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Striver SDE sheet solution approaches.

Only the best (sometimes optimal) solution would be included.
Arrays (Day 1) Arrays (Day 2)
Sort an arrray of 0s, 1s and 2s Set matrix zeroes
Find repeat and missing number Pascal's Triangle
Merge without extra space Next Permutation
Kadane's algorithm
Merge overlapping intervals
Find duplicates in array of n+1 elements

1. Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s.

  • Basic idea is to take 3 indices: lo = 0, mid = 0 and hi = n-1.
  • All elements from [0 ... lo] will be 0.
  • All elements from [hi ... n-1] will be 2.
  • At each iteration you compare the mid element.

2. Find missing and repeat number.

  • The properties of xor are used-
    • x ^ x = 0.
    • 0 ^ x = x.
  • Let A = [5, 1, 2, 2, 3].
  • Take xor of whole array.
  • Take xor of nums from 1 to n.
  • (5 ^ 1 ^ 2 ^ 2 ^ 3) ^ (1 ^ 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 ^ 5) = 2 ^ 4 = 6.
    • Which is of the form x ^ y.
    • One of them is the missing num and the other is repeating.
  • We group the array elements into 2 groups-
    • 1st group: MSB of A[i] and resultant xor is set.
      • [5].
    • 2nd group: MSB of A[i] and resultant xor is not set.
      • [1, 2, 2, 3].
  • We do the same thing for nums from 1 to n-
    • 1st group: [5] | [4, 5].
    • 2nd group: [1, 2, 2, 3] | [1, 2, 3].
  • When we take the xor-
    • 1st group: (5) ^ (4 ^ 5) = 4.
    • 2nd group: (1 ^ 2 ^ 2 ^ 3) ^ (1 ^ 2 ^ 3) = 2.

3. Merge without extra space.

It is a modified version of shell sort a.k.a. the gap method:
  • We take the first gap as, gap = ceil((m+n)/2).
  • The next gap will be gap = ceil(gap/2) till the gap > 0.
  • For each iteration of gap, we swap if the before element is bigger than the later element. The gap method
  • Few cases arises to find which array the left index (lets say 'i') and the right index (lets say 'j') will belong to [please, refer to code for detailed explanation]:
    • Both i and j belong to array 1.
    • i belong to array 1 and j belong to array 2.
    • Both i and j belong to array 2.

4. Kadane's algorithm.

  • Finding the maximum sum sub-array.
  • Basic idea is to keep summing the array elements till and taking the maximum among them and whenever the sum becomes negative we make it 0.
  • Lets say at an index i the sum is negative, it means that the result upto i is not any good because even if there is a positive element after i the total sum will still be less than if we would've considered only the next element. If the next element is negative (or 0), adding it to a negative sum will give more negative result. Hence, we make the sum as 0.
  • We initialize the result as a minimum value because if all the numbers were negative, then the result would be the least negative value which is how the algorithm is designed to produce.

5. Merge overlapping intervals.

  • Make sure to sort the intervals.
  • The basic idea is to compare the end of the last interval in result to the start of the ith interval.
  • Push the first interval into result.
  • Now, for the next intervals there are few cases:
  • In the first case, you skip the interval as it completely lies inside.
  • In the second case, you change the end of the last interval in result to the end of the current interval.
  • In the third case, you push the current interval in the result.

6. Find duplicates in array of n+1 elements.

7. Set matrix zeroes.

  • Basic idea is to traverse the whole matrix and lets say the a[i][j] is 0:
    • We keep track of row i by marking the a[0][i] as 0.
    • We keep track of column j by marking the a[i][0] as 0.

  • Now, there is an edge case (this edge case can be vice-versa):
    • Suppose there is a 0 in the first row but there are no 0s in the first column.
    • In this case we would mark a[0][0] as 0 which in turn would mark the entire first column as 0 which is wrong.
    • To prevent that, we would only use a[0][0] to mark for the first row and we keep another boolean variable to mark if there are any zeroes in the first column.
  • Then, we traverse from the end and we mark an element a[i][j] as 0 if a[0][j] == 0 or a[i][0] is 0 and we carefully mark the 0th column only if the boolean is false.

8. Pascal's Triangle.

  • 3 types of questions:
    • Given n, print first n rows.
    • Given n and i, print the ith elment in nth row.
    • Given n, print the nth row.
  • Refer to code :).

9. Next Permutation.

  • The task here is to get a sequence which is greater than the current sequence.
  • The greater sequence should be as minimum as possible.
  • 1 3 5 4 2 => 1 4 2 3 5
  • 4 3 2 1 5 => 4 3 2 5 1
  • 5 1 3 4 2 => 5 1 4 2 3
  • To find that, we first need some position 'i' such that changing that will give the next permutation.
  • To find that position, we have to traverse from the back because we need the just greater sequence than the current sequence.
  • So if a[i] > a[i+1], putting a[i+1] in a[i]th place won't do any good because we will get a lesser sequence.
  • We want to change the ith position where a[i] < a[i+1]
    • 1 3(i) 5 4 2
  • Now, we wanna change it something which is just bigger than this, to find that we can traverse from back again and we stop traversing when we find an a[j] > a[i] and swap(a[i], a[j]).
    • 1 3(i) 5 4(j) 2 => 1 4(i) 5 3(j) 2
  • Now, we see that the part [i+1, n] is in descending order but we want a sequence which is as smaller in lexicoghraphical order as possible so we reverse them.
    • 1 4 2 3 5