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File metadata and controls

766 lines (535 loc) · 46.6 KB

Last updated: 2024-09-10

This is a TOOL version only. You will only need this version, if you get the error: "At least one action is missing in SdkMessage, se above for full list" when you try to generate early bound entities.

The above error can have two reasons.

  1. You named an action incorrectly in the filter.xml file, so i cannot be resolved. In this case, just find the right message name, update your filter.xml file, and try generate early bound entities again.
  2. But the reason might also bee that the crmsvcutil simply fails to get all SDK messages into the MetadaserviceProvider, impl. by Microsoft. In this case you are a bit stucked, because there is no way you can change that part of implementation.

To handle this hopefylly rare situation, the Kipon Solid plugin tool now offer a simple workaround. Follow these steps to make it work anyway.

a) Upgrade Kipon.Solid.Plugin to or later (not supported in version 2.) b) add the following attribute to ýour filter.xml file: <filter .... action-backup-filename="solid-actions.json" ...>

you can use whatever file name you like, and place it anywhere in the filesystem. We recommend using ".json" as prefix... because it will become a json fil, and place it in the Entities folder.

c) now open a command prompt, and place your self in the Entities folder and call the below command

..\bin\coretools\kipon.xrm.cmd.exe export-sdk-messages "/connectionstring:...."

This will lookup all message, and generate a "solid-actions.json" json file that will be used, in case the crmsvcutil fails to return a message.

We reccomend adding the json file to your solution, and check in into source-control, so all team members can facility on the generated action-list-backup.

You might need to regenerate the file, every time you add more actions. It is however only needed if crmsvcutil fails to return you new actions as well.

The framework will always try to get the information from The microsoft provider, and only if that fails, it will see if this "backup" can solve the problem.

Solved more potential problem in tracker

Solved potential problem in tracker, and improved error reporting from baseplugin

Added support for message: GenerateQuoteFromOpportunity bound to quote

Bug in INameService was name service was not fixed correctly. This is fixed now

Fixed problem in INameService. If the EntityReference primary field resolved to null, the service would throw a key not found exception. This has been fixed.

Experimental: static method: Kipon.Xrm.Tracer.Trace("some message")

can be used to perform trace against Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.ITraceService

Normally you would need to inject the ITraceService, but with this impl. you can just call this static method. The Microsoft ITraceService i taken from the plugin IServiceContext, and shared over the current thread id, assuming that each thread on the platform will run on plugin at a time - only. (this might prove to be a wrong assumption).

Kipon.Xrm.IMerged interface introduced. This interface is similar to Kipon.Xrm.ITarget, but is addressing the problem of letting multiple entities impl. same merged image, to allow a shared service to work on several entities, ex. same logic, for email, phonecall, appointment and tasks.

You must create an interface extending the IMerged entities, typically exposing the properties of an entity that need to be part of target filter or preimage. Any attribute that should be part of target filter on update must be decorated with the Kipon.Xrm.Attributes.TargetFilterAttribute, exactly same pattern as for merged images design to support a single entity.

Any property in the IMerged interface must be implemented implicit in the entity class and must be decorated with the Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute to be added to the preimage. Only properties that has a getter will be added to the preimage.

Added experimental support for Create, Update, Delete on virtual entities

Changed GetById method to use Retrieve on or service instead of query single approach

Fixed minors in Fake lib

quick find filter did not handle null or empty string values correct.

Compile warning semantic only

Fixed in-mem query, better total count, quickfindfilter improved

Fixed and tested in-mem exeucte query expression, Having a QueryExpression, and a raw array of Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity, your can now execute a query expression against the in-mem list of entities, simply by

myarrayofentities.Query(query, new string["my_name","my_description"])

Where the second parameter is optional but allow you to take advantage of quick-find-filtering.

This i convinient if you have a datasource you expose as a virtual entity in Dataverse with limited query facilities, because you can add in mem. filtering based on Dataverse data fetch mechanism.

The impl. is performing filtering based on the conditions sort and paging according the the query parsed.

Introduced in-mem impl. of filter using a queryexpression

Unit test framework release only. Query within a plugin did not filter correctly on sub filters to the main Criteria filter

Added simple query extension method to sort an in memory list of entities according to a QueryExpression Fixed problem with ischildoff, when used in a transaction invocation from the client

(version had some bugs, so it is ommited and will be removed as listed version)

Added simple query extension method to extract filter values from QueryExpression

Guid? EntityReferenceIdEqualFilter(attrname) Guid[] EntityReferenceIdInFilter(attrname) int[] OptionSetValueInFilter(attrname) T[] FilterValues(attrname, operator)

Be aware:

These extension are designed to extract very simple filtering, based on typical actions from a none joined entity view, where filtering is done through reference columns in related entity or headers in a grid view There are NOT designed to transform a complex query into SQL or other query language that can be used against other types of datasources.

The methods are simply looking in the filters after the attribute and operator match, and returns the first found match set of values, regardles of how filters are nested or connected.

It is now possible to put an abstract plugin layer between the plugin holding the step methods and the Kipon.Xrm.BasePlugin. This allow you to add some generic plugin infrastructure of you own to handle problem or solution specific generic functionality that applies to more than one plugin.

On top, a plugin can now implement the Kipon.Xrm.

Finalize and document hiding connection string, and document it in readme file

Tool version only, added experimental option to store connection string encrypted and outside source scope, to avoid revealing connection string in code. Full documentation will follow as concept mature.

Tool version only, avoid generate UpsetMultipleRequest on generate early bound entities

If you are using this framework with online environment, you might have found that generating early bound entities generates an UpsetMultipleRequest request that cannot compile.

add this parameter to the generate.cmd command line tool in the plugin entity folder:


this will supress the generate of the request. The request is not that relevant for plugin development, and should not be generated at all because it is a SDK standard message.

Workflow now tested, and injection should work now. - pre test

Support for workflow with dependency injection through the kipon solid dependency injection framework. An example article will be published shortly on the kipon solid official website.

Added Kipon.Xrm.ServiceAPI.IEntityMetadataService. A simple helfull service for extracting metadata about an entity within your plugin in a fairly effective way

[ChildOf] and [NotChildOf] tested message and entitylogical name on it self. As a consequence, it was not possible to use the filters on a recursive plugin, ex. preventing a product plugin to trigger if it was child of a product update Tools fix only

Better message on things in filter.xml that is not found in CRM to help resolve wrong configuration.

Added extensions method on IPluginExectuionContext to extract entity pre/post image of parent context

Tools version only. Better support for connectionstring syntax according to microsoft documentation.

If [Admin] attributes was used when injecting IUnitOfWork, the underlying IOrganizationService would NOT be running with system priviliges, but would run in the context of the current user. This has been fixed, so, injecting [Admin]IUnitOfWork is now effectlvely the same as injecting IAdminUnitOfWork

Extension method in SDK namespace to replace all EntityReference empty guid with null. This is convinient when working with Web api based clients, that need to clear entityreference in same update operation as other fields. By setting the id to empty guid, and impl. a plugin that replaces empty guid with null in the update operation, this becomes possible.

You can even implenet Kipon.Xrm.IReplaceEntityReferenceEmptyGuidWithNull on your strongly typed entity, then any target entity in validateupdate and validatepre state will automatically be "washed" before the target entity hits your plugin step method.

SDK Extension method PreValueOf is now able to resolve the pre value directly on the attribute logical name, and does not need to go through stronly typed properties to resolve the value.

added Filter classes for plugin step filtering [ChildOf] and [NotChildOf]. The names should indicate the purpose, and the short description is that is allow you to filter at step based on if it is called as a child process of another message.

The context was still caching :-(. Now it is cleared og initial GetQuery() call for the entity, so effectively cache should be cleared now. We are working to see if we can find a better solution.

Start from version 9.0, GetQuery() from IRepository will return a non caching queryable. This means that object fetch through the CrmContext will be detached before returned to the client. This choice is due to the design of the kipon xrm framwork, where unit-of-work (that is under the hood sing a crmsvcutil crmcontext) is shared between different methods in same step, and it can be impossible to predict if another step has fetch a limited set of properties from an entity, resulting in getting the same object from the cache instead of a new query on same entity. statecode and naming

Statecode was generated as an entity innter class enum. This was not complient with former version. Issue fixed. Statecode values was generated with invalid chars if present in default localized value, fixed.

With version you can continue to work as in earlier version of the kipon solid tool. Fixed handling statecode, statuscode and optionset values in a backward compatible way with the kipon.solid.plugin framework

Kipon Solid Plugin now generates statecode and statuscode enums, optionset en a bacward compatible way. The newest version of the crmsvcutil tool took some pretty drastic decission on how to name and generate properties for state, status code and other optionsetvalues, that would require you to rewrite a lot a trivial code depending on kipon.solid style enums.

We will soon provide an opt-in option, that enable you to switch to the std-way of doing in the Microsoft tool. - support for Dynamics CRM 2016 Onprem

DO NOT INSTALL version for Dynamics 365 CE (For CRM2016 the version is fine) if you are using the kipon optionset model. Microsoft crsvcutil tool will mess with the naming and placement of the optionsets.

The version is introducing a two track support line for building plugins for the Dynamics platform. If you are stocked on a Dynamics CRM 2016 and for whatever reason are not able to migrated to version 9.0 or 9.1, the Kipon.Solid.Plugin framework now support you with a special version of the framework.

The main difference is the binding of the standard SDK libraries. The CRM 2016 version has its own nuget packages:

For Dynamics 365 CE, onprem and online - nuget packages

  • Kipon.Solid.Plugin (plugin library)
  • Kipon.Solid.Plugin.Fake (Unit test library)

For Dynamics CRM 2016 - nyget packages

  • Kipon.Solid.Plugin.CRM2016 (plugin library)
  • Kipon.Solid.Plugin.Fake.CRM2016 (Unit test library)

The 2016 version does not support virtual entities and multichoice optionsets, but that is due to the limitation of the underlying platform.

Otherwise there should be no differences, and you can follow the normal documentation of the framework.

BE AWARE: when building plugins for Dynamics CRM 2016 you should stick to .NET version 4.5.2 - regardless of what this articles tells you otherwise.

If you are running on a development box that does have version 9 of any SDK installed, you might need to do some dirty trick in the crmsvcutil configuration file.

Navigate to the bin\coretools folder of you project and open the file: CrmSvcUtil.exe.config

Find the assembly binding section, and adjust it to match below. What is happening here is, that any request of the framework for version 9 of the std SDK will be downgraded to th version 8, matching the library this version of the tool has been build against.:

    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
        <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Crm.Sdk"
                           culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion=""
        <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk"
                           culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion=""
        <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Workflow"
                           culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion=""
        <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy"
                           culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion=""
        <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment"
                           culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion=""
        <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Crm.Workflow"
                           culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion=""
        <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Crm"
                           culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion=""
        <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral"/>
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>
        <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.CrmConnectControl" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral"/>
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>
        <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Ui.Styles" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral"/>
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>

Updated SDK to newest version, and added enum type convert on Kipon.Xrm.Extensions ValueOf<>.

The reason for minor update is the fact that crmsvcutil from Microsoft now by default generated enums for all option-set-values. While this might be a good idear, it is not back-ward compatible with code that uses OptionSetValue, and because the Kipon.Solid.plugin framework has a very explicit approach for creating enum properties through filter.xml, code has been added to "reverse" that decision when using the Kipon.Solid.Plugin framework. As a consequence, optionset vill still be generated as OptionSetValue and OptionSetValueCollection if not defined in the filter.xml explicitly. The result ofcause is that the framework does not take advantage of the Microsoft svcutil standard impl. but at least code are back-ward compliant.

We might take steps to adjust our enum programming model to be aligned with the standard function some time in the future. Support for mergedimage interfaces as parameter for delete message

You can now use merged images interfaces as paramters for delete operation. What you will get is actually the preimage, becaus no attributes can change on the entity as part of the delete operation. This is for convinience only so you do not need to create a dedicated preimage inteface in the situation where you need to use the same image for create/update and delete operations. NotNull attribute for plugin methods

You can not decorate your plugin method with a NotNull(attributes ..) attribute. Then you plugin method will only be called if at least one of the attributes is not null within the target entity payload. Unitest post create fixed

This is a bugfix for the unit test library only. If you create a plugin test method OnPost, and the plugin did not have a OnPostAsync listener, the unit test failed if you added the OnPost listener. This has been fixed. Due to the version policy of this library (plugin lib, plugin test lib and plugin tools are following same version) all librarites are released with new version even though changes only impact the fake library. Support for plugin listen for Associate and Disassociate

plugin development

Support for capture and react on create/delete of M:M relation, known as Associate and Disassociate method has been added.

To get the payload of the Associate/Disassociate event and its type, inject a request of type Kipon.Xrm.Actions.IAssociateRequest to your plugin method. You should not add the Associate or Disassociate message name to the filter.xml action sections. Everything has been prepared in this version and it might generate conflicting types.

[If(typeof(classtype))] attribute has been introduced to allow you to impl. a simple filter for the plugin method. This type of filter allow you to do early "ignore me if" implementations in cases where filterattribute and logicalname for the entity does not do the job.

this can significatnly simplify the the code you write in the plugin, because the preconditions for even running the code can be implemented separately.

The Associate message is a perfect example, because this event will be triggered for all relationships, regardless of types, so it is nice to be able to do early filtering, so service and more are only created if the call is relevant. The classtype need to be a class, with an empty constructor, implementing the Kipon.Xrm.IMethodCondition interface.

Be aware, that only once instance of each condition evaluator will be created, and the bool Execute(...) parameter is not guaranteed to be thread safe, so no local variables, or properties (just like a plugin) in such an implementation.

The platform even provide a specialized attribute extending the IfAttribute, called Kipon.Xrm.Attributes.Relationship("nameofrelationshiptolookfor"). This attributes is actually an extension of the IfAttribute and is relevant for Associate, Disassociate plugins only. By adding this attribute you can limit the method to only be called if the schemaname of the relation is mathing the value parsed.


Both entity specific optionset and global optionset now allow you to set the value of an option set include the dots (.). The below optionset value definition is now valid

	<value name="The100millvalue">100.000.000</value>
</optionset> new SDK extension method

using Kipon.Xrm.Extensions.Sdk now add a entity extension method "IsOnlyPayload". This method will return true if all the attributes in the payload is represented in the list of named attributes, otherwise false. The methods ignores systemfields like modifiedon and modifiedby and the primary key of the entity.

Injecting IQueryable<> directly into a service failed. in version (the version is now unlisted). This has been fixed in version

Generated IRepository impl. no longer add or remove things to the context cache on create/update/delete. The context cahce i now living its own life, and if you do not add elements to the cache explicit it will stay empty

Support for @obsolete. By adding the word "@obsolete" to entity- or entity-property description in the CRM metadata, the entity / property will be makred obsolete in the code. This makes it easier to cleanup code when attributes or entities are removed from the datamodel.

Experimental decoration of properties with entity property metadata are generated. Kipon Xrm generate metadata is hosted in the namespace Kipon.Xrm.Attributes.Metadata. This is to access to hardcoded metadata information about the entity, without first having to fetch it through the metadata service.. (The naming will be keept as is - defacto api), and more metadata will bee added later, including methods to easy access these information without the need to write reflection based code your self.

Extension method in the Sdk extension method to easy extract typesafe values from Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeCollection. This is especially convinient when createting event interfaces that expore both pre and target values in same interface, using the PreimageAttribute and the TargetAttributes, populated for mergedimages.

Generated TargetAttributes on image entities was not populated as expected.
The property has been changed to have access public to allow a safe way to set the value with reflection. PreimageAttributes is now generated for mergedimages. This allow you to create simple interfaces that has direct access to the target as well as the preimage values without needing access to the plugin context.

Make target attributes available directly on pre-/merged and post images (entities (private)) to easy allow definition of "field actually changed" conditions. fixed injection of iqueryable and irepository into nested services

Is is better to inject IQueryable or IRepository than the full unitofwork into your service. Is allow you to write simple unit test without having to have a full crm context available. The inject of these "partial services" did not drain correctly when the service nested hiracky spaned more than two levels. That has been fixed not.

Remember - cycle references is still not allowed and unsupported. If two services require each other, the on of them must get the other by parsing as a service. added extension methods to map between entitytypecode and entitylogicalname

These new extension methods is hosted in t he namespace Kipon.Xrm.Extensions.Sdk. The plugin entitycode generate will generate maps for all entities in the target database, even though not included in the filter.xml configuration. This allow easy convert between entitylogicalname and entitytypecode making entity cache more visible

This version is a solid plugin version only. After install you must regenerate entities, since you will have compiletime errors after upgrade to this version.

This is because the entity context now implements a new declaretive interface Kipon.Xrm.ServiceAPI.IEntityCache. This allow you to inject the entity cache into your service ether with the purpose of adding or removing cached entities - without injecting the iunitofwork.

The reason for upgrading the version from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6 is the fact that IQueryable injected into a service or a plugin will now be injected as a queryable, that ignore any cached objects. It will return the raw entity output from the query. This should not be a breaking change, because the end result can at most be that same data is fetch more than once, but at least it is a change of behavior.

On top of that, IRepository interface now has a guery method "GetQueryIgnoreCache". This method will return an IQueryable, but as the name state´s, it will ignore any items in the cache and return values from data crm-database fetch "as-is". Tools version (only)

Fixed generate correct typescript Attribute and Control types for money, partylist and more Fixed deploy and run of bound entities

Version introduced a bug in deploy of bounded actions resulting that they did not get deployed, and if already in the solution they where removed. This has been fixed.

It is now possible to inject IRepository into plugins if you need to do repository related task on a single repository. This is more solid than injecting the full unit of work. Kipon.Solid.Plugin entity metadata

Additional properties is now generated for each entity:

This can be helpfull when working with the stronly named properties to know metadata details on the entity, without having to lookup via metadata service.

The following const properties of each entity has been made available:

	/// example from generated PhoneCall entity
	public partial class PhoneCall {
		public const bool IsEntityActivityType = true;
		public const string EntitySchemaName = "PhoneCall";
		public const string PrimaryIdAttribute = "activityid";
		public const string PrimaryNameAttribute = "subject";

As you can see, valueable information about the entity has been added.

On top, Kipon.Xrm plugin framework now comes with its first build in service "Kipon.Xrm.ServiceAPI.INamingService" You can inject this service anywhere, and use it to lookup missing names for EntityReference fields. This is convinient in situations where you need the name of a reference field, but the client did not populate that part of the EntityReference. The name found will be added to the EntityReference parsed, and returned.

Generating actions is no longer using a specialized version of the IOrganizationServce. The end result is the same, but the good news is that now it is only crmsvcutil.exe than handles the connection to CRM, metadata for actions is only fetch once, and the framework no longer need to align connection string support for this part. Kipon.Xrm.Tools version

This is the first release of the framework where the toolbox of the framework is published as its own package. The tooling of the framework can now be installed separately from the Kipon.Xrm.Tools nuget package. This is ONLY relevant outside a Kipon.Solid.Plugin context (because in this context the tools are already included).

Take a look at the official documentation page for the Kipon.Xrm.Tools to se what's in the package:

Kipon.Xrm.Tools transform output parameters to SDK serializable types + IPluginExecutionContext extension method

Output parameters of type Entity and EntityCollection is now transformed from strongly typed entities to SDK classes before added to the OutputParameters, because dynamics 365 is not able to serialize the strongly typed classes.

New extension methods added to IPluginExecutionContext to make it easy to extract input paramters from a parent context.

(now with unit-test that actualy verifies the sanity of the new extension method [:-(. it is never easer to shortcut test .. sorry for version 19-21, should not happen)],20,21 same as 21, but did not work 100% as expected. OptionSetValue in actions mappes correctly

Non required InputFields of type OptionSetValue was wrongly mapped to object in the action interface and implementation. This has been fixed. QualifyLead

Action on QualifyLead did not work as expected. Code generator bug fix.

To get any value of of this patch, you must regenerate entities after you installed this version.

When using target and merge image on same plugin method, with supress-mapped-standard-optionset-properties set to true on filter.xml, the mirror of changing values on target caused a null reference exception, because a property raise was done on the default naming, instead of the actual naming of the property. This problem only apear if you map optionsetvalues in the filter.xml file to another name than the schema name, ex property schema name kipon_myoptionset, is mapped to an enum representation named MyoptionsetEnumValue

The propertychange event will now fire on the correct property name, but you must generate entities to get this part of the code in place.

Added tracelog for each method invoke, that is pushed to tracelog, only if exception is thrown. Fix tools

Documentation of new generate tools updated on below change to match reality. Extension method added

New extension to capture pre value from plugincontext.

The extension namespace Kipon.Solid.Plugin.Extensions.Sdk got a new extension method for the IPluginExecutionContext, PreValueOf(propertyname). The propertyname must be the name of the property in the stronly typed entity.

The method will diig into the preimage of the context and find the value of the field, and return it as type T. This is convinient when working with mergedimages, where you need to know the current value (always the value return from the mergedimage - changed or not) and the prevalue at same time, ex. for comparrison. This might save you from creating a specific preimage-interfaces.

the flawor of this method is somehow "less solid" so use it with care. The best solid approach is to define the preimage interfaces and inject that into your plugin, and thereby be explicit in you service that the service need to know the pre value of a field as well as the current value, if changed.


You can use the Kipon.Xrm.Tools to generate entites for non Kipon.Xrm.Plugins, with a very simple filter mechanism. This is convinient, if you have old projects with strong entity type generation, but you wish to start filter entities out, because you upgraded to a Dynamics 365 CE version that adds way to much, if you just generate everything.

The filter.txt file should be placed in the folder from where you run the CrmSvcUtil command (not nessesarrely the folder where you host the CrmSvcUtil.exe), and have an entity name on each line. You can state all entities matching a start pattern by proiding all: keyword infront, ex

[filter.txt] all:kipon_ contact account task

This will limit genration of entities to entities starting with kipon_, and it will also generate account, contact and task.

On the command line prompt, you specify the filter same way as for plugins:

....\Kipon.Xrm.Tools\bin\coretools\CrmSvcUtil.exe [other parameters] /codewriterfilter:Kipon.Xrm.Tools.CodeWriter.PlainTxtCodeWriterFilter,Kipon.Xrm.Tools

Remeber to ensure that the Kipon.Xrm.Tools DLL is copied to the folder where you have CrmSvcUtil.exe Tool version, generate QualifyLead action Inject secure- and unsecureconfig into plugin or services

By adding a parameter of type string with name UnsecureConfig or SecureConfig (not case sensetive) to a plugin method or service constructor, you will get the config setting from the current plugin injected to your method/service constructor.

Injecting the config into plugin method does not make a lot of sence, because you have to create the appropriate constructor anyway, but it has been added for consistancy.

Remember, you must add both parameterless constructor and config constructor to your plugin when you need to support config settings from the plugin

public class MyPlugin: Kipon.Xrm.BasePlugin
   public MyPlugin() {}
   public MyPlugin(string unsecureConfig, string secureConfig): base(unsecureConfig, secureConfig) { }

   public void OnPreCreate(...)
} Unbounded actions

Unbounded actions did require a minor change in the plugin framework. It has been fixed in this version. Tools version only

This version only changed the deploy tool to support auto registration of steps for unbounded actions. At same time it limits registration of bounded actions to only try to bind for the appropriate primary entity. | 2021-02-10

Map any exception in invoke to InvalidPluginExecutionException, with parse of the original exception, to make errors more transparent. | 2021-01-15

Extenson method for IPluginExecutionContext IsChildOf can now resolve actions in a transaction, and id is parsed to child of child (bug fix). | 2021-01-11

Extension method add in Sdk to return if an attribute is part of the target payload. | 2021-01-10

BasePlugin did not always allow an InvalidPluginExecutionException to drain all the way down to the plugin infrastructure due to reflection Invoke was catching the exception and wrapping it in a System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException. This problem has been solved so the original InvalidPluginExecutionException is now drained down to the Dynamics 365 infrastructure, and therefore shown correctly in the UI. The System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException is only mapped back to the original InvalidPluginExecutionException on its own root Inner excpetion.

All unknown excepts are mapped to InvalidPluginExecutionException with the message of the original exception, and the original exception parsed to InvalidPluginExecutionException to allow better information to the client for diagnostic. | 2021-01-09

Added simple extension method on Sdk to clone an entity without key and without system parameters as createdby, modifiedby, importsequencenumber,..

Introduction of Kipon.Xrm.ITarget interface. This interface allow you in combination with Kipon.Xrm.Attributes.TargetFilterAttribute to define an inteface to be the target object of an event, and then implement the interface and decorate each entity implementation of the interface (entity proxy class extending Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity) with the TargetFilter attributes, defining the attributes of relevance for that paticular implementation of the target.

This can reduce the need for dublicate plugins where the intention is to do the same operation on several entities, but the naming and relevant target fields are not the same for all entities.

Allow mergedimage to be used as parameter in create. In Create, Merged images is the same as the target. This allow you to make mergedimage interfaces that can be shared between the create and the update event.

Extension method on PluginContext ParentTarget(string message, Guid id) will return the strongly typed entity of the parent event trigger this event. This allow you to take information from the initiating entity payload directly

Extension method on PluginContext isChildOf has been improved to also look for message in parent ExecuteTransaction messages. This is a change of behavior that might result in new behavior on existing plugins. that is why the version goes from ..3.0 to ..4.0. Running through message in a transaction to match only works for search on Create, Update and Delete message.

On top of that, you can now also add the id of the target entity that is suppose to be the parent, so you can ask if a plugin exectuion is a child of a create/update/delete operation for a specific target. TypeConverters extension methods - wrong namespace

Some Kipon.Solid... namespaced extension parse it through to release This was unintentional. The Kipon Solid software should only expose method in the Kipon.Xrm namespace. The extensions methods are still there, but now under correct namespace Kipon.Xrm.Extensions.TypeConverters. Since this is a breaking change if anybody actually took advantage of the methods, the minor version has been increased to indicate potential breaking change. Multi OnRetrieve and OnRetrieveMultiple on virtual entity plugins

To support datasource providers that server more than one virtual entity in an external datasource, the virtualentity plugin can now have multiple on.. methods. You MUST decorate each method with logical name of the entity, using the LogicalName attribute to allow the frame to distinct. You can have one set off methods without logical name that will be used as fallback if a request for an non explicit logical name is received. For the sake of simplicity, and the cool thing about being explicit, i recommend that you always decorate your virtual entity plugin methods with logical names. fixe in new extension methods paging info returned for virtual entities

if underlying plugin is providing paging info, it is now returned in the EntityCollection.

A number of convinient extensions has been added to the Kipon.Xrm.Extensions namespace. fix datasource injection in virtual entity plugin

See description on version inject datasource (virtual entity plugin do not work in this version)

you can now ask for the datasource entity by adding an entity parameter to your Retrieve RetrieveMultiple method with type of Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity or an extension of same (strongly typed version) datasource can only be injected into the plugin for now. The parameter name must be "datasource", otherwise the framework will think it is target, preimage, mergedimage or postimage. virtual entity plugin fix

When a provider is populating null in an entity reference, the plugin works, but when receiving the result from a client using the SDK, this will fail, because null values for entityreferences is not supported by the linq query provider. The Kipon.Xrm.VirtualEntityPlugin now remove all null values from the result entity and result entity collection, witch looking from the client perspective is the same, so your plugin can set attributes to null, without the consequence of query fail for a client using the linq provider.

Support for virtual entity plugin.

Fix for virtuel entity support

Fix for virtuel entity support.

Experimental support for virtual entity plugin. A new base plugin type "Kipon.Xrm.VirtualEntityPlugin" has been put in place to support development of virtual entity data providers with this framework.

A virtual entity plugin does not have any steps due to the design of virtual entities. It is called on stage 30 when entity and provider is linked togehter. For now, you must create the Data Provider manually using the Microsoft standard PRT, but you can develop the plugin with Kipon.Solid.Plugin tool. Extend Kipon.Xrm.VirtualEntityPlugin, and write two methods in your plugin: OnRetrieve and OnRetrieveMultiple. For the first method, return and Entity, for the second, return an EntityCollection. To get the query parsed from dynamics 365, inject an instance of Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.QueryExpression and vist the expression three to get the actual filter criteria for your query.

Allow use of Mergedimage interfaces in plugin method for message Create. I nthis case, the mergedimage will just be a copy of the target. Two way sync in pre-stage in pre stage is also supported on pre-create

Better message when plugin is unable to resolve a plugin parameter

Map framework exceptions to invaludpluginexecutionexception to allow serialization of message to the client.

Exceptions thrown by the framework has been marked serializable

The actions request server interface is not generated partially.

The Kipon.Xrm.Tools crmsvcutil extension now generate request interface, request impl. and response impl. for actions. Please review the documentation on the readme page for details on the topic.

REMARK: Mergedimage now defined Guid Id { get;} and LogicalName { get; } as assumed properties same way as Target, Preimage and Postimage. The workaround so far has been to add them to each interface inheriting from the Mergedimage interface. If you did so, you MUST remove these specific implementation after next entity code generation. You will get warning in Visual Studio, so just fix these by removing the declarations from your interfaces. (sorry that the version did not increase to as breaking changes should, but we only found out after publish.)

Added support for bounded custom actions (did not test unbounded - so for now, not supported). A custom action is defined in the solution Process as an action, and bound to an entity. You can on top of that, define input and output parameters. As all plugin, it must inherit from Kipon.Xrm.BasePlugin, and you must add event methods on the form

On[stage][ProcessLogicalName], ex. OnPostkipon_AccountCountContacts, remember to prefix with your solution prefix as demonstrated here.

where stage can be

Validate Pre Post

Async has NOT been tested.

Parameters are injected by naming convention, so if you have an input parameter of type string, and you named it Name, you can add a parameter to your On.. method On....(.., string Name). Alternativly you can also inject the Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IPluginExecutionContext and extract them from there.

The references to the bounded entity is injected as a TargetReferences, same pattern as for Delete message, ex On....(Entities.AccountReference target).

All metadata cache is now build with lock when generating relevant cached metadata to avoid Dictionary.Insert nullpointer exception, cause by multi plugins trying to cache metadata at same time.

Better message on unable to resolve type exception from service type cache

The project has been upgraded to .NET 4.6.2, and references to newest SDK packages. (this might impact onpremise installations)

This is a tools version only. Still trying to get better messages on error.

This is a tools version only. Tools are now giving better indication of errors based on exceptions.

Version of generated entities will now be compared with the tools version used to deploy, to avoid deploying code to CRM where the entities has been generated with a tool version lower than the used BasePlugin. This is to ensure consistant behavior when the framework is making changes by changing the code generator. Because you get Kipon.Xrm.BasePlugin, simply by updating nuget, this process ensures that you remember to regenerate your entities, so the entity model is consistant with the expectations in the BasePlugin.

mergedimage is keept in sync with target in stage 20 or less (it does not make sense to make any changes to a target in stage above 20, because the changes will not make it into the CRM database anyway). This means that any property set on target will reflect into mergedimage, and any change in mergedimage will reflect into target and as a consequence the later will cause update of the field in CRM. Be aware that the propertychanged event will only trigger on the instance that triggers the change, the counter party will be updated silent.

To simplify the needed interfaces you must define and handle on update, and additional decoration attribute [TargetFilter] has been added. This attribute should be used to decorate properties on pre-, merged- and postimages interfaces to tell that even though the image is not a target images the property should still be listed in the filtered properties on the update operation. Together with the two way mergedimage impl. mentioned above, this means that you often only have to ask for a mergedimage in your plugin method, becuase it can basically represent the target and the merged image at same time.

Kipon.Xrm.IService.OnStepFinalized() impl in crmunitofwork generated error while cleaning the context if any items was in it.

IMPORTANT: You must regenerate your entities after installatin this package. Changes has been made to the code generator.

IUnitFoWork.ClearChanges() and SaveChanges() has been removed. These methods belongs into a context that is not transactional by default (IUnitOfWork in a plugin is just participating in the current IOrganizationService transaction, so we are already in a transaction) so the methods did not make sense.

The generated CrmRepository implementation has been updated accordingly, so Add, Update, Delete is operating directly on the IOrganizationService, but the underlying CrmContext is still keept in sync. Add will add the object to the context after create, Delete will remove the object from the context, and Update will add or update the object in the CrmContext according to the updates, after the operation has been executed on the organization service.

Delete references was not resolved correctly when listening to delete events.

Generic shared interfaces for preimage, mergedimage and postimage did not work as expected. Now these images can be based on a shared interfaces that is impl. by the entity. At least one parameter must target a specific entity ether by reference or implementation, or the method must be decorated with logicalname attribute to identify what to listen for.

Release build of tools added, was unable to deploy new step.

Added and tested support for RemoveMember (event to listen on single member being removed from marketing list)

Added support for multi entities implementing same interface, and allow registre the relevant entities using the [LogicalName(name)] attribute on the plugin method to identify relevant entities.

Inform on update of step.

Deployment tools is outputting when a step is deleted.

interface properties without a getter is no longer added to filteredattriutes for update event listener


The SOLID version of this concept has been put on top of the list, and reference to old version has been hidden.