Creating a circuit using the circom programming language that implements the following logical gate:
This code is written in the CIRCOM language, a domain-specific language (DSL) for writing arithmetic circuits. It defines a circuit template for checking whether c is the product of a and b.
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pragma circom 2.0.0;
This line specifies the version of the CIRCOM language used for this code.
template GivenCircuit()
This defines a circuit template named "GivenCircuit." Templates are reusable circuit components that can be instantiated with specific input values.
// Signal Inputs
signal input a;
signal input b;
Signal Inputs: a and b are input signals, and they will be provided externally when the circuit is run.
// Signal from gates
signal X;
signal Y;
// Final Signal output
signal output Q;
Signal from Gates: X and Y are intermediary signals used in the circuit.
Final Signal Output: Q is the output signal of the circuit, which represents whether c is the product of a and b.
// Component gates used to create custom curcuit
component andGate = AND();
component notGate = NOT();
component orGate = OR();
Component Gates: The circuit uses three component templates: andGate, notGate, and orGate. These are reusable building blocks of the circuit, implemented as separate templates.
// Circuit Logic
andGate.a <== a;
andGate.b <== b;
X <== andGate.out; <== b;
Y <== notGate.out;
orGate.a <== X;
orGate.b <== Y;
Q <== orGate.out;
Circuit Logic: The circuit is constructed using gates and logic operations.
andGate computes the logical AND operation between a and b and stores the result in X. notGate computes the logical NOT operation on b and stores the result in Y. orGate computes the logical OR operation between X and Y and stores the result in Q.
template AND() {
signal input a;
signal input b;
signal output out;
out <== a*b;
The AND() template is a CIRCOM component that performs a logical AND operation between two input signals a and b. It outputs the result of a AND b in the out signal.
template NOT() {
signal input in;
signal output out;
out <== 1 + in - 2*in;
The NOT() template is a CIRCOM component that computes the logical NOT operation on an input signal in and outputs the negation in the out signal. The operation can be described as out = NOT(in), where out is the negation of in.
template OR() {
signal input a;
signal input b;
signal output out;
out <== a + b - a*b;
The OR() template is a CIRCOM component that computes the logical OR operation on input signals a and b, and outputs the result in the out signal. The operation can be described as out = a OR b.
component main = GivenCircuit();
The code component main = GivenCircuit(); creates a CIRCOM component named main, which corresponds to the entire circuit defined in the GivenCircuit template. The main component checks whether the signal c is the multiplication of signals a and b based on the logic defined in the GivenCircuit template.
Khushi [] []
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