This site is the API portion of a small project built to showcase some web development skills. This API is simple and provides authentication functionality, and well as the API keys for a PaymentSpring account (see Getting Started for instructions on setting up a PaymentSpring account). The code for the front end is found here.
The live demo site can be accessed at:
To run the application locally:
- Install PostgreSQL from PostgreSQL Official Page
- If you don't have one already, create a PaymentSpring account
- Follow the instructions below (taken from the PaymentSpring documentation) to obtain your PaymentSpring API keys:
- Log in to
- Click Account in the navigation menu on the left.
- You’ll see your current API keys at the bottom of the page. We only allow these keys to show once for security reasons.
- Click Generate New Keys. You can choose to expire the current keys now or in 1 hour.
- You will see the new set of keys. Save them now, for they will be redacted the next time you visit this page. You can always generate news keys.
- Create the following environment variables:
- PAYMENTSPRING_API_KEY: holds your PaymentSpring public API key
- PAYMENTSPRING_PRIVATE_API_KEY: holds your PaymentSpring private API key
- RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY: holds the secret key for reCAPTCHA v3 (see front end codebase for more details on reCAPTCHA setup)
- Run the following commands to set up the environment and run the program:
rake db:setup
rails s
This code is deployed to