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Papers using TMB

Jim Thorson edited this page Jun 20, 2015 · 35 revisions

List of papers that uses TMB (first come, first served):

  • Thorson, J., Ianelli, J., Munch, S., Ono, K.‡, and Spencer, P. In press. Spatial delay-difference models for estimating spatiotemporal variation in juvenile production and population abundance. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
  • James T. Thorson, Hans Skaug, Kasper Kristensen, Andrew O. Shelton, Eric J. Ward, John Harms, Jim Benante. 2015. The importance of spatial models for estimating the strength of density dependence. Ecology. 96:1202–1212.
  • James T. Thorson, Andrew O. Shelton, Eric J. Ward, and Hans Skaug. 2015. Geostatistical delta-generalized linear mixed models improve precision for estimated abundance indices for West Coast groundfishes. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72 (5): 1297-1310.
  • Thorson, J. Skaug, H., Shelton, A.O., Kristensen, K., and Scheuerell, M. In press. Spatial factor analysis: a new tool estimating multispecies spatial distributions and correlated distributions among species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
  • Thorson, J. 2015. Spatio-temporal variation in fish condition is not consistently explained by density, temperature, or season for Northeast Pacific groundfishes. Mar. Ecol. Progress Series. 526:101-112.
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