Old Changes: https://sbprojects.statsbiblioteket.dk/display/INFRA/Yousee+Channel+Archiving+Requester+Releases
Upgraded pgjdbc driver version to 42.7.3
Bugfix. Fixed issue that prevented updating dates on requests.
Bugfix update
- Fix parsing of dates when no time information is present (i.e. allow to changes dates for requests)
Bugfix update
- Fix parsing of various time and date paramters in the program
Maintenance Update
- Complying with forbidden api
- Update junit, and corresponding unit tests.
- Most instances of java.util.Date replaced with java.time counterpart.
- Update other dependencies
- Update used java version (1.6 -> OpenJDK 11)
- Change webservice framework to Apache CXF
- Change logging backend to logback
- Changed the clock from 12-hour to 24-hour
- Replaced source plugin in pom
- Robustified session handling in DAO classes
- Upgraded dependency on digitv to bring in the same postgres driver and c3p0 classes we use there.
- Updated for consistency with newer hibernate API