Helidon/Nima RING compliant adapter for clojure, loom based
(require '[s-exp.hirundo :as hirundo])
(require '[s-exp.hirundo.websocket :as ws])
(def server
(hirundo/start! {;; regular ring handler
:http-handler (fn [{:as request :keys [body headers ...]}]
{:status 200
:body "Hello world"
:headers {"Something" "Interesting"}})
;; websocket endpoints
:websocket-endpoints {"/ws" {:message (fn [session data _last-msg]
;; echo back data
(ws/send! session data true))
:open (fn [session] (prn :opening-session))
:close (fn [_session status reason]
(prn :closed-session status reason))
:error (fn [session error]
(prn :error error))
;; :subprotocols ["chat"]
;; :extensions ["foobar"]
;; :http-upgrade (fn [headers] ...)
:port 8080}))
;; ...
(hirundo/stop! server)
There is nothing special to its API, you use hirundo as you would use any blocking http adapter like jetty; it is RING compliant so compatible with most/all middlewares out there.
- host of the default socket, defaults to -
- port the server listens to, defaults to random free port -
- ring handler function -
- /!\ subject to changes - (map-of string-endpoint handler-fns-map), where handler if can be of:message
can also contain 2 extra keys,:extensions
, which are sets of subprotocols and protocol extensions acceptable by the server -
) -
- Aio.helidon.nima.common.tls.Tls
You can hook into the server builder via s-exp.hirundo.options/set-server-option!
multimethod at runtime and add/modify whatever you want if you need anything
extra we don't provide (yet).
http2 (h2 & h2c) is supported out of the box, iif a client connects with http2 it will do the protocol switch automatically.
Note: You need to use java 21
clj -X:test
- HTTP (1.1 & 2) server/handlers
- WebSocket handlers (initial implementation)
- Grpc handlers
Copyright © 2023 Max Penet
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.