GCS_BUCKET = f"gs://<PROJECT_ID>-vertex-challenge-lab"
Build and compile a TensorFlow BERT sentiment classifier
TODO: Add a hub.KerasLayer for BERT text preprocessing using the hparams dict.
Name the layer 'preprocessing' and store in the variable preprocessor.
preprocessor = hub.KerasLayer(hparams['tfhub-bert-preprocessor'],name='preprocessing')
TODO: Add a trainable hub.KerasLayer for BERT text encoding using the hparams dict.
Name the layer 'BERT_encoder' and store in the variable encoder.
encoder = hub.KerasLayer(hparams['tfhub-bert-encoder'], trainable=True, name='BERT_encoder')
Train and evaluate your BERT sentiment classifier
TODO: Save your BERT sentiment classifier locally.
Hint: Save it to './bert-sentiment-classifier-local'. Note the key name in model.save().
"model-dir": "./bert-sentiment-classifier-local"
Create Artifact Registry for custom container images
TODO: create a Docker Artifact Registry using the gcloud CLI. Note the required respository-format and location flags.
Documentation link: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/artifacts/repositories/create
!gcloud artifacts repositories create {ARTIFACT_REGISTRY} \
--repository-format=docker \
--location={REGION} \
--description="Artifact registry for ML custom training images for sentiment classification"
Build and submit your container image to Artifact Registry using Cloud Build
TODO: use Cloud Build to build and submit your custom model container to your Artifact Registry.
Documentation link: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/builds/submit
Hint: make sure the config flag is pointed at {MODEL_DIR}/cloudbuild.yaml defined above and you include your model directory.
!gcloud builds submit {MODEL_DIR} --timeout=20m --config {MODEL_DIR}/cloudbuild.yaml
USER = "qwiklabsdemo"
TODO: fill in the remaining arguments from the pipeline constructor.
TODO: Generate online predictions using your Vertex Endpoint.
endpoint = vertexai.Endpoint(
TODO: write a movie review to test your model e.g. "The Dark Knight is the best Batman movie!"
test_review = "The Dark Knight is the best Batman movie!"
TODO: use your Endpoint to return prediction for your test_review.
prediction = endpoint.predict([test_review])