Helm charts are provided inside https://github.com/eclipse-tractusx/daps-registration-service
1.) Using helm:
helm install ReleaseName ChartName
a.) Add helm repository in tractusx:
helm repo add drs https://eclipse-tractusx.github.io/charts/dev
b.) To search the specific repo in helm repositories
helm search repo drs/daps-reg-service
c.) To install using helm command:
helm install drs drs/daps-reg-service
2.) Local installation:
a.) git clone https://github.com/eclipse-tractusx/daps-registration-service.git
b.) Modify values file according to your requirement
c.) You need to define the secrets as well in values.yaml
clientId: -> Client id for DAPS
clientSecret: -> Client Secret for DAPS
apiUri: -> DAPS API URL
tokenUri: -> DAPS token URL
daps_jwks: -> DAPS jwks URL
jwk-set-uri: -> JWK URI
d.) These secrets should be defined in Hashicorp vault
e.) Deploy in a kubernetes cluster
helm install daps-reg-svc charts/daps-reg-service/ -n NameSpace