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AceQL HTTP v12.3 - June15, 2024

API User Guide


AceQL Draw

Using the API

The AceQL HTTP API allows you to execute SQL queries and updates on remote databases using pure HTTP calls, with a fluent and simple to use REST like API.

The Server operation is described in Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

This document describes all AceQL URLs to use in your HTTP calls. It also contains easy to copy and paste examples in cURL.

C# SDK, Java JDBC Driver, and Python SDK

AceQL HTTP includes a C#, a Java JDBC Driver and a Python SDK that wrap the API and eliminate the tedious works of handling communications errors and parsing JSON results:

Reading this User Guide is NOT required if you intend to use C#, Java or Python on client side.

Authentication & session creation

Authentication and session creation is done with login call, which:

  • Allows you to specify the username and password to gain access to a remote AceQL Server.
  • Allows you to specify the database to use during the session.
  • Sends back a session ID that will be used in all subsequent calls for authentication.

AceQL Server responses

Responses are returned in easy to read and parse JSON format.

All responses contain the status key name, whose value is either:

  • "OK" if the call was successful.
  • "FAIL" if an error occurred.

JSON error format

In case of error, the returned JSON always contains:

  "error_type":{error type numeric value},
  "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}"
  "http_status":{http status code numeric value}

In some cases,the full Java Exception stack trace is included in the JSON:

  "error_type":{error type numeric value},
  "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
  "http_status":{http status code numeric value}
  "stack_trace":{remote Java stack trace in string format}


Key Name Value
error_type A numeric value between 0 and 4 describing the type of error that occurred. See possible values below.
error_message The detailed error message.
http_status The HTTP Response Status Code. See possible values below.
stack_trace The Java Exception stack trace, if any.

The error_type key

The error_type key allows you to get the type of error, and where the error occurred:

error_type Value Description
0 The error occurred locally on the client side. See http_status for more info. Typical cases: no Internet connection, proxy authentication required.
1 The error is due to a JDBC Exception. It was raised by the remote JDBC Driver and is rerouted by AceQL as is. The JDBC error message is accessible via the error_message key. Typical case: an error in the SQL statement. Examples: wrong table or column name.
2 The error was raised by the AceQL Server. This means that the AceQL Server expected a value or parameter that was not sent by the client side. Typical cases: misspelling in URL parameter, missing required request parameters, JDBC Connection expiration, etc. The detailed error message is accessible via the error_message key. See below for the most common AceQL Server errors messages.
3 The AceQL Server forbade the execution of the SQL statement for a security reason. For security reasons, the error_message key gives access to voluntarily vague details.
4 The AceQL Server is on failure and raised an unexpected Java Exception. The stack track is included and accessible via the stack_trace key.

Most common AceQL server messages

AceQL Server Error Messages (error_type=2)
AceQL main servlet not found in path
An error occurred during Blob download
An error occurred during Blob upload
Blob directory defined in DatabaseConfigurator.getBlobDirectory() does not exist
Connection is invalidated (probably expired)
Database does not exist
Invalid blob_id. Cannot be used to create a file
Invalid blob_id. No Blob corresponding to blob_id
Invalid or exipred Connection
Invalid session_id
Invalid username or password
No action found in request
Unable to get a Connection
Unknown SQL action or not supported by software

HTTP Status Codes

The HTTP Status Code is 200 (OK) on successful completion calls.

When an error occurs:

  • If error_type is 0, the HTTP Status Code is returned by the client side and may take all possible values in a malformed HTTP call.
  • If error_type is > 0, the HTTP Status Code can take one the following values returned by server side:
HTTP Status Code Description
400 (BAD REQUEST) Missing element in URL path.
Missing request parameters.
All JDBC errors raised by the remote JDBC Driver.
401 (UNAUTHORIZED) Invalid username or password in login.
Invalid session_id.
The AceQL Server forbade the execution of the SQL statement for security reasons.
404 (NOT_FOUND) BLOB directory does not exist on server.
BLOB file not found on server.
500 (INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) The AceQL Server is on failure and raised an unexpected Java Exception.

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API reference guide


Allows you to create a new session, authenticate on remote AceQL server, and connect to a remote SQL database.

URL Format

Note that we will use two shortcuts through this User Guide in order to simplify the URL format:

URL parameter Description
database The remote database name
username The authentication user name
Request parameter Requested Description
password Yes The authentication password
Notes about URL and request
Supported request methods: GET and POST.
All URL parameters must be URL encoded.
All Request parameters must be URL encoded and formatted in UTF-8.
Notes about credentials (username, password)
These are not the username/password of the remote JDBC Driver, but are the authentication information checked by remote AceQL server with DatabaseConfigurator.login(username, password) method.
See Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

Server response to login call

If everything is OK:

   "session_id":"session ID alphanumeric string",
   "connection_id":"connection ID number"

In case of error:

   "error_type":{error type numeric value},
   "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
   "http_status":{http status code numeric value}

login call – cURL example

All the following examples use a MySQL database named sampledb.

Connection to the sampledb database with (MyUsername, MySecret) credentials:

$ curl \

The call will return a JSON stream with a unique session ID to reuse with all other API calls:


The connection_id URL parameter

The connection_id identifies the remote java.sql.Connection. It can be used to distinguish different java.sql.Connectionon the same database.

connection_id URL parameters may be passed to each API. If connection_id is not expicitely passed as URL parameter, the server side will used the default and first java.sql.Connection created at login.

Connection info queries

Allow to get info on remote database connection.

URL Format
server/aceql/session/{session_id}/connection/{connection_id}/get_auto_commit server/aceql/session/{session_id}/connection/{connection_id}/is_read_only server/aceql/session/{session_id}/connection/{connection_id}/get_holdability server/aceql/session/{session_id}/connection/{connection_id}/get_transaction_isolation_level
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
connection_id The ID that refers the java.sql.Connection to use on server.
Optional: if not passed, server will use the one created at login.
Request parameter Requested Description

Server response to connection info query calls

If everything is OK:

  "result":"result of API call" 

In case of error:

  "error_type":{error type numeric value},
  "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
  "http_status":{http status code numeric value}

Connection info query calls – cURL example

Query if remote connection is in auto commit mode :

$ curl \ 

The call will return a JSON stream with the result:


Connection modifiers

Allow to modify the remote Connection.

URL Format
server/aceql/session/{session_id}/connection/{connection_id}/set_auto_commit/{boolean} server/aceql/session/{session_id}/connection/{connection_id}/set_holdability/{holdability} server/aceql/session/{session_id}/connection/{connection_id}/set_read_only/{boolean} server/aceql/session/{session_id}/connection/{connection_id}/set_transaction_isolation_level/{level}
URL parameter Description / value
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
connection_id The ID that refers the java.sql.Connection to use on server.
Optional: if not passed, server will use the one created at login.
boolean false
holdability close_cursors_at_commit
level read_committed
Request parameter Requested Description

Server response to connection modifier calls

If everything is OK:


In case of error:

  "error_type":{errortype numeric value},
  "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
  "http_status":{httpstatus code numeric value}

Connection modifier calls – cURLexample

Set the remote connection to auto commit mode:

$ curl \ 

The call will return a JSON stream with the result:


Savepoint calls

Allow to create, rollback or release a savepoint.

Unnamed savepoint creation

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
connection_id The ID that refers the java.sql.Connection to use on server.
Optional: if not passed, server will use the one created at login.

Named savepoint creation

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
connection_id The ID that refers the java.sql.Connection to use on server.
Optional: if not passed, server will use the one created at login.
Requested Description
name Yes The name of the savepoint.

Savepoint rollback or release

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
connection_id The ID that refers the java.sql.Connection to use on server.
Optional: if not passed, server will use the one created at login.
Requested Description
id No. The ID of the savepoint. Integer value >= 0.
Requested if the savepoint is a unnamed savepoint.
name No. The name of the Savepoint.
Requested if the savepoint is a named savepoint.

Server response to savepoint calls

For set_savepoint or set_named_savepoint, if everything is OK:

  "status": "OK",
  "id": {savepoint ID},
  "name": "{savepoint name}"

id will contain a value >= 0 for unnamed savepoint and -1 for a named savepoint.

name will contain an empty string if the savepoint is unnamed.

For rollback_savepoint & release_savepoint, if everything is OK:


In case of error:

  "error_type":{errortype numeric value},
  "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
  "http_status":{httpstatus code numeric value}


Allows to update remote database with a DDL (Data Definition Language), DML (Data Modification Language), or DCL (Data Control Language) statement.

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
connection_id The ID that refers the java.sql.Connection to use on server.
Optional: if not passed, server will use the one created at login.
Request parameter Requested Description
sql Yes The SQL statement.
prepared_statement No true or false. Defaults to false. Says if the statement is to be executed as a prepared statement on remote server.
param_type_{i} No For prepared statements only. Allows to define the parameter type of parameter of i index. See values below.
param_value_{i} No For prepared statements only. Allows to define the parameter value of parameter of i index.
Prepared Statement - Parameter type values
Only statements that are not prepared statements are supported with GET method.
It is allowed to define a prepared statement without any parameter.
All Request parameters must be URL encoded and formatted in UTF-8.
DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP values must be passed in the form the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.

Server response to execute_update call

If everything is OK:

    "row_count":{number of rows affected by update statement}                       

In case of error:

   "error_type":{error type numeric value},
   "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
   "http_status":{http status code numeric value}

execute_update call – cURL examples

Let’s calla simple statement to insert a row:

$ curl --data-urlencode \
"sql=insert into customer values (1, 'Sir', 'Doe', 'John', '1Madison Ave', 'New York', 'NY 10010', NULL)" \       http://localhost:9090/aceql/session/hli7ppunldk07mg8ae4dvv70kc/\

The call will return:


Let’s update the customer row using a prepared statement :

$ curl --data "prepared_statement=true" \
--data"param_type_1=VARCHAR&param_value_1=Jim" \
--data"param_type_2=INTEGER&param_value_2=1" \
--data-urlencode"sql=update customer set fname=? where customer_id=?" \

The call will return:



Allows to send a query to the database with a statement or prepared statement.

The query result is returned in the form of a JSON stream.

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
connection_id The ID that refers the java.sql.Connection to use on server.
Optional: if not passed, server will use the one created at login.
Request parameter Requested Description
sql Yes The SQL statement.
prepared_statement No true or false. Defaults to false. Says if the statement is to be executed as a prepared statement on remote server.
gzip_result No true or false. Defaults to false. Says if the query result is returned compressed with the GZIP file format.
column_types No true or false. Defaults to false. Says if the column types must be included in the JSON stream.
param_type_{i} No For prepared statements only. Allows to define the parameter type of parameter of i index. See values below.
param_value_{i} No For prepared statements only. Allows to define the parameter value of parameter of i index.
Prepared Statement - Parameter type values
Only statements that are not prepared statements are supported with GET method.
It is allowed to define a prepared statement without any parameter.
All Request parameters must be URL encoded and formatted in UTF-8.
DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP values must be passed in the form the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.

Server response to execute_query call

If everything is OK:

        "{column 1 type}",
        "{column m type}",
               "column 1 name":"{column 1 value}"


               "column m name":"{column m value}"


               "column 1 name":"{column 1 value}"


               "column m name":"{column m value}"


row_{i} Designates the row number.
row_count Designates the number of rows returned by the query.
m The number of column per row.
n The total number of rows.

In case of error:

  "error_type":{errortype numeric value},
  "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
  "http_status":{httpstatus code numeric value}

execute_query call – cURL examples

Let’s call a select on the previously inserted row. We ask to include the column types:

$ curl --data "column_types=true" \
--data-urlencode \
"sql=select customer_id,customer_title, fname from customer" \ 

The call will return:

                    "customer_title":"Sir "

Same call, but as a more secure prepared statement with a where condition, a prepared statement parameter:

$ curl --data "prepared_statement=true" --data"column_types=true" \ 
--data"param_type_1=INTEGER&param_value_1=1" --data-urlencode \
"sql=select customer_id,customer_title, fname from customer where customer_id = ?"\ 

This call will return same data as previous one, but in condensed format:



Allows to upload a BLOB on remote server.

Effective database update will be done in a following execute_update prepared statement call.

This is a Multipart POST request in UTF-8 format.

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
connection_id The ID that refers the java.sql.Connection to use on server.
Optional: if not passed, server will use the one created at login.
Request parameter Requested Description
blob_id Yes The reference Id of the uploaded BLOB. This reference will be used in the following execute_update call that will do the database update. The value must be valid file name (without path separators) on the remote host OS.
Example: my_blob.jpg
file yes This a type=file request parameter. Parameter name must be file.
This call supports POST method only.
All Request parameters must be URL encoded and formatted in UTF-8.

The equivalent HTML form format is:

<form action="server/aceql/session/{session_id}/blob_upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" acceptcharset="UTF-8">
<br>Blob Id: <input type="text" name="blob_id">
<br>File   : <input type="file" name="file">
<br><input type="submit" value="Upload BLOB!">


Server response to blob_upload call

If everything is OK:


In case of error:

   "error_type":{error type numeric value},
   "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
   "http_status":{http status code numeric value}

update_query call for effective database update

The blob_upload call must be followed by an update_query prepared statement that will update the database with the BLOB content.

A request parameter of type BLOB will contain the blob_id value :

So we will have the sequence:

  1. BLOB upload:
$ curl -F "blob_id=koala.jpg" -F "file=@/home/mike/koala.jpg" \
  1. Database update:
$ curl --data "prepared_statement=true" \
--data "param_type_1=INTEGER&param_value_1=1" \
--data "param_type_2=VARCHAR&param_value_2=Koala" \
--data "param_type_3=BLOB&param_value_3=koala.jpg" \
--data-urlencode "sql=insert into product_image values(?, ?, ?)" \

Note that the param_type value is always BLOB for all databases engines.

Database engines specific BLOB types syntax is not supported.

For example, you cannot code for MySQL:

--data "param_type_3=LONGBLOB&param_value_3=koala.jpg" 

nor for Microsoft SQL Server:


blob_upload call – cURL example

We will use the MySQL table:

CREATE TABLE product_image
    product_id  integer     not null,
    name        varchar(64) not null,
    image       longblob    null, 
        PRIMARY KEY(product_id)

Let’s upload a BLOB on the server:

$ curl -F "blob_id=koala.jpg" -F "file=@/home/mike/koala.jpg" \

Call will return:


And now ask for insert in product_image table:

$ curl --data "prepared_statement=true" \
 --data "param_type_1=INTEGER&param_value_1=1" \
 --data "param_type_2=VARCHAR&param_value_2=Koala" \
 --data "param_type_3=BLOB&param_value_3=koala.jpg" \
 --data-urlencode "sql=insert into product_image values(?, ?, ?)" \

Call will return:



Allows to retrieve the size of a BLOB before it’s download.

The call is optional and thus is not required before BLOB download.

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
connection_id The ID that refers the java.sql.Connection to use on server.
Optional: if not passed, server will use the one created at login.
Request parameter Requested Description
blob_id Yes The reference Id of the BLOB to download. The value is retrieved with a prior execute_query call, see below in: blob_download.
This call supports POST method only.
All Request parameters must be URL encoded and formatted in UTF-8.

Server response to get_blob_length call

If everything is OK:

    "length":"{BLOB length in bytes}"

In case of error:

   "error_type":{error type numeric value},
   "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
   "http_status":{http status code numeric value}


Allows to download a BLOB from the remote server:

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
connection_id The ID that refers the java.sql.Connection to use on server.
Optional: if not passed, server will use the one created at login.
Request parameter Requested Description
blob_id Yes The reference Id of the BLOB to download. The value is retrieved with a prior execute_query call, see below.
This call supports POST method only.
All Request parameters must be URL encoded and formatted in UTF-8.

Server response to blob_download call

If everything is OK, a stream containing the BLOB content is sent by the server.

In case of error, the stream will contain:

   "error_type":{error type numeric value},
   "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
   "http_status":{http status code numeric value}

get_blob_length & blob_download call – cURL examples

We inserted previously a BLOB in the product_image table.

Let’s query the product_image table:

$ curl \
--data-urlencode "sql=select * from product_image" \
--data "pretty_printing=true" \

Call will return:


The third column value contains the blob_id to use in with get_blob_length and blob_dowbload. The blob_id value is generated by the AceQLserver.

Let’s get the BLOB length (this step is optional) :

$ curl --data "blob_id=4a77ce2e9d8a4f8ea581a37f1d3fedd1.blob" \

Call will return:


And let’s now download our BLOB:

$ curl --data "blob_id=4a77ce2e9d8a4f8ea581a37f1d3fedd1.blob" \


Allows to open a new java.sql.Connection on the server without doing a new authentication with login .

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
Request parameter Requested Description

Server response to get_connection call

If everything is OK:

    "length":"{BLOB length in bytes}"
    "connection_id":{"connection ID number"}

In case of error:

   "error_type":{error type numeric value},
   "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
   "http_status":{http status code numeric value}


Downloads the database schema in HTML or text plain format.

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
Request parameter Requested Description
format No The format of the downloaded stream. html or text. Defaults to html.
table_name No if specified, the downloaded schema will contain only the table.

Server response to db_schema_download call

If everything is OK, a stream containing the schema in HTML or text format is sent by the server.

In case of error:

   "error_type":{error type numeric value},
   "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
   "http_status":{http status code numeric value}


Retrieves the main values of the database's metadata as retrieved by the remote JDBC Driver.

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
Request parameter Requested Description

Server response to get_db_metadata call

If everything is OK, a JSON structure with the main values of the database's metadata as retrieved by the remote JDBC Driver.

In case of error:

   "error_type":{error type numeric value},
   "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
   "http_status":{http status code numeric value}


Retrieves the table names of the remote database.

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
Request parameter Requested Description
table_type No The table type to select (TABLE or VIEW).

Server response to get_table_names call

If everything is OK, a JSON structure that contains the table names of the remote database.

In case of error:

   "error_type":{error type numeric value},
   "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
   "http_status":{http status code numeric value}


Retrieves the details of a table of the remote database.

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
Request parameter Requested Description
table_name No The name of the table to retrieve.

Server response to get_table call

If everything is OK, a JSON structure that contains the table details. The naming conventions are those used in JDBC.

In case of error:

   "error_type":{error type numeric value},
   "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
   "http_status":{http status code numeric value}


Allows to close a connection in use and release the corresponding remote JDBC java.sql.Connection into the pool.

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
connection_id The ID that refers the java.sql.Connection on the server.
Request parameter Requested Description


Allows to close the session and to release all the server JDBC Connections into the pool.

URL Format
URL parameter Description
session_id The session_id value returned by login.
Request parameter Requested Description
It is important to always call logout at end of session in order to close all the JDBC Connection and release them in the pool.
See Server Installation and Configuration Guide for more info.

Server response to logout call

If everything is OK:


In case of error:

   "error_type":{error type numeric value},
   "error_message":"{error message returned by the server}",
   "http_status":{http status code numeric value}