Airsonic development is a community project, and contributions are welcomed. Here are a few guidelines you should follow before submitting:
Styling The documentation follows some styling guidelines to fit with the website. - Follow the markdown guidelines. For more details see this guide. - Do not use
headers (# h1
or## h2
headers). - Never manually start a new line in the middle of a sentence. - More spacing, more empty lines !! The documentation needs to be readable ! - Read existing guides to find some inspiration. -
Testing The documentation is browsed with the website, so we recommand to test any new guides within the website using jekyll locally. - Clone the website repo
git clone
. - Change directory into the cloned repocd airsonic
. - Clone the documentation submodulegit clone pages/docs
. - Runjekyll serve --watch
. - Add your changes. - Check if everything is fine atlocalhost:4040
. -
License Acceptance All contributions must be licensed under GNU GPLv3 to be accepted. Use
git commit --signoff
to acknowledge this. -
Be bold! Without contributions, this project will vanish.
Stay relevant Issues or commentary that is off-topic or tangential to Airsonic development is subject to moderation. Questions should be focused on improving documentation to solve a problem. Visit Reddit or IRC for community discussion.