@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ function App() {
Update Library
+ excalidrawAPI={(api) => setExcalidrawAPI(api)}
// initial data retrieved from https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/dev-docs/packages/excalidraw/initialData.js
libraryItems: initialData.libraryItems,
diff --git a/dev-docs/docs/@excalidraw/excalidraw/api/props/props.mdx b/dev-docs/docs/@excalidraw/excalidraw/api/props/props.mdx
index 40773a1a2a7f..a3af78938ccb 100644
--- a/dev-docs/docs/@excalidraw/excalidraw/api/props/props.mdx
+++ b/dev-docs/docs/@excalidraw/excalidraw/api/props/props.mdx
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ All `props` are _optional_.
| [`isCollaborating`](#iscollaborating) | `boolean` | _ | This indicates if the app is in `collaboration` mode |
| [`onChange`](#onchange) | `function` | _ | This callback is triggered whenever the component updates due to any change. This callback will receive the excalidraw `elements` and the current `app state`. |
| [`onPointerUpdate`](#onpointerupdate) | `function` | _ | Callback triggered when mouse pointer is updated. |
-| [`onPointerDown`](#onpointerdown) | `function` | _ | This prop if passed gets triggered on pointer down evenets |
+| [`onPointerDown`](#onpointerdown) | `function` | _ | This prop if passed gets triggered on pointer down events |
| [`onScrollChange`](#onscrollchange) | `function` | _ | This prop if passed gets triggered when scrolling the canvas. |
-| [`onPaste`](#onpaste) | `function` | _ | Callback to be triggered if passed when the something is pasted in to the scene |
+| [`onPaste`](#onpaste) | `function` | _ | Callback to be triggered if passed when something is pasted into the scene |
| [`onLibraryChange`](#onlibrarychange) | `function` | _ | The callback if supplied is triggered when the library is updated and receives the library items. |
| [`onLinkOpen`](#onlinkopen) | `function` | _ | The callback if supplied is triggered when any link is opened. |
| [`langCode`](#langcode) | `string` | `en` | Language code string to be used in Excalidraw |
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ All `props` are _optional_.
| [`libraryReturnUrl`](#libraryreturnurl) | `string` | _ | What URL should [libraries.excalidraw.com](https://libraries.excalidraw.com) be installed to |
| [`theme`](#theme) | `"light"` | `"dark"` | `"light"` | The theme of the Excalidraw component |
| [`name`](#name) | `string` | | Name of the drawing |
-| [`UIOptions`](/docs/@excalidraw/excalidraw/api/props/ui-options) | `object` | [DEFAULT UI OPTIONS](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/packages/excalidraw/constants.ts#L151) | To customise UI options. Currently we support customising [`canvas actions`](#canvasactions) |
+| [`UIOptions`](/docs/@excalidraw/excalidraw/api/props/ui-options) | `object` | [DEFAULT UI OPTIONS](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/packages/excalidraw/constants.ts#L151) | To customise UI options. Currently we support customising [`canvas actions`](/docs/@excalidraw/excalidraw/api/props/ui-options#canvasactions) |
| [`detectScroll`](#detectscroll) | `boolean` | `true` | Indicates whether to update the offsets when nearest ancestor is scrolled. |
| [`handleKeyboardGlobally`](#handlekeyboardglobally) | `boolean` | `false` | Indicates whether to bind the keyboard events to document. |
-| [`autoFocus`](#autofocus) | `boolean` | `false` | indicates whether to focus the Excalidraw component on page load |
+| [`autoFocus`](#autofocus) | `boolean` | `false` | Indicates whether to focus the Excalidraw component on page load |
| [`generateIdForFile`](#generateidforfile) | `function` | _ | Allows you to override `id` generation for files added on canvas |
| [`validateEmbeddable`](#validateEmbeddable) | string[] | `boolean | RegExp | RegExp[] | ((link: string) => boolean | undefined)` | \_ | use for custom src url validation |
| [`renderEmbeddable`](/docs/@excalidraw/excalidraw/api/props/render-props#renderEmbeddable) | `function` | \_ | Render function that can override the built-in `