Welcome to
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The Open Source GIS Stack
This project aims to provide a rich, integrated, open source based GIS stack for servers for those with limited experience in setting up such things.
Documentation for this platform
- Tim Sutton
- Charles Dixon-Paver
These are legacy notes to be removed or carefully incorporated into the notes above as necessary.
This repo contains a worked example of running the stack as described above. There are numerous references to the testing domain 'castelo.kartoza.com' in various configuration files that should be replaced with your own preferred domain name before running any of these images. One simple way to do so is to install the 'rpl' command line tool and then replace all instances of the aforementioned domain named e.g.:
sudo apt install rpl rpl castelo.kartoza.com your.domain.com *
After doing that make sure you have a valid DNS entry pointing to your host - you will need this for the Certbot/Letsencrypt bot to work.
Similarly there is a reference to my email in the letsencrypt init script
which you need to change to your own email address in init-letsencrypt.sh
Make sure the steps above have been carried out then run the init script.
After successfully running it will terminate wiith a message like this:
### Requesting Let's Encrypt certificate for castelo.kartoza.com ...
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Plugins selected: Authenticator webroot, Installer None
Requesting a certificate for castelo.kartoza.com
Performing the following challenges:
http-01 challenge for castelo.kartoza.com
Using the webroot path /var/www/certbot for all unmatched domains.
Waiting for verification...
Cleaning up challenges
- Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at:
Your key file has been saved at:
Your certificate will expire on 2021-05-30. To obtain a new or
tweaked version of this certificate in the future, simply run
certbot again. To non-interactively renew *all* of your
certificates, run "certbot renew"
- If you like Certbot, please consider supporting our work by:
Donating to ISRG / Let's Encrypt: https://letsencrypt.org/donate
Donating to EFF: https://eff.org/donate-le
### Reloading nginx ...
2021/03/01 22:50:52 [notice] 33#33: signal process started
If you have any issues checking out the certificate etc. then check the nginx logs:
docker-compose logs -f nginx
After the above steps, a subset of the services will be running.
docker-compose ps
Which should show something like this:
Name Command State Ports
maceiramergindbsync_db_1 /bin/sh -c /scripts/docker ... Up (healthy)>5432/tcp
maceiramergindbsync_geoserver_ /bin/sh /scripts/entrypoint.sh Up (healthy) 8080/tcp, 8443/tcp
maceiramergindbsync_mapproxy_1 /start.sh mapproxy-util se ... Up 8080/tcp
maceiramergindbsync_nginx_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh /bin ... Up>443/tcp,>80/tcp
maceiramergindbsync_postgrest_ /bin/sh -c exec postgrest ... Up>3000/tcp
maceiramergindbsync_qgis- /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/ ... Up 80/tcp,
maceiramergindbsync_swagger_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh sh / ... Up 80/tcp,>8080/tcp
Before we bring up the OSM mirror and the Mergin Sync serviice we need to do some additional configuration. In the next subsection we will set up the OSM mirror clip region:
Mergin db sync is not currently in docker hub, so you need to build the docker image yourself. First check out the mergin-db-source.
make redeploy-mergin
Note: They do now have an image available - need to swap to using that in docker-compose
The first time you run, you need to configure superset by using the init container:
docker-compose up superset-init
Doing that will create a user with credentials admin/admin
There is also a config file in superset_conf/superset_config.py
which manages permissions for
public users.
You need to also assign the following permissions to the Public role:
[can csrf token on Superset, can explore json on Superset, can explore on Superset, can dashboard on Superset, datasource access on [smallholding].[vw_vegetation_points](id:4)]
I also made a Public user which is linked to the Gamma role:
That public user needs to be given access to each chart that you want to publicly share in your dashboards:
Lastly, that public user also needs to be given access to each dashboard that you want to publicly share:
Once you have that in place, you should be able to share dashboards that do not need users to log in.
See also apache/superset#7763 and https://superset.apache.org/docs/security .
docker-compose up -d
Note that some services are intended to be run once only so you may see errors e.g. for odm which you can ignore.
<<<<<<< HEAD
See https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/292358 on how to export your postgresql data base layers to vector mbtiles and https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/mbtiles.html for the config file format. See also the PG provider docs here: https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/pg.html
For example here we convert our OSM mirror to an mbtiles vector tile store:
ogr2ogr -f MBTILES target.mbtiles PG:"dbname='gis' host='localhost' port='15432' user='docker' password='docker'" -dsco MAXZOOM=10
Check out https://twitter.com/complementterre?s=20 Julien Ancelin's work for making a low budget RTK GPS receiver for use with INPUT
A great primer on vector tiles, particularly with relevance to QGIS. https://wanderingcartographer.wordpress.com/2021/01/09/qgis-3-and-vector-map-tiles/
Take special note of the fact that the passing of environment variables to the docker container is desribed here. Especially this line:
These variables match the options shown in our Configuration section, except they are capitalized, have a PGRST_ prefix, and use underscores.
So for example openapi-server-proxy-ur
This latter environment variable is important by the way to present a public url for the api running inside the docker container.
I based some of my Nginx configuration on the excellent example by Johnny Lambada.
Here is how I loaded raster data into the database:
Flags used:
-d Drop table, create new one and populate it with raster(s)
-t TILE_SIZE Cut raster into tiles to be inserted one per table row. TILE_SIZE
is expressed as WIDTHxHEIGHT or set to the value "auto" to allow the loader to
compute an appropriate tile size using the first raster and applied to all
-F Add a column with the name of the file
-I Create a GiST index on the raster column.
-s <SRID> Assign output raster with specified SRID. If not provided or is zero,
raster's metadata will be checked to determine an appropriate SRID.
-l OVERVIEW_FACTOR Create overview of the raster. For more than one factor,
separate with comma(,). Overview table name follows the pattern o_overview
factor_table, where overview factor is a placeholder for numerical overview
factor and table is replaced with the base table name. Created overview is
stored in the database and is not affected by -R. Note that your generated sql
file will contain both the main table and overview tables.
(Above copied directly from raster2pgsql help docs)
echo "create schema raster;" | psql -h localhost -p 15432 -U docker gis
cd /home/timlinux/gisdata/Maceira/orthophoto
raster2pgsql -s 32629 -t 256x256 -C -l 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512 -P -F -I odm_orthophoto.tif raster.orthophoto | psql -h localhost -p 15432 -U docker gis
cd /home/timlinux/gisdata/Maceira/elevation
raster2pgsql -s 32629 -t 256x256 -C -l 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512 -d -P -F -I dtm.tif raster.dtm | psql -h localhost -p 15432 -U docker gis
raster2pgsql -s 32629 -t 256x256 -C -l 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512 -d -P -F -I dsm.tif raster.dsm | psql -h localhost -p 15432 -U docker gis
cd -
Note this project includes automation for creating ODM mosaics and loading them into Postgresql - see the Makefile odm related tasks.
Some discussion suggest to set authdb configuration parameters in Apache/Nginx but I found it would only work if I set these in the environment of the QGIS Server docker container.
See this for notes on how to automate publishing from github.
Fonts used in this project are from Google Fonts, checked out using:
git clone git@github.com:google/fonts.git