This document is the lecture 12 (2/27/2023) notes for CS340: Software Engineering. This day of lecture discuses measuring quality of tests, test suite quality metrics, and the topics that will be covered in Exam 1.
- Tests only allow us to draw conclusions about the lines of code that get eexecuted -> How much of this exists?
- Our goal with a test suite: all of the code / requirements should be covered (checked) by the test suite
- Code Coverage - how much code is executed by a test suite? -> Coverage metrics tackle this definition in different ways
- Statement Coverage - fraction of source code statements that are executed by the test suite -> Line coverage
- observation: if we never test line x, then testing cannot rule out the presence of a bug on x -> Note: you could cover line x & still have a bug
- ex)
def foo(a,b):
return a / b
TEST: foo(6,2) == 3
foo(6,0) -> crash!
- even with 100% lline coverage, there could be bugs the test suite fails to expose
- All things being equal, if test A visits lines 1&2 and test B visits 1,2,3,4,
which test do we perfer?
- test B -> coveres more lines
- What assumptions are we making?
- we gain the same amount of confidence (or info) we gain per line visited
- A test quite quality metric assesses the quality of a test suite (with respect to an external notion of utility) and allows test suites to be compared
- Line coverage -> one such quality metric
- given two test suites that both run in the provided resource budget, prefer the one with higher line coverage -> good for decision making
- How do we measure line coverage?
- set a breakpoint & step through (manually write down)
- print "stuff" -> insert a print statement for each line of code -> slow down execution, manual effort to insert, observer effect
- Coverage Instrumentation -> program will be automatically modified to track coverage while minimizing observer effect
- "Solved problem" -> python coverage, gcc gcov
- 100% line coverage and still have bugs
- state or sequencing of execution that still produces bugs
- Implicit control flow: -> "hidden" if statement
- ex)
return a / b ->
if b != 0:
return a / b
- ex)
print(ref.field) ->
if ref != null:
- Interesting test cause implicit or explicit changes of control -> cause different branches of conditional statements to execute
- Might reduce to covering all branches
- Branch coverage - total number of conditional branches executed / covered by a test suite
- if true
- if false
- The 'if true' case and 'if false' case are covered separately.
- Written Exam
- Allowed one 8.5x11 piece of paper for reference notes
- Topics
- Software vs Programs
- Time allocation to various SE tasks
- Linux / command line -> typical program
- loops / conditions, file paths, scripting (shebang / permissions), text editors
- Version control systems
- centralized vs distributed, deltas vs snapshots, git basics (staging), working directories, commit histories, branching/tags/head, rebasing vs merging, remote/PRs/forks, commit messages
- Quality Assurance Testing
- Internal vs External, Rice's Theorem & limit of assessment, unit testing, system integration, load, test driven development, test cases & parts, mocking
Good Luck Studying for Exam 1!