Because that ZyBooks uses its client part to check whether assignment is correct or no, I found an ability to intercept and modify outgoing requests.
- Press the extension icon to enable / disable requests interception.
- Explicit notification to keep track of progress.
- Passing participation and challenge activities.
This is a chrome extension, it is not published to Chrome WebStore, therefore you need to install it manually.
Download latest build:
- Download latest build.
- Extract on local machine.
- Go to Chrome -> Extensions. Make sure the Developer Mode is ON.
- Press Load unpacked -> Select the build folder on your machine with manifest.json file inside.
Download project and compile:
- Download this repo.
- Extract on local machine.
- Open the terminal window in project directory and run:
npm install
npm run build
- Go to Chrome -> Extensions. Make sure the Developer Mode is ON.
- Press Load unpacked -> Select the build folder on your machine with manifest.json file inside.
When the extension is enabled, ZyBooks is ready to intercept. To pass Participation activities (multiple choice questions):
- Select any answer or if there is a button "show answer" - press "show answer" twice.
- You will see the notification about the progress.
- When the progress is done - reload the page to see the results.
To pass Challange activities (coding part):
- Press Run button.
- After standard tests passed, Hack will start and you will see the notification with its progress.
- When the progress is done - reload the page to see the results.
💡 Trick: You can proceed to the next question when the hack progress done without reloading the page. After all the activities, reload the page and all of them will be passed.
- Please!! Do not create a pull request without an issue before discussing the problem.
- On your PR make sure that you are following the current codebase style.
- Your PR must be single purpose. Resolve just one problem on your PR.
- Make sure to commit in the same style that we are committing until now on the project.
Viktor Kirillov ~ @kirillovmr