- hostname: bcserver
- username: admin
- password: P@ssw0rd
Check requirements
- a lot of free disk space
- Docker desktop
⚠️ run powershell commands w/ elevated permissions
BcContainerHelper powershell module
Install-Module -Name 'BcContainerHelper' -Force -Verbose
Docker config
- RMC on systray icon > "Switch to Windows containers..."
BcContainerHelper wizard (optional)
- Create docker container using generated command
$containerName = 'bcserver'
$password = 'P@ssw0rd'
$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object pscredential 'admin', $securePassword
$auth = 'UserPassword'
$artifactUrl = Get-BcArtifactUrl -type 'Sandbox' -country 'us' -select 'Latest'
New-BcContainer `
-accept_eula `
-containerName $containerName `
-credential $credential `
-auth $auth `
-artifactUrl $artifactUrl `
- Test
- Check if BC is running --> http://bcserver/BC/?tenant=default
- Create and deploy new BC extention/app
- Get started with development in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central - Training | Microsoft Learn
- AL Language extension for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central - Visual Studio Marketplace
- Test network connectivity for Business Central: aka.ms/BCCP
After using the AL:Go! command, "12.0 Business Applications 2023 release wave 2" "Microsoft Cloud Sandbox"
! not prompted for credentials
! test network connectivity also fails on authentication part
VSCode AL output:
[2023-12-13 11:13:12.60] Using reference symbols cache paths: [x:\source\repos\kenny-braeckmans\BA-kennybraeckmans-2324\test\.alpackages]
[2023-12-13 11:13:13.01] Acquiring token for authority https://login.microsoftonline.com/common using correlation f85c6e52-c145-4d86-ae8a-e253f7c05b2b.
[2023-12-13 11:18:03.83] Using reference symbols cache paths: [x:\source\repos\kenny-braeckmans\BA-kennybraeckmans-2324\test\.alpackages]
[2023-12-13 11:18:04.24] Acquiring token for authority https://login.microsoftonline.com/common using correlation 10ee5e1f-ebf6-486f-88fc-471511208959.