diff --git a/docs/source/deployment/gcp_dataproc.md b/docs/source/deployment/gcp_dataproc.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/deployment/gcp_dataproc.md
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+# GCP Dataproc
+`Dataproc serverless` lets you run Spark workloads without requiring you to provision and manage your own Dataproc cluster. An advantage over `Dataproc compute engine` is that `Dataproc serverless` supports custom containers allowing you to package your dependencies at build time. Refer to [the Dataproc serverless documentation](https://cloud.google.com/dataproc-serverless/docs/overview#s8s-compared) for the official comparison between Dataproc serverless and compute engine.
+This guide describes the steps needed to deploy a Kedro pipeline with `Dataproc Serverless`.
+## Overview
+The below sections and diagrams detail the dataproc serverless dev and prod deployment workflows. 
+### DEV deployment (and experimentation)
+The following steps are needed to do a DEV deployment on Dataproc Serverless:
+1. **User build**: Each developer branches out from develop, pulls the latest develop dataproc image, and builds their own custom docker image (if required). Note the following:
+  - `libraries` - Packaged: This includes any python dependencies + any other libraries
+  - `artifacts` - NOT Packaged
+  - `code` - NOT Packaged
+  - `entrypoint.py` - NOT Packaged
+2. **Push image**: After successful manual build, the developer pushes it to artifact registry with a custom tag (default: branch_name)
+3. **Submit spark batches**: The developer triggers an experimental run with dataproc batches submission python script with parameters
+   - `--env=dev`
+   - `--run-id=...`
+   - `--kedro-run-args=...`
+3.1. **Prepare and push artifacts to GCS**: The script packages the active code changes in the branch into an archive, prepares any necessary artifacts and pushes to GCS in `{branch}/{run_id}` namespace.
+3.2. **Pull docker image to dataproc**: Dataproc pulls the custom docker image tagged with the branch name from artifact registry
+3.3. **Pull artifact archives**: Dataproc pulls the archives containing the artifacts and unzips them on master and all workers in the working directory
+3.4. **Run pyspark job**: The main file then triggers the pyspark job as the standard kedro cli command: `kedro run --pipeline=... --params=...`
+3.5. *(Optional)* **Run output**: It is recommended to segregate the experimental run outputs into `{branch}/{run_id}` namespace.
+![GCP DEV deployment workflow](../meta/images/gcp_dataproc_serverless_dev_workflow.png)
+### PROD deployment
+The following steps are needed to do a PROD deployment on Dataproc Serverless:
+1. **Cut a release from develop**: A release branch is cut from the `develop` branch as `release/v0.2.0`
+2. **Prepare release**: Minor fixes, final readiness and release notes are added to prepare the release.
+3. **Merge into main**: After all checks pass and necessary approvals are received, the release branch is merged into main, and the commit is tagged with the version
+4. **Deploy docker image**: The docker image is built with release tag version `v0.2.0` and pushed to prod artifact registry. Note the following:
+  - `libraries` - Packaged
+  - `artifacts` - Packaged
+  - `code` - Packaged
+  - `entrypoint.py` - Packaged
+5.1. **Prepare and push artifacts to GCS**: The script prepares any necessary artifacts and pushes to GCS in `{branch}/{run_id}` namespace.
+5.2. **Pull docker image to dataproc**: Dataproc pulls the custom docker image tagged with the branch name from artifact registry
+5.3. **Pull artifact archives**: Dataproc pulls the archives containing the artifacts and unzips them on master and all workers in the working directory
+5.4. **Run pyspark job**: The main file then triggers the pyspark job as the standard kedro cli command: `kedro run --pipeline=... --params=...`
+5.5. *(Optional)* **Run output**: It is recommended to segregate the experimental run outputs into `{branch}/{run_id}` namespace.
+![GCP PROD deployment workflow](../meta/images/gcp_dataproc_serverless_prod_workflow.png)
+**NOTE**: The above describes a simple reference deployment pattern. Please adapt it for your usecase.
+## Prerequisite Setup
+### Create service accounts
+> 1. The service account creation method below assigns all permissions needed for this walkthrough in one service account. 
+> 2. Different tiered environments may have their own GCP Projects.
+> 3. This does not indicate best practice, and you should create multiple service accounts with fine grained permissions to services and resources in different tiered environments.
+Create service account:
+gcloud iam service-accounts create sa-dataproc-runner --display-name "Dataproc spark pipeline runner service account"
+Assign roles:
+# Define the service account email, change the xxxxx
+# Define the roles that you want in an array
+    "roles/dataproc.admin"
+    "roles/artifactregistry.admin"
+    "roles/artifactregistry.repoAdmin"
+    "roles/dataproc.admin"
+    "roles/storage.admin"
+# Loop through each role and assign it to the service account
+for role in "${roles[@]}"; do
+    gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \
+        --role="$role" \
+        --member="serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL"
+Create and download service account JSON key:
+gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ${KEY_FILE} \
+    --iam-account=sa-dataproc-runner@${PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com
+> NOTE: The service account JSON keys can be stored as secrets, and can be made accessible to CI in your custom workflows.
+### Create GCS Buckets
+The following GCS Buckets are created for development (`env=dev`) and production (`env=prod`) workflows.
+#### Dataproc temporary staging bucket
+gcloud storage buckets create gs://dataproc-staging-${REGION}-${UID}-${ENV} --location ${REGION}
+#### Dataproc run submit artifacts bucket
+gcloud storage buckets create gs://dataproc-run-submit-${REGION}-${UID}-${ENV} --location ${REGION}
+└── {branch}/
+    └── {run_id}/
+└── release/
+    └── {version}/ # for e.g. v.2.0 
+#### Dataproc run output bucket
+gcloud storage buckets create gs://dataproc-run-output-${REGION}-${UID}-${ENV} --location {REGION}
+└── {branch}/
+    └── {run_id}/
+└── release/
+    └── {version}/ # for e.g. v.2.0 
+        └── {run_id}
+#### Authorise with service account
+gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=${KEY_FILE}
+#### Define entrypoint script
+import os
+import argparse
+import sys
+import re
+def dequote(s: str):
+    return re.sub(r"^['\"]|['\"]$", '', s)
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument("--kedro-run-args", type=str, default='', help="Arguments for kedro run")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+folders = os.listdir()
+# If code folder is not present, then we must be passing it as an archive on job submission
+if 'code' not in folders:
+    subprocess.run([
+        "unzip", "code.zip", "-d", "code"
+    ])
+# Change to code directory
+kedro_cmd = "kedro run"
+    kedro_cmd += " " + KEDRO_RUN_ARGS
+subprocess.run(kedro_cmd, check=True, shell=True)
+## Dataproc Serverless
+Dataproc Serverless allows you to run Spark jobs without needing to manage the underlying infrastructure. It automatically scales resources up and down based on the job requirements.
+Also, refer to the github repo on [kedro pyspark dataproc demo](https://github.com/getindata/kedro-pyspark-dataproc-demo) by getindata.
+### Repo structure
+├── conf
+├── deployment/
+│   └── dataproc/
+│       └── serverless/
+│           ├── build_push_docker.sh
+│           ├── Dockerfile
+│           └── submit_batches.py
+└── src
+### Build Docker Image
+ARG BASE_IMAGE=python:3.9-buster
+# overwrite default Dataproc PYSPARK_PYTHON path
+ENV PYSPARK_PYTHON /usr/local/bin/python
+ENV PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON /usr/local/bin/python
+# Add extra jars.
+ENV SPARK_EXTRA_JARS_DIR="/opt/spark/jars/"
+ENV SPARK_EXTRA_CLASSPATH="/opt/spark/jars/*"
+# (Required) Install utilities required by Spark scripts.
+RUN apt update && apt install -y procps tini openjdk-11-jre-headless
+# add kedro user
+RUN groupadd -f -g ${KEDRO_GID} kedro_group && \
+useradd -d /home/kedro -s /bin/bash -g ${KEDRO_GID} -u ${KEDRO_UID} kedro
+# (Required) Create the 'spark' group/user.
+# The GID and UID must be 1099. Home directory is required.
+RUN groupadd -g 1099 spark
+RUN useradd -u 1099 -g 1099 -d /home/spark -m spark
+# copy the whole project except what is in .dockerignore
+WORKDIR /home/kedro
+# Install and setup uv
+RUN pip install --upgrade pip uv build
+ENV UV_INDEX_STRATEGY=unsafe-any-match
+# Install dependencies
+COPY src/requirements.txt /tmp/requirements.txt
+RUN uv pip install --system \
+    -r /tmp/requirements.txt \
+    && rm /tmp/requirements.txt
+RUN chown -R kedro:${KEDRO_GID} /home/kedro
+USER kedro
+# development image
+FROM base as dev
+# production image
+FROM base as prod
+# copy source code
+COPY . /code
+RUN chmod -R a+w /home/kedro
+### Configure Artifact registry
+This creates your repository in the artifact registry.
+gcloud artifacts repositories create ${ARTIFACT_REPOSITORY} \
+    --repository-format=docker \
+    --location=${REGION} \
+    --description="Kedro project docker repository"
+#### Gcloud configure docker auth
+This configures gcloud authentication with the artifact registry.
+gcloud auth configure-docker ${ARTIFACT_REGISTRY}
+#### Push Image to Artifact Registry
+- This script builds and pushes the docker image for user dev workflows by tagging each custom build with the branch name (or a custom tag).
+- The developer can experiment with any customisations to the docker image in their feature branches.
+- It also allows to build and push the docker image for prod workflows by tagging it with the release version.
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -ex
+# NOTE: Specify or fetch project level details here
+BRANCH_NAME=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
+BRANCH_NAME_CLEAN=$(echo ${BRANCH_NAME} | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/-/g')
+# Parse arguments
+while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do
+    case $1 in
+        --custom-tag) CUSTOM_TAG="$2"; shift ;;
+        --env) ENV="$2"; shift ;;
+        --release) RELEASE="$2"; shift ;;
+        *) echo "Unknown parameter passed: $1"; exit 1 ;;
+    esac
+    shift
+if [ "$CUSTOM_TAG" ]; then
+elif [ "$ENV" == "dev" ]; then
+elif [ "$ENV" == "prod" ]; then
+    echo "Unknown environment: $ENV"
+    exit 1
+docker build -f deployment/dataproc/serverless/Dockerfile -t ${CONTAINER_IMAGE} . --platform="linux/amd64"
+docker push ${CONTAINER_IMAGE}
+In dev workflow:
+deployment/dataproc/serverless/build_push_docker.sh --env dev
+In prod workflow:
+deployment/dataproc/serverless/build_push_docker.sh --env prod --release v.2.0
+#### Submit pyspark batches
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from datetime import datetime
+# NOTE: Suggested pattern => Define your own project_utils module to store common functions
+from project_utils import load_project_config
+import re
+def run_subprocess_commands(commands):
+    for command in commands:
+        print(f"Running command: {command}")
+        try:
+            subprocess.run(command, check=True)
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+            print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
+            sys.exit(1)
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Submit Kedro job to Dataproc')
+parser.add_argument('--env', choices=['dev', 'prod'])
+parser.add_argument('--release', type=str, help='Release version', required=False)
+parser.add_argument('--run-id', type=str, help='run id', required=False)
+parser.add_argument('--no-prepare-artifacts', action="store_true", help='whether to prepare run submit artifacts. Default: True', required=False)
+parser.add_argument('--no-run-trigger', action="store_true", help='whether to trigger run. Default: True', required=False)
+parser.add_argument('--kedro-run-args', type=str, help='kedro pipeline run args', required=False)
+args = parser.parse_args()
+if args.env == 'dev' and args.release:
+    parser.error("--release should not be provided when env is 'dev'")
+if args.env == 'dev' and not args.run_id:
+    parser.error("--run-id must be provided when env is 'dev'")
+if args.env == 'prod' and not args.release:
+    parser.error("--release must be provided when env is 'prod'")
+if args.env == 'prod' and args.run_id:
+    parser.error("--run-id should not be provided when env is 'prod'")
+ENV = args.env
+RELEASE = args.release
+RUN_ID = args.run_id
+PREPARE_ARTIFACTS = not args.no_prepare_artifacts
+TRIGGER_RUN = not args.no_run_trigger
+KEDRO_RUN_ARGS = args.kedro_run_args
+proc = subprocess.Popen(["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+BRANCH_NAME, err = proc.communicate()
+BRANCH_NAME = BRANCH_NAME.decode().strip()
+BRANCH_NAME_CLEAN = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '-', BRANCH_NAME)
+PROJECT_CONFIG = load_project_config()[ENV]
+if ENV == 'dev':
+elif ENV == 'prod':
+if ENV == 'dev':
+    MAIN_ENTRYPOINT_PY = f"{GCS_RUN_SUBMIT_DIR}/entrypoint.py"
+elif ENV == 'prod':
+    MAIN_ENTRYPOINT_PY = "file://home/kedro/code/deployment/dataproc/entrypoint.py"
+if ENV == 'dev':
+    CONTAINER_IMAGE_URI = f"{REGION}-docker.pkg.dev/{PROJECT_ID}/{USECASE}/dataproc-serverless:{BRANCH_NAME_CLEAN}"
+elif ENV == 'prod':
+    CONTAINER_IMAGE_URI = f"{REGION}-docker.pkg.dev/{PROJECT_ID}/{USECASE}/dataproc-serverless:{RELEASE}"
+    commands = [
+        # create staging directory
+        ['mkdir', '-p', f'{LOCAL_DATAPROC_RUN_SUBMIT_STAGING_DIR}']
+    ]
+    # For dev workflows, we create a new branch for each run with all changes auto-committed 
+    if ENV == 'dev':
+        commands += [
+        # Stash uncommited changes, checkout new branch, apply stash, commit changes
+        ["git", "stash"],
+        ["git", "checkout", '-B', f"pipeline-run/{RUN_ID}"],
+        ["git", "stash", "apply"],
+        ["git", "add", "."],
+        ["git", "commit", '-m', f"pipeline run: {RUN_ID}"]
+    ]
+    commands += [
+        # Archive code
+        ['git', 'archive', '-o', f'{LOCAL_DATAPROC_RUN_SUBMIT_STAGING_DIR}/code.zip', 'HEAD'],
+        # Copy run submit artifacts to GCS
+        ['gsutil', 'cp', '-r', 'scripts/dataproc/main.py', MAIN_ENTRYPOINT_PY],
+        ['gsutil', 'cp', '-r', f'{LOCAL_DATAPROC_RUN_SUBMIT_STAGING_DIR}/code.zip', GCS_CODE_ARCHIVE_URI],
+        # Return back to original git changes
+        ["git", "checkout", "-"],
+        ["git", "stash", "pop"]
+    ]
+    trigger_command = [
+        'gcloud', 'dataproc', 'batches', 'submit', 'pyspark', MAIN_ENTRYPOINT_PY,
+        '--region', REGION,
+        '--container-image', CONTAINER_IMAGE_URI,
+        '--service-account', RUN_SERVICE_ACCOUNT, 
+        '--properties', 'spark.executor.instances=10' # Add more spark conf here
+        '--version', DATAPROC_RUNTIME_VERSION,
+    ]
+    if ENV == 'dev':
+        trigger_command += [
+            '--archives', f'{GCS_CODE_ARCHIVE_URI}#code'
+        ]
+        trigger_command += [
+            '--', f'--kedro-run-args={KEDRO_RUN_ARGS}'
+        ]
+    commands += [trigger_command]
+For dev workflow:
+python deployment/dataproc/serverless/submit_batches.py \
+    --env dev \
+    --run-id 20241230-my-kedro-pipeline-feat-feature-a-dev-run-1 \
+    --kedro-run-args="--pipeline=my_kedro_pipeline --params='param1:10,param2=a'"
+For prod workflow:
+During release (one time):
+python deployment/dataproc/serverless/submit_batches.py \
+    --env prod \
+    --release v0.2.0 \
+    --no-run-trigger
+In subsequent run triggers:
+python deployment/dataproc/serverless/submit_batches.py \
+    --env prod \
+    --release v0.2.0 \
+    --no-prepare-artifacts \
+    --run-id 20250101-my-kedro-pipeline-v0.2.0-prod-run-1 \
+    --kedro-run-args="--pipeline=my_kedro_pipeline --params='param1:10,param2=a'"
+> 1. It is recommended to automate release workflows in the CI/CD pipeline using CI Framework native docker build steps which can benefit from caching.
+> 2. The pipeline deployment depicted here is a simplified example. In real world workflows, the pipeline deployment will have a lot more nuances.
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diff --git a/docs/source/deployment/index.md b/docs/source/deployment/index.md
index 8af43a8e28..6ab18fb767 100644
--- a/docs/source/deployment/index.md
+++ b/docs/source/deployment/index.md
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ This following pages provide information for deployment to, or integration with,
 * [Azure](azure.md)
 * [Dask](dask.md)
 * [Databricks](./databricks/index.md)
+* [GCP Dataproc](gcp_dataproc.md)
 * [Kubeflow Workflows](kubeflow.md)
 * [Prefect](prefect.md)
 * [Vertex AI](vertexai.md)
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ aws_step_functions
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index 0000000000..c16a67b8ec
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b2a4c74e2
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/meta/images/gcp_dataproc_serverless_prod_workflow.png differ