#Hello World Cocos2d-HTML5 In the tutorial, I will show you how to setup a new cocos2d-html5 project from scratch. Before that, I want to give you a brief description of cocos2d-html5's directory structures.
Here is the cocos2d-html5 directory structure:
###Understanding the directory structures
The directory structures can be separated into four parts:
The cocos2d directory holds all the core engine files. The main components of cocos2d-html5 are implemented in these js files.
The CocosDenshion directory holds all the audio engine related files.
The extension directory holds some useful extension modules, such as EditBox, CocosBuilder Reader and CocoStudio Reader, etc.
The folder box2d and chipmunk are third party physics engine.
The folder HelloHTML5World contains a simple Hello World sample. When you are new to cocos2d-htlm5, you may want to give it a try. It is the minimax skeleton of a full cocos2d-html5 app.
The template is more or less the same as HelloHTML5World except for that template is more clean. Template folder is where you should start from. At the end of part of this tutorial, we will create a new project based on this folder.
The samples directory, it contains all the tests of cocos2d-html5. It also includes some playable sample games. All the tests and games can be run in iOS and android with javascript binding.
The license directory includes all the license files in this project, as we mentioned before, the license of Cocos2d-html5 is MIT,you can refer to the folder to get more details about the licenses of cocos2d-html5.
The tools directory includes JS Doc tool and closure compiler. The template folder contains a build.xml which is a config file for closure compiler, you can package your game into one single file via Ant.
When you have downloaded and configured your Cocos2d-html5 development environment successfully. It is highly recommended to take a look at the built-in examples. It covers over 90% features of Cocos2d-html5. And it is also the most valuable learning resource that you can get currently.
When you debug the index.html file within WebStorm, it will open the index.html file in Chrome and you will get the following result:
Figure 2
As we can see, there are many demos and sample games. If you are curious about what Cocos2d-html5 can do , prepare a coffee, sit down and take a look at the built-in sample games.
In Figure 2, when you open the link named “Test cases”. It will show you the entire tests built-in with Cocos2d-html5. Here is the screenshot:
Figure 3
The tests are the best learning resources for you. The tests show nearly every features of Cocos2d-html5. You can tweak these tests files and you will get feedback immediately after refresh browser. It is better to have a taste of Cocos2d-html5 this way than reading a huge documentation at the very beginning.
There are 2 types of full game samples built-in with Cocos2d-html5. All of the source code are completely free and open to you. Here is a brief introduction about these sample games
The first game I would like to show you is MoonWarrior. It is a vertical shooting game. In this game sample, many useful game techniques are applied, including tiled-map, animation, parallax background etc. Here is the screenshot, you can dive into the source code for more information:
Figure 4
This is a matching game. You can swap the position of the nearby fruits, if there are three or more fruits with same type in vertical direction or horizontal direction. You are getting a match. And the same fruits will be cleared. Here is the screenshot:
Figure 5
There are also other type games, you could try it by yourself.
Finally, we are reaching the final important part of this tutorial. Here I wil not really create a "Hello World" project. I will take Parkour game as a example. In the future, all of these epic tutorials are about how to make a Parkour game with cocos2d-html5.
Can't help waiting? Let's do it right now!
As we talked before, there is a template folder under cocos2d-html5 root directory. Right click the template folder and choose Duplicate to create a copy of it. Then modify the Template Copy folder to Parkour.
Now open your WebStorm and there will be a new directory in the previous Project Root. Now the project navigator looks like this:
Figure 6
Right click the index.html in WebStorm and choose Debug 'index.html(1)'. It will open your Chrome automatically and you have successfully setted up a new project. Cheers! The browser address is
If the "Hello World" png file is not properly displayed in your browser. You can open main.js under Parkour and modify the following code line:
cc.EGLView.getInstance().setDesignResolutionSize(designSize.width, designSize.height, cc.RESOLUTION_POLICY.NO_BORDER);
cc.EGLView.getInstance().setDesignResolutionSize(designSize.width, designSize.height, cc.RESOLUTION_POLICY.SHOW_ALL);
Why should we do this little change? What's the magic? Haha, It is a very long story of cocos2d-x's Multiple Resolution Adaption. If you want to know more about the mechanism of this topic, refer to this link for more information. We will cover this topic in the future tutorials.
After this modification, save and run, it gives us the classic Hello World screenshot:
Figure 7
Since the template brings us so many things, but we even don't know anything about it.
Such as what is the main entry of the template program. How are these files organized? What does each file do in the sample program? In this section, I will give you some explanation of these questions.
At first, let take a look at all the files and the directory structure:
** Figure 8**
In the Figure 8, we can see that:
the res directory. It contains all the resource filed needed by our project. Now it only contains some sample pictures. But if you want to add some meta files of your game or some awesome game music files. You should also put them under this folder. You should choose a proper name for each file. You may notice that there are two folders named HD and Normal which have the exactly same file name but with different resolutions. They are for Multiple resolutions adaption. You can just skip it now. In the Figure 7, there is a HelloWrold picture shown on your screen which is the HelloWorld.png. You can double click to view the actual image file in the disk.
The src folder. It contains all of your actual game logic code. If there are hundreds of javascript source files, you'd better organized them into small chunks using subfolders. Now our template has two javascript source files. The myApp.js contains the first scene's code of our sample. The resource.js defines some global variables of the resource.
The build.xm file is used for package all of your game source code into one compact file. We have talked about it before.
The index.html file is the entry point of a HTML5 based web application. It is a HTML5 compatible format. It defines some meta data like setting viewpoint and fullscreen patameters.
The ccos2d-jsb.js file is a bridge file between cocos2d-html5 and cocos2d-x javascript bindings. You can safety leave it out currently.
The cocos2d.js file is the main entry point of our js engine. It uses a auto execution anonymous function to start our game engine.
The main.js is called by cocos2d-html5 framework after the cocos2d.js is loaded. It is where the main function like c/c++ language lies in. The applicationDidFinishLanching function will define the screen orientation, color format and resource load strategy. It is also the place to create your first game scene and show it on the browser.
Ok, you have known what these files and folder are for. Now it's time to understand the source code and the execution path.
It is very important to know a program's execution path. Here is a picture shows every cocos2d-html5 project's execution path:
Figure 9
From Figure 9, we can see that our program is loaded into browser from index.html. Then it moves to cocos2d.js. In this file, the code logic diverse due to the following config:
var c = {
Loot at the code piece, there is a object property named engineDir and a commented object property named SingleEngineFile which are the key point to decide the execution path of the following program. In the default case, we have specify the engineDir and the execution path will go to N direction in Figure 9. Thus the main.js will be loaded right after the engine files and before the files specified by appFiles. It is more clear to read the source code than reading my plain text. But the flow chart will do some favor for you to understand the process better.
As we known from the previous section, before we actually do some sort of real coding stuff. Let's make some small tweaks to get our hands dirty at first.
The section may be a little bit trivial. We can easily achieve this by modifying showFPS property to false in cocos2d.js.
Here is the code:
var c = {
There are many thing we can tweak by modifying this object's property. I will give your a table of each property's intention.
property name | options | explanation |
COCOS2D_DEBUG | 0,1,2 | 0 to turn debug off, 1 for basic debug, and 2 for full debug |
box2d | true or false | whether to load box2d physic engine or not in your project |
chipmunk | true or false | whether to load chipmunk physic engine or not in your project |
showFPS | true or false | toggle FPS visibility |
loadExtension | true or false | whether to load cocos2d extension library or not in your project |
frameRate | a positive number above 24, usually 60-30 | adjust the frame rate of your game |
renderMode | 0,1,2 | Choose of RenderMode: 0(default), 1(Canvas only), 2(WebGL only) |
tag | "gameCanvas" | the dom element to run cocos2d on |
engineDir | the engine directory related to your project | specify the directory the engine code |
SingleEngineFile | a single game js file | this file can be generated by Google closure compiler |
appFiles | a list of your game source code | add your own file lists after myApp.js |
The rest of cocos2d.js are some boilerplate code like obtaining DOM element by tag and setting up the game running environment. If you are curious about it, go ahead and dive into the source code.
Now cocos2d-html5 take web browser as a full screen game canvas. We don't need to manually adjust the canvas size any more. We just need to care about the design resolution size. In order to let our game to run seamlessly on iOS and Android with javascript binding technics. We should change the design resolution size to 480*320. Open you main.js and in function applicationDidFinishLaunching change designSize to cc.Size(480,320).
var designSize = cc.size(480, 320);
And you also should make resolution policy to SHOW_ALL:
cc.EGLView.getInstance().setDesignResolutionSize(designSize.width, designSize.height, cc.RESOLUTION_POLICY.SHOW_ALL);
If you are curious about why we should do this, please refer to this post for more information.
In this tutorial, we have talked about the directory structures and the built-in tests and sample games of cocos2d-html5. We also created our first project based on the template provided by cocos2d-html5. In the last part, we took effort to analysis the files and the code structures of the template.
In the next tutorial, I will show you how to set up your first game main menu scene. We will do more coding with cocos2d-html5.