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Adam Lackorzynski edited this page Jul 19, 2024 · 10 revisions

Running a Linux guest VM

This tutorial will teach you to run a VM with an unmodified version of Linux as a guest on L4Re. L4Re can act in the hypervisor capacity on several platforms, but in this tutorial we will use the QEMU virtual machine of the qemu-system-aarch64 target.


In some parts of this text we are using the term aarch64 to refer to the 64-bit ARM architecture, while in some other parts we use arm64 or even ARMv8 to refer to the same. This may seem somewhat arbitrary and confusing at the same time, but is to a large degree dictated by the conventions of the components at hand. QEMU and toolchain-related uses typically require aarch64 while L4Re typically refer to arm64. The bottom line is that these terms are largely interchangeable and should not confuse you.


You will need several ingredients:

  • aarch64 toolchain
  • L4Re sources
  • Linux kernel sources
  • Linux aarch64 ramdisk
  • QEMU for aarch64 targets

aarch64 toolchain

As you will be building for aarch64, you are going to need the aarch64 build tools for both gcc and g++. The easiest option is to install the tool-chain from your Linux distribution. On Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions they are called


On the shell, output should be like this:

[somedir] $ aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc --version 
aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc (Debian 13.2.0-12) 13.2.0
Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

If your output looks very different (i.e. you get an error instead), then there is likely something wrong with your setup.

Preparing L4Re sources

The following assumes you are familiar with the procedures described in the Building L4Re tutorial and that you have successfully used ham to check out L4Re sources into a top-level directory consistently called somedir throughout this text (but you can use a different name).

Start by making sure you have the latest sources:

[somedir] $ ham sync

You should end up with a source tree that contains at least the following components:

├── bootstrap
├── drivers-frst
├── l4re-core
├── l4virtio
├── libfdt
├── libvcpu
└── uvmm

Continue by configuring the L4Re Microkernel (aka Fiasco) microkernel:

[somedir] $ cd fiasco
[somedir/fiasco] $ make B=../build-fiasco-aarch64
[somedir/fiasco] $ cd ../build-fiasco-aarch64
[somedir/build-fiasco-aarch64] $ make config

In Target configuration, make sure to select:

  • Architecture: ARM processor family
  • Platform: QEMU ARM Virtual Platform
  • CPU: ARM Cortex-A57 CPU
  • Virtualization: enable

Save the configuration and build the microkernel:

[somedir/build-fiasco-aarch64] $ make -j 6

Once the microkernel is built, move on to configuring L4Re:

[somedir/build-fiasco-aarch64] $ cd ../l4
[somedir/l4] $ make B=../build-aarch64
[somedir/l4] $ cd ../build-aarch64
[somedir/build-aarch64] $ make config

Make sure to select:

  • Target Architecture: ARM64 Architecture (AArch64)
  • CPU Variant: ARMv8-A Type CPU
  • Platform Selection: QEMU ARM Virtual Platform

Once configured, build L4Re like this:

[somedir/build-aarch64] $ make -j 6
[somedir/build-aarch64] $ cd ..

Finishing this step will give you the microkernel binary, the L4Re binaries and the device tree binary. You will need all of those later.

Preparing Linux sources

In the following we use Linux 6.10, but any reasonably new version of Linux will do.

Create a build directory for an out-of-tree Linux build:

[somedir] $ mkdir build-linux-aarch64

Alternatively, download Linux 6.10 tarball and work with that instead:

[somedir] $ curl | tar xvfJ -
[somedir] $ ln -s linux-6.10 linux
[somedir] $ cd linux

Now it's time to configure and build Linux. Default configuration should be fine:

[somedir/linux] $ make O=../build-linux-aarch64 ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- defconfig
[somedir/linux] $ make O=../build-linux-aarch64 ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -j 6
[somedir/linux] $ cd ..

This should produce a compressed kernel image in somedir/build-linux-aarch64/arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz. You will need that later.

Getting a Linux ramdisk

Besides the Linux kernel itself, you are also going to need an initial ramdisk with some programs on it. You have basically two options: either build your own ramdisk from scratch or use a ramdisk that someone else made for you. has some ready-to-use ramdisks for you. If you're looking for some more options or different ones, please follow one one of the tutorials found on the Internet. The example below uses the one from

Putting it all together

Unlike the simple hello example in the BUILDING tutorial, running a VM with a Linux guest is a little bit more involved and requires a little bit of configuration.

Now that all the prerequisities were installed, built or downloaded, you are ready to put everything together. First of all, you need to create a directory for configuration files:

[somedir] $ mkdir conf
[somedir] $ cd conf

A ned script

In L4Re, components of the resulting system are described and connected together in a so-called ned script. The name is dervied from ned, which is an init process component that spawns other components and interconnects them via IPC channels (i.e. IPC gate capabilities) according to a Lua configuration file passed to it as an argument.

For our little scenario there is already a demo ned script, called [VM-Basic](here

This ned script is as basic as it gets. It only supports a single VM and does not pass any host I/O devices to the VM, but already contains everything necessary for doing just that without additional bells and whistles. More complex scenarios (e.g. involving multiple VMs) will require a more complex ned script and possibly also additional L4Re components (see VM-Multi, VM-Multi-P2P, VM-Basic-PCI).

There is also a convenience wrapper for launching VMs. You shall see in a later example how to use it.

Specifying boot modules

For the above configuration, there must also be an entry in somedir/l4/conf/modules.list so that make E=vm-basic qemu below knows what binaries and config files to load.

You can see the file here (The exact line number in the URL might change while the file is being modified. Check for entry[...] VM-basic.

Creating Makeconf.boot

In order to save yourself from typing (or copy-and-pasting) ridiculously long command lines full of variable definitions, you need to do one last thing before starting the VM. Go to somedir/l4/conf and copy Makeconf.boot.example to Makeconf.boot (assuming it does not exist yet). Then edit Makeconf.boot and make sure that:

  • somedir/build-fiasco-aarch64
  • somedir/conf

is included in the definition of MODULE_SEARCH_PATH.

Optionally, if you built your own ramdisk add the path from that, or Linux kernel as above, add somedir/build-linux-aarch64/arch/arm64/boot/.

The individual paths need to be absolute and spearated by colons. An example definition of MODULE_SEARCH_PATH might look as follows. Just make sure to change SOMEDIR according to your environment:

SOMEDIR = /absolute/path/to/your/somedir
MODULE_SEARCH_PATH = $(SOMEDIR)/build-fiasco-aarch64:$(SOMEDIR)/conf:$(SOMEDIR)/build-linux-aarch64/arch/arm64/boot/

For running in QEMU, the Makeconf.boot derived from Makeconf.boot.example already contains the proper configuration optiosn for QEMU. You can check the QEMU_OPTIONS to see yourself.

Spawning the Linux VM

At this point you are ready to start the basic VM scenario:

[somedir/l4/conf] $ cd ../../build-aarch64
[somedir/build-aarch64] $ make E=vm-basic qemu

This will spawn QEMU and run L4Re inside of it, including the uvmm virtual machine monitor which eventually starts the Linux guest. Linux should boot in a couple of seconds and you should be able to interact with it over its serial console afterwards.

Supplementary: Using the vmm convenience wrapper

Invoking io and uvmm manually like we do in the vm-basic scenario above can quickly become tedious and impractical when more flexibility and functionality is desired. L4Re therefore provides a convenience wrapper to abstract away the repetetive parts. This wrapper is located in somedir/l4/pkg/uvmm/configs/vmm.lua.

At the expense of hiding some interesting details under the cover, our uvmm-basic scenario can be rewritten as follows. In somedir/conf create a new ned script called uvmm.ned:

package.path = "rom/?.lua";

local L4 = require "L4";
local vmm = require "vmm";

  id = 1,
  mem = 128,
  mon = false,
  rd = "rom/ramdisk-armv8-64.cpio.gz",
  fdt = "rom/virt-arm_virt-64.dtb",
  bootargs = "console=ttyAMA0 earlyprintk=1 rdinit=/bin/sh",
  kernel = "rom/Image.gz",
  log = L4.Env.log,
  ext_args = { "-i" }

You will also need to accompany it with a corresponding new entry in somedir/l4/conf/modules.list:

entry uvmm
kernel fiasco -serial_esc
roottask moe rom/uvmm.ned
module uvmm
module l4re
module ned
module virt-arm_virt-64.dtb
module ramdisk-armv8-64.cpio.gz
module[shell] echo $SRC_BASE_ABS/pkg/uvmm/configs/vmm.lua
module uvmm.ned
module[uncompress] Image.gz

You can now run this scenario:

[somedir/l4/conf] $ cd ../../build-aarch64
[somedir/build-aarch64] $ make E=uvmm qemu

As with the basic scenario, you should be able to interact with the guest after it boots.


In this tutorial you have learned to build, configure and run a basic Linux VM scenario in the L4Re virtual machine monitor uvmm. Parts not covered here include running multiple VMs, using a console multiplexer and a virtual network switch. Likewise, we didn't show how to pass a host I/O device to the guest.

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