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Xiaomi Dafang Integration in Home Assistant

On the Home Assistant side

First let's set up your camera stream. Make sure the rtsp-h264 service in the service control panel is running and you can connect to it via a media player (like VLC) using the address rtsp://dafang:8554/unicast.

service control panel

Then you can integrate the rtsp stream using the camera ffmpeg component by adding the following lines to your camera.yaml:

- platform: ffmpeg
  name: DaFang3
  input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://dafang:8554/unicast

Alternatively, you can use the camera's CGI endpoint to serve a single picture. This is significantly lighter on the home assistant's CPU.

  - platform: generic
    name: DaFang3
    username: root
    password: ismart12
    auhentication: basic
    still_image_url: https://dafang/cgi-bin/currentpic.cgi
    verify_ssl: false
    scan_interval: 5

Most other sensors & actors are easily integrated via mqtt discovery. If everything works, integration looks like this (grouped into one group):

MQTT discovery  result

To enable mqtt discovery in Home Assistant please add/adjust in your .homeassistant/configuration.yaml:

  broker: localhost
  discovery: true
  discovery_prefix: homeassistant

and restart your Home Assistant instance. Apparently this does not work with Home Assistant's internal mqtt broker, so better run your own.

On the Xiaomi Dafang Camera side:

Connect to your camera via ssh (or your preferred ftp client):

ssh root@dafang # default password is ismart12

copy /system/sdcard/config/mqtt.conf.dist to /system/sdcard/config/mqtt.conf:

cp /system/sdcard/config/mqtt.conf.dist /system/sdcard/config/mqtt.conf

Set up your broker, LOCATION and DEVICE_NAME and uncomment AUTODISCOVERY_PREFIX (only then the dafang configurations will be published):

vi /system/sdcard/config/mqtt.conf

Press i to enter insert mode. Once you are done hit ESC and enter :wq to write your changes.

Restart the mqtt-status & mqtt-control services in the service control panel to make them pick up on your changes.

service control panel

In case your Home Assistant needs to be restarted, changes are not persisted in any configuration file and the mqtt discovery configuration has to be resent from the camera. This can be enforced by restarting the mqtt-control service.

To put all the sensors & actors conveniently into one group you can use the following template:

    - camera.dafang3
    - switch.dafang3_h264_rtsp_server
    - switch.dafang3_mjpeg_rtsp_server
    - sensor.dafang3
    - device_tracker.dafang3
    - sensor.dafang3_light_sensor
    - switch.dafang3_ir_filter
    - switch.dafang3_ir_led
    - switch.dafang3_night_mode
    - switch.dafang3_night_mode_auto
    - switch.dafang3_blue_led
    - switch.dafang3_yellow_led
    - switch.dafang3_motion_detection
    - switch.dafang3_motion_tracking
    - camera.dafang3_motion_snapshot
    - binary_sensor.dafang3_motion_sensor
    - cover.dafang3_move_leftright
    - cover.dafang3_move_updown

To set up mqtt motion detection alerts:

copy /system/sdcard/config/motion.conf.dist to /system/sdcard/config/motion.conf:

cp /system/sdcard/config/motion.conf.dist /system/sdcard/config/motion.conf

Set up the motion detection via its webinterface.

In motion.conf define how your camera should react on motion events:

vi /system/sdcard/config/motion.conf

For your camera to send mqtt motion detection messages it should be enabled by setting:


To publish the image itself, also set


You should now be getting messages on topic myhome/mycamera/motion and images on myhome/mycamera/motion/snapshot while myhome/mycamera/motion/detection is set to ON

To react on a motion event, in your automations.yaml define something like:

- id: '13370'
  alias: 'Motion detected'
    payload: 'ON'
    platform: mqtt
    topic: myhome/mycamera/motion
      title: "Motion"
      message: "detected."

For privacy reasons and to reduce the number of unwanted motion detections in surveillance applications, you probably want to turn off motion detection when you or your family is home.

- id: '13372'
  alias: 'Start motion detection when not at home'
      platform: zone
      event: leave
      zone: zone.home
      entity_id: device_tracker.your_device
    service: switch.turn_on
      entity_id: switch.mycamera_motion_detection

- id: '13373'
  alias: 'Stop motion detection when at home'
      platform: zone
      event: enter
      zone: zone.home
      entity_id: device_tracker.your_device
    service: switch.turn_off
      entity_id: switch.mycamera_motion_detection