Elixir implementation of Visma API.
mix deps.get
mix compile
mix eunit
If you are using Visma.Manager
application, you will
need to configure these elements in config/config.exs
config :visma,
base_url: "https://demo.vismaaddo.net/WebService/v2.0/restsigningservice.svc",
email: "fake.email.for.api.test@visma.com",
password: Base.decode64!("c/SjPSMTRcZW1yzcvs6qdUOrnx4GyHoH0fyD0h9XnAAYP7PP/sNgTjKDMSUGlZAXB+ZFmm20JWK6hrsgJHsGYw==")
When started, Visma application start a process called
. This one automatically generate a valid
token and can automatically renew it when sending requests.
The implementation is not complete, all requests are not
managed by this process at the moment.
Here some code example to use it with Visma.Manager
# Manually start Visma.Manager. This process
# is registered.
{:ok, pid} = Visma.Manager.start_link()
# Get the current token assigned to the manager.
# Get all templates availables.
# Get all availables templates sorted by id (Id field)
# Get all availables templates sorted by name
# (FriendlyName field)
This application can also be used as a library. Here an example to initiate a new signature. At first, a token is required.
# A token is required when we do a request. If
# Visma.Manager is started, we can also call
# Visma.Manager.get_token().
{:ok, token} = Visma.Api.new()
|> Visma.Api.login(
email: "my@email.com",
password: "mypassword"
|> Visma.Api.send()
A signing request is required as well.
# First, we generate a signing data-structure
signing_request = Visma.Signing.new()
# A request has mandatory parameters, like its name
# but also a reference numbeder and a valid signing
# template id (you can find it using
# Manager.Visma.get_signing_templates)
|> Visma.Signing.request(
name: "my signing request name",
reference_number: "12345",
signing_template_id: "valid-signing-template-id"
# Next, we can configure a new sender.
|> Visma.Signing.sender(
name: "My Sender Name",
company_name: "My Company Name",
email: "my@email.com",
phone: "My Phone"
# Next, we can set one or many recipients. A
# valid name and CPR number are mandatory.
|> Visma.Signing.recipient(
name: "John Doe",
cpr: "1234567890",
email: "john@doe.test"
|> Visma.Signing.recipient(
name: "John Smith",
cpr: "2345678901",
email: "john@smith.com"
# Finally, we can now set the attachments/documents
# to send to Visma. Visma only support `application/pdf`
# mime type, so, this is the default set if not
# present.
|> Visma.Signing.document(
name: "billing.pdf",
data: File.read!("billing.pdf"),
mime_type: "application/pdf"
When the request is ready, 2 methods can be
used to send the request. The first one is
using only Visma.deliver/1
function. This
function deal with required token and other
Or using Visma.Api.send/1
function. This method
is more complex but it is a low level way.
# Create a new Visma API request
# Set it with to deal with a new signing process
# signing_request parameter must be map()
|> Visma.Api.initiate_signing(
token: token,
signing_request: Visma.Signing.to_map(signing_request)
# Send the request
|> Visma.Api.send()
- Visma Code Samples: https://github.com/vismaaddo/AddoSamples
- Visma REST API Documentation: https://documentation.autoinvoice.visma.com/rest-api/
- Visma API Documentation: https://support.vismaaddo.net/hc/en-us/articles/360017702120-API-documentation
- Visma Account Documentation: https://support.vismaaddo.net/hc/en-us/articles/360018618439-Test-account-for-API
- Visma Releases Notes: https://support.vismaaddo.net/hc/en-us/sections/360004890299-Release-notes
- Visma OpenAPI Documentation: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/4950720/RWMLJkeo