A powerful and flexible declarative filter for Django ORM that enables complex query construction through a simple JSON-based API. Perfect for building advanced filtering capabilities in your Django REST Framework applications.
- Advanced Filtering: Complex AND/OR operations with nested conditions
- Declarative Syntax: Simple JSON-based query structure
- Dynamic Values: Support for computed values and server-side calculations
- Related Model Queries: Efficient subquery handling for related models
- Extensible: Easy to add custom operators and value functions
- Type Safe: Built-in operator validation
- DRF Integration: Seamless integration with Django REST Framework
pip install drf-complex-filter
- Add
to your ViewSet:
from drf_complex_filter.filters import ComplexQueryFilter
class UserViewSet(ModelViewSet):
queryset = User.objects.all()
serializer_class = UserSerializer
filter_backends = [ComplexQueryFilter]
- Make API requests with complex filters:
# Simple equality filter
GET /users?filters={"type":"operator","data":{"attribute":"first_name","operator":"=","value":"John"}}
# Complex AND condition
GET /users?filters={"type":"and","data":[
"type": "operator",
"data": {
"attribute": "field_name",
"operator": "=",
"value": "value_to_compare"
"type": "and",
"data": [
# List of operators to combine with AND
"type": "or",
"data": [
# List of operators to combine with OR
Operator | Description | Symbol |
Is | Equality | = |
Is not | Inequality | != |
Contains | Case-insensitive contains | * |
Not contains | Case-insensitive not contains | ! |
Greater | Greater than | > |
Greater or equal | Greater than or equal | >= |
Less | Less than | < |
Less or equal | Less than or equal | <= |
In | Value in list | in |
Not in | Value not in list | not_in |
Current user | Current authenticated user | me |
Not current user | Not current authenticated user | not_me |
- Create your operator class:
class CustomOperators:
def get_operators(self):
return {
"custom_op": lambda f, v, r, m: Q(**{f"{f}__custom": v}),
- Register in settings:
- Create value functions:
class CustomFunctions:
def get_functions(self):
return {
"current_time": lambda request, model: timezone.now(),
- Register in settings:
- Use in filters:
"type": "operator",
"data": {
"attribute": "created_at",
"operator": ">",
"value": {
"func": "current_time",
"kwargs": {}
Use ModelName___
prefix for efficient subqueries:
"type": "operator",
"data": {
"attribute": "Profile___is_verified",
"operator": "=",
"value": true
- Python >= 3.6
- Django >= 3.0.0
- Django REST Framework
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.