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76 lines (59 loc) · 2.62 KB

File metadata and controls

76 lines (59 loc) · 2.62 KB


punt is a cli tool that makes adb logcat better.

adb logcat |



  • Automatically track your apps logs even if the PID changes when your app crashes or restarts
  • Save filters in a configuration file so you can easily switch between different configuration for different apps
  • Run filters which are quite challenging to run on the adb logcat command line, two important use cases are
    • Select all log lines which are generated by your app but remove some specific matches (using simple strings or regex)
    • Select all log lines which are generated by other apps but have some specific matches (usings simple strings or regex)
  • Automatically save logs for each session to disk - all day. Each line is prefixed with dir name of current logs for easy reference
  • Select custom log levels such as just "verbose" and "fatal"
  • Nice colored formatting on screen
  • Track process memory usage, thread count and exceptions
  • Easily save and reuse configuration/filters
  • Highlights lines which are logging from UI/main thread
  • Log only lines from UI/main thread


git clone punt
cd punt
pip install -r requirements.txt


punt reads the PUNT_CONFIG environment variable for the full path of your config file, set it like so

export PUNT_CONFIG="~/.punt_configs/my_first_config.conf"

or set it up permanently in your bash/zshr file if you want to change to another configuration, just export the path to PUNT_CONFIG and restart punt

Sample config

#your app package name
pids =

#log lines from your package containing these words will be ignored
reject = words, or_comma_separated, regex_patterns

#these lines from untracked packages will additionally be included
select = words, or_regex

#your directory for saving logs; each time you start a punt session, it creates a new sub directory to save files under this
log_dir = ~/logs

 #chose which log levels you want, for example, no info is "vdwef"
log_levels = vdiwef

#each file is saved using format "log-n.txt" with so many lines per file
file_size = 25000

#select only logs printed on main thread (yes/no)
only_main_thread = yes


cd punt # directory where you cloned the git repo
chmod +x
adb logcat |

Output format

{time} {pid}({tid}) {tag} {level} {message}

session-id is the name of the directory in which the current session log files are being saved - its 4 characters long. for example, you can find the files in ~/logs//log-37.txt