All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.0.0 (2018-12-12)
0.8.0 (2018-12-12)
- FormikDatePicker: use field.onBlur instead of creating a new blur handler (fe57b6c)
- FormikDropdown: use field.onBlur instead of creating a new blur handler (9835283)
- FormikSpinButton: implement FormikSpinButton (8799395)
- FormikSwatchColorPicker: implement FormikSwatchColorPicker (c5a7c0a)
0.7.0 (2018-12-10)
- FormikColorPicker: implement FormikColorPicker (59e5f9c)
0.6.0 (2018-12-09)
- FormikPeoplePicker: implement FormikNormalPicker, FormikCompactPeoplePicker and FormikListPeoplePicker (348f20f)
0.5.1 (2018-12-07)
- package: add missing components to index.js (68cfda2)
0.5.0 (2018-12-06)
- FormikToggle: fix typing error in mapFieldToToggle (e5b112b)
- FormikChoiceGroup: implement FormikChoiceGroup (3c99d68)
- FormikRating: implement FormikRating (fcd2ff5)
- FormikSlider: implement FormikSlider (22ae175)
0.4.1 (2018-12-05)
- package: add office-ui-fabric-react and formik as external references (4af23a6)
0.4.0 (2018-12-05)
0.3.0 (2018-12-05)
- FormikDropdown: implement FormikDropdown (a444322)
0.2.0 (2018-12-05)
- remove TestComponent (7b38120)
- FormikDatePicker: use onAfterMenuDismiss to invoke onBlur for field (c64c577)
- FormikTextField: implement FormikTextField and FormikMaskedTextField (1046e86)
- implement FormikDatePicker (72b481e)