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Lei Programming Language

A statically-typed programming language compiler that generates LLVM IR.


  • Static typing with support for int, float, bool, str, and void types
  • Fixed-size and dynamic arrays
  • Functions with proper scoping
  • Memory management (malloc/realloc/free)
  • Control flow statements (if/else, while)
  • Standard I/O operations
  • Compound assignment operators

Development Environment Setup


  • C++ compiler supporting C++17 or later
  • LLVM development libraries (version 15.0 or later)
  • CMake (version 3.13 or later)
  • Git for version control



# Install build essentials and LLVM
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install llvm-dev
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install git

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd lei

# Create build directory
mkdir build
cd build

# Configure and build
cmake ..

# Run tests
make test


# Install prerequisites using Homebrew
brew install llvm
brew install cmake

# Clone and build (same steps as above)


  1. Install Visual Studio with C++ support
  2. Install LLVM from
  3. Install CMake from
  4. Follow the build steps above using Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt


Command Line Options

leic [input] [-o output] [-e] [--print-ast] [--print-sp] [--print-ir]

    input           Input source file
    -o, --output    Output path for generated LLVM IR
    -e, --execute   Directly execute the generated LLVM IR
    --print-ast     Print the abstract syntax tree
    --print-sp      Print the symbol table
    --print-ir      Print the LLVM IR


# Compile a source file to LLVM IR
leic example.lei -o example.ll

# Compile and execute
leic example.lei -e

# Compile with debug output
leic example.lei --print-ast --print-ir

Language Syntax Examples

Basic Program Structure

// Function declaration with return type
fn int main() {
    var x: int = 42;        // Variable declaration with type annotation
    print(x);               // Built-in print function
    return 0;

Variable Declarations and Types

fn void examples() {
    // Basic types
    var count: int = 0;            // Integer
    var temp: float = 98.6;        // Floating point
    var name: str = "Alice";       // String
    var isActive: bool = true;     // Boolean

    // Arrays
    var fixed: int[3] = {1, 2, 3}; // Fixed-size array
    var size: int = 5;
    var dynamic: int[] = malloc(size * sizeof(int)); // Dynamic array

    // Don't forget to free dynamic memory

Control Flow

fn int checkValue(x: int) {
    // If-else statement
    if x > 10 {
        print("Greater than 10");
    } else if x < 0 {
        print("Negative number");
    } else {
        print("Between 0 and 10");

    // While loop
    var i: int = 0;
    while i < x {
        i = i + 1;

    return x;

Array Operations

// Function to sum array elements
fn int sum(arr: int[], size: int) {
    var total: int = 0;
    var i: int = 0;
    while i < size {
        total = total + arr[i];
        i = i + 1;
    return total;

fn void arrayExample() {
    // Fixed array initialization
    var nums: int[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    // Dynamic array
    var dynamic: int[] = malloc(3 * sizeof(int));
    dynamic[0] = 10;
    dynamic[1] = 20;
    dynamic[2] = 30;
    // Resize dynamic array
    dynamic = realloc(dynamic, 4 * sizeof(int));
    dynamic[3] = 40;
    // Don't forget to free

String Operations

fn void stringExample() {
    var name: str = "John";
    var greeting: str = "Hello, ";
    // String input
    var input: str = input("Enter your name: ");
    // Print with string concatenation
    print(greeting + input);

Compound Assignment Operators

fn void operatorExample() {
    var x: int = 5;
    x += 3;      // x = x + 3
    x -= 2;      // x = x - 2
    x *= 4;      // x = x * 4
    x /= 2;      // x = x / 2

Memory Management Example

fn int[] createAndFillArray(size: int, value: int) {
    // Allocate memory
    var arr: int[] = malloc(size * sizeof(int));
    // Fill array
    var i: int = 0;
    while i < size {
        arr[i] = value;
        i = i + 1;
    return arr;  // Caller is responsible for freeing memory

fn void memoryExample() {
    var arr: int[] = createAndFillArray(5, 42);
    // Use array
    // Clean up

Current Limitations

  • Basic type system
  • Single-file compilation only
  • Basic error recovery

Future Enhancements

Planned features include:

  • Enhanced type system
  • Function overloading
  • Multi-file preprocessing and compilation support
  • Optimization passes
  • Basic OOP support

Language Grammar

Program Structure

program        → function*
function       → "fn" type IDENTIFIER "(" parameters? ")" block
parameters     → parameter ("," parameter)*
parameter      → IDENTIFIER ":" type

### Types
type           → basicType | arrayType
basicType      → "int" | "float" | "bool" | "str"
arrayType      → basicType "[" (NUMBER | "dynamic")? "]"  # Fixed size or dynamic arrays

### Statements
block          → "{" statement* "}"
statement      → varDecl 
               | ifStmt 
               | whileStmt 
               | returnStmt 
               | printStmt
               | exprStmt

varDecl        → "var" IDENTIFIER ":" type ("=" initializer)? ";"
initializer    → expression 
               | arrayInitializer
               | "new" basicType "[" expression "]"  # Dynamic array allocation

arrayInitializer → "{" (expression ("," expression)*)? "}"  # Can be empty
ifStmt         → "if" expression block ("else" block)?
whileStmt      → "while" expression block
returnStmt     → "return" expression? ";"
printStmt      → "print" "(" expression ")" ";"
exprStmt       → expression ";"

### Expressions
expression     → assignment
assignment     → (call ".")? IDENTIFIER assignOp expression
               | logicalOr
assignOp       → "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/="

logicalOrlogicalAnd ("||" logicalAnd)*
logicalAndequality ("&&" equality)*
equalitycomparison (("==" | "!=") comparison)*
comparisonterm (("<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=") term)*
termfactor (("+" | "-") factor)*
factorunary (("*" | "/") unary)*
unary          → ("!" | "-") unary | call
callprimary ("(" arguments? ")" | "[" expression "]")*
primaryNUMBER | STRING | "true" | "false" | "(" expression ")"
               | IDENTIFIER | arrayInitializer
               | arrayAllocation

arrayAllocation"new" basicType "[" expression "]"
argumentsexpression ("," expression)*

### Lexical Rules
STRING"\"" <any char except "\"">* "\""
ALPHA"a"..."z" | "A"..."Z" | "_"

Variable Initialization Rules

  1. Basic Types Default Values

    var i: int;           // Defaults to 0
    var f: float;         // Defaults to 0.0
    var b: bool;          // Defaults to false
    var s: str;           // Defaults to ""
  2. Fixed-Size Arrays

    var arr1: int[5];               // Array of 5 ints, initialized to [0,0,0,0,0]
    var arr2: float[3] = {1.0};     // Partially initialized to [1.0,0.0,0.0]
    var arr3: bool[2] = {};         // Empty initialization [false,false]
  3. Dynamic Arrays

    var arr4: int[];                // Dynamic array, initially empty
    arr4 = new int[10];            // Allocate 10 elements
    var size: int = input();
    var arr5: float[] = new float[size];  // Runtime size determination

Example Code

fn int main() {
    // Uninitialized variables with default values
    var count: int;            // 0
    var temperature: float;    // 0.0
    // Fixed size array
    var fixed: int[3];         // [0,0,0]
    // Dynamic array allocation
    var size: int = 5;
    var dynamic: int[] = new int[size];
    // Partial array initialization
    var grades: float[5] = {90.5, 85.0};  // [90.5, 85.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    return 0;