right after receiving an email from a malicious sender

// Finds PowerShell activities that occurred right after an email was received from a malicious sender
let MaliciousSender = "";
| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
| where SenderFromAddress =~ MaliciousSender
| project EmailRecievedTime = Timestamp, Subject, SenderFromAddress, AccountName = tostring(split(RecipientEmailAddress, "@")[0])
| join (
| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
| where FileName =~ "powershell.exe"
| where InitiatingProcessParentFileName =~ "outlook.exe"
| project ProcessCreateTime = Timestamp, AccountName, DeviceName, InitiatingProcessParentFileName, InitiatingProcessFileName, FileName, ProcessCommandLine
) on AccountName 
| where (ProcessCreateTime - EmailRecievedTime) between (0min .. 30min)

Table: DeviceRegistryEvents

Link to Microsoft Description: Creation and modification of registry entries

Table Schema:

Field Description
ActionType Type of activity that triggered the event
AppGuardContainerId Identifier for the virtualized container used by Application Guard to isolate browser activity
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
InitiatingProcessAccountDomain Domain of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountName User name of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId Azure AD object ID of the user account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessAccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account that ran the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessCommandLine Command line used to run the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessCreationTime Date and time when the process that initiated the event was started
InitiatingProcessFileName Name of the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessFileSize Size of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessFolderPath Folder containing the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessId Process ID (PID) of the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel Integrity level of the process that initiated the event. Windows assigns integrity levels to processes based on certain characteristics, such as if they were launched from an internet download. These integrity levels influence permissions to resources.
InitiatingProcessMD5 MD5 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime Date and time when the parent of the process responsible for the event was started
InitiatingProcessParentFileName Name of the parent process that spawned the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessParentId Process ID (PID) of the parent process that spawned the process responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessSHA1 SHA-1 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessSHA256 SHA-256 hash of the process (image file) that initiated the event. This field is usually not populated - use the SHA1 column when available.
InitiatingProcessTokenElevation Token type indicating the presence or absence of User Access Control (UAC) privilege elevation applied to the process that initiated the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName Company name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription Description from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName Internal file name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName Original file name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName Product name from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion Product version from the version information of the process (image file) responsible for the event
PreviousRegistryKey Original registry key before it was modified
PreviousRegistryValueData Original data of the registry value before it was modified
PreviousRegistryValueName Original name of the registry value before it was modified
RegistryKey Registry key that the recorded action was applied to
RegistryValueData Data of the registry value that the recorded action was applied to
RegistryValueName Name of the registry value that the recorded action was applied to
RegistryValueType Data type, such as binary or string, of the registry value that the recorded action was applied to
ReportId Event identifier based on a repeating counter.To identify unique events, this column must be used in conjunction with the DeviceName and Timestamp columns.
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


ActionType Description
RegistryKeyCreated A registry key was created.
RegistryKeyDeleted A registry key was deleted.
RegistryKeyRenamed A registry key was renamed.
RegistryValueDeleted A registry value was deleted.
RegistryValueSet The data for a registry value was modified.


Check a specific device for the services set to automatically start with Windows

//Check a specific device for the services set to automatically start with Windows
let myDevice = "<insert your device ID>";
| where DeviceId == "35cc086a8bb43808f9586ee890b04a64726a60d6"//myDevice 
    and ActionType in ("RegistryValueSet") 
    and RegistryKey matches regex @"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\.*\\Services\\.*"  
    and RegistryValueName == "Start" and RegistryValueData == "2"
| limit 100

Get the list of devices where certain Microsoft Defender ATP capabilities, such as real-time protection, have been turned off

//Detecting disabling of Defender:
| where RegistryKey has @"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender" 
    and (RegistryValueName has "DisableRealtimeProtection" 
    or RegistryValueName has "DisableRealtimeMonitoring" 
    or RegistryValueName has "DisableBehaviorMonitoring" 
    or RegistryValueName has "DisableIOAVProtection" 
    or RegistryValueName has "DisableScriptScanning" 
    or RegistryValueName has "DisableBlockAtFirstSeen")
    // Where 1 means it’s disabled.
and RegistryValueData has "1" and isnotempty(PreviousRegistryValueData) and Timestamp > ago(7d)
| project Timestamp, ActionType, DeviceId , DeviceName, RegistryKey, RegistryValueName , RegistryValueData,  PreviousRegistryValueData  

Table: DeviceTvmBrowserExtensions

Link to Microsoft Description: Browser extension installations found on devices as shown in Threat & Vulnerability Management

Table Schema:

Field Description
BrowserName Name of the web browser with the extension
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
ExtensionDescription Description from the publisher about the extension
ExtensionId Unique identifier for the browser extension
ExtensionName Name of the extension
ExtensionRisk Risk level for the extension based on the permissions it has requested
ExtensionVendor Name of the vendor offering the extension
ExtensionVersion Version number of the extension
InstallationTime Date and time when the browser extension was first installed
IsActivated Whether the extension is turned on or off on the devices

Table: DeviceTvmBrowserExtensionsKB

Link to Microsoft Description: Knowledge base of browser extension details and permission information used in the Threat & Vulnerability Management browser extensions page

Table Schema:

Field Description
BrowserName Name of the web browser with the extension
ExtensionDescription Description from the publisher about the extension
ExtensionId Unique identifier for the browser extension
ExtensionName Name of the extension
ExtensionRisk Risk level for the extension based on the permissions it has requested
ExtensionVersion Version number of the extension
IsPermissionRequired Whether the permission is required for the extension to run, or optional
PermissionDescription Explanation of what the permission is supposed to do
PermissionId Unique identifier for the permission
PermissionName Name given to each permission based on what the extension is asking for
PermissionRisk Risk level for the permission based on the type of access it would allow

Table: DeviceTvmCertificateInfo

Link to Microsoft Description: Certificate information for devices in the organization

Table Schema:

Field Description
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
ExpirationDate The date and time beyond which the certificate is no longer valid
ExtendedKeyUsage Other valid uses for the certificate
FriendlyName Easy-to-understand version of a certificate's title
IssueDate The earliest date and time when the certificate became valid
IssuedBy Entity that verified the information and signed the certificate
IssuedTo Entity that a certificate belongs to; can be a device, an individual, or an organization
KeySize Size of the key used in the signature algorithm
KeyUsage The valid cryptographic uses of the certificate's public key
Path The location of the certificate
SerialNumber Unique identifier for the certificate within a certificate authority's systems
SignatureAlgorithm Hashing algorithm and encryption algorithm used
SubjectType Indicates if the holder of the certificate is a CA or end entity
Thumbprint Unique identifier for the certificate

Table: DeviceTvmHardwareFirmware

Link to Microsoft Description: The DeviceTvmHardwareFirmware table will hold information about device hardware and firmware, e.g. system model, processor, BIOS, chipset, TPM, Intel ME, etc.

Table Schema:

Field Description
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event
ComponentFamily Component family or class, a grouping of components that have similar features or characteristics as determined by the manufacturer
ComponentName Name of hardware or firmware component
ComponentType Type of hardware or firmware component
ComponentVersion Component version (e.g., BIOS version)
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
Manufacturer Manufacturer of hardware or firmware component


Count the number of Lenovo devices

| where ComponentType == 'Hardware' and Manufacturer == 'lenovo'
| summarize count()

Find all devices with specific BIOS version

| where ComponentType == 'Bios' and ComponentVersion contains '<insert a BIOS version>'
|project DeviceId, DeviceName

Table: DeviceTvmInfoGathering

Link to Microsoft Description: The DeviceTvmInfoGathering table contains Threat & Vulnerability Management assessment events including the status of various configurations and attack surface area states of devices.

Table Schema:

Field Description
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
LastSeenTime Date and time when the service last saw the device
OSPlatform Platform of the operating system running on the device. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 10 and Windows 7
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated

Table: DeviceTvmInfoGatheringKB

Link to Microsoft Description: The DeviceTvmInfoGatheringKB table contains the list of various configuration and attack surface area assessments used by Threat & Vulnerability Management information gathering to assess devices

Table Schema:

Field Description
Categories List of categories that the information belongs to, in JSON array format
DataStructure The data structure of the information gathered
Description Description of the information gathered
FieldName Name of the field where this information appears in the AdditionalFields column of the DeviceTvmInfoGathering table
IgId Unique identifier for the piece of information gathered

Table: DeviceTvmSecureConfigurationAssessment

Link to Microsoft Description: Threat & Vulnerability Management assessment events, indicating the status of various security configurations on devices

Table Schema:

Field Description
ConfigurationCategory Category or grouping to which the configuration belongs
ConfigurationId Unique identifier for a specific configuration
ConfigurationImpact Rated impact of the configuration to the overall configuration score (1-10)
ConfigurationSubcategory Subcategory or subgrouping to which the configuration belongs. In many cases, this describes specific capabilities or features.
Context Configuration context data of the machine
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
IsApplicable Indicates whether the configuration or policy is applicable
IsCompliant Indicates whether the configuration or policy is properly configured
IsExpectedUserImpact Indicates whether there will be user impact if the configuration will be applied
OSPlatform Platform of the operating system running on the device. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 10 and Windows 7
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated

Table: DeviceTvmSecureConfigurationAssessmentKB

Link to Microsoft Description: Knowledge base of various security configurations used by Threat & Vulnerability Management to assess devices; includes mappings to various standards and benchmarks

Table Schema:

Field Description
ConfigurationBenchmarks List of industry benchmarks recommending the same or similar configuration
ConfigurationCategory Category or grouping to which the configuration belongs
ConfigurationDescription Description of the configuration
ConfigurationId Unique identifier for a specific configuration
ConfigurationImpact Rated impact of the configuration to the overall configuration score (1-10)
ConfigurationName Display name of the configuration
ConfigurationSubcategory Subcategory or subgrouping to which the configuration belongs. In many cases, this describes specific capabilities or features.
RemediationOptions Recommended actions to reduce or address any associated risks
RiskDescription Description of any associated risks
Tags Labels representing various attributes used to identify or categorize a security configuration

Table: DeviceTvmSoftwareEvidenceBeta

Link to Microsoft Description: Evidence indicating the existence of a software on a device based on registry paths, disk paths, or both.

Table Schema:

Field Description
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DiskPaths Disk paths on which file level evidence indicating the existence of a software on a device was detected
LastSeenTime Date and time when the service last saw the device
RegistryPaths Registry paths on which evidence indicating the existence of a software on a device was detected
SoftwareName Name of the software product
SoftwareVendor Name of the software vendor
SoftwareVersion Version number of the software product

Table: DeviceTvmSoftwareInventory

Link to Microsoft Description: Inventory of software installed on devices, including their version information and end-of-support status

Table Schema:

Field Description
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
EndOfSupportDate End-of-support (EOS) or end-of-life (EOL) date of the software product
EndOfSupportStatus Indicates the lifecycle stage of the software product relative to its specified end-of-support (EOS) or end-of-life (EOL) date
OSArchitecture Architecture of the operating system running on the machine
OSPlatform Platform of the operating system running on the device. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 10 and Windows 7
OSVersion Version of the operating system running on the machine
ProductCodeCpe The standard Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) name of the software product version
SoftwareName Name of the software product
SoftwareVendor Name of the software vendor
SoftwareVersion Version number of the software product


List software titles which are not supported anymore and the number of devices with these titles

//List software titles which are not supported anymore
| where EndOfSupportStatus == 'EOS Software'
| summarize dcount(DeviceId ) by SoftwareName

Table: DeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilities

Link to Microsoft Description: Software vulnerabilities found on devices and the list of available security updates that address each vulnerability

Table Schema:

Field Description
CveId Unique identifier assigned to the security vulnerability under the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system
CveMitigationStatus Indicates the status of the workaround mitigation for the CVE on this device (possible values: applied, not applied, partially applied, pending reboot)
CveTags Array of tags relevant to the CVE; example: ZeroDay, NoSecurityUpdate
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
OSArchitecture Architecture of the operating system running on the machine
OSPlatform Platform of the operating system running on the device. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 10 and Windows 7
OSVersion Version of the operating system running on the machine
RecommendedSecurityUpdate Name or description of the security update provided by the software vendor to address the vulnerability
RecommendedSecurityUpdateId Identifier of the applicable security updates or identifier for the corresponding guidance or knowledge base (KB) articles
SoftwareName Name of the software product
SoftwareVendor Name of the software vendor
SoftwareVersion Version number of the software product
VulnerabilitySeverityLevel Severity level assigned to the security vulnerability based on the CVSS score and dynamic factors influenced by the threat landscape


List devices affected by a specific vulnerability

| where CveId == 'CVE-2020-0791'
| limit 100

Table: DeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilitiesKB

Link to Microsoft Description: Knowledge base of publicly disclosed vulnerabilities, including whether exploit code is publicly available

Table Schema:

Field Description
AffectedSoftware List of all software products affected by the vulnerability
CveId Unique identifier assigned to the security vulnerability under the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system
CvssScore Severity score assigned to the security vulnerability under the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
IsExploitAvailable Indicates whether exploit code for the vulnerability is publicly available
LastModifiedTime Date and time the item or related metadata was last modified
PublishedDate Date vulnerability was disclosed to the public
VulnerabilityDescription Description of the vulnerability and associated risks
VulnerabilitySeverityLevel Severity level assigned to the security vulnerability based on the CVSS score and dynamic factors influenced by the threat landscape


Get all information on a specific vulnerability

| where CveId == 'CVE-2020-0791'

List vulnerabilities that have an available exploit and were publishde in the last week.

//List vulnerabilities that have an available exploit and were published in the last week.
| where IsExploitAvailable == True and PublishedDate > ago(7d)
| limit 100

Table: EmailAttachmentInfo

Link to Microsoft Description: Information about files attached to Office 365 emails

Table Schema:

Field Description
DetectionMethods Methods used to detect malware, phishing, or other threats found in the email
FileName Name of the file that the recorded action was applied to
FileSize Size of the file in bytes
FileType File extension type
NetworkMessageId Unique identifier for the email, generated by Office 365
RecipientEmailAddress Email address of the recipient, or email address of the recipient after distribution list expansion
RecipientObjectId Unique identifier for the email recipient in Azure AD
ReportId Unique identifier for the event
SenderDisplayName Name of the sender displayed in the address book, typically a combination of a given or first name, a middle initial, and a last name or surname
SenderFromAddress Sender email address in the FROM header, which is visible to email recipients on their email clients
SenderObjectId Unique identifier for the sender’s account in Azure AD
SHA256 SHA-256 of the file that the recorded action was applied to
ThreatNames Detection name for malware or other threats found
ThreatTypes Verdict from the email filtering stack on whether the email contains malware, phishing, or other threats
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


Find the appearance of files sent by a specific malicious sender on devices on the network

// Finds the first appearance of files sent by a malicious sender in your organization
let MaliciousSender = "<insert the sender email address>";
| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
| where SenderFromAddress =~ MaliciousSender
| project SHA256 = tolower(SHA256)
| join (
| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
) on SHA256
| summarize FirstAppearance = min(Timestamp) by DeviceName, SHA256, FileName

List all email messages with attachments that were sent to external domains

| where EmailDirection == "Outbound" and AttachmentCount > 0
| join EmailAttachmentInfo on NetworkMessageId 
| project Timestamp, Subject, SenderFromAddress, RecipientEmailAddress, NetworkMessageId, FileName, AttachmentCount 
| take 100

Table: EmailEvents

Link to Microsoft Description: Office 365 email events, including email delivery and blocking events

Table Schema:

Field Description
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event
AttachmentCount Number of attachments in the email
AuthenticationDetails List of pass or fail verdicts by email authentication protocols like DMARC, DKIM, SPF or a combination of multiple authentication types (CompAuth)
BulkComplaintLevel Threshold assigned to email from bulk mailers, a high bulk complain level (BCL) means the email is more likely to generate complaints, and thus more likely to be spam
ConfidenceLevel List of confidence levels of any spam or phishing verdicts. For spam, this column shows the spam confidence level (SCL), indicating if the email was skipped (-1), found to be not spam (0,1), found to be spam with moderate confidence (5,6), or found to be spam with high confidence (9). For phishing, this column displays whether the confidence level is "High" or "Low".
Connectors Custom instructions that define organizational mail flow and how the email was routed
DeliveryAction Delivery action of the email: Delivered, Junked, Blocked, or Replaced
DeliveryLocation Location where the email was delivered: Inbox/Folder, On-premises/External, Junk, Quarantine, Failed, Dropped, Deleted items
DetectionMethods Methods used to detect malware, phishing, or other threats found in the email
EmailAction Final action taken on the email based on filter verdict, policies, and user actions: Move message to junk mail folder, Add X-header, Modify subject, Redirect message, Delete message, send to quarantine, No action taken, Bcc message
EmailActionPolicy Action policy that took effect: Antispam high-confidence, Antispam, Antispam bulk mail, Antispam phishing, Anti-phishing domain impersonation, Anti-phishing user impersonation, Anti-phishing spoof, Anti-phishing graph impersonation, Antimalware Safe Attachments, Enterprise Transport Rules (ETR)
EmailActionPolicyGuid Unique identifier for the policy that determined the final mail action
EmailClusterId Identifier for the group of similar emails clustered based on heuristic analysis of their contents
EmailDirection Direction of the email relative to your network: Inbound, Outbound, Intra-org
EmailLanguage Detected language of the email content
InternetMessageId Public-facing identifier for the email that is set by the sending email system
NetworkMessageId Unique identifier for the email, generated by Office 365
OrgLevelAction Action taken on the email in response to matches to a policy defined at the organizational level
OrgLevelPolicy Organizational policy that triggered the action taken on the email
RecipientEmailAddress Email address of the recipient, or email address of the recipient after distribution list expansion
RecipientObjectId Unique identifier for the email recipient in Azure AD
ReportId Unique identifier for the event
SenderDisplayName Name of the sender displayed in the address book, typically a combination of a given or first name, a middle initial, and a last name or surname
SenderFromAddress Sender email address in the FROM header, which is visible to email recipients on their email clients
SenderFromDomain Sender domain in the FROM header, which is visible to email recipients on their email clients
SenderIPv4 IPv4 address of the last detected mail server that relayed the message
SenderIPv6 IPv6 address of the last detected mail server that relayed the message
SenderMailFromAddress Sender email address in the MAIL FROM header, also known as the envelope sender or the Return-Path address
SenderMailFromDomain Sender domain in the MAIL FROM header, also known as the envelope sender or the Return-Path address
SenderObjectId Unique identifier for the sender’s account in Azure AD
Subject Subject of the email
ThreatNames Detection name for malware or other threats found
ThreatTypes Verdict from the email filtering stack on whether the email contains malware, phishing, or other threats
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated
UrlCount Number of embedded URLs in the email
UserLevelAction Action taken on the email in response to matches to a mailbox policy defined by the recipient
UserLevelPolicy End user mailbox policy that triggered the action taken on the email


Get the number of phishing emails from the top ten sender domains

//Get the number of phishing emails from the top ten sender domains
| where ThreatTypes has "Phish"
| summarize Count = count() by SenderFromDomain
| top 10 by Count

List all email messages found containing malware

| where ThreatTypes has "Malware"
| limit 500

Table: EmailPostDeliveryEvents

Link to Microsoft Description: Security events that occur post-delivery, after Office 365 has delivered an email message to the recipient mailbox

Table Schema:

Field Description
Action Action taken on the entity
ActionResult Result of the action
ActionTrigger Indicates whether an action was triggered by an administrator (manually or through approval of a pending automated action), or by some special mechanism, such as a ZAP or Dynamic Delivery
ActionType Type of activity that triggered the event
DeliveryLocation Location where the email was delivered: Inbox/Folder, On-premises/External, Junk, Quarantine, Failed, Dropped, Deleted items
DetectionMethods Methods used to detect malware, phishing, or other threats found in the email
InternetMessageId Public-facing identifier for the email that is set by the sending email system
NetworkMessageId Unique identifier for the email, generated by Office 365
RecipientEmailAddress Email address of the recipient, or email address of the recipient after distribution list expansion
ReportId Unique identifier for the event
ThreatTypes Verdict from the email filtering stack on whether the email contains malware, phishing, or other threats
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


ActionType Description
Malware ZAP Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) took action on an email message found containing malware after delivery.
Manual Remediation An administrator manually took action on an email message after it was delivered to the user mailbox. This includes actions taken manually through Threat Explorer or approvals of automated investigation and response (AIR) actions.
Phish ZAP Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) took action on a phishing email after delivery.
Spam ZAP Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) took action on spam email after delivery.


Find unremediated emails that were identified as phishing after delivery

| where ActionType == 'Phish ZAP' and ActionResult == 'Error'
| join EmailEvents on NetworkMessageId, RecipientEmailAddress 

Get detailed processing information up until post-delivery of an email with a specific subject from a particular sender

let mySender = "<insert sender email address>";
let subject = "<insert email subject>";
| where SenderFromAddress == mySender and Subject == subject
| join EmailPostDeliveryEvents on NetworkMessageId, RecipientEmailAddress

List all actions taken or approved by administrators manually on emails after delivery

| where ActionTrigger == 'AdminAction'
| limit 100

Table: EmailUrlInfo

Link to Microsoft Description: Information about URLs on Office 365 emails

Table Schema:

Field Description
NetworkMessageId Unique identifier for the email, generated by Office 365
ReportId Unique identifier for the event
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated
Url Full Url from email
UrlDomain Domain name or host name of the URL
UrlLocation Indicates which part of the email the URL is located


List all URLs in the body of a specific email

let myEmailId = "<insert your email NetworkMessageId>";
| where NetworkMessageId == myEmailId
| join EmailUrlInfo on NetworkMessageId
| project Timestamp, Subject, SenderFromAddress, RecipientEmailAddress, NetworkMessageId, Url, UrlCount

Table: IdentityDirectoryEvents

Link to Microsoft Description: Events involving a domain controller or a directory service, such as Active Directory (AD ) or Azure AD

Table Schema:

Field Description
AccountDisplayName Name displayed in the address book entry for the account user. This is usually a combination of the given name, middle initial, and surname of the user.
AccountDomain Domain of the account
AccountName User name of the account
AccountObjectId Unique identifier for the account in Azure AD
AccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account
AccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account
ActionType Type of activity that triggered the event
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event
Application Application that performed the recorded action
DestinationDeviceName Name of the device running the server application that processed the recorded action
DestinationIPAddress IP address of the device running the server application that processed the recorded action
DestinationPort Destination port of the activity
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
IPAddress IP address assigned to the device during communication
ISP Internet service provider associated with the IP address
Location City, country, or other geographic location associated with the event
Port TCP port used during communication
Protocol Protocol used during the communication
ReportId Unique identifier for the event
TargetAccountDisplayName Display name of the account that the recorded action was applied to
TargetAccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account that the recorded action was applied to
TargetDeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device that the recorded action was applied to
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


ActionType Description
Account Constrained Delegation SPNs changed Constrained delegation restricts the services to which the specified server can act on behalf of the user.
Account Constrained Delegation State changed The account state is now enabled or disabled for delegation.
Account Delegation changed The account state is now enabled or disabled for delegation.
Account Deleted changed User account was deleted.
Account Disabled changed Indicates whether an account is disabled or enabled.
Account Display Name changed User's display name was changed.
Account expired Date when the account expires.
Account Expiry Time changed Change to the date when the account expires.
Account Locked changed Change to the date when the account expires.
Account Name changed User's name was changed.
Account Password changed User changed their password.
Account Password expired User's password expired.
Account Password Never Expires changed User's password changed to never expire.
Account Password Not Required changed User account was changed allow logging in with a blank password.
Account Path changed User Distinguished name was changed from X to Y.
Account Smart Card Required changed Account changes to require users to log on to a device using a smart card.
Account Supported Encryption Types changed Kerberos supported encryption types were changed(types: Des, AES 129, AES 256).
Account Upn Name changed User's principle name was changed.
Device Account Created A new device account was created.
Device Operating System changed An operating system attribute was changed.
Directory Service replication User tried to replicate the directory service.
Group Membership changed User was added/removed, to/from a group, by another user or by themselves.
Potential lateral movement path identified Identified potential lateral movement path to a sensitive user.
PowerShell execution User attempted to remotely execute a PowerShell command.
Private Data Retrieval User attempted/succeeded to query private data using LSARPC protocol.
Security Principal created Account was created (both user and computer).
Security Principal deleted changed Account was deleted/restored (both user and computer).
Security Principal Display Name changed Account display name was changed from X to Y.
Security Principal Name changed Account name attribute was changed.
Security Principal Path changed Account Distinguished name was changed from X to Y.
Security Principal Sam Name changed SAM name changed (SAM is the logon name used to support clients and servers running earlier versions of the operating system).
Service creation User attempted to remotely create a specific service to a remote machine.
SMB session User attempted to enumerate all users with open SMB sessions on the domain controllers.
SmbFileCopy User copied files using SMB.
Task scheduling User tried to remotely schedule X task to a remote machine.
User Mail changed Users email attribute was changed.
User Manager changed User's manager attribute was changed.
User Phone Number changed User's phone number attribute was changed.
User Title changed User's title attribute was changed.
Wmi execution User attempted to remotely execute a WMI method.


Find the latest password change event for a specific account

//Find the latest password change event for a specific account
let userAccount = '<insert your user account>';
let deviceAccount = 'insert your device account';
| where ActionType == 'Account Password changed'
| where TargetAccountDisplayName == userAccount
//If you are looking for last password change of a device account comment the above row and remove comment from the below row
//| where TargetDeviceName == deviceAccount
| summarize LastPasswordChangeTime = max(Timestamp) by TargetAccountDisplayName // or change to TargetDeviceName for devcie account

List changes made to a specific group

let group = '<insert your group>';
| where ActionType == 'Group Membership changed'
| extend AddedToGroup = AdditionalFields['TO.GROUP']
| extend RemovedFromGroup = AdditionalFields['FROM.GROUP']
| extend TargetAccount = AdditionalFields['TARGET_OBJECT.USER']
| where AddedToGroup == group or RemovedFromGroup == group
| project-reorder Timestamp, ActionType, AddedToGroup, RemovedFromGroup, TargetAccount
| limit 100

Table: IdentityInfo

Link to Microsoft Description: Account information from various sources, including Azure Active Directory

Table Schema:

Field Description
AccountDisplayName Name displayed in the address book entry for the account user. This is usually a combination of the given name, middle initial, and surname of the user.
AccountDomain Domain of the account
AccountName User name of the account
AccountObjectId Unique identifier for the account in Azure AD
AccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account
City City where the client IP address is geolocated
CloudSid Cloud security identifier of the account
Country Country/Region where the account user is located
Department Name of the department that the account user belongs to
EmailAddress SMTP address of the account
GivenName Given name or first name of the account user
IsAccountEnabled Indicates whether the account is enabled or not
JobTitle Job title of the account user
OnPremSid On-premises security identifier (SID) of the account
SipProxyAddress Voice of over IP (VOIP) session initiation protocol (SIP) address of the account
Surname Surname, family name, or last name of the account user


List all users in a specific department

let MyDepartment= "<insert your department>";
| where Department == MyDepartment
| summarize by AccountObjectId, AccountUpn 

List all users located in a particular country

let MyCountry= "<insert your contry>";
| where Country  == MyCountry
| summarize by AccountObjectId, AccountUpn 

Table: IdentityLogonEvents

Link to Microsoft Description: Authentication events recorded by Active Directory and other Microsoft online services

Table Schema:

Field Description
AccountDisplayName Name displayed in the address book entry for the account user. This is usually a combination of the given name, middle initial, and surname of the user.
AccountDomain Domain of the account
AccountName User name of the account
AccountObjectId Unique identifier for the account in Azure AD
AccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account
AccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account
ActionType Type of activity that triggered the event
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event
Application Application that performed the recorded action
DestinationDeviceName Name of the device running the server application that processed the recorded action
DestinationIPAddress IP address of the device running the server application that processed the recorded action
DestinationPort Destination port of the activity
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
DeviceType Type of device based on purpose and functionality, such as network device, workstation, server, mobile, gaming console, or printer
FailureReason Information explaining why the recorded action failed
IPAddress IP address assigned to the device during communication
ISP Internet service provider associated with the IP address
Location City, country, or other geographic location associated with the event
LogonType Type of logon session, specifically interactive, remote interactive (RDP), network, batch, and service
OSPlatform Platform of the operating system running on the device. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 10 and Windows 7
Port TCP port used during communication
Protocol Protocol used during the communication
ReportId Unique identifier for the event
TargetAccountDisplayName Display name of the account that the recorded action was applied to
TargetDeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device that the recorded action was applied to
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


ActionType Description
LogonFailed A user attempted to logon to the device but failed.
LogonSuccess A user successfully logged on to the device.


Find LDAP authentication attempts using cleartext passwords

// Find processes that performed LDAP authentication with cleartext passwords
| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
| where Protocol == "LDAP" //and isnotempty(AccountName)
| project LogonTime = Timestamp, DeviceName, Application, ActionType, LogonType //,AccountName
| join kind=inner (
| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
| where ActionType == "ConnectionSuccess"
| extend DeviceName = toupper(trim(@"\..*$",DeviceName))
| where RemotePort == "389"
| project NetworkConnectionTime = Timestamp, DeviceName, AccountName = InitiatingProcessAccountName, InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine  
) on DeviceName
| where LogonTime - NetworkConnectionTime between (-2m .. 2m)
| project Application, LogonType, ActionType, LogonTime, DeviceName, InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine //, AccountName

Table: IdentityQueryEvents

Link to Microsoft Description: Query activities performed against Active Directory objects, such as users, groups, devices, and domains

Table Schema:

Field Description
AccountDisplayName Name displayed in the address book entry for the account user. This is usually a combination of the given name, middle initial, and surname of the user.
AccountDomain Domain of the account
AccountName User name of the account
AccountObjectId Unique identifier for the account in Azure AD
AccountSid Security Identifier (SID) of the account
AccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account
ActionType Type of activity that triggered the event
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event
Application Application that performed the recorded action
DestinationDeviceName Name of the device running the server application that processed the recorded action
DestinationIPAddress IP address of the device running the server application that processed the recorded action
DestinationPort Destination port of the activity
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
IPAddress IP address assigned to the device during communication
Location City, country, or other geographic location associated with the event
Port TCP port used during communication
Protocol Protocol used during the communication
Query String used to run the query
QueryTarget User, group, domain, or any other entity being queried
QueryType Type of the query
ReportId Unique identifier for the event
TargetAccountDisplayName Display name of the account that the recorded action was applied to
TargetAccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account that the recorded action was applied to
TargetDeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device that the recorded action was applied to
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated


ActionType Description
DNS query Type of query user performed against the domain controller (AXFR, TXT, MX, NS, SRV, ANY, DNSKEY)
LDAP query An LDAP query was performed.
LdapQuery An LDAP query was performed.
SAMR query A SAMR query was performed.


Find use of net.exe to send SAMR queries to Active Directory

// Find processes that sent SAMR queries to Active Directory
| where Timestamp > ago(3d)
| where ActionType == "SAMR query" 
//    and isnotempty(AccountName)
| project QueryTime = Timestamp, DeviceName, AccountName, Query, QueryTarget 
| join kind=inner (
| where Timestamp > ago(3d)
| extend DeviceName = toupper(trim(@"\..*$",DeviceName))
//| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains "net.exe"
| project ProcessCreationTime = Timestamp, DeviceName, AccountName,
     InitiatingProcessFileName , InitiatingProcessCommandLine
    ) on DeviceName//, AccountName
| where ProcessCreationTime - QueryTime between (-2m .. 2m)
| project QueryTime, DeviceName, InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, Query, QueryTarget //,AccountName

Table: UrlClickEvents

Link to Microsoft Description: Events involving URLs clicked, selected, or requested on Microsoft Defender for Office 365

Table Schema:

Field Description
AccountUpn User principal name (UPN) of the account
ActionType Type of activity that triggered the event
DetectionMethods Methods used to detect whether the URL contains or leads to malware, phishing, or other threats
IPAddress IP address assigned to the device during communication
IsClickedThrough Indicates whether the user was able to click through to the original URL or not
NetworkMessageId Unique identifier for the email from which the URL was clicked
ReportId Unique identifier for the event
ThreatTypes Verdict on whether the URL leads to malware, phishing, or other threats
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated
Url URL that was clicked
UrlChain List of URLs in the redirection chain
Workload Information about the workload from which the URL originated from


ActionType Description
ClickAllowed The user was allowed to navigate to the URL.
ClickBlocked The user was blocked from navigating to the URL.
ClickBlockedByTenantPolicy The user was blocked from navigating to the URL by a tenant policy.
UrlErrorPage The URL the user clicked showed an error page.
UrlScanInProgress The URL the user clicked is being scanned by Safe Links.