Cats vs Dogs Classifier Project Overview This project classifies two classes of images which are dogs and cats. We can divide the projects into parts as following : 1.Load the dataset. 2.Preprocessing the data such as : (Rescale , Resize , divide the data into validation and training). the classifer using keras and TensorFlow . 4.Training the data using classifer. 5.Compare between the models and get the best classifer model. 6.Use the classifer to classify new data. Dataset The dataset used for training purpose has been used from Kaggle. You can download the dataset from: The training folder has 20000 training samples and about 5000 validation samples. Accuracy The model has an accuracy of 86% on the training set and 83.68% on the validation set. Prerequisites python v3.8 tensorflow v2.5 keras v2.2.5 numpy v1.21.0 pandas v1.2.4 matplotlib v3.4.2 tqdm v4.61.1