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File metadata and controls

173 lines (105 loc) · 4.17 KB

Configuring the VM

You can create .env to customize the VM environment. Bootstrap interactively inputs the required values with some default values.

Interactive Variables

They have default values and are asked during and saved so it's not asked again.


Machine name


This will rename the machine name in VirtualBox. run vagrant reload to apply when updated.

It will also set the hostname of VM

Cpus and memory


This will adjust cpus and memory, run vagrant reload to apply when updated.

Vagrant Username


Dotfiles Repo


This will make bootstrap continue to set VM environment using this external script repo

** This has no default variable

Optional Variables

it's not saved automatically but you can manually add by editing .env file

Expand disk size


It's using 60GB of disk image but it's dynamically allocated. It's is great in most case but when the disk space is expanded, the VM performance will be deteriorated.

This will expand the disk during bootstrap. And you will have some slowness on the VM for a while but would not be slow while using the VM afterwhile.

This should be setup before running bootstrap. Or you can retry after removing /dummy

Docker lib disk


This creates a dedicated docker disk and mount to /var/lib/docker

This uses a Fixed size disk image for the performance, so please check the free space before setting this. There is a startup script to check empty disk partition and format to utilise as a docker disk. If you want to change the size, shutdown the VM and remove the image and delete existing, and change this and start the VM. Please note any data in the container will be gone with the previous disk image.

Please note that creating a fixed size image can take a few minutes, but maybe longer in Mac (like an hour). Please be patience.

This has no default value so it uses the dynamic sized system disk image (maximum 60GB).

If you had some data left in the system disk docker libs, you can see that by 1. stop docker, 2. unmounting /var/lib/docker, 3. start docker again. You can also delete that after unmounting if you don't need that any more.

docker-compose version


Downloads docker-compose from\${dc_version}/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)

Share host directories

You can add shared directory by envionment variables. You will need to vagrat reload


If you use docker in the host OS and binding volumes, the source volume should be in the HOST_PATHS

If the path does not exist, it creates a blank directory and shares

Setting VM environment variables

If you want to set VM environment variables by the host .env file, use __VM__ prefix


Will set


in the VM

** __VM__ZSH_THEME will set the omz theme in the VM. Please try your favorite one

Setting VM hosts entries

If you want to add some hosts entry from the host .env file, use __VMHOSTS__ prefix


Note that underscores (_) will be replaced to ..

Will addd somehost

to /etc/hosts in the VM

If you need multiple enrties with the same IP address, you will need some suffix to distinguish enrties


Anything after 4th underscore is ignored



will download url and install those automatically.

you can use urls for ttfs or zip files separated with comma

It patches font for powerline with nerd fonts.

For already patched fonts, it can be used in PATCHED_FONT_URLS