- We need to create a Guinness Record. We need a counter to count number of challenges completed in a specific period of time.
- For this we need a counter of participants and their respective challenge completions.
- Issue already flagged at freeCodeCamp/camper-gitter-bot#75
- Along the lines of a https://statsbot.co/bots/8651 Statsbot for Slack
- CamperBot - Fundamental requirement is to implement Command including Count, Yesterday's Count, Today's Count, Diff betweem days.
Count: It should return the overall count of the problems solved in FCC by a specific gitter chat room members - Example: count @kgisl/campsite -> It should return 1500 problems (Total problems solved by all the members in kgisl/campsite)
Yesterday’s Count: It should return yesterday’s count of the problems solved in FCC by a specific gitter chat room members - Example: Yesterday’s count @kgisl/campsite – It should return 1000 problems
Today’s Count It should return today’s count of the problems solved in FCC by a specific gitter chat room members - Example : Today’s count @kgisl/campsite - It should return 500 problems
Diff between two or more days: It should return the difference between two or more days (days can be specified by the user). - Example: Diff @kgisl/campsite -> bot should asks for dates - > 20-04-2016 21-04-2016 -> It should return 500 - Assume count for 20-04-2016 is 1000 and 21-04-2016 count is 1500 : 1500 – 1000 -> 500
Max: It should return the name of the member who contributed maximum problems in FCC. - Max @kgisl/campsite -> 245 | @parisudhaandireyaa | http://www.freecodecamp.com/parisudhaandireyaa
Min: It should return the name of the member who contributed minimum problems in FCC. - Min @kgisl/campsite -> 10 | @xyz | http://www.freecodecamp.com/xyz
About @username can be modified to accept two or more members. - About @kgashok @ddrdushy -> it should give the following result
i. 155 | @kgashok | http://www.freecodecamp.com/kgashok
ii. 245 | @ddrdushy | http://www.freecodecamp.com/ddrdushy
Standalone Counter for FCC https://github.com/kgisl/FCC-Status
This slack server that self-invites people to a channel (gitter room) is also a likely possibility https://github.com/kgisl/slackin