From db7af0057bbc0318c1ec33f710b44bce5ad3209e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Khoi Hoang <>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2022 19:24:14 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Update `Packages_Patches`
.../STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h | 104 ++--
.../STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h | 104 ++--
.../1.9.0/variants/NUCLEO_F767ZI/variant.h | 48 +-
.../1.9.0/variants/NUCLEO_L053R8/variant.h | 48 +-
.../STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h | 104 ++--
.../STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h | 104 ++--
.../variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h | 92 ++--
.../L052R(6-8)H_L053R(6-8)H/variant_generic.h | 106 ++--
.../variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h | 92 ++--
.../variant_generic.h | 106 ++--
.../STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h | 104 ++--
.../STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h | 104 ++--
.../variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h | 92 ++--
.../variant_generic.h | 106 ++--
.../STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h | 104 ++--
.../STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h | 104 ++--
.../variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h | 92 ++--
.../variant_generic.h | 106 ++--
.../STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h | 104 ++--
.../STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h | 102 ++--
.../variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h | 92 ++--
.../variant_generic.h | 106 ++--
.../samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino/Print.cpp | 474 ++++++++++--------
.../hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino/Print.h | 158 +++---
.../samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino51/Print.cpp | 474 ++++++++++--------
.../samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino51/Print.h | 158 +++---
26 files changed, 1756 insertions(+), 1632 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
index d133b23b..41333201 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * @file stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
- * @brief HAL default configuration file.
+ @file stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
+ @brief HAL default configuration file.
- * @attention
- *
- *
© Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ @attention
+ © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- */
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32F4xx_HAL_CONF_DEFAULT_H
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- * and manage module deactivation
- */
+ @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
+ and manage module deactivation
#include "stm32yyxx_hal_conf.h"
#if 0
- * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- */
+ @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */
- * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
#define HSE_VALUE 8000000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
@@ -103,25 +103,25 @@ extern "C" {
- * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
#define HSI_VALUE 16000000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
- * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
- */
+ @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
#if !defined (LSI_VALUE)
#define LSI_VALUE 32000U /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz */
#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz
The real value may vary depending on the variations
in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
- */
+ @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
#if !defined (LSE_VALUE)
#define LSE_VALUE 32768U /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* LSE_VALUE */
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
- * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
- * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
- */
+ @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
+ This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
+ frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
#define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE 12288000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz*/
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */
- * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
- */
+ @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
#if !defined (VDD_VALUE)
#define VDD_VALUE 3300U /*!< Value of VDD in mv */
@@ -206,9 +206,9 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
- * HAL drivers code
- */
+ @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
+ HAL drivers code
/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1U */
/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration ##################### */
@@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
//#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */
#if !defined (LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS)
- /* LAN8742A PHY Address*/
- #define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
+/* LAN8742A PHY Address*/
+#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/
@@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */
/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver
-* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
-* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
+ Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
+ Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
#if !defined (USE_SPI_CRC)
#define USE_SPI_CRC 0U
@@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief Include module's header file
- */
+ @brief Include module's header file
#include "stm32f4xx_hal_rcc.h"
@@ -489,13 +489,13 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
- * @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
- * which reports the name of the source file and the source
- * line number of the call that failed.
- * If expr is true, it returns no value.
- * @retval None
- */
+ @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
+ @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
+ which reports the name of the source file and the source
+ line number of the call that failed.
+ If expr is true, it returns no value.
+ @retval None
#define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0U : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__))
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
void assert_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line);
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
index 6659ec38..7f1f7bca 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * @file stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
- * @brief HAL default configuration file.
+ @file stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
+ @brief HAL default configuration file.
- * @attention
- *
- * © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ @attention
+ © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- */
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_DEFAULT_H
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- * and manage module deactivation
- */
+ @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
+ and manage module deactivation
#include "stm32yyxx_hal_conf.h"
#if 0
- * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- */
+ @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */
- * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
#define HSE_VALUE 25000000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
@@ -103,25 +103,25 @@ extern "C" {
- * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
#define HSI_VALUE 16000000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
- * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
- */
+ @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
#if !defined (LSI_VALUE)
#define LSI_VALUE 32000U /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz*/
#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz
The real value may vary depending on the variations
in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
- */
+ @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
#if !defined (LSE_VALUE)
#define LSE_VALUE 32768U /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* LSE_VALUE */
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
- * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
- * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
- */
+ @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
+ This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
+ frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
#define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE 12288000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */
- * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
- */
+ @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
#if !defined (VDD_VALUE)
#define VDD_VALUE 3300U /*!< Value of VDD in mv */
@@ -203,9 +203,9 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
- * HAL drivers code
- */
+ @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
+ HAL drivers code
/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1 */
/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration ##################### */
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
//#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */
#if !defined (LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS)
- /* LAN8742A PHY Address*/
- #define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
+/* LAN8742A PHY Address*/
+#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */
/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver
-* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
-* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
+ Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
+ Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
#if !defined (USE_SPI_CRC)
#define USE_SPI_CRC 0U
@@ -288,8 +288,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief Include module's header file
- */
+ @brief Include module's header file
#include "stm32f7xx_hal_rcc.h"
@@ -486,13 +486,13 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
- * @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
- * which reports the name of the source file and the source
- * line number of the call that failed.
- * If expr is true, it returns no value.
- * @retval None
- */
+ @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
+ @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
+ which reports the name of the source file and the source
+ line number of the call that failed.
+ If expr is true, it returns no value.
+ @retval None
#define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__))
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
void assert_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line);
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/variants/NUCLEO_F767ZI/variant.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/variants/NUCLEO_F767ZI/variant.h
index f68b2491..1d61846b 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/variants/NUCLEO_F767ZI/variant.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/variants/NUCLEO_F767ZI/variant.h
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
- * Pins
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Pins
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define PG9 0
#define PG14 1
@@ -156,30 +156,30 @@ extern "C" {
} // extern "C"
- * Arduino objects - C++ only
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Arduino objects - C++ only
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
- // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
- // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
- // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
- // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
- // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
- #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
- // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
- //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
- #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
+ // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
+ // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
+ // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
+ // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
+ // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
+ // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
+ //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
#endif /* _VARIANT_ARDUINO_STM32_ */
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/variants/NUCLEO_L053R8/variant.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/variants/NUCLEO_L053R8/variant.h
index 0cb2cfa1..e7ba1e9b 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/variants/NUCLEO_L053R8/variant.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/1.9.0/variants/NUCLEO_L053R8/variant.h
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
- * Pins
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Pins
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define PA3 0
#define PA2 1
@@ -116,30 +116,30 @@ extern "C" {
} // extern "C"
- * Arduino objects - C++ only
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Arduino objects - C++ only
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
- // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
- // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
- // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
- // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
- // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
- #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
- // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
- //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
- #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
+ // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
+ // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
+ // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
+ // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
+ // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
+ // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
+ //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
#endif /* _VARIANT_ARDUINO_STM32_ */
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
index 3e2bbf82..f156b450 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * @file stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
- * @brief HAL default configuration file.
+ @file stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
+ @brief HAL default configuration file.
- * @attention
- *
- * © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ @attention
+ © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- */
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32F4xx_HAL_CONF_DEFAULT_H
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- * and manage module deactivation
- */
+ @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
+ and manage module deactivation
#include "stm32yyxx_hal_conf.h"
#if 0
- * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- */
+ @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */
- * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
#define HSE_VALUE 8000000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
@@ -104,25 +104,25 @@ extern "C" {
- * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
#define HSI_VALUE 16000000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
- * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
- */
+ @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
#if !defined (LSI_VALUE)
#define LSI_VALUE 32000U /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz */
#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz
The real value may vary depending on the variations
in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
- */
+ @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
#if !defined (LSE_VALUE)
#define LSE_VALUE 32768U /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* LSE_VALUE */
@@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
- * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
- * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
- */
+ @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
+ This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
+ frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
#define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE 12288000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz*/
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */
- * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
- */
+ @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
#if !defined (VDD_VALUE)
#define VDD_VALUE 3300U /*!< Value of VDD in mv */
@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
- * HAL drivers code
- */
+ @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
+ HAL drivers code
/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1U */
/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration ##################### */
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
//#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */
#if !defined (LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS)
- /* LAN8742A PHY Address*/
- #define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
+/* LAN8742A PHY Address*/
+#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/
@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */
/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver
-* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
-* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
+ Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
+ Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
#if !defined (USE_SPI_CRC)
#define USE_SPI_CRC 0U
@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief Include module's header file
- */
+ @brief Include module's header file
#include "stm32f4xx_hal_rcc.h"
@@ -495,13 +495,13 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
- * @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
- * which reports the name of the source file and the source
- * line number of the call that failed.
- * If expr is true, it returns no value.
- * @retval None
- */
+ @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
+ @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
+ which reports the name of the source file and the source
+ line number of the call that failed.
+ If expr is true, it returns no value.
+ @retval None
#define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0U : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__))
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
void assert_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line);
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
index 6659ec38..7f1f7bca 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * @file stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
- * @brief HAL default configuration file.
+ @file stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
+ @brief HAL default configuration file.
- * @attention
- *
- * © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ @attention
+ © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- */
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_DEFAULT_H
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- * and manage module deactivation
- */
+ @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
+ and manage module deactivation
#include "stm32yyxx_hal_conf.h"
#if 0
- * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- */
+ @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */
- * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
#define HSE_VALUE 25000000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
@@ -103,25 +103,25 @@ extern "C" {
- * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
#define HSI_VALUE 16000000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
- * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
- */
+ @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
#if !defined (LSI_VALUE)
#define LSI_VALUE 32000U /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz*/
#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz
The real value may vary depending on the variations
in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
- */
+ @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
#if !defined (LSE_VALUE)
#define LSE_VALUE 32768U /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* LSE_VALUE */
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
- * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
- * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
- */
+ @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
+ This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
+ frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
#define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE 12288000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */
- * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
- */
+ @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
#if !defined (VDD_VALUE)
#define VDD_VALUE 3300U /*!< Value of VDD in mv */
@@ -203,9 +203,9 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
- * HAL drivers code
- */
+ @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
+ HAL drivers code
/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1 */
/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration ##################### */
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
//#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */
#if !defined (LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS)
- /* LAN8742A PHY Address*/
- #define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
+/* LAN8742A PHY Address*/
+#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */
/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver
-* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
-* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
+ Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
+ Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
#if !defined (USE_SPI_CRC)
#define USE_SPI_CRC 0U
@@ -288,8 +288,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief Include module's header file
- */
+ @brief Include module's header file
#include "stm32f7xx_hal_rcc.h"
@@ -486,13 +486,13 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
- * @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
- * which reports the name of the source file and the source
- * line number of the call that failed.
- * If expr is true, it returns no value.
- * @retval None
- */
+ @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
+ @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
+ which reports the name of the source file and the source
+ line number of the call that failed.
+ If expr is true, it returns no value.
+ @retval None
#define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__))
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
void assert_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line);
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
index e8eaf79b..8d7b8a86 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#pragma once
- * Pins
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Pins
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define PG9 0
#define PG14 1
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
// On-board LED pin number
- #define LED_BUILTIN PB0
+ #define LED_BUILTIN PB0
#define LED_BLUE PB7
@@ -196,29 +196,29 @@
// On-board user button
#ifndef USER_BTN
- #define USER_BTN PC13
+ #define USER_BTN PC13
// Timer Definitions
// Use TIM6/TIM7 when possible as servo and tone don't need GPIO output pin
#ifndef TIMER_TONE
- #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
+ #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
- #define TIMER_SERVO TIM7
+ #define TIMER_SERVO TIM7
// UART Definitions
- #define SERIAL_UART_INSTANCE 3 //Connected to ST-Link
+ #define SERIAL_UART_INSTANCE 3 //Connected to ST-Link
// Serial pin used for console (ex: stlink)
// Rerquired by Firmata
- #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PD9
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PD9
- #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PD8
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PD8
// Value of the External oscillator in Hz
@@ -226,16 +226,16 @@
/* Extra HAL modules */
// Last Flash sector used for EEPROM emulation, address/sector depends on single/dual bank configuration.
@@ -244,31 +244,31 @@
- * Arduino objects - C++ only
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Arduino objects - C++ only
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
- // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
- // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
- // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
- // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
- // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
- #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
- #endif
- // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
- //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
- #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
- #endif
+ // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
+ // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
+ // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
+ // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
+ // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
+ #endif
+ // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
+ //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
+ #endif
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/L052R(6-8)H_L053R(6-8)H/variant_generic.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/L052R(6-8)H_L053R(6-8)H/variant_generic.h
index 43ba2410..edb4fab7 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/L052R(6-8)H_L053R(6-8)H/variant_generic.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/L052R(6-8)H_L053R(6-8)H/variant_generic.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- */
#pragma once
- * STM32 pins number
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ STM32 pins number
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define PA0 PIN_A0
#define PA1 PIN_A1
#define PA2 PIN_A2
@@ -75,99 +75,99 @@
// On-board LED pin number
// On-board user button
#ifndef USER_BTN
// SPI definitions
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS
- #define PIN_SPI_SS PA4
+ #define PIN_SPI_SS PA4
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS1
- #define PIN_SPI_SS1 PA15
+ #define PIN_SPI_SS1 PA15
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS2
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS3
#ifndef PIN_SPI_MOSI
- #define PIN_SPI_MOSI PA7
+ #define PIN_SPI_MOSI PA7
#ifndef PIN_SPI_MISO
- #define PIN_SPI_MISO PA6
+ #define PIN_SPI_MISO PA6
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SCK
- #define PIN_SPI_SCK PA5
+ #define PIN_SPI_SCK PA5
// I2C definitions
#ifndef PIN_WIRE_SDA
- #define PIN_WIRE_SDA PB7
+ #define PIN_WIRE_SDA PB7
#ifndef PIN_WIRE_SCL
- #define PIN_WIRE_SCL PB6
+ #define PIN_WIRE_SCL PB6
// Timer Definitions
// Use TIM6/TIM7 when possible as servo and tone don't need GPIO output pin
#ifndef TIMER_TONE
- #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
+ #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
- #define TIMER_SERVO TIM21
+ #define TIMER_SERVO TIM21
// UART Definitions
// Default pin used for generic 'Serial' instance
// Mandatory for Firmata
- #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PA3
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PA3
- #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PA2
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PA2
// Extra HAL modules
- * Arduino objects - C++ only
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Arduino objects - C++ only
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
- // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
- // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
- // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
- // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
- // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
- #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
- #endif
- // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
- //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
- #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
- #endif
+ // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
+ // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
+ // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
+ // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
+ // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
+ #endif
+ // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
+ //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
+ #endif
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
index e8eaf79b..8d7b8a86 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#pragma once
- * Pins
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Pins
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define PG9 0
#define PG14 1
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
// On-board LED pin number
- #define LED_BUILTIN PB0
+ #define LED_BUILTIN PB0
#define LED_BLUE PB7
@@ -196,29 +196,29 @@
// On-board user button
#ifndef USER_BTN
- #define USER_BTN PC13
+ #define USER_BTN PC13
// Timer Definitions
// Use TIM6/TIM7 when possible as servo and tone don't need GPIO output pin
#ifndef TIMER_TONE
- #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
+ #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
- #define TIMER_SERVO TIM7
+ #define TIMER_SERVO TIM7
// UART Definitions
- #define SERIAL_UART_INSTANCE 3 //Connected to ST-Link
+ #define SERIAL_UART_INSTANCE 3 //Connected to ST-Link
// Serial pin used for console (ex: stlink)
// Rerquired by Firmata
- #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PD9
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PD9
- #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PD8
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PD8
// Value of the External oscillator in Hz
@@ -226,16 +226,16 @@
/* Extra HAL modules */
// Last Flash sector used for EEPROM emulation, address/sector depends on single/dual bank configuration.
@@ -244,31 +244,31 @@
- * Arduino objects - C++ only
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Arduino objects - C++ only
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
- // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
- // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
- // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
- // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
- // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
- #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
- #endif
- // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
- //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
- #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
- #endif
+ // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
+ // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
+ // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
+ // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
+ // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
+ #endif
+ // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
+ //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
+ #endif
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h
index 43ba2410..edb4fab7 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.0.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- */
#pragma once
- * STM32 pins number
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ STM32 pins number
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define PA0 PIN_A0
#define PA1 PIN_A1
#define PA2 PIN_A2
@@ -75,99 +75,99 @@
// On-board LED pin number
// On-board user button
#ifndef USER_BTN
// SPI definitions
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS
- #define PIN_SPI_SS PA4
+ #define PIN_SPI_SS PA4
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS1
- #define PIN_SPI_SS1 PA15
+ #define PIN_SPI_SS1 PA15
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS2
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS3
#ifndef PIN_SPI_MOSI
- #define PIN_SPI_MOSI PA7
+ #define PIN_SPI_MOSI PA7
#ifndef PIN_SPI_MISO
- #define PIN_SPI_MISO PA6
+ #define PIN_SPI_MISO PA6
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SCK
- #define PIN_SPI_SCK PA5
+ #define PIN_SPI_SCK PA5
// I2C definitions
#ifndef PIN_WIRE_SDA
- #define PIN_WIRE_SDA PB7
+ #define PIN_WIRE_SDA PB7
#ifndef PIN_WIRE_SCL
- #define PIN_WIRE_SCL PB6
+ #define PIN_WIRE_SCL PB6
// Timer Definitions
// Use TIM6/TIM7 when possible as servo and tone don't need GPIO output pin
#ifndef TIMER_TONE
- #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
+ #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
- #define TIMER_SERVO TIM21
+ #define TIMER_SERVO TIM21
// UART Definitions
// Default pin used for generic 'Serial' instance
// Mandatory for Firmata
- #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PA3
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PA3
- #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PA2
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PA2
// Extra HAL modules
- * Arduino objects - C++ only
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Arduino objects - C++ only
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
- // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
- // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
- // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
- // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
- // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
- #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
- #endif
- // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
- //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
- #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
- #endif
+ // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
+ // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
+ // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
+ // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
+ // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
+ #endif
+ // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
+ //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
+ #endif
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
index 3e2bbf82..f156b450 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * @file stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
- * @brief HAL default configuration file.
+ @file stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
+ @brief HAL default configuration file.
- * @attention
- *
- * © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ @attention
+ © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- */
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32F4xx_HAL_CONF_DEFAULT_H
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- * and manage module deactivation
- */
+ @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
+ and manage module deactivation
#include "stm32yyxx_hal_conf.h"
#if 0
- * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- */
+ @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */
- * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
#define HSE_VALUE 8000000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
@@ -104,25 +104,25 @@ extern "C" {
- * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
#define HSI_VALUE 16000000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
- * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
- */
+ @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
#if !defined (LSI_VALUE)
#define LSI_VALUE 32000U /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz */
#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz
The real value may vary depending on the variations
in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
- */
+ @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
#if !defined (LSE_VALUE)
#define LSE_VALUE 32768U /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* LSE_VALUE */
@@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
- * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
- * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
- */
+ @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
+ This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
+ frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
#define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE 12288000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz*/
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */
- * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
- */
+ @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
#if !defined (VDD_VALUE)
#define VDD_VALUE 3300U /*!< Value of VDD in mv */
@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
- * HAL drivers code
- */
+ @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
+ HAL drivers code
/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1U */
/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration ##################### */
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
//#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */
#if !defined (LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS)
- /* LAN8742A PHY Address*/
- #define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
+/* LAN8742A PHY Address*/
+#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/
@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */
/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver
-* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
-* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
+ Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
+ Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
#if !defined (USE_SPI_CRC)
#define USE_SPI_CRC 0U
@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief Include module's header file
- */
+ @brief Include module's header file
#include "stm32f4xx_hal_rcc.h"
@@ -495,13 +495,13 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
- * @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
- * which reports the name of the source file and the source
- * line number of the call that failed.
- * If expr is true, it returns no value.
- * @retval None
- */
+ @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
+ @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
+ which reports the name of the source file and the source
+ line number of the call that failed.
+ If expr is true, it returns no value.
+ @retval None
#define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0U : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__))
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
void assert_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line);
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
index 6659ec38..7f1f7bca 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * @file stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
- * @brief HAL default configuration file.
+ @file stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
+ @brief HAL default configuration file.
- * @attention
- *
- * © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ @attention
+ © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- */
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_DEFAULT_H
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- * and manage module deactivation
- */
+ @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
+ and manage module deactivation
#include "stm32yyxx_hal_conf.h"
#if 0
- * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- */
+ @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */
- * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
#define HSE_VALUE 25000000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
@@ -103,25 +103,25 @@ extern "C" {
- * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
#define HSI_VALUE 16000000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
- * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
- */
+ @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
#if !defined (LSI_VALUE)
#define LSI_VALUE 32000U /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz*/
#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz
The real value may vary depending on the variations
in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
- */
+ @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
#if !defined (LSE_VALUE)
#define LSE_VALUE 32768U /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* LSE_VALUE */
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
- * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
- * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
- */
+ @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
+ This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
+ frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
#define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE 12288000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */
- * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
- */
+ @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
#if !defined (VDD_VALUE)
#define VDD_VALUE 3300U /*!< Value of VDD in mv */
@@ -203,9 +203,9 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
- * HAL drivers code
- */
+ @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
+ HAL drivers code
/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1 */
/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration ##################### */
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
//#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */
#if !defined (LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS)
- /* LAN8742A PHY Address*/
- #define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
+/* LAN8742A PHY Address*/
+#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */
/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver
-* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
-* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
+ Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
+ Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
#if !defined (USE_SPI_CRC)
#define USE_SPI_CRC 0U
@@ -288,8 +288,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief Include module's header file
- */
+ @brief Include module's header file
#include "stm32f7xx_hal_rcc.h"
@@ -486,13 +486,13 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
- * @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
- * which reports the name of the source file and the source
- * line number of the call that failed.
- * If expr is true, it returns no value.
- * @retval None
- */
+ @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
+ @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
+ which reports the name of the source file and the source
+ line number of the call that failed.
+ If expr is true, it returns no value.
+ @retval None
#define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__))
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
void assert_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line);
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
index e8eaf79b..8d7b8a86 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#pragma once
- * Pins
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Pins
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define PG9 0
#define PG14 1
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
// On-board LED pin number
- #define LED_BUILTIN PB0
+ #define LED_BUILTIN PB0
#define LED_BLUE PB7
@@ -196,29 +196,29 @@
// On-board user button
#ifndef USER_BTN
- #define USER_BTN PC13
+ #define USER_BTN PC13
// Timer Definitions
// Use TIM6/TIM7 when possible as servo and tone don't need GPIO output pin
#ifndef TIMER_TONE
- #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
+ #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
- #define TIMER_SERVO TIM7
+ #define TIMER_SERVO TIM7
// UART Definitions
- #define SERIAL_UART_INSTANCE 3 //Connected to ST-Link
+ #define SERIAL_UART_INSTANCE 3 //Connected to ST-Link
// Serial pin used for console (ex: stlink)
// Rerquired by Firmata
- #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PD9
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PD9
- #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PD8
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PD8
// Value of the External oscillator in Hz
@@ -226,16 +226,16 @@
/* Extra HAL modules */
// Last Flash sector used for EEPROM emulation, address/sector depends on single/dual bank configuration.
@@ -244,31 +244,31 @@
- * Arduino objects - C++ only
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Arduino objects - C++ only
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
- // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
- // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
- // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
- // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
- // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
- #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
- #endif
- // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
- //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
- #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
- #endif
+ // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
+ // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
+ // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
+ // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
+ // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
+ #endif
+ // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
+ //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
+ #endif
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h
index 43ba2410..edb4fab7 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.1.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- */
#pragma once
- * STM32 pins number
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ STM32 pins number
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define PA0 PIN_A0
#define PA1 PIN_A1
#define PA2 PIN_A2
@@ -75,99 +75,99 @@
// On-board LED pin number
// On-board user button
#ifndef USER_BTN
// SPI definitions
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS
- #define PIN_SPI_SS PA4
+ #define PIN_SPI_SS PA4
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS1
- #define PIN_SPI_SS1 PA15
+ #define PIN_SPI_SS1 PA15
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS2
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS3
#ifndef PIN_SPI_MOSI
- #define PIN_SPI_MOSI PA7
+ #define PIN_SPI_MOSI PA7
#ifndef PIN_SPI_MISO
- #define PIN_SPI_MISO PA6
+ #define PIN_SPI_MISO PA6
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SCK
- #define PIN_SPI_SCK PA5
+ #define PIN_SPI_SCK PA5
// I2C definitions
#ifndef PIN_WIRE_SDA
- #define PIN_WIRE_SDA PB7
+ #define PIN_WIRE_SDA PB7
#ifndef PIN_WIRE_SCL
- #define PIN_WIRE_SCL PB6
+ #define PIN_WIRE_SCL PB6
// Timer Definitions
// Use TIM6/TIM7 when possible as servo and tone don't need GPIO output pin
#ifndef TIMER_TONE
- #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
+ #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
- #define TIMER_SERVO TIM21
+ #define TIMER_SERVO TIM21
// UART Definitions
// Default pin used for generic 'Serial' instance
// Mandatory for Firmata
- #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PA3
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PA3
- #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PA2
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PA2
// Extra HAL modules
- * Arduino objects - C++ only
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Arduino objects - C++ only
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
- // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
- // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
- // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
- // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
- // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
- #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
- #endif
- // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
- //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
- #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
- #endif
+ // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
+ // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
+ // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
+ // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
+ // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
+ #endif
+ // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
+ //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
+ #endif
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
index ec7da138..157fccfd 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * @file stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
- * @brief HAL default configuration file.
+ @file stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
+ @brief HAL default configuration file.
- * @attention
- *
- * © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ @attention
+ © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- */
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32F4xx_HAL_CONF_DEFAULT_H
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- * and manage module deactivation
- */
+ @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
+ and manage module deactivation
#include "stm32yyxx_hal_conf.h"
#if 0
- * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- */
+ @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */
- * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
#define HSE_VALUE 8000000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
@@ -104,25 +104,25 @@ extern "C" {
- * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
#define HSI_VALUE 16000000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
- * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
- */
+ @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
#if !defined (LSI_VALUE)
#define LSI_VALUE 32000U /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz */
#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz
The real value may vary depending on the variations
in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
- */
+ @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
#if !defined (LSE_VALUE)
#define LSE_VALUE 32768U /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* LSE_VALUE */
@@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
- * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
- * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
- */
+ @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
+ This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
+ frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
#define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE 12288000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz*/
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */
- * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
- */
+ @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
#if !defined (VDD_VALUE)
#define VDD_VALUE 3300U /*!< Value of VDD in mv */
@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
- * HAL drivers code
- */
+ @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
+ HAL drivers code
/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1U */
/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration ##################### */
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
//#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */
#if !defined (LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS)
- /* KH, LAN8742A PHY Address*/
- #define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
+/* KH, LAN8742A PHY Address*/
+#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/
@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */
/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver
-* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
-* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
+ Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
+ Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
#if !defined (USE_SPI_CRC)
#define USE_SPI_CRC 0U
@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief Include module's header file
- */
+ @brief Include module's header file
#include "stm32f4xx_hal_rcc.h"
@@ -495,13 +495,13 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
- * @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
- * which reports the name of the source file and the source
- * line number of the call that failed.
- * If expr is true, it returns no value.
- * @retval None
- */
+ @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
+ @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
+ which reports the name of the source file and the source
+ line number of the call that failed.
+ If expr is true, it returns no value.
+ @retval None
#define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0U : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__))
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
void assert_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line);
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
index 3bcd06c4..153b46aa 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * @file stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
- * @brief HAL default configuration file.
+ @file stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
+ @brief HAL default configuration file.
- * @attention
- *
- * © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ @attention
+ © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- */
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_DEFAULT_H
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- * and manage module deactivation
- */
+ @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
+ and manage module deactivation
#include "stm32yyxx_hal_conf.h"
#if 0
- * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- */
+ @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */
- * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
#define HSE_VALUE 25000000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
@@ -103,25 +103,25 @@ extern "C" {
- * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
#define HSI_VALUE 16000000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
- * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
- */
+ @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
#if !defined (LSI_VALUE)
#define LSI_VALUE 32000U /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz*/
#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz
The real value may vary depending on the variations
in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
- */
+ @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
#if !defined (LSE_VALUE)
#define LSE_VALUE 32768U /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* LSE_VALUE */
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
- * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
- * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
- */
+ @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
+ This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
+ frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
#define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE 12288000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */
- * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
- */
+ @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
#if !defined (VDD_VALUE)
#define VDD_VALUE 3300U /*!< Value of VDD in mv */
@@ -203,9 +203,9 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
- * HAL drivers code
- */
+ @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
+ HAL drivers code
/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1 */
/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration ##################### */
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
//#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */
#if !defined (LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS)
- /* KH, LAN8742A PHY Address*/
- #define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
+/* KH, LAN8742A PHY Address*/
+#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */
/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver
-* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
-* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
+ Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
+ Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
#if !defined (USE_SPI_CRC)
#define USE_SPI_CRC 0U
@@ -288,8 +288,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief Include module's header file
- */
+ @brief Include module's header file
#include "stm32f7xx_hal_rcc.h"
@@ -486,13 +486,13 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
- * @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
- * which reports the name of the source file and the source
- * line number of the call that failed.
- * If expr is true, it returns no value.
- * @retval None
- */
+ @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
+ @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
+ which reports the name of the source file and the source
+ line number of the call that failed.
+ If expr is true, it returns no value.
+ @retval None
#define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__))
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
void assert_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line);
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
index e8eaf79b..8d7b8a86 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#pragma once
- * Pins
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Pins
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define PG9 0
#define PG14 1
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
// On-board LED pin number
- #define LED_BUILTIN PB0
+ #define LED_BUILTIN PB0
#define LED_BLUE PB7
@@ -196,29 +196,29 @@
// On-board user button
#ifndef USER_BTN
- #define USER_BTN PC13
+ #define USER_BTN PC13
// Timer Definitions
// Use TIM6/TIM7 when possible as servo and tone don't need GPIO output pin
#ifndef TIMER_TONE
- #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
+ #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
- #define TIMER_SERVO TIM7
+ #define TIMER_SERVO TIM7
// UART Definitions
- #define SERIAL_UART_INSTANCE 3 //Connected to ST-Link
+ #define SERIAL_UART_INSTANCE 3 //Connected to ST-Link
// Serial pin used for console (ex: stlink)
// Rerquired by Firmata
- #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PD9
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PD9
- #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PD8
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PD8
// Value of the External oscillator in Hz
@@ -226,16 +226,16 @@
/* Extra HAL modules */
// Last Flash sector used for EEPROM emulation, address/sector depends on single/dual bank configuration.
@@ -244,31 +244,31 @@
- * Arduino objects - C++ only
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Arduino objects - C++ only
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
- // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
- // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
- // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
- // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
- // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
- #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
- #endif
- // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
- //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
- #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
- #endif
+ // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
+ // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
+ // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
+ // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
+ // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
+ #endif
+ // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
+ //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
+ #endif
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h
index 43ba2410..edb4fab7 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- */
#pragma once
- * STM32 pins number
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ STM32 pins number
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define PA0 PIN_A0
#define PA1 PIN_A1
#define PA2 PIN_A2
@@ -75,99 +75,99 @@
// On-board LED pin number
// On-board user button
#ifndef USER_BTN
// SPI definitions
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS
- #define PIN_SPI_SS PA4
+ #define PIN_SPI_SS PA4
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS1
- #define PIN_SPI_SS1 PA15
+ #define PIN_SPI_SS1 PA15
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS2
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS3
#ifndef PIN_SPI_MOSI
- #define PIN_SPI_MOSI PA7
+ #define PIN_SPI_MOSI PA7
#ifndef PIN_SPI_MISO
- #define PIN_SPI_MISO PA6
+ #define PIN_SPI_MISO PA6
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SCK
- #define PIN_SPI_SCK PA5
+ #define PIN_SPI_SCK PA5
// I2C definitions
#ifndef PIN_WIRE_SDA
- #define PIN_WIRE_SDA PB7
+ #define PIN_WIRE_SDA PB7
#ifndef PIN_WIRE_SCL
- #define PIN_WIRE_SCL PB6
+ #define PIN_WIRE_SCL PB6
// Timer Definitions
// Use TIM6/TIM7 when possible as servo and tone don't need GPIO output pin
#ifndef TIMER_TONE
- #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
+ #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
- #define TIMER_SERVO TIM21
+ #define TIMER_SERVO TIM21
// UART Definitions
// Default pin used for generic 'Serial' instance
// Mandatory for Firmata
- #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PA3
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PA3
- #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PA2
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PA2
// Extra HAL modules
- * Arduino objects - C++ only
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Arduino objects - C++ only
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
- // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
- // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
- // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
- // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
- // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
- #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
- #endif
- // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
- //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
- #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
- #endif
+ // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
+ // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
+ // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
+ // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
+ // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
+ #endif
+ // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
+ //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
+ #endif
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
index a19c386c..be1a197a 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * @file stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
- * @brief HAL default configuration file.
+ @file stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h
+ @brief HAL default configuration file.
- * @attention
- *
- * © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ @attention
+ © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- */
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32F4xx_HAL_CONF_DEFAULT_H
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- * and manage module deactivation
- */
+ @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
+ and manage module deactivation
#include "stm32yyxx_hal_conf.h"
#if 0
- * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- */
+ @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
@@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */
- * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
#define HSE_VALUE 8000000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
@@ -105,25 +105,25 @@ extern "C" {
- * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
#define HSI_VALUE 16000000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
- * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
- */
+ @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
#if !defined (LSI_VALUE)
#define LSI_VALUE 32000U /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz */
#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz
The real value may vary depending on the variations
in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
- */
+ @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
#if !defined (LSE_VALUE)
#define LSE_VALUE 32768U /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* LSE_VALUE */
@@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
- * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
- * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
- */
+ @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
+ This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
+ frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
#define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE 12288000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz*/
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */
- * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
- */
+ @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
#if !defined (VDD_VALUE)
#define VDD_VALUE 3300U /*!< Value of VDD in mv */
@@ -209,9 +209,9 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
- * HAL drivers code
- */
+ @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
+ HAL drivers code
/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1U */
/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration ##################### */
@@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
//#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */
#if !defined (LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS)
- /* KH, LAN8742A PHY Address*/
- #define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
+/* KH, LAN8742A PHY Address*/
+#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/
@@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */
/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver
-* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
-* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
+ Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
+ Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
#if !defined (USE_SPI_CRC)
#define USE_SPI_CRC 0U
@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief Include module's header file
- */
+ @brief Include module's header file
#include "stm32f4xx_hal_rcc.h"
@@ -500,13 +500,13 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
- * @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
- * which reports the name of the source file and the source
- * line number of the call that failed.
- * If expr is true, it returns no value.
- * @retval None
- */
+ @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
+ @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
+ which reports the name of the source file and the source
+ line number of the call that failed.
+ If expr is true, it returns no value.
+ @retval None
#define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0U : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__))
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
void assert_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line);
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
index a214011b..d807ba4c 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
- * @file stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
- * @brief HAL default configuration file.
+ @file stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h
+ @brief HAL default configuration file.
- * @attention
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
- * in the root directory of this software component.
- * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
- *
+ @attention
+ Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
+ in the root directory of this software component.
+ If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
- */
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_DEFAULT_H
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- * and manage module deactivation
- */
+ @brief Include the default list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
+ and manage module deactivation
#include "stm32yyxx_hal_conf.h"
#if 0
- * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- */
+ @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ extern "C" {
/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */
- * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
#define HSE_VALUE 25000000U /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
@@ -102,25 +102,25 @@ extern "C" {
- * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
+ @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
+ This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
#define HSI_VALUE 16000000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
- * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
- */
+ @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
#if !defined (LSI_VALUE)
#define LSI_VALUE 32000U /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz*/
#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz
The real value may vary depending on the variations
in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
- */
+ @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
#if !defined (LSE_VALUE)
#define LSE_VALUE 32768U /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* LSE_VALUE */
@@ -130,10 +130,10 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
- * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
- * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
- * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
- */
+ @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
+ This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
+ frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
#define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE 12288000U /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */
- * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
- */
+ @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
#if !defined (VDD_VALUE)
#define VDD_VALUE 3300U /*!< Value of VDD in mv */
@@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
- * HAL drivers code
- */
+ @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
+ HAL drivers code
/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1 */
/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration ##################### */
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
//#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */
#if !defined (LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS)
- /* KH, LAN8742A PHY Address*/
- #define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
+/* KH, LAN8742A PHY Address*/
+#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00U
/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/
@@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */
/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver
-* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
-* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
+ Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
+ Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
#if !defined (USE_SPI_CRC)
#define USE_SPI_CRC 0U
@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief Include module's header file
- */
+ @brief Include module's header file
#include "stm32f7xx_hal_rcc.h"
@@ -485,13 +485,13 @@ in voltage and temperature. */
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
- * @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
- * which reports the name of the source file and the source
- * line number of the call that failed.
- * If expr is true, it returns no value.
- * @retval None
- */
+ @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
+ @param expr If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
+ which reports the name of the source file and the source
+ line number of the call that failed.
+ If expr is true, it returns no value.
+ @retval None
#define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__))
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
void assert_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line);
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
index e8eaf79b..8d7b8a86 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/variant_NUCLEO_F767ZI.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#pragma once
- * Pins
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Pins
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define PG9 0
#define PG14 1
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
// On-board LED pin number
- #define LED_BUILTIN PB0
+ #define LED_BUILTIN PB0
#define LED_BLUE PB7
@@ -196,29 +196,29 @@
// On-board user button
#ifndef USER_BTN
- #define USER_BTN PC13
+ #define USER_BTN PC13
// Timer Definitions
// Use TIM6/TIM7 when possible as servo and tone don't need GPIO output pin
#ifndef TIMER_TONE
- #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
+ #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
- #define TIMER_SERVO TIM7
+ #define TIMER_SERVO TIM7
// UART Definitions
- #define SERIAL_UART_INSTANCE 3 //Connected to ST-Link
+ #define SERIAL_UART_INSTANCE 3 //Connected to ST-Link
// Serial pin used for console (ex: stlink)
// Rerquired by Firmata
- #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PD9
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PD9
- #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PD8
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PD8
// Value of the External oscillator in Hz
@@ -226,16 +226,16 @@
/* Extra HAL modules */
// Last Flash sector used for EEPROM emulation, address/sector depends on single/dual bank configuration.
@@ -244,31 +244,31 @@
- * Arduino objects - C++ only
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Arduino objects - C++ only
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
- // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
- // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
- // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
- // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
- // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
- #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
- #endif
- // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
- //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
- #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
- #endif
+ // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
+ // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
+ // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
+ // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
+ // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
+ #endif
+ // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
+ //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
+ #endif
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h
index 43ba2410..edb4fab7 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/variant_generic.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- *
+ Copyright (c) 2020-2021, STMicroelectronics
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- */
#pragma once
- * STM32 pins number
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ STM32 pins number
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define PA0 PIN_A0
#define PA1 PIN_A1
#define PA2 PIN_A2
@@ -75,99 +75,99 @@
// On-board LED pin number
// On-board user button
#ifndef USER_BTN
// SPI definitions
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS
- #define PIN_SPI_SS PA4
+ #define PIN_SPI_SS PA4
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS1
- #define PIN_SPI_SS1 PA15
+ #define PIN_SPI_SS1 PA15
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS2
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SS3
#ifndef PIN_SPI_MOSI
- #define PIN_SPI_MOSI PA7
+ #define PIN_SPI_MOSI PA7
#ifndef PIN_SPI_MISO
- #define PIN_SPI_MISO PA6
+ #define PIN_SPI_MISO PA6
#ifndef PIN_SPI_SCK
- #define PIN_SPI_SCK PA5
+ #define PIN_SPI_SCK PA5
// I2C definitions
#ifndef PIN_WIRE_SDA
- #define PIN_WIRE_SDA PB7
+ #define PIN_WIRE_SDA PB7
#ifndef PIN_WIRE_SCL
- #define PIN_WIRE_SCL PB6
+ #define PIN_WIRE_SCL PB6
// Timer Definitions
// Use TIM6/TIM7 when possible as servo and tone don't need GPIO output pin
#ifndef TIMER_TONE
- #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
+ #define TIMER_TONE TIM6
- #define TIMER_SERVO TIM21
+ #define TIMER_SERVO TIM21
// UART Definitions
// Default pin used for generic 'Serial' instance
// Mandatory for Firmata
- #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PA3
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_RX PA3
- #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PA2
+ #define PIN_SERIAL_TX PA2
// Extra HAL modules
- * Arduino objects - C++ only
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Arduino objects - C++ only
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
- // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
- // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
- // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
- // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
- //
- // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
- // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
- #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
- #endif
- // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
- //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
- #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
- #endif
+ // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
+ // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
+ // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
+ // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
+ //
+ // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
+ // pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial
+ #endif
+ // KH mod to add Serial1, for ESP-AT
+ //#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial
+ #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1
+ #endif
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino/Print.cpp b/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino/Print.cpp
index 09d5864c..b47efa1a 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino/Print.cpp
+++ b/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino/Print.cpp
@@ -35,386 +35,432 @@
/* default implementation: may be overridden */
size_t Print::write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
- size_t n = 0;
- while (size--) {
- if (write(*buffer++)) n++;
- else break;
- }
- return n;
+ size_t n = 0;
+ while (size--)
+ {
+ if (write(*buffer++))
+ n++;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return n;
size_t Print::print(const __FlashStringHelper *ifsh)
- return print(reinterpret_cast(ifsh));
+ return print(reinterpret_cast(ifsh));
size_t Print::print(const String &s)
- return write(s.c_str(), s.length());
+ return write(s.c_str(), s.length());
size_t Print::print(const char str[])
- return write(str);
+ return write(str);
size_t Print::print(char c)
- return write(c);
+ return write(c);
size_t Print::print(unsigned char b, int base)
- return print((unsigned long) b, base);
+ return print((unsigned long) b, base);
size_t Print::print(int n, int base)
- return print((long) n, base);
+ return print((long) n, base);
size_t Print::print(unsigned int n, int base)
- return print((unsigned long) n, base);
+ return print((unsigned long) n, base);
size_t Print::print(long n, int base)
- if (base == 0) {
- return write(n);
- } else if (base == 10) {
- if (n < 0) {
- int t = print('-');
- n = -n;
- return printNumber(n, 10) + t;
- }
- return printNumber(n, 10);
- } else {
- return printNumber(n, base);
- }
+ if (base == 0)
+ {
+ return write(n);
+ }
+ else if (base == 10)
+ {
+ if (n < 0)
+ {
+ int t = print('-');
+ n = -n;
+ return printNumber(n, 10) + t;
+ }
+ return printNumber(n, 10);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return printNumber(n, base);
+ }
size_t Print::print(unsigned long n, int base)
- if (base == 0) return write(n);
- else return printNumber(n, base);
+ if (base == 0)
+ return write(n);
+ else
+ return printNumber(n, base);
size_t Print::print(long long n, int base)
- if (base == 0) {
- return write(n);
- } else if (base == 10) {
- if (n < 0) {
- int t = print('-');
- n = -n;
- return printULLNumber(n, 10) + t;
- }
- return printULLNumber(n, 10);
- } else {
- return printULLNumber(n, base);
- }
+ if (base == 0)
+ {
+ return write(n);
+ }
+ else if (base == 10)
+ {
+ if (n < 0)
+ {
+ int t = print('-');
+ n = -n;
+ return printULLNumber(n, 10) + t;
+ }
+ return printULLNumber(n, 10);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return printULLNumber(n, base);
+ }
size_t Print::print(unsigned long long n, int base)
- if (base == 0) return write(n);
- else return printULLNumber(n, base);
+ if (base == 0)
+ return write(n);
+ else
+ return printULLNumber(n, base);
size_t Print::print(double n, int digits)
- return printFloat(n, digits);
+ return printFloat(n, digits);
size_t Print::println(const __FlashStringHelper *ifsh)
- size_t n = print(ifsh);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(ifsh);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::print(const Printable& x)
- return x.printTo(*this);
+ return x.printTo(*this);
size_t Print::println(void)
- return write("\r\n");
+ return write("\r\n");
size_t Print::println(const String &s)
- size_t n = print(s);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(s);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(const char c[])
- size_t n = print(c);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(c);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(char c)
- size_t n = print(c);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(c);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(unsigned char b, int base)
- size_t n = print(b, base);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(b, base);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(int num, int base)
- size_t n = print(num, base);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(num, base);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(unsigned int num, int base)
- size_t n = print(num, base);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(num, base);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(long num, int base)
- size_t n = print(num, base);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(num, base);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(unsigned long num, int base)
- size_t n = print(num, base);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(num, base);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(long long num, int base)
- size_t n = print(num, base);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(num, base);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(unsigned long long num, int base)
- size_t n = print(num, base);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(num, base);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(double num, int digits)
- size_t n = print(num, digits);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(num, digits);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(const Printable& x)
- size_t n = print(x);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(x);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::printf(const char * format, ...)
- char buf[256];
- int len;
+ char buf[256];
+ int len;
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, format);
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, format);
- len = vsnprintf(buf, 256, format, ap);
- this->write(buf, len);
+ len = vsnprintf(buf, 256, format, ap);
+ this->write(buf, len);
- va_end(ap);
- return len;
+ va_end(ap);
+ return len;
// Private Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
size_t Print::printNumber(unsigned long n, uint8_t base)
- char buf[8 * sizeof(long) + 1]; // Assumes 8-bit chars plus zero byte.
- char *str = &buf[sizeof(buf) - 1];
+ char buf[8 * sizeof(long) + 1]; // Assumes 8-bit chars plus zero byte.
+ char *str = &buf[sizeof(buf) - 1];
- *str = '\0';
+ *str = '\0';
- // prevent crash if called with base == 1
- if (base < 2) base = 10;
+ // prevent crash if called with base == 1
+ if (base < 2)
+ base = 10;
- do {
- char c = n % base;
- n /= base;
+ do
+ {
+ char c = n % base;
+ n /= base;
- *--str = c < 10 ? c + '0' : c + 'A' - 10;
- } while(n);
+ *--str = c < 10 ? c + '0' : c + 'A' - 10;
+ } while (n);
- return write(str);
+ return write(str);
// size_t Print::printULLNumber(unsigned long long n, uint8_t base)
// {
- // // if limited to base 10 and 16 the bufsize can be smaller
- // char buf[65];
- // char *str = &buf[64];
+// // if limited to base 10 and 16 the bufsize can be smaller
+// char buf[65];
+// char *str = &buf[64];
- // *str = '\0';
+// *str = '\0';
- // // prevent crash if called with base == 1
- // if (base < 2) base = 10;
+// // prevent crash if called with base == 1
+// if (base < 2) base = 10;
- // do {
- // unsigned long long t = n / base;
- // char c = n - t * base; // faster than c = n%base;
- // n = t;
- // *--str = c < 10 ? c + '0' : c + 'A' - 10;
- // } while(n);
+// do {
+// unsigned long long t = n / base;
+// char c = n - t * base; // faster than c = n%base;
+// n = t;
+// *--str = c < 10 ? c + '0' : c + 'A' - 10;
+// } while(n);
- // return write(str);
+// return write(str);
// }
size_t Print::printULLNumber(unsigned long long n64, uint8_t base)
- // if limited to base 10 and 16 the bufsize can be 20
- char buf[64];
- uint8_t i = 0;
- uint8_t innerLoops = 0;
- // prevent crash if called with base == 1
- if (base < 2) base = 10;
- // process chunks that fit in "16 bit math".
- uint16_t top = 0xFFFF / base;
- uint16_t th16 = 1;
- while (th16 < top)
- {
- th16 *= base;
- innerLoops++;
- }
- while (n64 > th16)
- {
- // 64 bit math part
- uint64_t q = n64 / th16;
- uint16_t r = n64 - q*th16;
- n64 = q;
- // 16 bit math loop to do remainder. (note buffer is filled reverse)
- for (uint8_t j=0; j < innerLoops; j++)
- {
- uint16_t qq = r/base;
- buf[i++] = r - qq*base;
- r = qq;
- }
- }
- uint16_t n16 = n64;
- while (n16 > 0)
- {
- uint16_t qq = n16/base;
- buf[i++] = n16 - qq*base;
- n16 = qq;
- }
- size_t bytes = i;
- for (; i > 0; i--)
- write((char) (buf[i - 1] < 10 ?
- '0' + buf[i - 1] :
- 'A' + buf[i - 1] - 10));
- return bytes;
+ // if limited to base 10 and 16 the bufsize can be 20
+ char buf[64];
+ uint8_t i = 0;
+ uint8_t innerLoops = 0;
+ // prevent crash if called with base == 1
+ if (base < 2)
+ base = 10;
+ // process chunks that fit in "16 bit math".
+ uint16_t top = 0xFFFF / base;
+ uint16_t th16 = 1;
+ while (th16 < top)
+ {
+ th16 *= base;
+ innerLoops++;
+ }
+ while (n64 > th16)
+ {
+ // 64 bit math part
+ uint64_t q = n64 / th16;
+ uint16_t r = n64 - q * th16;
+ n64 = q;
+ // 16 bit math loop to do remainder. (note buffer is filled reverse)
+ for (uint8_t j = 0; j < innerLoops; j++)
+ {
+ uint16_t qq = r / base;
+ buf[i++] = r - qq * base;
+ r = qq;
+ }
+ }
+ uint16_t n16 = n64;
+ while (n16 > 0)
+ {
+ uint16_t qq = n16 / base;
+ buf[i++] = n16 - qq * base;
+ n16 = qq;
+ }
+ size_t bytes = i;
+ for (; i > 0; i--)
+ write((char) (buf[i - 1] < 10 ?
+ '0' + buf[i - 1] :
+ 'A' + buf[i - 1] - 10));
+ return bytes;
size_t Print::printFloat(double number, int digits)
- if (digits < 0)
- digits = 2;
+ if (digits < 0)
+ digits = 2;
+ size_t n = 0;
+ if (isnan(number))
+ return print("nan");
- size_t n = 0;
+ if (isinf(number))
+ return print("inf");
- if (isnan(number)) return print("nan");
- if (isinf(number)) return print("inf");
- if (number > 4294967040.0) return print ("ovf"); // constant determined empirically
- if (number <-4294967040.0) return print ("ovf"); // constant determined empirically
+ if (number > 4294967040.0)
+ return print ("ovf"); // constant determined empirically
- // Handle negative numbers
- if (number < 0.0)
- {
- n += print('-');
- number = -number;
- }
+ if (number < -4294967040.0)
+ return print ("ovf"); // constant determined empirically
- // Round correctly so that print(1.999, 2) prints as "2.00"
- double rounding = 0.5;
- for (uint8_t i=0; i 0) {
- n += print(".");
- }
+ number += rounding;
- // Extract digits from the remainder one at a time
- while (digits-- > 0)
- {
- remainder *= 10.0;
- unsigned int toPrint = (unsigned int)remainder;
- n += print(toPrint);
- remainder -= toPrint;
- }
+ // Extract the integer part of the number and print it
+ unsigned long int_part = (unsigned long)number;
+ double remainder = number - (double)int_part;
+ n += print(int_part);
- return n;
+ // Print the decimal point, but only if there are digits beyond
+ if (digits > 0)
+ {
+ n += print(".");
+ }
+ // Extract digits from the remainder one at a time
+ while (digits-- > 0)
+ {
+ remainder *= 10.0;
+ unsigned int toPrint = (unsigned int)remainder;
+ n += print(toPrint);
+ remainder -= toPrint;
+ }
+ return n;
size_t Print::printBuffer(uint8_t const buffer[], int len, char delim, int byteline)
- if (buffer == NULL || len == 0) return 0;
+ if (buffer == NULL || len == 0)
+ return 0;
- for(int i=0; iprintf("%02X", buffer[i]);
- }
+ if ( byteline && (i % byteline == 0) )
+ println();
- return (len*3 - 1);
+ this->printf("%02X", buffer[i]);
+ }
+ return (len * 3 - 1);
size_t Print::printBufferReverse(uint8_t const buffer[], int len, char delim, int byteline)
- if (buffer == NULL || len == 0) return 0;
+ if (buffer == NULL || len == 0)
+ return 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ {
+ if (i != 0)
+ print(delim);
- for(int i=0; iprintf("%02X", buffer[len-1-i]);
- }
+ this->printf("%02X", buffer[len - 1 - i]);
+ }
- return (len*3 - 1);
+ return (len * 3 - 1);
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino/Print.h b/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino/Print.h
index 793a6869..810a7704 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino/Print.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino/Print.h
@@ -31,77 +31,93 @@
class Print
- private:
- int write_error;
- size_t printNumber(unsigned long, uint8_t);
- size_t printULLNumber(unsigned long long, uint8_t);
- size_t printFloat(double, int);
- protected:
- void setWriteError(int err = 1) { write_error = err; }
- public:
- Print() : write_error(0) {}
- int getWriteError() { return write_error; }
- void clearWriteError() { setWriteError(0); }
- virtual size_t write(uint8_t) = 0;
- size_t write(const char *str) {
- if (str == NULL) return 0;
- return write((const uint8_t *)str, strlen(str));
- }
- virtual size_t write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size);
- size_t write(const char *buffer, size_t size) {
- return write((const uint8_t *)buffer, size);
- }
- // default to zero, meaning "a single write may block"
- // should be overridden by subclasses with buffering
- virtual int availableForWrite() { return 0; }
- size_t print(const __FlashStringHelper *);
- size_t print(const String &);
- size_t print(const char[]);
- size_t print(char);
- size_t print(unsigned char, int = DEC);
- size_t print(int, int = DEC);
- size_t print(unsigned int, int = DEC);
- size_t print(long, int = DEC);
- size_t print(unsigned long, int = DEC);
- size_t print(long long, int = DEC);
- size_t print(unsigned long long, int = DEC);
- size_t print(double, int = 2);
- size_t print(const Printable&);
- size_t println(const __FlashStringHelper *);
- size_t println(const String &s);
- size_t println(const char[]);
- size_t println(char);
- size_t println(unsigned char, int = DEC);
- size_t println(int, int = DEC);
- size_t println(unsigned int, int = DEC);
- size_t println(long, int = DEC);
- size_t println(unsigned long, int = DEC);
- size_t println(long long, int = DEC);
- size_t println(unsigned long long, int = DEC);
- size_t println(double, int = 2);
- size_t println(const Printable&);
- size_t println(void);
- size_t printf(const char * format, ...);
- size_t printBuffer(uint8_t const buffer[], int len, char delim=' ', int byteline = 0);
- size_t printBuffer(char const buffer[], int size, char delim=' ', int byteline = 0)
- {
- return printBuffer((uint8_t const*) buffer, size, delim, byteline);
- }
- size_t printBufferReverse(uint8_t const buffer[], int len, char delim=' ', int byteline = 0);
- size_t printBufferReverse(char const buffer[], int size, char delim=' ', int byteline = 0)
- {
- return printBufferReverse((uint8_t const*) buffer, size, delim, byteline);
- }
- virtual void flush() { /* Empty implementation for backward compatibility */ }
+ private:
+ int write_error;
+ size_t printNumber(unsigned long, uint8_t);
+ size_t printULLNumber(unsigned long long, uint8_t);
+ size_t printFloat(double, int);
+ protected:
+ void setWriteError(int err = 1)
+ {
+ write_error = err;
+ }
+ public:
+ Print() : write_error(0) {}
+ int getWriteError()
+ {
+ return write_error;
+ }
+ void clearWriteError()
+ {
+ setWriteError(0);
+ }
+ virtual size_t write(uint8_t) = 0;
+ size_t write(const char *str)
+ {
+ if (str == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ return write((const uint8_t *)str, strlen(str));
+ }
+ virtual size_t write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size);
+ size_t write(const char *buffer, size_t size)
+ {
+ return write((const uint8_t *)buffer, size);
+ }
+ // default to zero, meaning "a single write may block"
+ // should be overridden by subclasses with buffering
+ virtual int availableForWrite()
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ size_t print(const __FlashStringHelper *);
+ size_t print(const String &);
+ size_t print(const char[]);
+ size_t print(char);
+ size_t print(unsigned char, int = DEC);
+ size_t print(int, int = DEC);
+ size_t print(unsigned int, int = DEC);
+ size_t print(long, int = DEC);
+ size_t print(unsigned long, int = DEC);
+ size_t print(long long, int = DEC);
+ size_t print(unsigned long long, int = DEC);
+ size_t print(double, int = 2);
+ size_t print(const Printable&);
+ size_t println(const __FlashStringHelper *);
+ size_t println(const String &s);
+ size_t println(const char[]);
+ size_t println(char);
+ size_t println(unsigned char, int = DEC);
+ size_t println(int, int = DEC);
+ size_t println(unsigned int, int = DEC);
+ size_t println(long, int = DEC);
+ size_t println(unsigned long, int = DEC);
+ size_t println(long long, int = DEC);
+ size_t println(unsigned long long, int = DEC);
+ size_t println(double, int = 2);
+ size_t println(const Printable&);
+ size_t println(void);
+ size_t printf(const char * format, ...);
+ size_t printBuffer(uint8_t const buffer[], int len, char delim = ' ', int byteline = 0);
+ size_t printBuffer(char const buffer[], int size, char delim = ' ', int byteline = 0)
+ {
+ return printBuffer((uint8_t const*) buffer, size, delim, byteline);
+ }
+ size_t printBufferReverse(uint8_t const buffer[], int len, char delim = ' ', int byteline = 0);
+ size_t printBufferReverse(char const buffer[], int size, char delim = ' ', int byteline = 0)
+ {
+ return printBufferReverse((uint8_t const*) buffer, size, delim, byteline);
+ }
+ virtual void flush() { /* Empty implementation for backward compatibility */ }
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino51/Print.cpp b/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino51/Print.cpp
index 09d5864c..b47efa1a 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino51/Print.cpp
+++ b/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino51/Print.cpp
@@ -35,386 +35,432 @@
/* default implementation: may be overridden */
size_t Print::write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
- size_t n = 0;
- while (size--) {
- if (write(*buffer++)) n++;
- else break;
- }
- return n;
+ size_t n = 0;
+ while (size--)
+ {
+ if (write(*buffer++))
+ n++;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return n;
size_t Print::print(const __FlashStringHelper *ifsh)
- return print(reinterpret_cast(ifsh));
+ return print(reinterpret_cast(ifsh));
size_t Print::print(const String &s)
- return write(s.c_str(), s.length());
+ return write(s.c_str(), s.length());
size_t Print::print(const char str[])
- return write(str);
+ return write(str);
size_t Print::print(char c)
- return write(c);
+ return write(c);
size_t Print::print(unsigned char b, int base)
- return print((unsigned long) b, base);
+ return print((unsigned long) b, base);
size_t Print::print(int n, int base)
- return print((long) n, base);
+ return print((long) n, base);
size_t Print::print(unsigned int n, int base)
- return print((unsigned long) n, base);
+ return print((unsigned long) n, base);
size_t Print::print(long n, int base)
- if (base == 0) {
- return write(n);
- } else if (base == 10) {
- if (n < 0) {
- int t = print('-');
- n = -n;
- return printNumber(n, 10) + t;
- }
- return printNumber(n, 10);
- } else {
- return printNumber(n, base);
- }
+ if (base == 0)
+ {
+ return write(n);
+ }
+ else if (base == 10)
+ {
+ if (n < 0)
+ {
+ int t = print('-');
+ n = -n;
+ return printNumber(n, 10) + t;
+ }
+ return printNumber(n, 10);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return printNumber(n, base);
+ }
size_t Print::print(unsigned long n, int base)
- if (base == 0) return write(n);
- else return printNumber(n, base);
+ if (base == 0)
+ return write(n);
+ else
+ return printNumber(n, base);
size_t Print::print(long long n, int base)
- if (base == 0) {
- return write(n);
- } else if (base == 10) {
- if (n < 0) {
- int t = print('-');
- n = -n;
- return printULLNumber(n, 10) + t;
- }
- return printULLNumber(n, 10);
- } else {
- return printULLNumber(n, base);
- }
+ if (base == 0)
+ {
+ return write(n);
+ }
+ else if (base == 10)
+ {
+ if (n < 0)
+ {
+ int t = print('-');
+ n = -n;
+ return printULLNumber(n, 10) + t;
+ }
+ return printULLNumber(n, 10);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return printULLNumber(n, base);
+ }
size_t Print::print(unsigned long long n, int base)
- if (base == 0) return write(n);
- else return printULLNumber(n, base);
+ if (base == 0)
+ return write(n);
+ else
+ return printULLNumber(n, base);
size_t Print::print(double n, int digits)
- return printFloat(n, digits);
+ return printFloat(n, digits);
size_t Print::println(const __FlashStringHelper *ifsh)
- size_t n = print(ifsh);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(ifsh);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::print(const Printable& x)
- return x.printTo(*this);
+ return x.printTo(*this);
size_t Print::println(void)
- return write("\r\n");
+ return write("\r\n");
size_t Print::println(const String &s)
- size_t n = print(s);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(s);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(const char c[])
- size_t n = print(c);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(c);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(char c)
- size_t n = print(c);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(c);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(unsigned char b, int base)
- size_t n = print(b, base);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(b, base);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(int num, int base)
- size_t n = print(num, base);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(num, base);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(unsigned int num, int base)
- size_t n = print(num, base);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(num, base);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(long num, int base)
- size_t n = print(num, base);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(num, base);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(unsigned long num, int base)
- size_t n = print(num, base);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(num, base);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(long long num, int base)
- size_t n = print(num, base);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(num, base);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(unsigned long long num, int base)
- size_t n = print(num, base);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(num, base);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(double num, int digits)
- size_t n = print(num, digits);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(num, digits);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::println(const Printable& x)
- size_t n = print(x);
- n += println();
- return n;
+ size_t n = print(x);
+ n += println();
+ return n;
size_t Print::printf(const char * format, ...)
- char buf[256];
- int len;
+ char buf[256];
+ int len;
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, format);
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, format);
- len = vsnprintf(buf, 256, format, ap);
- this->write(buf, len);
+ len = vsnprintf(buf, 256, format, ap);
+ this->write(buf, len);
- va_end(ap);
- return len;
+ va_end(ap);
+ return len;
// Private Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
size_t Print::printNumber(unsigned long n, uint8_t base)
- char buf[8 * sizeof(long) + 1]; // Assumes 8-bit chars plus zero byte.
- char *str = &buf[sizeof(buf) - 1];
+ char buf[8 * sizeof(long) + 1]; // Assumes 8-bit chars plus zero byte.
+ char *str = &buf[sizeof(buf) - 1];
- *str = '\0';
+ *str = '\0';
- // prevent crash if called with base == 1
- if (base < 2) base = 10;
+ // prevent crash if called with base == 1
+ if (base < 2)
+ base = 10;
- do {
- char c = n % base;
- n /= base;
+ do
+ {
+ char c = n % base;
+ n /= base;
- *--str = c < 10 ? c + '0' : c + 'A' - 10;
- } while(n);
+ *--str = c < 10 ? c + '0' : c + 'A' - 10;
+ } while (n);
- return write(str);
+ return write(str);
// size_t Print::printULLNumber(unsigned long long n, uint8_t base)
// {
- // // if limited to base 10 and 16 the bufsize can be smaller
- // char buf[65];
- // char *str = &buf[64];
+// // if limited to base 10 and 16 the bufsize can be smaller
+// char buf[65];
+// char *str = &buf[64];
- // *str = '\0';
+// *str = '\0';
- // // prevent crash if called with base == 1
- // if (base < 2) base = 10;
+// // prevent crash if called with base == 1
+// if (base < 2) base = 10;
- // do {
- // unsigned long long t = n / base;
- // char c = n - t * base; // faster than c = n%base;
- // n = t;
- // *--str = c < 10 ? c + '0' : c + 'A' - 10;
- // } while(n);
+// do {
+// unsigned long long t = n / base;
+// char c = n - t * base; // faster than c = n%base;
+// n = t;
+// *--str = c < 10 ? c + '0' : c + 'A' - 10;
+// } while(n);
- // return write(str);
+// return write(str);
// }
size_t Print::printULLNumber(unsigned long long n64, uint8_t base)
- // if limited to base 10 and 16 the bufsize can be 20
- char buf[64];
- uint8_t i = 0;
- uint8_t innerLoops = 0;
- // prevent crash if called with base == 1
- if (base < 2) base = 10;
- // process chunks that fit in "16 bit math".
- uint16_t top = 0xFFFF / base;
- uint16_t th16 = 1;
- while (th16 < top)
- {
- th16 *= base;
- innerLoops++;
- }
- while (n64 > th16)
- {
- // 64 bit math part
- uint64_t q = n64 / th16;
- uint16_t r = n64 - q*th16;
- n64 = q;
- // 16 bit math loop to do remainder. (note buffer is filled reverse)
- for (uint8_t j=0; j < innerLoops; j++)
- {
- uint16_t qq = r/base;
- buf[i++] = r - qq*base;
- r = qq;
- }
- }
- uint16_t n16 = n64;
- while (n16 > 0)
- {
- uint16_t qq = n16/base;
- buf[i++] = n16 - qq*base;
- n16 = qq;
- }
- size_t bytes = i;
- for (; i > 0; i--)
- write((char) (buf[i - 1] < 10 ?
- '0' + buf[i - 1] :
- 'A' + buf[i - 1] - 10));
- return bytes;
+ // if limited to base 10 and 16 the bufsize can be 20
+ char buf[64];
+ uint8_t i = 0;
+ uint8_t innerLoops = 0;
+ // prevent crash if called with base == 1
+ if (base < 2)
+ base = 10;
+ // process chunks that fit in "16 bit math".
+ uint16_t top = 0xFFFF / base;
+ uint16_t th16 = 1;
+ while (th16 < top)
+ {
+ th16 *= base;
+ innerLoops++;
+ }
+ while (n64 > th16)
+ {
+ // 64 bit math part
+ uint64_t q = n64 / th16;
+ uint16_t r = n64 - q * th16;
+ n64 = q;
+ // 16 bit math loop to do remainder. (note buffer is filled reverse)
+ for (uint8_t j = 0; j < innerLoops; j++)
+ {
+ uint16_t qq = r / base;
+ buf[i++] = r - qq * base;
+ r = qq;
+ }
+ }
+ uint16_t n16 = n64;
+ while (n16 > 0)
+ {
+ uint16_t qq = n16 / base;
+ buf[i++] = n16 - qq * base;
+ n16 = qq;
+ }
+ size_t bytes = i;
+ for (; i > 0; i--)
+ write((char) (buf[i - 1] < 10 ?
+ '0' + buf[i - 1] :
+ 'A' + buf[i - 1] - 10));
+ return bytes;
size_t Print::printFloat(double number, int digits)
- if (digits < 0)
- digits = 2;
+ if (digits < 0)
+ digits = 2;
+ size_t n = 0;
+ if (isnan(number))
+ return print("nan");
- size_t n = 0;
+ if (isinf(number))
+ return print("inf");
- if (isnan(number)) return print("nan");
- if (isinf(number)) return print("inf");
- if (number > 4294967040.0) return print ("ovf"); // constant determined empirically
- if (number <-4294967040.0) return print ("ovf"); // constant determined empirically
+ if (number > 4294967040.0)
+ return print ("ovf"); // constant determined empirically
- // Handle negative numbers
- if (number < 0.0)
- {
- n += print('-');
- number = -number;
- }
+ if (number < -4294967040.0)
+ return print ("ovf"); // constant determined empirically
- // Round correctly so that print(1.999, 2) prints as "2.00"
- double rounding = 0.5;
- for (uint8_t i=0; i 0) {
- n += print(".");
- }
+ number += rounding;
- // Extract digits from the remainder one at a time
- while (digits-- > 0)
- {
- remainder *= 10.0;
- unsigned int toPrint = (unsigned int)remainder;
- n += print(toPrint);
- remainder -= toPrint;
- }
+ // Extract the integer part of the number and print it
+ unsigned long int_part = (unsigned long)number;
+ double remainder = number - (double)int_part;
+ n += print(int_part);
- return n;
+ // Print the decimal point, but only if there are digits beyond
+ if (digits > 0)
+ {
+ n += print(".");
+ }
+ // Extract digits from the remainder one at a time
+ while (digits-- > 0)
+ {
+ remainder *= 10.0;
+ unsigned int toPrint = (unsigned int)remainder;
+ n += print(toPrint);
+ remainder -= toPrint;
+ }
+ return n;
size_t Print::printBuffer(uint8_t const buffer[], int len, char delim, int byteline)
- if (buffer == NULL || len == 0) return 0;
+ if (buffer == NULL || len == 0)
+ return 0;
- for(int i=0; iprintf("%02X", buffer[i]);
- }
+ if ( byteline && (i % byteline == 0) )
+ println();
- return (len*3 - 1);
+ this->printf("%02X", buffer[i]);
+ }
+ return (len * 3 - 1);
size_t Print::printBufferReverse(uint8_t const buffer[], int len, char delim, int byteline)
- if (buffer == NULL || len == 0) return 0;
+ if (buffer == NULL || len == 0)
+ return 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ {
+ if (i != 0)
+ print(delim);
- for(int i=0; iprintf("%02X", buffer[len-1-i]);
- }
+ this->printf("%02X", buffer[len - 1 - i]);
+ }
- return (len*3 - 1);
+ return (len * 3 - 1);
diff --git a/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino51/Print.h b/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino51/Print.h
index 793a6869..810a7704 100644
--- a/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino51/Print.h
+++ b/Packages_Patches/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino51/Print.h
@@ -31,77 +31,93 @@
class Print
- private:
- int write_error;
- size_t printNumber(unsigned long, uint8_t);
- size_t printULLNumber(unsigned long long, uint8_t);
- size_t printFloat(double, int);
- protected:
- void setWriteError(int err = 1) { write_error = err; }
- public:
- Print() : write_error(0) {}
- int getWriteError() { return write_error; }
- void clearWriteError() { setWriteError(0); }
- virtual size_t write(uint8_t) = 0;
- size_t write(const char *str) {
- if (str == NULL) return 0;
- return write((const uint8_t *)str, strlen(str));
- }
- virtual size_t write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size);
- size_t write(const char *buffer, size_t size) {
- return write((const uint8_t *)buffer, size);
- }
- // default to zero, meaning "a single write may block"
- // should be overridden by subclasses with buffering
- virtual int availableForWrite() { return 0; }
- size_t print(const __FlashStringHelper *);
- size_t print(const String &);
- size_t print(const char[]);
- size_t print(char);
- size_t print(unsigned char, int = DEC);
- size_t print(int, int = DEC);
- size_t print(unsigned int, int = DEC);
- size_t print(long, int = DEC);
- size_t print(unsigned long, int = DEC);
- size_t print(long long, int = DEC);
- size_t print(unsigned long long, int = DEC);
- size_t print(double, int = 2);
- size_t print(const Printable&);
- size_t println(const __FlashStringHelper *);
- size_t println(const String &s);
- size_t println(const char[]);
- size_t println(char);
- size_t println(unsigned char, int = DEC);
- size_t println(int, int = DEC);
- size_t println(unsigned int, int = DEC);
- size_t println(long, int = DEC);
- size_t println(unsigned long, int = DEC);
- size_t println(long long, int = DEC);
- size_t println(unsigned long long, int = DEC);
- size_t println(double, int = 2);
- size_t println(const Printable&);
- size_t println(void);
- size_t printf(const char * format, ...);
- size_t printBuffer(uint8_t const buffer[], int len, char delim=' ', int byteline = 0);
- size_t printBuffer(char const buffer[], int size, char delim=' ', int byteline = 0)
- {
- return printBuffer((uint8_t const*) buffer, size, delim, byteline);
- }
- size_t printBufferReverse(uint8_t const buffer[], int len, char delim=' ', int byteline = 0);
- size_t printBufferReverse(char const buffer[], int size, char delim=' ', int byteline = 0)
- {
- return printBufferReverse((uint8_t const*) buffer, size, delim, byteline);
- }
- virtual void flush() { /* Empty implementation for backward compatibility */ }
+ private:
+ int write_error;
+ size_t printNumber(unsigned long, uint8_t);
+ size_t printULLNumber(unsigned long long, uint8_t);
+ size_t printFloat(double, int);
+ protected:
+ void setWriteError(int err = 1)
+ {
+ write_error = err;
+ }
+ public:
+ Print() : write_error(0) {}
+ int getWriteError()
+ {
+ return write_error;
+ }
+ void clearWriteError()
+ {
+ setWriteError(0);
+ }
+ virtual size_t write(uint8_t) = 0;
+ size_t write(const char *str)
+ {
+ if (str == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ return write((const uint8_t *)str, strlen(str));
+ }
+ virtual size_t write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size);
+ size_t write(const char *buffer, size_t size)
+ {
+ return write((const uint8_t *)buffer, size);
+ }
+ // default to zero, meaning "a single write may block"
+ // should be overridden by subclasses with buffering
+ virtual int availableForWrite()
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ size_t print(const __FlashStringHelper *);
+ size_t print(const String &);
+ size_t print(const char[]);
+ size_t print(char);
+ size_t print(unsigned char, int = DEC);
+ size_t print(int, int = DEC);
+ size_t print(unsigned int, int = DEC);
+ size_t print(long, int = DEC);
+ size_t print(unsigned long, int = DEC);
+ size_t print(long long, int = DEC);
+ size_t print(unsigned long long, int = DEC);
+ size_t print(double, int = 2);
+ size_t print(const Printable&);
+ size_t println(const __FlashStringHelper *);
+ size_t println(const String &s);
+ size_t println(const char[]);
+ size_t println(char);
+ size_t println(unsigned char, int = DEC);
+ size_t println(int, int = DEC);
+ size_t println(unsigned int, int = DEC);
+ size_t println(long, int = DEC);
+ size_t println(unsigned long, int = DEC);
+ size_t println(long long, int = DEC);
+ size_t println(unsigned long long, int = DEC);
+ size_t println(double, int = 2);
+ size_t println(const Printable&);
+ size_t println(void);
+ size_t printf(const char * format, ...);
+ size_t printBuffer(uint8_t const buffer[], int len, char delim = ' ', int byteline = 0);
+ size_t printBuffer(char const buffer[], int size, char delim = ' ', int byteline = 0)
+ {
+ return printBuffer((uint8_t const*) buffer, size, delim, byteline);
+ }
+ size_t printBufferReverse(uint8_t const buffer[], int len, char delim = ' ', int byteline = 0);
+ size_t printBufferReverse(char const buffer[], int size, char delim = ' ', int byteline = 0)
+ {
+ return printBufferReverse((uint8_t const*) buffer, size, delim, byteline);
+ }
+ virtual void flush() { /* Empty implementation for backward compatibility */ }