Feature | Description |
cicid | Unique record ID |
i94yr | 4 digit year |
i94mon | Numeric month |
i94cit | 3 digit code for immigrant country of birth |
i94res | 3 digit code for immigrant country of residence |
i94port | Port of admission |
arrdate | Arrival Date in the USA |
i94mode | Mode of transportation (1 = Air; 2 = Sea; 3 = Land; 9 = Not reported) |
i94addr | USA State of arrival |
depdate | Departure Date from the USA |
i94bir | Age of Respondent in Years |
i94visa | Visa codes collapsed into three categories |
count | Field used for summary statistics |
dtadfile | Character Date Field - Date added to I-94 Files |
visapost | Department of State where where Visa was issued |
occup | Occupation that will be performed in U.S |
entdepa | Arrival Flag - admitted or paroled into the U.S. |
entdepd | Departure Flag - Departed, lost I-94 or is deceased |
entdepu | Update Flag - Either apprehended, overstayed, adjusted to perm residence |
matflag | Match flag - Match of arrival and departure records |
biryear | 4 digit year of birth |
dtaddto | Character Date Field - Date to which admitted to U.S. (allowed to stay until) |
gender | Non-immigrant sex |
insnum | INS number |
airline | Airline used to arrive in U.S. |
admnum | Admission Number |
fltno | Flight number of Airline used to arrive in U.S. |
visatype | Class of admission legally admitting the non-immigrant to temporarily stay in U.S. |
Feature | Description |
City | City Name |
State | US State where city is located |
Median Age | Median age of the population |
Male Population | Count of male population |
Female Population | Count of female population |
Total Population | Count of total population |
Number of Veterans | Count of total Veterans |
Foreign born | Count of residents of the city that were not born in the city |
Average Household Size | Average city household size |
State Code | Code of the US state |
Race | Respondent race |
Count | Count of city's individual per race |
Feature | Description |
dt | Date |
AverageTemperature | Global average land temperature in celsius |
AverageTemperatureUncertainty | 95% confidence interval around the average |
City | Name of City |
Country | Name of Country |
Latitude | City Latitude |
Longitude | City Longitude |
Feature | Description |
ident | Airport id |
type | size of airport |
name | name |
elevation_ft | elevation in feet |
continent | continet |
iso_country | country (ISO-2) |
iso_region | region (ISO-2) |
municipality | municipality |
gps_code | gps code |
iata_code | IATA code |
local_code | Local code |
coordinates | coordinates |