MPF machine variables
Contains information about the last events triggered from Twitch chat.
Holds the number of bits that were last donated via Twitch.
Holds the last user who donated bits via Twitch.
Holds the number of lines last chat message was split into.
Holds a split version of the last chat message received from the twitch_client. The system will divide the message into up to 6 lines. The number of lines will be stored in twitch_last_chat_message_line_count and the full message is stored in twitch_last_chat_message.
Holds the last chat message received from Twitch chat. This is the complete and unsplit message.
Holds the last user to send a message via Twitch chat.
Holds the last user to raid the channel.
Holds the amount of viewers in the most recent raid.
Holds a whether or not the last Twitch sub was a gift sub.
Holds the message received when announcing a Twitch subcription.
Holds the number of months that the last user has been subscribed for. This is total months not consecutive months.
Holds the subscription tier of the last Twitch subscription. This can be Prime, 1000, 2000, or 3000.
Holds the streamer specific subscription tier name of the last Twitch subscription.
Holds the Twitch user name of the person who PAID for the subscription. This will not match the recipient if this is a gifted subscription.
Holds the Twitch user name of the person who RECEIVED the subscription. This will not match the user if this is a gifted subscription.