This chart is used to deploy the orchestrator application which can be used to deploy benchmarking clusters, run benchmarks on them, etc. This chart can be deployed on any Lokomotive cluster regardless or the region, the underlying architecture or cloud provider.
Generate SSH key pair, which will be used to install the benchmarking clusters:
export KEY_PATH="${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.bc-${RANDOM}"
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 8192 -f "${KEY_PATH}" -N "" -C "<please provide email id>"
Run the following command to install the helm chart:
helm install \
--values=values-real.yaml \
--set-file \
--set-file sshKey.public="${KEY_PATH}".pub \
--set-file sshKey.private="${KEY_PATH}" \
--create-namespace \
--namespace orchestrator \
orchestrator .
Copy the the values.yaml file and make changes as necessary and rename it to values-real.yaml
Update the path of the SSH keys as required.
helm upgrade \
--values=values-real.yaml \
--set-file \
--set-file sshKey.public="${KEY_PATH}".pub \
--set-file sshKey.private="${KEY_PATH}" \
--namespace orchestrator \
orchestrator .
helm uninstall orchestrator
kubectl delete ns orchestrator
- Write a script that deploys the cluster and installs the components on Lokomotive cluster.
- Followed by cluster and component installation design your script to deploy target benchmarking applications.
- Start off using the scaffold provided in
- Take inspiration from the existing
Exec into the debug pod:
kubectl -n orchestrator exec -it $(kubectl -n orchestrator get pod -l app=debug-jobs -o name) bash
Run the clean up script:
bash /scripts/
Exec into the debug pod:
kubectl -n orchestrator exec -it $(kubectl -n orchestrator get pod -l app=debug-jobs -o name) bash
You can find all the cluster assets and related config in the /clusters
directory. You can use these assets to interact with the cluster.