vagrant halt
to shut down the VMvagrant up
to turn on the VMvagrant reload
apply .env settings like MEMORY, CPUS with rebooting vm./
to destroy the VM and start from scratch
If you want to repeat from scratch for some reason, you can run ./
and retry
docker is available and you will see the samba container running for the VM
Please use install-docker-clients script if you don't have docker clients installed.
Vagrant Manager would be nice to have. Try setup.ps1 with -withvagrantmanager
Virtualbox machine has IP of by default and it shares Projects directory so Host machine can see the files in it.
** Windows git global config should have filemode turned off
.\setup.ps1 -nodevtools
./ --no-devtools
will skip installing git(for Mac), vscode, and terminal.
is also available
** git should be required for Windows to run git-bash
will update registry for
- Disable Secure Desktop (UAC Dimming)
- Set active hour (8am to 2am)
- Show hidden files and extensions
- Disable Windows Update
You can also run separately by scripts/basic-config.ps1
Docker tend to use many small files especially for node.js projects
If the main storage has not enough inodes, docker can fail because of the disk space.
You can check that df -h
has some free space but df -hi
shows a low free space.
BTW, You can prune unused file by following docker command but it would rebuild required files soon.
docker system prune --volumes
This vgrantfile has additional space file of 40GB and it can be configured by DOCKER_DISK_SIZE_GB=40
⚠️ Note that this script will disable WSL2(Hyper-V).Please backup any required files before running. Docker will be still available by this VM
Right click windows menu and click Windows Powershell (Admin)
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Run the setup script in the directory of this repo
** Running setup script again will check updates and install if newer version found
Open Windows Terminal for Gitbash or just Git Bash
In linuxdev dir (this repo)
This will create virtualbox machine and bootup and config