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index bf77b1a5..2c19e4b5 100644
--- a/tools/s1kd-brexcheck/brex/DMC-S1000D-A-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D_004-00_EN-US.XML
+++ b/tools/s1kd-brexcheck/brex/DMC-S1000D-A-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D_005-00_EN-US.XML
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Default business rules exchange data module
@@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ disassyCodeVariant="A"
-Due to the major revision of the specification itself, the default BREX module is totally revised in Issue 4.0. Refer to the Highlights pages and to Chap and for further information.
+Clarification of use of sequential lists: "Only one sequential list must be placed under a numbered title or paragraph (subheading)".
@@ -201,9 +201,9 @@ itemLocationCode="D"/>
Sequential lists must not be used to provide procedural step information. (Chap, Para 2.1).
- Only one level of sequential (ordered) lists must be placed under a numbered title or paragraph (subheading) (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ Only one sequential (ordered) list must be placed under a numbered title or paragraph (subheading) (Chap, Para 2.1).
diff --git a/tools/s1kd-brexcheck/brex/DMC-S1000D-D-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D_006-00_EN-US.XML b/tools/s1kd-brexcheck/brex/DMC-S1000D-D-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D_006-00_EN-US.XML
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf033141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/s1kd-brexcheck/brex/DMC-S1000D-D-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D_006-00_EN-US.XML
@@ -0,0 +1,1560 @@
+Default business rules exchange data module
+2013-049EPWG: Specification of attribute crewStepCondition value set is change to allow multiple values.
+2013-049EPWG: Specification of attribute itemCharacteristic value set is change to allow multiple values.
+2013-049EPWG: Specification of attribute partCharacteristic value set is change to allow multiple values.
+2013-065EPWG: Internal references to all kinds of steps, using target type "step", are recognized.
+2009-130IGBRTT: The identity of this data module now applies an S1000D Issue sensitive coding.
+ //dmodule
+ The root element of an interchanged data module must be element /dmodule/ (Chap 3.9.5).
+ //responsiblePartnerCompany[(not(attribute::enterpriseCode) or attribute::enterpriseCode = "") and (not(child::enterpriseName) or child::enterpriseName = "")]
+ Company or organization must be indicated by at least one of either the name of the company and/or the company’s CAGE code, .... However, if a responsible partner company has an enterprise code, then that code must be used (Chap, Para 2.2.5).
+ //identAndStatusSection/dmAddress/dmIdent/issueInfo[attribute::issueNumber = "001" and ancestor::dmodule[child::identAndStatusSection[child::dmStatus[child::reasonForUpdate]]]]
+ RFU must not be used on Issue 001 of a data module (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //dmodule[descendant-or-self::dmStatus[attribute::issueType != "changed"] and descendant-or-self::dmAddress[descendant-or-self::issueInfo[attribute::issueNumber != "000" and attribute::issueNumber != "001"]] and not(descendant-or-self::reasonForUpdate)]
+ Data modules that are not of issue type changed must also have at least one reason for update element if the issue number is greater than 001 (Chap, Para 2.2).
+ //reasonForUpdate
+ If attribute updateHighlight is set to the value 1, this indicates that the reason for update must appear in the highlights data module. If the attribute is not used or its value is 0, it means that the reason for update must not appear in the highlights data module (Chap, Para 2.2).
+ //*/changeInline
+ The element /changeInline/ must not be used to indicate that a complete element has been inserted (or modified) (Chap, Para 2.3.3).
+ //internalRef
+ There must be no cross-references to deleted information in the data module (Chap, Para 2.5.2).
+ //dmRef
+ There must be no cross-references to deleted information in other data modules (Chap, Para 2.5.2).
+ //figure[attribute::changeMark="1" and child::graphic[position() = 2] and child::graphic[attribute::changeMark="1"]]
+ If the element /figure/ is change marked, the change attributes on the element /graphic/ of multi-sheet figures must not be used (Chap, Para 2.9.1).
+ //@changeMark
+ Editorial changes must not be marked (Chap, Para 3).
+ //*[attribute::changeMark = "1" and ancestor::dmodule[child::identAndStatusSection[child::dmStatus[attribute::issueType != "changed" and attribute::issueType != "rinstate-changed"]]]]
+ No change markers must appear if the issue type is not changed (Chap, Para 3.0).
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="figure" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //figure/@id)]
+ When the reference target is a figure then the value of attribute internalRefTargetType must be figure (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="table" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //table/@id)]
+ When the reference target is a table then the value of attribute internalRefTargetType must be table (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="multimedia" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //multimedia/@id)]
+ When the reference target is multimedia (containing one or more objects) then the value of attribute internalRefTargetType must be multimedia (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="supply" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //supplyDescr/@id)]
+ When the reference target is a supply then the value of attribute internalRefTargetType must be supply (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="supequip" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //supportEquipDescr/@id)]
+ When the reference target is support equipment then the value of attribute internalRefTargetType must be supequip (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="spares" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //spareDescr/@id)]
+ When the reference target is a spare then the value of attribute internalRefTargetType must be spares (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="para" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //levelledPara/@id)]
+ When the reference target is a paragraph then the value of attribute internalRefTargetType must be para (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="step" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //proceduralStep/@id or attribute::internalRefId = //isolationStep/@id or attribute::internalRefId = //isolationProcedureEnd/@id or attribute::internalRefId = //crewDrillStep/@id or attribute::internalRefId = //checkListStep/@id)]
+ When the reference target is a step then the value of attribute internalRefTargetType must be step (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="graphic" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //graphic/@id)]
+ When the reference target is a graphic then the value of attribute internalRefTargetType must be graphic (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="multimediaobject" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //multimediaObject/@id)]
+ When the reference target is a single multimedia object then the value of attribute internalRefTargetType must be multimediaobject (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="hotspot" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //hotspot/@id)]
+ When the reference target is a hotspot then the value of attribute internalRefTargetType must be hotspot (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="param" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //parameter/@id)]
+ When the reference target is a parameter then the value of attribute internalRefTargetType must be param (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //sequentialList/listItem/para/sequentialList/listItem/para[child::sequentialList]
+ Sequential (ordered) lists are limited to a maximum of two levels (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //proceduralStep[descendant-or-self::sequentialList]
+ Sequential lists must not be used to provide procedural step information. (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //sequentialList
+ Only one sequential (ordered) list must be placed under a numbered title or paragraph (subheading) (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //table/title
+ In procedural, process, crew and fault data modules, titles must be included for /table/ for formal tables. (Chap, Para 2).
+ //levelledPara
+ The depth of the /levelledPara/ structure is unlimited, however, it is recommended to not exceed five levels of depth (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //levelledPara/levelledPara/levelledPara/levelledPara/levelledPara/levelledPara/levelledPara/levelledPara/levelledPara
+ The subparagraph breakdown must never exceed eight levels of depth. (Chap, Para 2.1).
+ //proceduralStep
+ It is highly discouraged to exceed five levels of depth for proceduralStep. (Chap, Para 2.6.1).
+ //proceduralStep/proceduralStep/proceduralStep/proceduralStep/proceduralStep/proceduralStep/proceduralStep/proceduralStep/proceduralStep
+ The procedural substep breakdown must never exceed eight levels of depth (Chap, Para 2.6.1).
+ //@sparePartClassCode
+ Attribute sparePartClassCode - Spare part class (Chap, Para
+ Non-procurable part
+ Expandable part
+ Rotable part
+ Repairable part
+ //@itemLocationCode
+ Attribute itemLocationCode - Data module item location (Chap 4.3.8, Para 2.1)
+ Information related to items installed on the Product
+ Information related to items installed on a major assembly removed from the Product
+ Information related to items on the bench
+ Information related to all three locations A, B, and C
+ The data module contains training information
+ //@learnCode
+ Attribute learnCode - the first character of the learn code must be set to either "H" for human performance technology codes or "T" for training codes (Chap 4.3.9, Para 2; Chap 8.5).
+ Performance analysis
+ Organizational analysis - Vision statement
+ Organizational analysis - Mission statement
+ Organizational analysis - Values
+ Organizational analysis - Goal statement
+ Organizational analysis - Objective statement
+ Organizational analysis - Gap statement
+ Environmental analysis - Organizational environment
+ Environmental analysis - Work environment
+ Performer analysis - Worker
+ Cause Analysis
+ Environmental factor
+ Internal factor
+ Intervention definition
+ Performance support
+ Job/Work design
+ Personal development
+ Human resource development
+ Organizational communication
+ Organizational design and development
+ Training
+ Intervention implementation
+ Evaluation
+ Formative analysis
+ Summative - Immediate performance competence
+ Summative - Job transfer
+ Summative - Organizational impact/ROI
+ Attention
+ Perceptual - Concrete example
+ Perceptual - Incongruity/Conflict
+ Inquiry - Incongruity/Conflict
+ Inquiry - Participatory exercise
+ Inquiry - Relevance
+ Learning objectives
+ Terminal objective - Intellectual skill - Discriminations
+ Terminal objective - Intellectual skill - Concepts
+ Terminal objective - Intellectual skill - Rules/Principles
+ Terminal objective - Intellectual skill - Processes
+ Terminal objective - Intellectual skill - Procedures
+ Terminal objective - Intellectual skill - Higher order rules
+ Terminal objective - Verbal information - Facts
+ Terminal objective - Motor skill
+ Enabling objective - Intellectual skill- Discriminations
+ Enabling objective - Intellectual skill- Concepts
+ Enabling objective - Intellectual skill- Rules/Principles
+ Enabling objective - Intellectual skill- Processes
+ Enabling objective - Intellectual skill- Procedures
+ Enabling objective - Intellectual skill- Higher order rules
+ Enabling objective - Verbal information - Facts
+ Enabling objective - Motor skill
+ Recall
+ Analogy
+ Demonstration
+ Informative practice
+ Comparative organizer
+ Metaphoric device
+ Prerequisite concept review
+ Question/problem
+ Similar-task review
+ Content
+ Static content - Discrimination Expositive
+ Static content - Fact Expositive
+ Static content - Concept Expositive
+ Static content - Rule/Principle Expositive
+ Static content - Procedure Expositive
+ Static content - Higher order rule Expositive
+ Static content - Processes Expositive
+ Animated content - Discrimination
+ Animated content - Fact
+ Animated content - Concept
+ Animated content - Rule/Principle
+ Animated content - Procedure
+ Animated content - Higher order rule
+ Animated content - Processes
+ Interactive content - Discrimination
+ Interactive content - Fact
+ Interactive content - Concept
+ Interactive content - Rule/Principle
+ Interactive content - Procedure
+ Interactive content - Higher order rule
+ Interactive content - Processes
+ Learning guidance
+ Analogy
+ Metaphoric device
+ Drill and practice/informative practice
+ Case study
+ Comparative organizer
+ Concept map
+ Demonstration
+ Example/non-example
+ Game
+ Mnemonic device
+ Problem solving
+ Simulation
+ Story
+ Performance
+ Drag-and-drop/matching exercise
+ Multiple-choice - One selection
+ Multiple-choice -Multiple selection
+ Short answer free text Fill in the blank
+ Simulation
+ Game
+ Feedback
+ Knowledge of correct response
+ Knowledge of correct solution
+ Knowledge of consequence
+ Assessment
+ Drag-and-drop/matching exercise
+ Multiple-choice - One selection
+ Multiple-choice - Multiple selection
+ Short answer free text
+ Simulation
+ Game
+ Pre-test
+ Post-test
+ Retention and transfer
+ Drill and practice/informative practice
+ Case study
+ Comparative organizer
+ Demonstration
+ Example/non-example
+ Game
+ Problem solving
+ Simulation
+ Story
+ //@learnEventCode
+ Attribute learnEventCode - Used to store the learn event code (Chap 4.3.10, Para 1).
+ Learning plan
+ Learning overview
+ Learning content
+ Learning summary
+ Learning assessment
+ //dmCode[attribute::learnCode and not(attribute::learnEventCode)]
+ Whenever a learn code is used, the learn event code must be used (Chap 4.3.10, Para 1).
+ //randomList/listItem/para/randomList/listItem/para/randomList/listItem/para[child::randomList]
+ There are [at the most] three levels of random list (Chap 6.2.2, Para
+ //dmIdent/dmCode/@infoCode
+ Attribute infoCode - The data module information code (Chap 8.4.1).
+ //@accessPointTypeValue
+ Attribute accessPointTypeValue - Access point (Chap, Table 2)
+ Access is a door
+ Access is a panel
+ Access is an electrical panel
+ //@acronymType
+ Attribute acronymType - Type of acronym or abbreviation (Chap, Table 3)
+ Acronym (Candidate for list of abbreviations)
+ Term (Candidate for list of terms)
+ Symbol (Candidate for list of symbols)
+ Spec (Candidate for list of applicable specs)
+ //@cancelCaption
+ Attribute cancelCaption - Caption for dialog cancel function (Chap, Table 4)
+ Sets the caption to /CANCEL/
+ Sets the caption to /ABORT/
+ Sets the caption to /END/
+ Sets the caption to /QUIT/
+ //@caveat
+ Attribute caveat - National caveat (Chap, Table 5)
+ //@checkListCategory
+ Attribute checkListCategory - Check list category (Chap, Table 6)
+ Preventive maintenance inspection form
+ Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
+ Schematic
+ //@color
+ Attribute color - Caption color (Chap, Table 7)
+ None
+ Green
+ Amber
+ Yellow
+ Red
+ White
+ Grey
+ Clear
+ //@commentPriorityCode
+ Attribute commentPriorityCode - Priority level of a comment (Chap, Table 8)
+ Routine
+ Emergency
+ Safety critical
+ //@commercialClassification
+ Attribute commercialClassification - Commercial security classification (Chap, Table 9)
+ //@crewMemberType
+ Attribute crewMemberType - Type of crew member required for drill or procedural step (Chap, Table 10)
+ All
+ Pilot
+ Co-pilot
+ Navigator
+ Engineer
+ Ground crew
+ Load master
+ Cabin supervisor
+ //@crewStepCondition
+ Attribute crewStepCondition - Crew step condition (Chap, Table 11)
+ //@descrForItemCode
+ Attribute descrForItemCode - IPD item description code (Chap, Table 12)
+ Support Equipment
+ Break Down
+ Break Down Reassurance
+ Consumables
+ Category 1 Container
+ Engine Related Accessories
+ Standard Electrical Hardware Items
+ Standard Mechanical Hardware Items
+ Hardware
+ Line Replaceable Item
+ Anesthetics/Medical Chemicals
+ Module
+ Ammunition with Dangerous Substances
+ Modification Leaflet
+ Medical Supplies
+ Modification Set
+ None of the Other Codes Applies
+ Role Equipment
+ Raw Materials
+ Split Design Module
+ Software REMARKS
+ Special Tool
+ Part
+ Basic Issue Item
+ Components of End Item
+ Tool
+ Additional Authorization List Item
+ //@drillType
+ Attribute drillType - Type of aircrew drill (Chap, Table 13)
+ None
+ Green
+ Amber
+ Yellow
+ Red
+ Orange
+ Blue
+ //@emphasisType
+ Attribute emphasisType - Type of emphasis (Chap, Table 14)
+ Bold
+ Italic (only for legacy data, see Chap 3.9.1)
+ Underline (only for legacy data, see Chap 3.9.1)
+ Overline (only for marking vectors)
+ Strikethrough (not to be used to mark deleted text)
+ //@function
+ Attribute function - Maintenance function (Chap, Table 15)
+ None
+ Inspect
+ Test
+ Service
+ Adjust
+ Align
+ Calibrate
+ Remove/Install
+ Replace
+ Repair
+ Overhaul
+ Rebuild
+ //@installationLocationType
+ Attribute installationLocationType - Type of install location (Chap, Table 16)
+ Zone
+ Section
+ Station
+ Water line
+ Buttock line
+ //@itemCharacteristic
+ Attribute itemCharacteristic - Item characteristic (Chap, Table 17)
+ //@itemOriginator
+ Attribute itemOriginator - Origin of equipment/harness/wire (Chap, Table 18)
+ Manufacturer
+ Vendor
+ Partner
+ //@limitUnitType
+ Attribute limitUnitType - Limit type (Chap, Table 19)
+ Time between overhaul
+ Hard time
+ Since last maintenance
+ Out time limit
+ On condition
+ Check maintenance
+ Functional check
+ //@listItemPrefix
+ Attribute listItemPrefix - Prefix for list items of random/unordered lists (Chap, Table 20)
+ Simple (No prefix, only indent)
+ Unorder (Depending on list level, prefix with short dash for first level, bullet for second, and short dash for third level - ISOpub: bull, dash)
+ Dash (short dash - ISOpub: dash)
+ Disc (filled circle in circle - ISOamsb: ocir)
+ Circle (outline - ISOpub: cir)
+ Square (outline - ISOtech: square)
+ Bullet (outline - ISOpub: bull)
+ //@lowestLevel
+ Attribute lowestLevel - Lowest authorized level (Chap, Table 21)
+ None
+ Field (Service) level
+ Field/ASB maintenance can remove, replace, and use the item.
+ Below depot sustainment maintenance can remove, replace, and use the item.
+ Specialized repair activity/TASMG can remove, replace, and use the item.
+ Afloat and ashore intermediate maintenance can remove, replace, and use the item.
+ Contractor facility can remove, replace, and use the item.
+ Item is not authorized to be removed, replace, or used at any maintenance level
+ Depot can remove, replace, and use the item.
+ //@maintLevelCode
+ Attribute maintLevelCode - Maintenance Level Code (Chap, Table 22)
+ //@partCharacteristic
+ Attribute partCharacteristic - Part characteristic (Chap, Table 23)
+ //@pmEntryType
+ Attribute pmEntryType - Publication module entry type (Chap, Table 24)
+ //@quantityType
+ Attribute quantityType - Quantity data type (Chap, Table 25)
+ Length
+ Price
+ Temperature
+ Time
+ Torque value
+ Voltage
+ Volume
+ Mass
+ //@reqCondCategory
+ Attribute reqCondCategory - Required condition category (Chap, Table 26)
+ Normal
+ Special environmental conditions such as reduced lighting, ventilation, and temperature.
+ //@reqTechInfoCategory
+ Attribute reqTechInfoCategory - Required technical information category (Chap, Table 27)
+ Publication module (PM)
+ Data module (DM)
+ Drawing
+ Electrical diagram
+ Schematic diagram
+ Safety sheet
+ //@resetCaption
+ Attribute resetCaption - Caption for dialog reset caption (Chap, Table 28)
+ Sets the caption to RESET
+ Sets the caption to CLEAR
+ //@responseType
+ Attribute responseType - Type of response to a comment (Chap, Table 29)
+ Accepted
+ Pending
+ Partly accepted
+ Rejected
+ //@securityClassification
+ Attribute securityClassification - Security classification (Chap, Table 30)
+ //@significantParaDataType
+ Attribute significantParaDataType - Paragraph significant data type (Chap, Table 31)
+ Ammunition
+ Instruction disposition
+ Lubricant
+ Maintenance level
+ Manufacturer code
+ Manufacturers recommendation
+ Modification code
+ Qualification code
+ Training level
+ Control or Indicator value
+ //@skillLevelCode
+ Attribute skillLevelCode - Personnel skill level (Chap, Table 32)
+ Basic
+ Intermediate
+ Advanced
+ //@skillType
+ Attribute skillType - Personnel skill category (Chap, Table 33)
+ Airframe (AIRPL)
+ Electrical (ELEC)
+ Avionic (AVION)
+ Engine (ENGIN)
+ //@sourceCriticality
+ Attribute sourceCriticality - Source criticality (Chap, Table 34)
+ //@sourceTypeCode
+ Attribute sourceTypeCode - Source type code (Chap, Table 35)
+ //@submitCaption
+ Attribute submitCaption - Caption for dialog submit function (Chap, Table 36)
+ Sets the caption to OK
+ Sets the caption to SUBMIT
+ Sets the caption to CONTINUE
+ Sets the caption to EXIT
+ //@supervisorLevelCode
+ Attribute supervisorLevelCode - Supervisor level (Chap, Table 37)
+ Low
+ Low intermediate
+ High intermediate
+ High
+ //@taskCode
+ Attribute taskCode - Task code (Chap, Table 38)
+ Detailed inspection (DET)
+ Discard (DIS)
+ Functional Check (FNC)
+ General visual inspection (GVI)
+ Lubrication (LUB)
+ Operational check (OPC)
+ Restoration (RST)
+ Servicing (SVC)
+ Visual check (VCK)
+ //@thresholdUnitOfMeasure
+ Attribute thresholdUnitOfMeasure - Unit of measurement for the threshold interval (Chap, Table 39)
+ Flight hours
+ Flight cycles
+ Months
+ Weeks
+ Years
+ Days
+ Supersonic cycles
+ Pressure cycles
+ Engine cycles
+ Engine change
+ Shop visits
+ Auxiliary power unit change
+ Landing gear change
+ Wheel change
+ Engine start
+ APU hours
+ Engine hours
+ Elapsed hours
+ Landings
+ Operating cycles
+ Operating hours
+ Supersonic hours
+ A check
+ B check
+ C check
+ D check
+ Daily
+ E check
+ Overnight
+ Preflight
+ Routine check
+ Structural C check
+ Service check
+ Transit
+ //@updateReasonType
+ Attribute updateReasonType - Update reason type for reason for update (Chap, Table 40)
+ Editorial change (authored/technical content changed, but technically changes are deemed insignificant)
+ Technical change (authored/technical content has changed, changes are significant and should be reviewed)
+ Markup change (changes are solely related to XML markup)
+ Applicability change (only the applicability has changed)
+ Unique identifier of the referencing structure has changed
+ //@verbatimStyle
+ Attribute verbatimStyle - Verbatim style (Chap, Table 41)
+ Generic verbatim
+ Filename
+ XML/SGML markup
+ XML/SGML element name
+ XML/SGML attribute name
+ XML/SGML attribute value
+ XML/SGML entity name
+ XML/SGML processing instruction
+ Program prompt
+ User input
+ Computer output
+ Program listing
+ Program variable name
+ Program variable value
+ Constant
+ Class name
+ Parameter name
\ No newline at end of file
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similarity index 80%
rename from tools/s1kd-brexcheck/brex/DMC-S1000D-E-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D_009-00_EN-US.XML
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--- a/tools/s1kd-brexcheck/brex/DMC-S1000D-E-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D_009-00_EN-US.XML
+++ b/tools/s1kd-brexcheck/brex/DMC-S1000D-E-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D_012-00_EN-US.XML
@@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
Default business rules exchange data module
@@ -29,7 +25,7 @@
- Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by each of the following organizations:
+ Copyright (C) 2020 by each of the following organizations:
AeroSpace and Defence Industries Associations of Europe - ASD.
@@ -67,201 +63,24 @@
- CPF_2005-008GB: Changes to CSL DMRL.
- CPF_2006-054AA: Documentary info TIRs.
- CPF_2007-003AA: Container alternate concept in DM content.
- CPF_2007-004AA: Incremental update of TIR/CIR.
- CPF_2007-011SE: DTD-Schema_Front_matter.
- CPF_2008-011SE: Add_value_black_to_@coXX.
- CPF_2008-015AA: External pub issue date.
- CPF_2008-018US: NAVSEA Information Codes Request.
- CPF_2008-020S1: Applicability sharing.
- CPF_2008-033US: Computer system information codes.
- CPF_2009-007S1: Create a new Service Bulletin DM type.
- CPF_2009-019S1: SCPM split.
- CPF_2009-036AA: S1000D chapter 8 Civil Air Information Codes.
- CPF_2009-039S1: Handle missing BREX default interpretation - change to the BREX DM structure.
- Attribute valueTailoring added to all objectValue elements.
- CPF_2009-040S1: BREX introduction paragraph - change to the BREX DM structure.
- Introductory common information about the default BREX DM is added.
- CPF_2009-043S1: Explain unassigned BREX flag value - change to the BREX DM structure.
- Attribute allowedObjectFlag is now defined for all context related rules, ie for all objectPath elements.
- CPF_2009-051AA: Circuit breaker actions.
- CPF_2009-057AA: Random list in AFI.
- CPF_2009-061US: Applicability data typing.
- CPF_2009-063AA: Functional item identifier.
- CPF_2009-065AA: Circuit breaker type.
- CPF_2009-066AA: Circuit breaker ref.
- CPF_2009-071S1: Applic obtaining values.
- CPF_2009-074DE: New thresholdUnitOfMeasure attribute values.
- CPF_2009-090DE: BW information codes.
- CPF_2009-094AA: Supply TIRs - comply with REACH.
- CPF_2009-098US: Add BREX reference to all CSDB objects.
- BREX rules for ddn, dml, pm added.
- CPF_2009-109AA: Repair inspection additional information codes.
- CPF_2009-111AA: internalRefTargetType.
- Internal ref type annotation changed to configurable.
- CPF_2009-125GB: CSN break into attributes.
- CPF_2009-130S1: Default BREX coding.
- CPF_2009-141S1: IC931 and IC932 not available to projects in Issue 4.1.
- CPF_2009-144S1: Applicability externalization.
- CPF_2009-146S1: GIPDTT part TIR enhancements
- Among other changes, configurable attribute descrForItemCode deleted.
- CPF_2009-149S1: GIPDTT IPD location dependent data.
- CPF_2009-150S1: Link to material info from prelreqs.
- CPF_2009-157S1: taskDuration vs estimatedTime.
- Unit of measures for taskDuration and estimatedTime limited to h (manhour) and d (manday).
- CPF_2009-158S1: Add concept of removed parts to proced.
- CPF_2009-162S1: Additional technical info in proced.
- CPF_2010-014S1: Ref to CIRs.
- Value zone eliminated.
- CPF_2010-017S1: Add currencyCode to quantity.
- Attribute quantityTypeSpecifics added.
- CPF_2010-026DE: quantityPerUnit schema bug.
- Attribute quantityTypeSpecifics added.
- CPF_2011-005S1: Bug fix - attributes partCharacterisitic, crewItemCondition and itemCharacteristic allowable values were previously incorrectly given as enumerated lists. They are now corrected and specified as patterns to allow multiple values.
- CPF_2011-007SE: Clarifications incorporated.
- CPF 2011-008DE: Additional InformationCodes DE/AT
- Rule added to control population of language and country codes iaw with ISO standards.
- Rules added to control formats of SNS constituents in the SNS description branch of a BREX data module.
- Rule added to control format of an ICN.
- Rule added to control use of issueType=new in relation to issue numbering.
- Rules added to control use of issueType in relation to change status.
- Some rules have been amended to better reflect the specification text.
- Rule added to underline how to handle deletions in a CDSB.
- Availability corrected for some info codes previously marked project available (refer to Chap 8.4).
- 4.1 enhancement.
- Additionally identified rules, and editorial updates, captured in 4.1
- Updated based on comments to the first pre-release including amendments by SC15.00.
- - Rules added to control presence of titles and applicability in Front Matter TOCs
- - IC 17A reallocated to project available
- - IC 727 description changed to singular form
- - Pattern rule added for the new/renamed attribute infoEntityRefIdent (element infoEntityRef in DML)
- - Expressions controlling project availability of ICs are enhanced
+ CPF 2016-021US: Information codes for warning and caution CIRs
+ Adding the information codes 0A4 and 0A5 for the Warning and Caution Common Information Repositories (CIR) in issue 4.1.
This default BREX data module is provided with Issue 4.1 of S1000D. It contains a number of:
@@ -292,39 +111,39 @@
//dml[(descendant-or-self::dmlIdent[child::dmlCode[attribute::dmlType!="s"]]) and ((descendant-or-self::dmlEntry[child::dmlRef]) or (descendant-or-self::dmlEntry[child::commentRef]))]
A DMRL must not contain comments or other data management lists (Chap 4.5, Para 2.1).
The DMRL must contain the titles and details of the responsible partner company for each of the data modules and publication modules - with some exceptions (Chap 4.5, Para 2.1).
The DMRL does not contain the issue information of its contained objects, unless under certain circumstances (Chap 4.5, Para 2.1).
//dml[descendant-or-self::dmlAddress[descendant-or-self::dmlIdent[child::dmlCode[attribute::dmlType="s"]]] and descendant-or-self::dmlEntry[(descendant-or-self::dmRefIdent[not(child::issueInfo)] or descendant-or-self::pmRefIdent[not(child::issueInfo)] or descendant-or-self::dmlRefIdent[not(child::issueInfo)])]]
The CSL must contain the issue numbers of the CSDB objects it contains (Chap 4.5, Para 3.1).
//dml[descendant-or-self::dmlStatus[attribute::issueType = "new"] and descendant-or-self::dmlAddress[descendant-or-self::issueInfo[attribute::issueNumber != "000" and attribute::issueNumber != "001"]]]
A new data module list must not have an issue number exceeding 001 (Chap 4.5, Para 4.1.2)
//dml[descendant-or-self::dmlAddress[descendant-or-self::dmlCode[attribute::dmlType="s"]] and descendant-or-self::dmlStatus[child::dmlRef[child::dmlRefIdent[child::dmlCode[attribute::dmlType != "s"]]]]]
References in a CSDB status list must only refer to other CSDB status list.(Chap 4.5, Para
//dml[descendant-or-self::dmlIdent[child::dmlCode[attribute::dmlType="s"]] and descendant-or-self::dmlEntry[child::answer]]
- The element answer must not be used in a CSL (Chap 4.5, Para 4.2.6).
+ The element answer must not be used in a CSL (Chap 4.5, Para 4.2.4).
//dml[descendant-or-self::dmlIdent[child::dmlCode[attribute::dmlType!="s"]] and descendant-or-self::dmlEntry[child::answer and (child::pmRef or child::infoEntityRef or child::dmlRef or child::commentRef)]]
- When used (in a DMRL), the element answer must only be used for data module entries (Chap 4.5, Para 4.2.6).
+ When used (in a DMRL), the element answer must only be used for data module entries (Chap 4.5, Para 4.2.4).
The sequential number in the DML identity should start at 00001 (Chap 4.5, Para 5.1 and Para 5.2).
@@ -334,11 +153,11 @@
The sequential number in the Comment identity should start at 00001 (Chap 4.6.1, Para
For a comment related to a data module instance identified by the use of the data module code extension, the reference must include the element identExtension contained in element dmRef within this block of references. (Chap 4.6.1, Para 2.2.3).
@@ -348,7 +167,7 @@
The entity control number given in a DDN must not include the prefix ICN- (Chap 4.4, Para 1).
@@ -358,7 +177,7 @@
//*[attribute::changeMark = "1" and ancestor::pm[child::identAndStatusSection[child::pmStatus[attribute::issueType != "changed" and attribute::issueType != "rinstate-changed"]]]]
No change markers must appear in a publication module if the issue type is not changed (Chap, Para 2.1.1).
@@ -368,56 +187,56 @@
- //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00G"] and (//zoneSpec or //functionalItemSpec or //circuitBreakerSpec or //accessPointSpec or //toolSpec or //enterpriseSpec or //supplySpec or //supplyRqmtSpec or //functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or //controlIndicatorSpec or //applicSpec or //warningSpec or //cautionSpec or //zoneIdent or //functionalItemIdent or //circuitBreakerIdent or //accessPointIdent or //toolIdent or //enterpriseIdent or //supplyIdent or //supplyRqmtIdent or //functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or //controlIndicatorIdent or //applicSpecIdent or //warningIdent or //cautionIdent)
+ //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00G" and ancestor::dataUpdateFile[descendant::update[descendant::zoneSpec or descendant::functionalItemSpec or descendant::circuitBreakerSpec or descendant::accessPointSpec or descendant::toolSpec or descendant::enterpriseSpec or descendant::supplySpec or descendant::supplyRqmtSpec or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or descendant::controlIndicatorSpec or descendant::applicSpec or descendant::warningSpec or descendant::cautionSpec or descendant::zoneIdent or descendant::functionalItemIdent or descendant::circuitBreakerIdent or descendant::accessPointIdent or descendant::toolIdent or descendant::enterpriseIdent or descendant::supplyIdent or descendant::supplyRqmtIdent or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or descendant::controlIndicatorIdent or descendant::applicSpecIdent or descendant::warningIdent or descendant::cautionIdent]]]
Only partSpec, partIdent, figure, figureIdent, multimedia, multimediaIdent, applic, applicIdent, applicRef and applicRefIdent elements can be used in the Data update file representing the part CIR (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
- //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00H"] and (//partSpec or //functionalItemSpec or //circuitBreakerSpec or //accessPointSpec or //toolSpec or //enterpriseSpec or //supplySpec or //supplyRqmtSpec or //functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or //controlIndicatorSpec or //applicSpec or //warningSpec or //cautionSpec or //partIdent or //functionalItemIdent or //circuitBreakerIdent or //accessPointIdent or //toolIdent or //enterpriseIdent or //supplyIdent or //supplyRqmtIdent or //functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or //controlIndicatorIdent or //applicSpecIdent or //warningIdent or //cautionIdent)
+ //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00H" and ancestor::dataUpdateFile[descendant::update[descendant::partSpec or descendant::functionalItemSpec or descendant::circuitBreakerSpec or descendant::accessPointSpec or descendant::toolSpec or descendant::enterpriseSpec or descendant::supplySpec or descendant::supplyRqmtSpec or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or descendant::controlIndicatorSpec or descendant::applicSpec or descendant::warningSpec or descendant::cautionSpec or descendant::partIdent or descendant::functionalItemIdent or descendant::circuitBreakerIdent or descendant::accessPointIdent or descendant::toolIdent or descendant::enterpriseIdent or descendant::supplyIdent or descendant::supplyRqmtIdent or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or descendant::controlIndicatorIdent or descendant::applicSpecIdent or descendant::warningIdent or descendant::cautionIdent]]]
Only zoneSpec, zoneIdent, figure, figureIdent, multimedia, multimediaIdent, applicIdent, applicRefIdent, applic, applicRef elements can be used in the Data update file representing the zone CIR (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
- //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00E"] and (//zoneSpec or //partSpec or //circuitBreakerSpec or //accessPointSpec or //toolSpec or //enterpriseSpec or //supplySpec or //supplyRqmtSpec or //functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or //controlIndicatorSpec or //applicSpec or //warningSpec or //cautionSpec or //zoneIdent or //partIdent or //circuitBreakerIdent or //accessPointIdent or //toolIdent or //enterpriseIdent or //supplyIdent or //supplyRqmtIdent or //functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or //controlIndicatorIdent or //applicSpecIdent or //warningIdent or //cautionIdent)
+ //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00E" and ancestor::dataUpdateFile[descendant::update[descendant::zoneSpec or descendant::partSpec or descendant::circuitBreakerSpec or descendant::accessPointSpec or descendant::toolSpec or descendant::enterpriseSpec or descendant::supplySpec or descendant::supplyRqmtSpec or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or descendant::controlIndicatorSpec or descendant::applicSpec or descendant::warningSpec or descendant::cautionSpec or descendant::zoneIdent or descendant::partIdent or descendant::circuitBreakerIdent or descendant::accessPointIdent or descendant::toolIdent or descendant::enterpriseIdent or descendant::supplyIdent or descendant::supplyRqmtIdent or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or descendant::controlIndicatorIdent or descendant::applicSpecIdent or descendant::warningIdent or descendant::cautionIdent]]]
Only functionalItemSpec, functionalItemIdent, figure, figureIdent, multimedia, multimediaIdent, applicIdent, applicRefIdent, applic, applicRef elements must be used in the Data update file representing the FIN CIR (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
- //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00F"] and (//zoneSpec or //partSpec or //functionalItemSpec or //accessPointSpec or //toolSpec or //enterpriseSpec or //supplySpec or //supplyRqmtSpec or //functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or //controlIndicatorSpec or //applicSpec or //warningSpec or //cautionSpec or //zoneIdent or //partIdent or //functionalItemIdent or //accessPointIdent or //toolIdent or //enterpriseIdent or //supplyIdent or //supplyRqmtIdent or //functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or //controlIndicatorIdent or //applicSpecIdent or //warningIdent or //cautionIdent)
+ //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00F" and ancestor::dataUpdateFile[descendant::update[descendant::zoneSpec or descendant::partSpec or descendant::functionalItemSpec or descendant::accessPointSpec or descendant::toolSpec or descendant::enterpriseSpec or descendant::supplySpec or descendant::supplyRqmtSpec or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or descendant::controlIndicatorSpec or descendant::applicSpec or descendant::warningSpec or descendant::cautionSpec or descendant::zoneIdent or descendant::partIdent or descendant::functionalItemIdent or descendant::accessPointIdent or descendant::toolIdent or descendant::enterpriseIdent or descendant::supplyIdent or descendant::supplyRqmtIdent or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or descendant::controlIndicatorIdent or descendant::applicSpecIdent or descendant::warningIdent or descendant::cautionIdent]]]
Only circuitBreakerSpec, circuitBreakerIdent, applicIdent, applicRefIdent, applic, applicRef, figure, figureIdent, multimedia, multimediaIdent elements can be used in the Data update file representing the CB CIR (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
- //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00J"] and (//zoneSpec or //partSpec or //circuitBreakerSpec or //functionalItemSpec or //toolSpec or //enterpriseSpec or //supplySpec or //supplyRqmtSpec or //functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or //controlIndicatorSpec or //applicSpec or //warningSpec or //cautionSpec or //zoneIdent or //partIdent or //functionalItemIdent or //circuitBreakerIdent or //toolIdent or //enterpriseIdent or //supplyIdent or //supplyRqmtIdent or //functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or //controlIndicatorIdent or //applicSpecIdent or //warningIdent or //cautionIdent)
+ //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00J" and ancestor::dataUpdateFile[descendant::update[descendant::zoneSpec or descendant::partSpec or descendant::circuitBreakerSpec or descendant::functionalItemSpec or descendant::toolSpec or descendant::enterpriseSpec or descendant::supplySpec or descendant::supplyRqmtSpec or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or descendant::controlIndicatorSpec or descendant::applicSpec or descendant::warningSpec or descendant::cautionSpec or descendant::zoneIdent or descendant::partIdent or descendant::functionalItemIdent or descendant::circuitBreakerIdent or descendant::toolIdent or descendant::enterpriseIdent or descendant::supplyIdent or descendant::supplyRqmtIdent or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or descendant::controlIndicatorIdent or descendant::applicSpecIdent or descendant::warningIdent or descendant::cautionIdent]]]
Only accessPointSpec, accessPointIdent, figure, figureIdent, multimedia, multimediaIdent, applic, applicRef, applicIdent, applicRefIdent elements can be used in the Data update file representing the access point CIR (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
- //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00N"] and (//zoneSpec or //partSpec or //circuitBreakerSpec or //functionalItemSpec or //accessPointSpec or //enterpriseSpec or //supplySpec or //supplyRqmtSpec or //functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or //controlIndicatorSpec or //applicSpec or //warningSpec or //cautionSpec or //zoneIdent or //partIdent or //functionalItemIdent or //circuitBreakerIdent or //accessPointIdent or //enterpriseIdent or //supplyIdent or //supplyRqmtIdent or //functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or //controlIndicatorIdent or //applicSpecIdent or //warningIdent or //cautionIdent)
+ //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00N" and ancestor::dataUpdateFile[descendant::update[descendant::zoneSpec or descendant::partSpec or descendant::circuitBreakerSpec or descendant::functionalItemSpec or descendant::accessPointSpec or descendant::enterpriseSpec or descendant::supplySpec or descendant::supplyRqmtSpec or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or descendant::controlIndicatorSpec or descendant::applicSpec or descendant::warningSpec or descendant::cautionSpec or descendant::zoneIdent or descendant::partIdent or descendant::functionalItemIdent or descendant::circuitBreakerIdent or descendant::accessPointIdent or descendant::enterpriseIdent or descendant::supplyIdent or descendant::supplyRqmtIdent or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or descendant::controlIndicatorIdent or descendant::applicSpecIdent or descendant::warningIdent or descendant::cautionIdent]]]
Only toolSpec, toolIdent, figure, figureIdent, multimedia, multimediaIdent, applicIdent, applicRefIdent, applic, applicRef elements can be used in the Data update file representing the tool CIR (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
- //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00L"] and (//zoneSpec or //partSpec or //circuitBreakerSpec or //functionalItemSpec or //accessPointSpec or //enterpriseSpec or //toolSpec or //supplyRqmtSpec or //functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or //controlIndicatorSpec or //applicSpec or //warningSpec or //cautionSpec or //zoneIdent or //functionalItemIdent or //circuitBreakerIdent or //accessPointIdent or //toolIdent or //enterpriseIdent or //partIdent or //supplyRqmtIdent or //functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or //controlIndicatorIdent or //applicSpecIdent or //warningIdent or //cautionIdent)
+ //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00L" and ancestor::dataUpdateFile[descendant::update[descendant::zoneSpec or descendant::partSpec or descendant::circuitBreakerSpec or descendant::functionalItemSpec or descendant::accessPointSpec or descendant::enterpriseSpec or descendant::toolSpec or descendant::supplyRqmtSpec or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or descendant::controlIndicatorSpec or descendant::applicSpec or descendant::warningSpec or descendant::cautionSpec or descendant::zoneIdent or descendant::functionalItemIdent or descendant::circuitBreakerIdent or descendant::accessPointIdent or descendant::toolIdent or descendant::enterpriseIdent or descendant::partIdent or descendant::supplyRqmtIdent or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or descendant::controlIndicatorIdent or descendant::applicSpecIdent or descendant::warningIdent or descendant::cautionIdent]]]
Only supplySpec, supplyIdent, figure, figureIdent, multimedia, multimediaIdent, applic, applicRef, applicIdent, applicRefIdent elements can be used in the Data update file representing the supply CIR (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
- //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00M"] and (//zoneSpec or //partSpec or //circuitBreakerSpec or //functionalItemSpec or //accessPointSpec or //enterpriseSpec or //toolSpec or //supplySpec or //functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or //controlIndicatorSpec or //applicSpec or //warningSpec or //cautionSpec or //zoneIdent or //functionalItemIdent or //circuitBreakerIdent or //accessPointIdent or //toolIdent or //enterpriseIdent or //supplyIdent or //partIdent or //functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or //controlIndicatorIdent or //applicSpecIdent or //warningIdent or //cautionIdent)
+ //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00M" and ancestor::dataUpdateFile[descendant::update[descendant::zoneSpec or descendant::partSpec or descendant::circuitBreakerSpec or descendant::functionalItemSpec or descendant::accessPointSpec or descendant::enterpriseSpec or descendant::toolSpec or descendant::supplySpec or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or descendant::controlIndicatorSpec or descendant::applicSpec or descendant::warningSpec or descendant::cautionSpec or descendant::zoneIdent or descendant::functionalItemIdent or descendant::circuitBreakerIdent or descendant::accessPointIdent or descendant::toolIdent or descendant::enterpriseIdent or descendant::supplyIdent or descendant::partIdent or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or descendant::controlIndicatorIdent or descendant::applicSpecIdent or descendant::warningIdent or descendant::cautionIdent]]]
Only supplyRqmtSpec, supplyRqmtIdent, applicIdent, applicRefIdent, applic, applicRef, figure, figureIdent, multimedia, multimediaIdent elements can be used in the Data update file representing the supply requirements CIR (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
- //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="0A1"] and (//zoneSpec or //partSpec or //circuitBreakerSpec or //functionalItemSpec or //accessPointSpec or //enterpriseSpec or //toolSpec or //supplySpec or //controlIndicatorSpec or //supplyRqmtSpec or //applicSpec or //warningSpec or //cautionSpec or //zoneIdent or //functionalItemIdent or //circuitBreakerIdent or //accessPointIdent or //toolIdent or //enterpriseIdent or //supplyIdent or //supplyRqmtIdent or //partIdent or //controlIndicatorIdent or //applicSpecIdent or //warningIdent or //cautionIdent)
+ //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="0A1" and ancestor::dataUpdateFile[descendant::update[descendant::zoneSpec or descendant::partSpec or descendant::circuitBreakerSpec or descendant::functionalItemSpec or descendant::accessPointSpec or descendant::enterpriseSpec or descendant::toolSpec or descendant::supplySpec or descendant::controlIndicatorSpec or descendant::supplyRqmtSpec or descendant::applicSpec or descendant::warningSpec or descendant::cautionSpec or descendant::zoneIdent or descendant::functionalItemIdent or descendant::circuitBreakerIdent or descendant::accessPointIdent or descendant::toolIdent or descendant::enterpriseIdent or descendant::supplyIdent or descendant::supplyRqmtIdent or descendant::partIdent or descendant::controlIndicatorIdent or descendant::applicSpecIdent or descendant::warningIdent or descendant::cautionIdent]]]
Only functionalPhysicalAreaSpec, functionalPhysicalAreaIdent, applicIdent, applicRefIdent, applic, applicRef, figure, figureIdent, multimedia, multimediaIdent elements can be used in the Data update file representing the functional physical area CIR (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
- //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00X"] and (//zoneSpec or //partSpec or //circuitBreakerSpec or //functionalItemSpec or //accessPointSpec or //enterpriseSpec or //toolSpec or //supplySpec or //functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or //supplyRqmtSpec or //applicSpec or //warningSpec or //cautionSpec or //zoneIdent or //functionalItemIdent or //circuitBreakerIdent or //accessPointIdent or //toolIdent or //enterpriseIdent or //supplyIdent or //supplyRqmtIdent or //functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or //partIdent or //applicSpecIdent or //warningIdent or //cautionIdent)
+ //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00X" and ancestor::dataUpdateFile[descendant::update[descendant::zoneSpec or descendant::partSpec or descendant::circuitBreakerSpec or descendant::functionalItemSpec or descendant::accessPointSpec or descendant::enterpriseSpec or descendant::toolSpec or descendant::supplySpec or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or descendant::supplyRqmtSpec or descendant::applicSpec or descendant::warningSpec or descendant::cautionSpec or descendant::zoneIdent or descendant::functionalItemIdent or descendant::circuitBreakerIdent or descendant::accessPointIdent or descendant::toolIdent or descendant::enterpriseIdent or descendant::supplyIdent or descendant::supplyRqmtIdent or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or descendant::partIdent or descendant::applicSpecIdent or descendant::warningIdent or descendant::cautionIdent]]]
Only controlIndicatorSpec, controlIndicatorIdent, figure, figureIdent, multimedia, multimediaIdent, applicIdent, applicRefIdent, applic, applicRef elements can be used in the Data update file representing the control indicators CIR (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
- //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="0A2"] and (//zoneSpec or //partSpec or //circuitBreakerSpec or //functionalItemSpec or //accessPointSpec or //enterpriseSpec or //toolSpec or //supplySpec or //functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or //controlIndicatorSpec or //supplyRqmtSpec or //multimedia or //figure or //warningSpec or //cautionSpec or //zoneIdent or //functionalItemIdent or //circuitBreakerIdent or //accessPointIdent or //toolIdent or //enterpriseIdent or //supplyIdent or //supplyRqmtIdent or //functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or //controlIndicatorIdent or //partIdent or //multimediaIdent or //figureIdent or //warningIdent or //cautionIdent or //applicRef or //applicRefIdent)
+ //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="0A2" and ancestor::dataUpdateFile[descendant::update[descendant::zoneSpec or descendant::partSpec or descendant::circuitBreakerSpec or descendant::functionalItemSpec or descendant::accessPointSpec or descendant::enterpriseSpec or descendant::toolSpec or descendant::supplySpec or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or descendant::controlIndicatorSpec or descendant::supplyRqmtSpec or descendant::multimedia or descendant::figure or descendant::warningSpec or descendant::cautionSpec or descendant::zoneIdent or descendant::functionalItemIdent or descendant::circuitBreakerIdent or descendant::accessPointIdent or descendant::toolIdent or descendant::enterpriseIdent or descendant::supplyIdent or descendant::supplyRqmtIdent or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or descendant::controlIndicatorIdent or descendant::partIdent or descendant::multimediaIdent or descendant::figureIdent or descendant::warningIdent or descendant::cautionIdent or descendant::applicRef or descendant::applicRefIdent]]]
Only applicSpec, applicSpecIdent, applic, applicIdent elements can be used in the Data update file representing the applicabilities CIR (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
- //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00K"] and (//zoneSpec or //partSpec or //circuitBreakerSpec or //functionalItemSpec or //accessPointSpec or //applicSpec or //toolSpec or //supplySpec or //functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or //controlIndicatorSpec or //supplyRqmtSpec or //warningSpec or //cautionSpec or //zoneIdent or //functionalItemIdent or //circuitBreakerIdent or //accessPointIdent or //toolIdent or //partIdent or //supplyIdent or //supplyRqmtIdent or //functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or //controlIndicatorIdent or //applicSpecIdent or //warningIdent or //cautionIdent or //applicRef or //applicRefIdent or //applic or //applicIdent)
+ //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="00K" and ancestor::dataUpdateFile[descendant::update[descendant::zoneSpec or descendant::partSpec or descendant::circuitBreakerSpec or descendant::functionalItemSpec or descendant::accessPointSpec or descendant::applicSpec or descendant::toolSpec or descendant::supplySpec or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or descendant::controlIndicatorSpec or descendant::supplyRqmtSpec or descendant::warningSpec or descendant::cautionSpec or descendant::zoneIdent or descendant::functionalItemIdent or descendant::circuitBreakerIdent or descendant::accessPointIdent or descendant::toolIdent or descendant::partIdent or descendant::supplyIdent or descendant::supplyRqmtIdent or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or descendant::controlIndicatorIdent or descendant::applicSpecIdent or descendant::warningIdent or descendant::cautionIdent or descendant::applicRef or descendant::applicRefIdent or descendant::applic or descendant::applicIdent]]]
Only enterpriseSpec, enterpriseIdent, figure, figureIdent, multimedia, multimediaIdent elements can be used in the Data update file representing the enterprise CIR (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
- //updateCode[attribute::infoCode="012"] and (//zoneSpec or //partSpec or //circuitBreakerSpec or //functionalItemSpec or //accessPointSpec or //applicSpec or //toolSpec or //supplySpec or //functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or //controlIndicatorSpec or //supplyRqmtSpec or //zoneIdent or //functionalItemIdent or //circuitBreakerIdent or //accessPointIdent or //toolIdent or //partIdent or //supplyIdent or //supplyRqmtIdent or //functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or //controlIndicatorIdent or //applicSpecIdent or enterpriseSpec or //enterpriseIdent)
+ //updateCode[(attribute::infoCode="012" or attribute::infoCode="0A4" or attribute::infoCode="0A5") and ancestor::dataUpdateFile[descendant::update[descendant::zoneSpec or descendant::partSpec or descendant::circuitBreakerSpec or descendant::functionalItemSpec or descendant::accessPointSpec or descendant::applicSpec or descendant::toolSpec or descendant::enterpriseSpec or descendant::supplySpec or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaSpec or descendant::controlIndicatorSpec or descendant::supplyRqmtSpec or descendant::zoneIdent or descendant::functionalItemIdent or descendant::circuitBreakerIdent or descendant::accessPointIdent or descendant::toolIdent or descendant::partIdent or descendant::supplyIdent or descendant::supplyRqmtIdent or descendant::functionalPhysicalAreaIdent or descendant::controlIndicatorIdent or descendant::applicSpecIdent or descendant::enterpriseIdent]]]
Only warningSpec, warningIdent, cautionSpec, cautionIdent, applicIdent, applicRefIdent, applic, applicRef, figure, figureIdent, multimedia, multimediaIdent elements can be used in the Data update file representing the warning and caution CIR (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
@@ -430,32 +249,32 @@
The root element of an interchanged data module must be element /dmodule/ (Chap 1.4.2, Para
The root element of an interchanged update file must be element /dataUpdateFile/ (Chap 1.4.2, Para
Population of attribute countryIsoCode and attribute languageIsoCode should be in accordance with ISO 3166 and ISO 639, respectively (Chap, Para
//identAndStatusSection[descendant-or-self::dmAddress[descendant-or-self::issueInfo[attribute::issueNumber="000" or (attribute::issueNumber="001" and attribute::inWork="00")]] and descendant-or-self::dmStatus[attribute::issueType!="new"]]
Data modules up to and including the initial issue of the approved release must have the attribute issueNumber set to the value 000 for inwork versions or value 001 for the initial issue and have the attribute issueType set to the value /new/. (Chap, Para 2.2)
Deletion of data modules is treated as a special case of update. The data module itself is not physically deleted from the CSDB but marked as deleted by setting the attribute issueType to the value /deleted/. (Chap, Para 2.2)
//dmodule[(descendant-or-self::dmAddress[descendant-or-self::issueInfo[attribute::inwork="00"]]) and (child::content[descendant-or-self::*[attribute::changeMark or attribute::changeType]] and not(descendant-or-self::dmStatus[attribute::issueType="changed" or attribute::issueType="rinstate-changed"]))]
Published data modules that have been changed and have the changes indicated within the data module using change elements and attributes, must have the attribute issueType set to the value /changed/ or, if the data module is reinstated, set to /rinstate-changed/. (Chap, Para 2.2)
//dmodule[child::content[descendant-or-self::*[attribute::changeMark or attribute::changeType]] and descendant-or-self::dmStatus[attribute::issueType="revised" or attribute::issueType="rinstate-revised"]]
Data modules that have been totally revised and that contain no change elements or attributes must have the attribute issueType set to the value /revised/ or, if the data module is reinstated, set to /rinstate-revised/. (Chap, Para 2.2)
//dmodule[not(descendant-or-self::identAndStatusSection[descendant-or-self::reasonForUpdate]) and not(child::content[descendant-or-self::*[attribute::changeType or attribute::changeMark]]) and (child::identAndStatusSection[descendant-or-self::*[attribute::changeType or attribute::changeMark]]) and descendant-or-self::dmStatus[not(attribute::issueType="status" or attribute::issueType="rinstate-status")]]
Data modules that have had their identification and status information updated must have the attribute issueType set to the value /status/ or, if the data module is reinstated, set to /rinstate-status/. (Chap, Para 2.2)
@@ -464,11 +283,11 @@
Company or organization must be indicated by at least one of either the name of the company and/or the companys CAGE code, .... However, if a responsible partner company has an enterprise code, then that code must be used (Chap, Para 2.2.6).
//dmodule[(descendant-or-self::changeInline or descendant-or-self::*[attribute::changeMark]) and child::identAndStatusSection[child::dmStatus[attribute::issueType != "changed" and attribute::issueType != "rinstate-changed"]]]
No change markers must appear if the issue type is not changed (Chap, Para 1).
//identAndStatusSection/dmAddress/dmIdent/issueInfo[attribute::issueNumber = "001" and attribute::inWork = "00" and ancestor::dmodule[child::identAndStatusSection[child::dmStatus[child::reasonForUpdate]]]]
RFU must not be used on Issue 001 of a data module, unless it is in work (Chap, Para 2.1.1).
@@ -493,7 +312,7 @@
There must be no references to deleted information in other data modules (Chap, Para 2.4.1).
- //figure[attribute::changeMark="1" and child::graphic[position() = 2] and child::graphic[attribute::changeMark="1"]]
+ //graphic[attribute::changeMark="1" and parent::figure[count(child::graphic) > 1] and (ancestor::figure[attribute::changeMark="1"] or ancestor::figureAlts[attribute::changeMark="1"])]
If the element /figure/ is change marked, the change attributes on the element /graphic/ of multi-sheet figures must not be used (Chap, Para 2.3).
@@ -501,80 +320,80 @@
Editorial changes must not be marked (Chap, Para 2.1.1).
- //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt01" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //figure/@id)]
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt01" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //figure/@id or attribute::internalRefId = //figureAlts/@id)]
Only when the reference target is a figure can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt01 (Chap, Para 2.1).
//internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt02" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //table/@id)]
Only when the reference target is a table can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt02 (Chap, Para 2.1).
- //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt03" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //multimedia/@id)]
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt03" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //multimedia/@id or attribute::internalRefId = //multimediaAlts/@id)]
Only when the reference target is multimedia (containing one or more objects) can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt03 (Chap, Para 2.1).
//internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt04" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //supplyDescr/@id) and not(attribute::internalRefId = //embeddedSupplyDescr/@id)]
Only when the reference target is a supply can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt04 (Chap, Para 2.1).
//internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt05" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //supportEquipDescr/@id) and not (attribute::internalRefId = //embeddedSupportEquipDescr/@id)]
Only when the reference target is support equipment can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt05 (Chap, Para 2.1).
//internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt06" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //spareDescr/@id) and not(attribute::internalRefId = //embeddedSpareDescr/@id)]
Only when the reference target is a spare can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt06 (Chap, Para 2.1).
- //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt07" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //levelledPara/@id)]
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt07" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //levelledPara/@id or attribute::internalRefId = //levelledParaAlts/@id)]
Only when the reference target is a paragraph can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt07 (Chap, Para 2.1).
- //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt08" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //proceduralStep/@id)]
+ //internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt08" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //proceduralStep/@id or attribute::internalRefId = //proceduralStepAlts/@id or attribute::internalRefId = //isolationStep/@id or attribute::internalRefId = //isolationStepAlts/@id or attribute::internalRefId = //isolationProcedureEnd/@id or attribute::internalRefId = //isolationProcedureEndAlts/@id or attribute::internalRefId = //crewDrillStep/@id or attribute::internalRefId = //checkListStep/@id)]
Only when the reference target is a step can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt08 (Chap, Para 2.1).
//internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt09" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //graphic/@id)]
Only when the reference target is a figure can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt09 (Chap, Para 2.1).
//internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt10" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //multimediaObject/@id)]
Only when the reference target is a single multimedia object can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt10 (Chap, Para 2.1).
//internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt12" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //parameter/@id)]
Only when the reference target is a parameter can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt12 (Chap, Para 2.1).
//internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt13" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //zoneRef/@id)]
Only when the reference target is a zone can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt13 (Chap, Para 2.1).
//internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt14" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //workLocation/@id)]
Only when the reference target is a work location can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt14 (Chap, Para 2.1).
//internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt15" and not(@internalRefId=//sbMaterialSet/@id) and not(@internalRefId=//sbSupportEquipSet/@id) and not(@internalRefId=//sbIndividualSupportEquip/@id) and not(@internalRefId=//sbExternalSupportEquipSet/@id) and not(@internalRefId=//sbSupplySet/@id) and not(@internalRefId=//sbIndividualSupply/@id) and not(@internalRefId=//sbExternalSupplySet/@id) and not(@internalRefId=//sbSpareSet/@id) and not(@internalRefId=//sbIndividualSpare/@id) and not(@internalRefId=//sbExternalSpareSet/@id) and not(@internalRefId=//sbRemovedSpareSet/@id) and not(@internalRefId=//sbIndividualRemovedSpare/@id)]
Only when the reference target is a Service Bulletin material set (including individual, external or removed material) can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt15 (Chap, Para 2.1).
//internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt16" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //accessPointRef/@id)]
Only when the reference target is an access point can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt16 (Chap, Para 2.1).
//internalRef[attribute::internalRefTargetType="irtt11" and not(attribute::internalRefId = //hotspot/@id or normalize-space(attribute::referredFragment) != "")]
Only when the reference target is a hotspot can the value of attribute internalRefTargetType be irtt11 (Chap, Para 2.1, and Chap, Para 2.3).
//externalPubIssueDate[(attribute::day and not(attribute::month)) or (attribute::month and not(attribute::year))]
In a date, if the month is given then a year must also be given and if the day is given then a month is required. (Chap, Para
- //warningRef/dmRef/dmRefIdent/dmCode[attribute::infoCode!="012"]
+ //warningRef/dmRef/dmRefIdent/dmCode[attribute::infoCode != "012" and attribute::infoCode != "0A4"]
The dmRef element in a warningRef element must point only at a warning repository data module (Chap, Para 2.7).
- //cautionRef/dmRef/dmRefIdent/dmCode[attribute::infoCode!="012"]
+ //cautionRef/dmRef/dmRefIdent/dmCode[attribute::infoCode != "012" and attribute::infoCode != "0A5"]
The dmRef in a cautionRef element must point only at a caution repository data module (Chap, Para 2.8).
@@ -586,11 +405,11 @@
Sequential lists must not be used to provide procedural step information. (Chap, Para 2.1).
Only one sequential (ordered) list must be placed under a numbered title or paragraph (subheading) (Chap, Para 2.1).
//action/randomList/listItem/para[child::sequentialList or child::randomList or child::definitionList]
The use of random lists within a fault isolation action is strictly limited to one level. (Chap, Para 2.2).
@@ -600,37 +419,37 @@
In procedural, process, crew and fault data modules, titles must be included for /figure/ and /table/ for formal tables. (Chap, Para 2).
//internalRef[not(attribute::internalRefId) and (not(attribute::referredFragment) or normalize-space(attribute::referredFragment) = "")]
An internal reference must point at a target, either by an internalRefId attribute or a referredFragment attribute (Chap, Para 2.4.1).
//taskDuration[attribute::unitOfMeasure != "h" and attribute::unitOfMeasure != "d"]
Task duration time must be given as one of the two characters h or d (for manhour and manday) (Chap, Para 2.1.3).
//circuitBreakerRef[attribute::circuitBreakerAction="open-order" or attribute::circuitBreakerAction="close-order"]
The open-order and close-order values are not allowed for the attribute circuitBreakerAction in the circuitBreakerRef element. (Chap, Para
//estimatedTime[attribute::unitOfMeasure != "h"]
Estimated time must be given as one character = h (for manhour) (Chap, Para
//supportEquipDescr[attribute::materialUsage="mu01" or attribute::materialUsage="mu02" or attribute::materialUsage ="mu03" or attribute::materialUsage ="mu04" or attribute::materialUsage ="mu06"]
A support equipment can not be discarded, retained, modified, or referenced (Chap, Para 2.5.1).
//supplyDescr[attribute::materialUsage ="mu03" or attribute::materialUsage ="mu06"]
A supply can not be modified (Chap, Para 2.6.1).
//quantity[attribute::quantityType="qty02" and string-length(attribute::quantityTypeSpecifics)!= 3]
When the quantity type is price then a currency code must be provided iaw ISO 4217 (Chap, Para 2.1.4).
//quantity[attribute::quantityType="qty02" and descendant-or-self::*[attribute::quantityUnitOfMeasure]]
When the quantity type is price then unit of measure does not apply (only currency code does) (Chap, Para 2.1.4).
@@ -640,7 +459,7 @@
The depth of the /levelledPara/ structure is unlimited, however, it is recommended to not exceed five levels of depth (Chap, Para 2.4).
- //levelledPara/levelledPara/levelledPara/levelledPara/levelledPara/levelledPara/levelledPara/levelledPara/levelledPara
+ //levelledPara[count(ancestor-or-self::levelledPara) > 8]
The subparagraph breakdown must never exceed eight levels of depth. (Chap, Para 2.4).
@@ -649,43 +468,43 @@
It is highly discouraged to exceed five levels of depth for proceduralStep. (Chap, Para 2.4.1).
- //proceduralStep/proceduralStep/proceduralStep/proceduralStep/proceduralStep/proceduralStep/proceduralStep/proceduralStep/proceduralStep
+ //proceduralStep[count(ancestor-or-self::proceduralStep) > 8]
The procedural substep breakdown must never exceed eight levels of depth (Chap, Para 2.4.1).
//catalogSeqNumberRef[attribute::figureNumberVariant and normalize-space(attribute::figureNumberVariant) = ""]
The attribute figureNumberVariant must not be empty or contain a space string (Chap, Para 2.4).
//catalogSeqNumberRef[attribute::itemVariant and normalize-space(attribute::itemVariant) = ""]
The attribute itemVariant must not be empty or contain a space string (Chap, Para 2.4).
//catalogSeqNumber[attribute::figureNumberVariant and normalize-space(attribute::figureNumberVariant) = ""]
The attribute figureNumberVariant must not be empty or contain a space string (Chap, Para 2.4).
//catalogSeqNumber[attribute::itemVariant and normalize-space(attribute::itemVariant) = ""]
The attribute itemVariant must not be empty or contain a space string (Chap, Para 2.4).
//categoryOneContainerLocation[attribute::figureNumberVariant and normalize-space(attribute::figureNumberVariant) = ""]
The attribute figureNumberVariant must not be empty or contain a space string (Chap, Para 2.4).
//categoryOneContainerLocation[attribute::itemVariant and normalize-space(attribute::itemVariant) = ""]
The attribute itemVariant must not be empty or contain a space string (Chap, Para 2.4).
//catalogSeqNumber[(attribute::systemCode or attribute::subSystemCode or attribute::subSubSystemCode or attribute::assyCode) and (not(attribute::systemCode) or not(attribute::subSystemCode) or not(attribute::subSubSystemCode) or not(attribute::assyCode))]
A chapterized catalogue sequence number must contain all SNS derived constituents (Chap, Para 2.4).
//categoryOneContainerLocation[(attribute::systemCode or attribute::subSystemCode or attribute::subSubSystemCode or attribute::assyCode) and (not(attribute::systemCode) or not(attribute::subSystemCode) or not(attribute::subSubSystemCode) or not(attribute::assyCode))]
A chapterized catalogue sequence number must contain all SNS derived constituents (Chap, Para 2.4).
//catalogSeqNumberRef[(attribute::systemCode or attribute::subSystemCode or attribute::subSubSystemCode or attribute::assyCode) and (not(attribute::systemCode) or not(attribute::subSystemCode) or not(attribute::subSubSystemCode) or not(attribute::assyCode))]
A chapterized catalogue sequence number reference must contain all SNS derived constituents (Chap, Para
@@ -697,199 +516,199 @@
Rotable part
Repairable part
unitOfIssueQualificationSegment must not be given if unitOfIssue is not used. (Chap, Para
The element internalRef is not allowed in a warning in the Warning Repository data module since the warnings in the repository must be context insensitive (Chap, Para 2.2)
The element internalRef is not allowed in a caution in the Caution Repository data module since the cautions in the repository must be context insensitive (Chap, Para 2.3)
- //sb/sbMaterialInfoContent and //identAndStatusSection/dmAddress/dmIdent/dmCode[attribute::infoCode!="934"]
+ //sb[child::sbMaterialInfoContent[ancestor::dmodule[child::identAndStatusSection[child::dmAddress[child::dmIdent[child::dmCode[attribute::infoCode!="934"]]]]]]]
When element sbMaterialInfoContent is used as direct child of element sb then the information code of the data module must be 934 (Chap, Para 2.3.1)
//sbRevisionInfo/sbTopic[attribute::sbTopicType="sbtt02" or attribute::sbTopicType="sbtt03" or attribute::sbTopicType="sbtt04"]
Generic values 'sbtt02', 'sbtt03' and 'sbtt04' are not allowed in service bulletin revision information (Chap, Para 2.3.3)
//sbSummary/sbTopic[attribute::sbTopicType="sbtt01" or attribute::sbTopicType="sbtt03" or attribute::sbTopicType="sbtt04"]
Generic values 'sbtt01', 'sbtt03' and 'sbtt04' are not allowed in service bulletin summary (Chap, Para 2.3.4)
//sbPlanningInfo/sbTopic[attribute::sbTopicType="sbtt01" or attribute::sbTopicType="sbtt02" or attribute::sbTopicType="sbtt04"]
Generic values 'sbtt01', 'sbtt02' and 'sbtt04' are not allowed in service bulletin planning information (Chap, Para 2.3.5)
//sbAdditionalInfo/sbTopic[attribute::sbTopicType="sbtt01" or attribute::sbTopicType="sbtt02" or attribute::sbTopicType="sbtt03"]
Generic values 'sbtt01', 'sbtt02' and 'sbtt03' are not allowed in service bulletin additional information (Chap, Para 2.3.8)
//sbTimeCompliance[attribute::sbTimeComplianceType = "sbtct01" and child::limit[attribute::limitTypeValue != "po"]]
A basic service bulletin accomplishment limit has to be considered once (Chap, Para
//sbTimeCompliance[attribute::sbTimeComplianceType = "sbtct02" and child::limit[attribute::limitTypeValue != "po"]]
A grace period limit has to be considered once (Chap, Para
//sbTimeCompliance[attribute::sbTimeComplianceType = "sbtct03" and child::limit[attribute::limitTypeValue != "pe"]]
A repetitive inspection must be in accordance with periodic limit type (Chap, Para
//sbDuration[child::quantity[descendant-or-self::*[attribute::quantityUnitOfMeasure != "h" and attribute::quantityUnitOfMeasure != "d" ]]]
The quantity unit of measure for service bulletin duration time must be given as one of the two characters h or d (for hour and day).(Chap, Para
//sbEstimatedTime[child::quantity[descendant-or-self::*[attribute::quantityUnitOfMeasure != "h"]]]
The quantity unit of measure for service bulletin estimated time must be given as one character = h (for manhour) (Chap, Para
//sbIndividualRemovedSpare/sbRemovedSpareDescr[attribute::materialUsage="mu03" or attribute::materialUsage="mu04" or @materialUsage ="mu05"]
A removed spare can not be modified from another spare, referenced or set of removed material (Chap, Para
Attribute @id must not be used for element natoStockNumber in a front matter title page (Chap, Para
Element refs must not be used natoStockNumber in a front matter title page (Chap, Para
//frontMatter[child::frontMatterTitlePage[child::productAndModel[descendant-or-self::identNumber[child::refs or child::remarks]]]]
Element refs and element remarks must not be used in identNumber in a front matter title page (Chap, Para
//frontMatter[descendant-or-self::dataRestrictions[attribute::id or attribute::authorityName or attribute::authorityDocument]]
Attributes @id, @authorityName and @authorityDocument must not be used for element dataRestrictions in a front matter data module (Chap, Para
//frontMatter[descendant-or-self::graphic[attribute::id or attribute::authorityName or attribute::authorityDocument]]
Attributes @id, @authorityName and @authorityDocument must not be used for element graphic in a front matter data module (Chap, Para
//frontMatter[child::frontMatterTitlePage[child::enterpriseSpec[attribute::id or attribute::authorityName or attribute::authorityDocument]]]
Attributes @id, @authorityName and @authorityDocument must not be used for element enterpriseSpec in a front matter title page (Chap, Para
//frontMatter[descendant-or-self::symbol[attribute::id or attribute::authorityName or attribute::authorityDocument]]
Attributes @id, @authorityName and @authorityDocument must not be used for element symbol in a front matter data module (Chap, Para and Para
Attribute @id must not be used for element responsiblePartnerCompany in a front matter data module (Chap, Para
A front matter title page must always specify the name of the publisher (Chap, Para
//frontMatter[child::frontMatterTitlePage[child::publisherLogo[attribute::id or attribute::authorityName or attribute::authorityDocument]]]
Attributes @id, @authorityName and @authorityDocument must not be used for element publisherLogo in a front matter data module (Chap, Para
Attribute @applicRefId must not be used for element barCode in a front matter title page (Chap, Para
Attribute @id must not be used for element barCodeSymbol in a front matter title page (Chap, Para
//frontMatter[child::frontMatterTitlePage[child::frontMatterInfo[child::reducedPara[child::reducedRandomList[attribute::* and attribute::listItemPrefix!="pf03"]]]]]
No attributes must be used for element reducedRandomList in a front matter title page except attribute @listItemPrefix which must be set to value pf03 (Chap, Para
//frontMatter[child::frontMatterTitlePage[child::frontMatterInfo[descendant-or-self::reducedRandomListItem[attribute::id or attribute::applicRefId or attribute::authorityName or attribute::authorityDocument]]]]
Attributes @id, @applicRefId, @authorityName and @authorityDocument must not be used for element reducedRandomListItem in a front matter title page (Chap, Para
//frontMatter[child::frontMatterTitlePage[child::frontMatterInfo[descendant-or-self::reducedRandomListItem[child::reducedListItemPara[attribute::id or attribute::applicRefId]]]]]
Attributes @id and @applicRefId must not be used for element reducedListItemPara in a front matter title page (Chap, Para
//frontMatter[child::frontMatterTableOfContent[descendant-or-self::tocEntry[child::dmRef[not(descendant-or-self::techName and descendant-or-self::infoName)]]]]
References to data modules from the front matter tables of content must include a complete data module title (techName + infoName) as it must be presented (Chap, Para
References to data modules in the front matter tables of content must include applicability information. (Chap, Para
References to other data modules from a front matter data module must be to data modules themselves, not to any specific part of them (Chap, Para
//frontMatter[descendant-or-self::dmRef[attribute::id or attribute::authorityName or attribute::authorityDocument]]
Attributes @id, @authorityName and @authorityDocument must not be used for references to other data modules in a front matter data module (Chap, Para
References to publication modules in the front matter tables of content must include a full title (pmTitle) as it must be presented (Chap, Para
References to publication modules in the front matter tables of content must include applicability information. (Chap, Para
//frontMatter[descendant-or-self::pmRef[attribute::id or attribute::authorityName or attribute::authorityDocument]]
Attributes @id, @authorityName and @authorityDocument must not be used for references to publication modules in a front matter data module (Chap, Para
References to external publications in the front matter tables of content must include the external publication code (externalPubCode) as it must be presented (Chap, Para
References to external publications in the front matter tables of content must include applicability information. (Chap, Para
//frontMatter[descendant-or-self::externalPubRef[attribute::id or attribute::authorityName or attribute::authorityDocument]]
Attributes @id, @authorityName and @authorityDocument must not be used for references to external publications in a front matter data module (Chap, Para
//frontMatter[descendant-or-self::footnote[descendant-or-self::para[child::sequentialList or child::randomList or child::definitionList]]]
Front matter foot notes must not contain lists (Chap, Para
- //dmAddress/dmIdent/dmCode[attribute::infoCode="0A2"] and //applicRef
+ //dmAddress[child::dmIdent[child::dmCode[attribute::infoCode="0A2" and ancestor::dmodule[descendant::applicRef]]]]
The element applicRef must not be used in the applicability Repository (Chap, Para 2.1.3).
- //dmAddress/dmIdent/dmCode[attribute::infoCode="0A2"] and //referencedApplicGroupRef
+ //dmAddress[child::dmIdent[child::dmCode[attribute::infoCode="0A2" and ancestor::dmodule[descendant::referencedApplicGroupRef]]]]
The element referencedApplicGroupRef must not be used in the applicability Repository (Chap, Para 2.1.3).
When applicability is externalized a proper CIR data module (using IC=0A2) must be referred by the element applicRef. (Chap, Para
- (//commonRepository and //identAndStatusSection/dmAddress/dmIdent/dmCode[attribute::infoCode="0A2"] and //dmStatus/applic/expression) or (//commonRepository and //identAndStatusSection/dmAddress/dmIdent/dmCode[attribute::infoCode!="0A2"] and //expression)
+ //expression[ancestor::dmodule[descendant::commonRepository and descendant::identAndStatusSection[child::dmAddress[child::dmIdent[child::dmCode[attribute::infoCode="0A2"]]]]] and not(ancestor::referencedApplicGroup)]
In an applicability repository, the element expression (child of element applic) is used only in the referencedApplicGroup element (Chap, Para 2.2.3 and Para
//productAttribute[attribute::valuePattern and (attribute::valueDataType = "boolean" or attribute::valueDataType = "integer" or attribute::valueDataType = "real")]
A product attribute value pattern is not allowed when the product attribute value data type is boolean, integer or real (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
//productAttribute[child::enumeration[attribute::enumerationLabel and attribute::applicPropertyValues[contains(string(.),"~") or contains(string(.),"|")]]]
Enumerations with enumerationLabel attribute cannot specify a range or list of values in applicPropertyValues attribute (Chap, Para
//condType[attribute::valuePattern and (attribute::valueDataType = "boolean" or attribute::valueDataType = "integer" or attribute::valueDataType = "real")]
A condition type value pattern is not allowed when the product attribute value data type is boolean, integer or real (Chap, Para 2.3.1).
@@ -1049,158 +868,158 @@
Learning assessment
ICN representing an illustration, symbol or other information object supporting a CSDB object (Chap 4.4, Para 2.1 and Para 2.2).
- CAGE-based ICN (15-20 char) or MIC-based ICN (26-44 char)
+ CAGE-based ICN (15-20 char) or MIC-based ICN (26-44 char)
ICN representing an illustration, symbol or other information object supporting a CSDB object (Chap 4.4, Para 2.1 and Para 2.2).
- CAGE-based ICN (15-20 char) or MIC-based ICN (26-44 char)
+ CAGE-based ICN (15-20 char) or MIC-based ICN (26-44 char)
//dmodule[descendant-or-self::brex and child::identAndStatusSection[child::dmAddress[child::dmIdent[child::dmCode[attribute::modelIdentCode!="S1000D" and attribute::assyCode!="00" and attribute::assyCode!="0000"]]]]]
SNS must not be applied below sub-subsystem level. Unit/Assembly of the BREX DM must be 00 or 0000. (Chap 4.10.1, Para 2).
The code representing the system level in an SNS, limited to 2 or 3 char. If three positions are used, the 1st position is the Material Item Category Code, restricted to values A-H, J, T-Z and 0-9. (Chap, Para 2.1.1 and Chap 4.3.3).
System code is limited to 2 or 3 char.
The code representing the subsystem level in an SNS, limited to 1 char. (Chap, Para 2.1.2 and Chap 4.3.3).
Subsystem code is limited to 1 char.
The code representing the sub-subsystem level in an SNS, limited to 1 char. (Chap, Para 2.1.3 and Chap 4.3.3).
Sub-subsystem code is limited to 1 char.
The code representing the assembly code in an SNS, limited to 2 or 4 char. (Chap, Para 2.1.4 and Chap 4.3.3).
Assembly code is limited to 2 or 4 char.
Attribute allowedObjectFlag must be specified for every element objectPath (Chap, Para 2.1.2).
//accessPointAlts[child::accessPoint[following-sibling::accessPoint] and child::accessPoint[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an accessPoint alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//assocWarningMalfunctionAlts[child::assocWarningMalfunction[following-sibling::assocWarningMalfunction] and child::assocWarningMalfunction[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an assocWarningMalfunction alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//bitMessageAlts[child::bitMessage[following-sibling::bitMessage] and child::bitMessage[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an bitMessage alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//circuitBreakerAlts[child::circuitBreaker[following-sibling::circuitBreaker] and child::circuitBreaker[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an circuitBreaker alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//commonInfoDescrParaAlts[child::commonInfoDescrPara[following-sibling::commonInfoDescrPara] and child::commonInfoDescrPara[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an commonInfoDescrPara alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//correlatedFaultAlts[child::correlatedFault[following-sibling::correlatedFault] and child::correlatedFault[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an correlatedFault alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//detectedFaultAlts[child::detectedFault[following-sibling::detectedFault] and child::detectedFault[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an detectedFault alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//dialogAlts[child::dialog[following-sibling::dialog] and child::dialog[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an dialog alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//dmNodeAlts[child::dmNode[following-sibling::dmNode] and child::dmNode[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an dmNode alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//dmSeqAlts[child::dmSeq[following-sibling::dmSeq] and child::dmSeq[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an dmSeq alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//electricalEquipAlts[child::electricalEquip[following-sibling::electricalEquip] and child::electricalEquip[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an electricalEquip alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//figureAlts[child::figure[following-sibling::figure] and child::figure[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an figure alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//functionalItemAlts[child::functionalItem[following-sibling::functionalItem] and child::functionalItem[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an functionalItem alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//harnessAlts[child::harness[following-sibling::harness] and child::harness[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an harness alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//isolatedFaultAlts[child::isolatedFault[following-sibling::isolatedFault] and child::isolatedFault[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an isolatedFault alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//isolationProcedureEndAlts[child::isolationProcedureEnd[following-sibling::isolationProcedureEnd] and child::isolationProcedureEnd[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an isolationProcedureEnd alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//isolationStepAlts[child::isolationStep[following-sibling::isolationStep] and child::isolationStep[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an isolationStep alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//levelledParaAlts[child::levelledPara[following-sibling::levelledPara] and child::levelledPara[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an levelledPara alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//messageAlts[child::message[following-sibling::message] and child::message[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an message alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//multimediaAlts[child::multimedia[following-sibling::multimedia] and child::multimedia[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an multimedia alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//observedFaultAlts[child::observedFault[following-sibling::observedFault] and child::observedFault[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an observedFault alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//proceduralStepAlts[child::proceduralStep[following-sibling::proceduralStep] and child::proceduralStep[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an proceduralStep alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//supplyRqmtAlts[child::supplyRqmt[following-sibling::supplyRqmt] and child::supplyRqmt[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an supplyRqmt alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//taskDefinitionAlts[child::taskDefinition[following-sibling::taskDefinition] and child::taskDefinition[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an taskDefinition alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//toolAlts[child::tool[following-sibling::tool] and child::tool[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an tool alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//warningMalfunctionAlts[child::warningMalfunction[following-sibling::warningMalfunction] and child::warningMalfunction[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an warningMalfunction alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//wireAlts[child::wire[following-sibling::wire] and child::wire[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an wire alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
//zoneAlts[child::zone[following-sibling::zone] and child::zone[not(attribute::applicRefId)]]
In an zone alternates group each alternate must specify a valid applicability annotation (Chap 4.13.3, Para 2 and Para 3)
@@ -1210,7 +1029,7 @@
There are [at the most] three levels of random lists (Chap 6.2.2, Para
Attribute infoCode - The data update file information code (Chap 8.4.1).
Functional item numbers common information repository
@@ -1225,9 +1044,11 @@
Controls and indicators common information repository
Functional and/or physical areas common information repository
Applicability repository
+ Warnings - List of warnings in the common information repository
+ Cautions - List of cautions in the common information repository
General warnings and cautions and related safety data
Attribute infoCode - The data module information code (Chap 8.4.1).
Function, data for plans and description
@@ -1270,13 +1091,13 @@
- Description
+ Description
Description of how it is made
Description of function
Description of function attributed to crew (functional breakdown)
Description of function (physical breakdown)
- Designated use
- Dependence on peripheral systems/equipment
+ Designated use
+ Dependence on peripheral systems/equipment
@@ -1334,15 +1155,15 @@
List of support equipment - ormally used in front matter data modules
List of supplies - normally used in front matter data modules
List of spares - normally used in front matter data modules
- Functional item numbers common information repository
- Circuit breakers common information repository
- Parts common information repository
- Zones common information repository
- Access panels and doors common information repository
- Organizations common information repository
- Supplies - List of products common information repository
- Supplies - List of requirements common information repository
- Support equipment common information repository
+ Functional item numbers common information repository
+ Circuit breakers common information repository
+ Parts common information repository
+ Zones common information repository
+ Access panels and doors common information repository
+ Organizations common information repository
+ Supplies - List of products common information repository
+ Supplies - List of requirements common information repository
+ Support equipment common information repository
Product Cross-reference Table (PCT)
Conditions Cross-reference Table (CCT)
List of effective pages - refer to code 002
@@ -1351,19 +1172,23 @@
Highlights - refer to code 003
List of applicable specifications and documentation - refer to code 017
Applicability Cross-reference Table (ACT)
- Controls and indicators common information repository
+ Controls and indicators common information repository
List of charts and forms
List of tables
- Functional and/or physical areas common information repository
- Applicability repository
- Applicability Cross-reference Table catalog
- Maintenance planning information
- Time limits
- System maintenance/Inspection tasks list
- Structure maintenance/inspection tasks lists
- Zonal maintenance/inspection tasks list
- Unscheduled check
+ Functional and/or physical areas common information repository
+ Applicability repository
+ Applicability Cross-reference Table catalog
+ Warnings - List of warnings in the common information repository
+ Cautions - List of cautions in the common information repository
+ Maintenance planning information
+ Time limits
+ System maintenance/Inspection tasks list
+ Structure maintenance/inspection tasks lists
+ Zonal maintenance/inspection tasks list
+ Unscheduled check
+ Project available
List of consumables associated with operation
List of materials associated with operation
@@ -1379,7 +1204,7 @@
Modes of operation This code is used for crew
- Displays and alerts
+ Displays and alerts
@@ -1390,19 +1215,19 @@
Pre-operation procedures checklist - this code is used for crew
- Conditions of readiness
- Establish operating position
+ Conditions of readiness
+ Establish operating position
Normal operation
Normal operation procedure This code is used for crew
- Start-up procedure for maintenance
- Shutdown procedure for maintenance
+ Start-up procedure for maintenance
+ Shutdown procedure for maintenance
Aviation checklist
Normal operation procedures checklist This code is used for crew
- Ground running check
+ Ground running check
- Ground running and performance adjustment
+ Ground running and performance adjustment
Nuclear, biological and chemical procedures
Emergency procedure
Emergency operation procedure This code is used for crew
@@ -1410,7 +1235,7 @@
Radio interference suppression
Jamming and electronic countermeasures (ECM)
Emergency operation procedures checklist This code is used for crew
- Emergency shutdown operation procedure (Checklist)
+ Emergency shutdown operation procedure (Checklist)
@@ -1421,12 +1246,12 @@
Post-operation procedures checklist This code is used for crew
- Establish maintenance position
+ Establish maintenance position
Loading/Unloading procedure
- Special operation
- Non-tactical operation
+ Special operation
+ Non-tactical operation
@@ -1434,19 +1259,19 @@
Mass and Balance
- Handling
- Lifting
- Jacking
- Shoring
- Towing
- Taxiing
- Lowering
- Stabilizing
- Tethering
- Debogging
+ Handling
+ Lifting
+ Jacking
+ Shoring
+ Towing
+ Taxiing
+ Lowering
+ Stabilizing
+ Tethering
+ Debogging
- Dispatch deviation
- Deactivate for dispatch deviation
+ Dispatch deviation
+ Deactivate for dispatch deviation
@@ -1493,7 +1318,7 @@
- Facility requirements associated with servicing
+ Facility requirements associated with servicing
Fill with inert gas/inert liquid
@@ -1522,7 +1347,7 @@
Remove and prevent ice and remove contamination
Remove ice
Prevent ice
- Use disinfectant/Sanitize
+ Use disinfectant/Sanitize
Remove contamination
@@ -1534,9 +1359,9 @@
- Grooming
- Rig
- Compensate
+ Grooming
+ Rig
+ Compensate
Easily and quickly adjust after a battle damage repair
Easily and quickly align after a battle damage repair
@@ -1544,11 +1369,11 @@
Unscheduled inspection
Special regular inspection
Special irregular inspection
- Structure inspections for allowable damage limits
- Structure inspections for repair
+ Structure inspections for allowable damage limits
+ Structure inspections for repair
Overhaul and retirement schedule
- Check for filling quantity
+ Check for filling quantity
Change of liquid/gas
Change of oil Code 222 + code 212
@@ -1583,8 +1408,8 @@
Operation test
- Unit Break-in
- Test and inspection
+ Unit Break-in
+ Test and inspection
@@ -1597,7 +1422,7 @@
Removal of test equipment
Installation of the unit before the test
Removal of the unit after the test
- Concluding Final measures
+ Concluding Final measures
@@ -1605,13 +1430,13 @@
Function test
Manual test
Automatic test
Compatibility test
- System test
- Other check
- Start-up procedure for test
- Finial acceptance test (FAT)
- Test results
+ System test
+ Other check
+ Start-up procedure for test
+ Finial acceptance test (FAT)
+ Test results
Structure test
Test for surface cracks with dye penetrant
Test for surface cracks with magnetic particles
@@ -1621,7 +1446,7 @@
Hardness test
Gamma ray
Resonance frequency
- Thermographic test
+ Thermographic test
Design data/tolerances check
Dimensions check
Pressure check
@@ -1639,7 +1464,7 @@
Fuel analysis
Shooting accidental discharge analysis
Check post application of adhesive
- Contamination analysis
+ Contamination analysis
@@ -1651,9 +1476,9 @@
- Flight control surface movement
- Landing gear movement
- Product configuration
+ Flight control surface movement
+ Landing gear movement
+ Product configuration
Project available
@@ -1672,27 +1497,27 @@
Detected fault
Observed fault
Correlated fault
- Impact of fault
+ Impact of fault
General fault isolation procedure
Fault isolation procedure
+ Fault isolation procedure
+ Fault isolation procedure
+ Fault isolation procedure
+ Fault isolation procedure
+ Fault isolation procedure
+ Fault isolation procedure
+ Fault isolation procedure
Fault isolation task supporting data
Fault code index
Maintenance message index
- Post-troubleshooting shutdown procedures
+ Post-troubleshooting shutdown procedures
@@ -1725,24 +1550,24 @@
Disassemble procedure
- Disassemble procedure on operation site
+ Disassemble procedure on operation site
Open for access procedure
Unload software procedure
Fault monitoring storage readout (downloading)
Data erasing
- Display, copy and print of data
+ Display, copy and print of data
- Deactivation procedure
- De-Energize electrical network
- Depressurize hydraulics
- Deactivation maintenance practice
+ Deactivation procedure
+ De-Energize electrical network
+ Depressurize hydraulics
+ Deactivation maintenance practice
@@ -1801,7 +1626,7 @@
- Clean-up of dents, cracks and scratches
+ Clean-up of dents, cracks and scratches
Remove material
Abrasive blast
@@ -1813,17 +1638,17 @@
Other process to remove material
Structure repair procedure and data
- Allowable damage
+ Allowable damage
Temporary repair procedure
Standard repair procedure
Special repair procedure
Fly-in repair procedure
Material classification
Structure classification
- Allowable damage of composite structures
- Allowable damage of mixed structures
+ Allowable damage of composite structures
+ Allowable damage of mixed structures
Locally make procedure and data
- Making of parts
+ Making of parts
@@ -1845,7 +1670,7 @@
Connector repair
- Varnish
+ Varnish
@@ -1868,7 +1693,7 @@
Tighten procedure
Lock procedure
Pack procedure
- Assemble procedure on operation site
+ Assemble procedure on operation site
@@ -1881,8 +1706,8 @@
Follow-on maintenance
Ammunition loading
Activate launching device
- Site location plan
- Foundation preparation
+ Site location plan
+ Foundation preparation
Connect procedure
@@ -1898,9 +1723,9 @@
- Reactivation procedure
- Energize electrical network
- Pressurize hydraulics
+ Reactivation procedure
+ Energize electrical network
+ Pressurize hydraulics
@@ -1943,7 +1768,7 @@
Procedure to put item in containers
Vehicle loading
- Procedure to pack items
+ Procedure to pack items
@@ -1953,7 +1778,7 @@
Procedure to remove item from containers
Vehicle unloading
- Procedure to unpack items
+ Procedure to unpack items
@@ -2030,7 +1855,7 @@
Container data module
Maintenance allocation
- Non-S1000D publication
+ Non-S1000D publication
Change = Remove and install
@@ -2063,9 +1888,9 @@
- Composite information
- Generic process
- Generic learning content
+ Composite information
+ Generic process
+ Generic learning content
@@ -2074,7 +1899,7 @@
- Calculation worksheets
+ Calculation worksheets
@@ -2083,7 +1908,7 @@
- Approved vendor processes
+ Approved vendor processes
@@ -2115,43 +1940,43 @@
Project available
- Computer systems, software and data
- Miscellaneous list of consumables associated with computer systems, software and data
- Miscellaneous list of materials associated with computer systems, software and data
- Miscellaneous list of expendables associated with computer systems, software and data
- Miscellaneous list of special support equipment and tools associated with computer systems, software and data
- Miscellaneous list of support equipment and tools associated with computer systems, software and data
- Miscellaneous list of software associated with computer systems, software and data
- Miscellaneous parts list associated with computer systems, software and data
+ Computer systems, software and data
+ Miscellaneous list of consumables associated with computer systems, software and data
+ Miscellaneous list of materials associated with computer systems, software and data
+ Miscellaneous list of expendables associated with computer systems, software and data
+ Miscellaneous list of special support equipment and tools associated with computer systems, software and data
+ Miscellaneous list of support equipment and tools associated with computer systems, software and data
+ Miscellaneous list of software associated with computer systems, software and data
+ Miscellaneous parts list associated with computer systems, software and data
- Notes
- Problem handling
- Summary of content
+ Notes
+ Problem handling
+ Summary of content
- System administration
- System monitoring
- Description of command
- Connect hardware
+ System administration
+ System monitoring
+ Description of command
+ Connect hardware
- System recovery
- Backup and restore
- Reboot
+ System recovery
+ Backup and restore
+ Reboot
- Coordinate
- Defragmentation
- Input/Output media
- Disk mirroring
- Clear interference
- Time check
- Compatibility check
+ Coordinate
+ Defragmentation
+ Input/Output media
+ Disk mirroring
+ Clear interference
+ Time check
+ Compatibility check
@@ -2167,19 +1992,19 @@
- Manage data
- Move data
- Manipulate/Use data
- Description of data storage
+ Manage data
+ Move data
+ Manipulate/Use data
+ Description of data storage
- Programming information
- Program flow chart
- Processing reference guide
+ Programming information
+ Program flow chart
+ Processing reference guide
@@ -2187,12 +2012,12 @@
- Security and privacy
+ Security and privacy
- Security information
- Security procedures
- List of security/classification codes
- Access control
+ Security information
+ Security procedures
+ List of security/classification codes
+ Access control
@@ -2209,13 +2034,13 @@
- Miscellaneous
- Quality assurance
- Vendor information
+ Miscellaneous
+ Quality assurance
+ Vendor information
- Naming conventions
- Technical requirements
+ Naming conventions
+ Technical requirements
@@ -2242,7 +2067,7 @@
Attribute barCodeSymbology - Symbology/rendering applied to a bar code value (Chap, Table 4)
@@ -2304,7 +2129,7 @@
Attribute circuitBreakerRefType - Circuit Breaker Reference Type (Chap, Table 8)
Reference to the primary circuit breaker
@@ -2312,7 +2137,7 @@
Attribute circuitBreakerType - Type of circuit breaker (Chap, Table 9)
Electronic circuit breaker
@@ -2332,7 +2157,7 @@
- Black
+ Black
@@ -2365,7 +2190,7 @@
Attribute crewStepCondition - Crew step condition (Chap, Table 14)
@@ -2400,7 +2225,7 @@
Attribute frontMatterInfoType - Type of front matter title page info block (Chap, Table 17)
Generic front matter info block
@@ -2414,7 +2239,7 @@
Attribute frontMatterType - Type of front matter content (Chap, Table 18)
LOEP - List of effective pages
@@ -2456,7 +2281,7 @@
Attribute functionalItemRefType - Functional Item Reference Type (Chap, Table 20)
Reference to the card functional item
@@ -2469,7 +2294,7 @@
Attribute functionalItemType - Type of functional item (Chap, Table 21)
Exact functional item
@@ -2477,7 +2302,7 @@
Attribute genericPropertyType (Chap, Table 22)
Passenger comfort affected
@@ -2494,7 +2319,7 @@
Attribute hazardousClassValue - The class value of hazard (Chap, Table 23)
@@ -2503,7 +2328,7 @@
Attribute installationLocationType - Type of install location (Chap, Table 24)
@@ -2513,7 +2338,7 @@
Attribute internalRefTargetType - Type of the internal reference target (Chap, Table 25)
@@ -2535,7 +2360,7 @@
Attribute itemCharacteristic - Item characteristic (Chap, Table 26)
@@ -2605,7 +2430,7 @@
Attribute materialUsage (Chap, Table 32)
@@ -2617,7 +2442,7 @@
Attribute partCharacteristic - Part characteristic (Chap, Table 33)
@@ -2629,7 +2454,7 @@
Attribute partStatus - Status of the part at ISN level (Chap, Table 34)
Basic part
@@ -2640,7 +2465,7 @@
Attribute partUsageCode - The part Usage Code (Chap, Table 35)
Standard part
@@ -2678,7 +2503,7 @@
Attribute productCategory - Product categories (Chap, Table 37)
Adhesives sealant
@@ -2696,7 +2521,7 @@
Attribute productItemType (Chap, Table 38)
@@ -2719,7 +2544,7 @@
Attribute refType - Reference to part type (Chap, Table 40)
Refer to next higher assembly
@@ -2773,7 +2598,7 @@
Attribute sbComplianceCategory (Chap, Table 45)
Mandatory (Service Bulletin must be accomplished)
@@ -2783,7 +2608,7 @@
Attribute sbImpactType (Chap, Table 46)
@@ -2795,7 +2620,7 @@
Attribute sbMaterialType (Chap, Table 47)
Set of material or individual material specific to the Service Bulletin
@@ -2806,7 +2631,7 @@
Attribute sbTaskCategory (Chap, Table 48)
@@ -2817,7 +2642,7 @@
Attribute sbTimeComplianceType (Chap, Table 49)
Basic limit
@@ -2826,7 +2651,7 @@
Attribute sbTopicType (Chap, Table 50)
Revision information
@@ -2856,7 +2681,7 @@
Attribute scoEntryType - Type of SCO entry (Chap, Table 51)
IMS/SCORM Manifest SCO type resource
@@ -2946,7 +2771,7 @@
Attribute supplyNumberType - Type of supply (Chap, Table 60)
Commercial reference
@@ -3009,11 +2834,11 @@
Structural C check
Service check
- Kilometer
- Consumption in cubic meter
- Consumption in liter
- Number of shots - each
- Number of shots - equivalent full charge (EFC)
+ Kilometer
+ Consumption in cubic meter
+ Consumption in liter
+ Number of shots - each
+ Number of shots - equivalent full charge (EFC)
@@ -3052,14 +2877,14 @@
Apart from the pre-defined fixed values, values within range um51~um99 can be allocated and defined by projects or organizations (Chap, Table 2)
Deletion of data modules is treated as a special case of update. The data module itself is not physically deleted from the CSDB but [only] marked as deleted. (Chap, Para 2.2)
diff --git a/tools/s1kd-brexcheck/s1kd-brexcheck.c b/tools/s1kd-brexcheck/s1kd-brexcheck.c
index 024f0999..39010f71 100644
--- a/tools/s1kd-brexcheck/s1kd-brexcheck.c
+++ b/tools/s1kd-brexcheck/s1kd-brexcheck.c
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#define PROG_NAME "s1kd-brexcheck"
-#define VERSION "4.7.0"
+#define VERSION "4.7.1"
"//contextRules[not(@rulesContext) or @rulesContext=$schema]//structureObjectRule|" \
@@ -316,6 +316,7 @@ static bool search_brex_fname_from_default_brex(char *fname, char *dmcode, int l
(strcmp(dmcode, "DMC-S1000D-G-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D") == 0 ||
strcmp(dmcode, "DMC-S1000D-F-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D") == 0 ||
strcmp(dmcode, "DMC-S1000D-E-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(dmcode, "DMC-S1000D-D-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D") == 0 ||
strcmp(dmcode, "DMC-S1000D-A-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D") == 0 ||
strcmp(dmcode, "DMC-AE-A-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D") == 0) &&
strcpy(fname, dmcode);
@@ -914,11 +915,14 @@ static xmlDocPtr load_brex(const char *name, xmlDocPtr dmod_doc)
xml = brex_DMC_S1000D_F_04_10_0301_00A_022A_D_001_00_EN_US_XML;
len = brex_DMC_S1000D_F_04_10_0301_00A_022A_D_001_00_EN_US_XML_len;
} else if (strcmp(name, "DMC-S1000D-E-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D") == 0) {
- xml = brex_DMC_S1000D_E_04_10_0301_00A_022A_D_009_00_EN_US_XML;
- len = brex_DMC_S1000D_E_04_10_0301_00A_022A_D_009_00_EN_US_XML_len;
+ xml = brex_DMC_S1000D_E_04_10_0301_00A_022A_D_012_00_EN_US_XML;
+ len = brex_DMC_S1000D_E_04_10_0301_00A_022A_D_012_00_EN_US_XML_len;
+ } else if (strcmp(name, "DMC-S1000D-D-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D") == 0) {
+ xml = brex_DMC_S1000D_D_04_10_0301_00A_022A_D_006_00_EN_US_XML;
+ len = brex_DMC_S1000D_D_04_10_0301_00A_022A_D_006_00_EN_US_XML_len;
} else if (strcmp(name, "DMC-S1000D-A-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D") == 0) {
- xml = brex_DMC_S1000D_A_04_10_0301_00A_022A_D_004_00_EN_US_XML;
- len = brex_DMC_S1000D_A_04_10_0301_00A_022A_D_004_00_EN_US_XML_len;
+ xml = brex_DMC_S1000D_A_04_10_0301_00A_022A_D_005_00_EN_US_XML;
+ len = brex_DMC_S1000D_A_04_10_0301_00A_022A_D_005_00_EN_US_XML_len;
} else if (strcmp(name, "DMC-AE-A-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D") == 0) {
xml = brex_DMC_AE_A_04_10_0301_00A_022A_D_003_00_XML;
len = brex_DMC_AE_A_04_10_0301_00A_022A_D_003_00_XML_len;
@@ -1397,7 +1401,7 @@ static const char *default_brex_dmc(xmlDocPtr doc)
} else if (xmlStrstr(schema, BAD_CAST "S1000D_4-1")) {
code = "DMC-S1000D-E-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D";
} else if (xmlStrstr(schema, BAD_CAST "S1000D_4-0")) {
- code = "DMC-S1000D-A-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D";
+ code = "DMC-S1000D-D-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D";
} else {
code = "DMC-AE-A-04-10-0301-00A-022A-D";