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A command line program for minimization of Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) written in Haskell. Converts DFA to Reduced Deterministic Finite Automaton (RDFA) with total transition function, shortly Minimal Finite Automaton (MFA).


  • Make
  • GHC, version 8+

Compilation and Tests

Compiling and running the tests is done using Makefile in the root directory of this project.
After successfull compilation the binary is generated in the same directory as the Makefile, and is named: dka-2-mka .

  • Compile
    $ make

  • Compile and run
    $ make run
    No arguments are supplied, therefore a usage message (or help message) is printed to STDOUT.

  • Compile and run tests
    $ make test
    After successfull compilation tests are run using a shell script in the test directory. See Section Tests for more information about tests.

  • Compile and run Unit tests
    $ make unit
    After successfull compilation generates a new binary named unitTest that runs unit tests.


$ dka-2-mka option [input]


  • -i The input DFA is pre-parsed, saved into an internal representation
    and printed out to STDOUT. Can fail if not syntactically correct.

  • -t Prints the MFA to STDOUT with the same format (syntax) as the input DFA, but with additional rules specified in the Section Output DFA.

  • input Name of a file, or if not specified, then STDIN is used, that consists of DFA in a format specified in the Section Input DFA.

DFA Syntax

An input DFA consists of various attributes on each line separated by newlines:

<states>             List of states
<alphabet>           Input alphabet
<initial state>      Initial state
<final states>       List of final states
[transition rule 1]  Transition rules - the transition function
[transition rule n]  


  • state is a non-negative integer, each separated by comma,
  • symbol of the alphabet is a lowercase ASCII character (a-z),
  • alphabet is a string of such symbols,
  • transition rules consists of n single rules that denote each element of the transition function, separated by newline, in the following format:

Example of syntactically correct input DFA:


Some Rules

  • Only one command line option can be specified at a time (along with possible input file).

Input DFA

  1. <states> is considered a non-empty, finite set, therefore can consist of
    duplicate states.
  2. <alphabet> is considered a non-empty, finite set, therefore can consist of duplicate symbols.
  3. <initial state> must be defined.
  4. <final states> can be empty, in that case it is just a newline character.
  5. Transition rules are considered as a finite set (duplicate transitions are omitted), that is optional.
  6. Any number of ending newlines (after the last transition rule, or after the <final states>) is ignored.

Output MFA

  1. <states> are sorted, continously ascending from zero.
  2. Symbols of <alphabet> are sorted.
  3. <initial state> is always 0.
  4. <final states> are sorted in ascending order.
  5. Transition rules are sorted lexicographically by the <from_state> and the <using_symbol>.
  6. The <to_state> of the first transition rule, can be only 0 or 1. The <to_state> of any next rule, can be at most higher by 1 than any previous (in any rule above) highest state (i.e. having the largest value so far).

Conversion in general and Implementation detail

The final minimal DFA (i.e. RDFA with total transition function) is constructed from DFA by:

  1. Elimination of unreachable states
  2. Conversion to "fully defined" DFA (i.e. w/ total transition function)
    • If the transition function is not total, then the DFA is extended by a so-called "SINK" state
  3. Conversion to "reduced" DFA using equivalence theorem (classes)
    • If a "SINK" state exists (i.e. a state that is not final, with transitions only to itself), then it is kept (under the option "-t").

Implementation Details

1. Parsing of the input DFA into the custom DFA data type

Uses Text.Parsec module for text parsing and functions from Data.Set 
container to check the validity of the input DFA according to its

2. Elimination of unreachable states

Starting from the set of states s_1 consisting only of initial state, 
filters through transition rules and adds all the possible destination 
states to the set s_1, until the previous iteration of s_1 equals the 
new iteration of s_1.  

Uses functions mainly of the Data.Set container.

3. Conversion to Fully Defined DFA

Makes a list of transition rules to sink state called toSinkTrans using
converted transition rules (Data.Set) to a transition function transFnc
(Data.Map) from states whoose transition function is not defined for any
symbol of the alphabet.   
If the list toSinkTrans is empty then the DFA is fully defined, else
the sink state is added (highest state + 1) along with the toSinkTrans
to the existing transition rules.

Uses functions of the Data.Map and Data.Set container.

4. Conversion to Reduced DFA

If the input DFA (should be fully defined) to function "toReducedDFA" 
consists of only one state (the initial state), then a fully defined
DFA is constructed using only this state (relabeled to "0"),  
else the reduction consists of steps:  

1. Relation of indistinguishable states "indistRel" is constructed -
a list of pairs of states ([(p,q)]) using transition function (Data.Map).

2. The relation of indistinguishable states "indistRel" is converted to
a list of states in relation "statesInRel", which corresponds to equivalence
 classes, e.g. [[1,6],[2,5],[3,4]].

3. Each equivalence class (list of states in the "statesInRel") is labelled
in the order of the states visited starting from the initial state. The result
of this function "relabelInOrder" is a pair of mappings:
a) Each state to its corresponding equivalence class label - "st2eq"
b) Each equivalence class label to the first state in the class - "eq2st"

4. Uses both mappings "st2eq", "eq2st" to construct the reduced DFA.


Add minimization tests to all OK add mix just one state test Check that functions are fully defined Checck fnc args: what where tuples to (a,a,a) listss to (x:xs) TODO write doc - * toReduced uses table k -> v ... TODO SORT TRANSRULES only using src and symb!! 31 -- TODO dfa@ not needed if not used!! Option to remove sink rename to initial from init

constructor for States?? add test and also one state 2,3 1 c 2 2 3 3,2 4 2,c,2 5 3,c,3

0 1 c 2 0 3 0 4 0,c,0

  1. Make rules: a. write tests b. write readme c. write functions with comments

  2. run tests and see everything fail

  3. implement step by step, until all passes

  4. refactor optimize


Format: testX.E where X is an integer starting from 0 E is an ending:

  • .in : the input
  • .out : what the output SHOULD be, empty if any error
  • .temp : output the binary generated
  • . err : Error output of the binary

Each test is either correct, then 0 return value is expected and outputs are compared, or incorrect (syntactically or others) then only return value 1 is expected, no output is compared.


  • Only main module has actions with side effects, others just pure functions

  • Use Functions: ** first ** either ** Left ** Right ** find from Data.Foldable ** left ** right ** nothing . . ** listToMaybe

  • die is cleaner than error

  • error: partial with undefined value,

  •  used in cases that are not reachable, or should not happen
  • for bonus: well used library