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File metadata and controls

90 lines (66 loc) · 4.09 KB

Spring Modulith Implementation

Data Setup

  1. Navigate to datasetup directory.
  2. Run ./ file.
  3. After successful execution of step-2 it adds sample data.


  1. For each listener annotated with @ApplicationModuleListener/@TransactionalEventListener it created one entry in event_publication table
  2. When we use simple @EventListener it doesn't create entry in event_publication table. it publishes event synchronously.
  3. When we remove @Transactional from the method which is publishing the event then event is stored in event_publication table but not consumed by listener methods annotated with @ApplicationModuleListener/@TransactionalEventListener/@EventListener.

How Spring Modulith Behaves when there are multiple instance of same application deployed (Without @Externalized )

  1. When instance 1 and instance 2 of applications are deployed together
  2. The event published by instance 1 will be consumed by consumer in same instance 1
  3. If instance 1 publishes the event, and before it is consumed by consumer if instance 1 terminated then event won't be consumed by instance 2's consumer.
  4. If instance 1 publishes the event, and before it is consumed by consumer if instance 1 terminated then the new instance instance 3 that will be spin up can republish the outstanding messages if spring.modulith.republish-outstanding-events-on-restart=true property is enabled .
  5. In order to handle republishing of outstanding events on demand we can use IncompleteEventPublications to resubmit outstanding events.

After Using @Externalized annotation

  • With @Externalized annotation we can publish messages to various targets as given in spring modulith documentation.
  • When @Externalized annotation is used and Modulith starts publishing events to Kafka. In order to see the published message on topic FoodOrderPlaced mention as target in @Externalized(target = "FoodOrderPlaced") event record. We can used below kafka console consumer command to consume kafka messages kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:29092 --topic FoodOrderPlaced --from-beginning

How Spring Modulith Behaves when we have @Externalized event to kafka and also has one event listener in Application

  • It creates one event of type for kafka and another event for event listener in Application in event_publication table

Postman Collection for API's present in Project

  1. Navigate to Postman collection directory.
  2. Import FoodDelivery.postman_collection.json file in postman.

Useful Commands

  • To make container service up podman-compose up -d
  • To make container service down podman-compose down


Comparison between Microservice ,Traditional Monolith and Modular Monolith
