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File metadata and controls

415 lines (310 loc) · 10.7 KB


A description of how information is exchanged between the different entities, as well as the flow of operations.

These messages are exchanged on top of an encrypted and authenticated communication channel.


At least one watchtower is ran by every participant, and at most one wallet is paired with each watchtower. A watchtower needs to be able to sign any revocation transaction before its corresponding wallet signs the unvaulting transaction.

In addition, a watchtower will by default revault any unvaulting attempt. We need a way for a manager to signal its willingness to spend a vault, and for the watchtower to ACK or NACK it (cheaper and less onchain footprint than try-and-be-canceled).
For this matter we use the synchronisation server.

Rough flow

  WALLET                      WATCHTOWER
    ||   -- sig emer ------------>   ||  // Here are all sigs for the emergency transaction.
    ||  <--- sig_ack  ---------      ||  // I succesfully re-constructed, checked, and stored this transaction.
    ||   -- sig emer_unvault ---->   ||
    ||  <--- sig_ack  ---------      ||
    ||   -- sig cancel   -------->   ||
    ||  <--- sig_ack  ---------      ||
  WATCHTOWER                      SYNC_SERVER
    ||   -- get_spend_requests -->   ||  // Is anyone currently willing to spend a vault ?
    ||  <--- spend_requests  -----   ||  // Nope.

    ||   -- get_spend_requests -->   ||  // Is anyone currently willing to spend a vault ?
    ||  <--- spend_requests  -----   ||  // Yep.
    ||   -- spend_opinion  ------>   ||  // The policy I enforce agrees / disagrees with this spend attempt.
    ||   -- request_spend    ---->   ||  // I'd like to spend this vault.
    ||   -- get_spend_requests -->   ||  // Just checking you made my request public..
    ||   -- get_spend_opinions -->   ||  // What do watchtowers say about this spend ?
    ||  <--- spend_opinions  -----   ||
    ||   -- get_spend_opinions -->   ||
    ||  <--- spend_opinions  -----   ||  // Eventually all watchtowers responded.

Messages format


Sent at any point in time by a wallet to share all signatures for a revocation transaction with its watchtower. The wallet must wait for the tower's sig_ack on all revocation transactions before sharing its signature for the unvault transaction with the other participants.

    "method": "sig",
    "params": {
        "signatures": {
            "pubkeyA": "ALL|ANYONECANPAY Bitcoin ECDSA signature as hex",
            "pubkeyB": "ALL|ANYONECANPAY Bitcoin ECDSA signature as hex",
        "txid": "txid",
        "vault_txid": "vault transaction txid"


The watchtower must not send an ACK if it did not successfully reconstruct and check the transaction, or if it is unable to bump its feerate with its currently-available utxos.

    "result": {
        "ack": true,
        "txid": "txid"


Regularly sent by a watchtower to the synchronisation server to learn about spending attempts.

    "method": "get_spend_requests",
    "params": {}


The response to a get_spend_requests. Returns an arbitrarily-sized (can be 0) array of objects detailing a spending request.

    "result": {
        "requests": [
                "transaction": "fully signed spend transaction",
                "timestamp": 0000000,
                "vault_id": "vault_uid"

The vault_uid is sha256(vault txid).


Sent by a watchtower to the synchronisation server to signal its acceptance or refusal of a specific spend. The reason field must be set if accept is false, otherwise it's ignored by the sync server.

Note that there might be multiple spend attempts in flight: we support spend transaction batching.

We require a signature for this message, as its relayed by the synchronisation server to the wallet.

    "method": "spend_opinion",
    "params": {
        "vault_id": "vault_uid",
        "accept": true,
        "reason": "",
        "sig": "ECDSA (secp256k1) signature of this utf-8 encoded json with no space and 'sig:\"\"'"

The vault_uid is sha256(vault txid).


Sent by a manager to signal their willingness to spend a vault.

We use a timestamp as watchtowers might accept the same spending attempt in the future.

    "method": "request_spend",
    "params": {
        "transaction": "fully signed spend transaction",
        "timestamp": 0000000,
        "vault_id": "vault_uid"

The vault_uid is sha256(vault txid).


Sent by a manager when polling for watchtowers agreement regarding the spend attempt identified by vault_id.

    "method": "get_spend_opinions",
    "params": {
        "vault_id": "vault_uid"

The vault_uid is sha256(vault txid).


The response to get_spend_opinions, an arbitrarily-sized (can be 0 if no watchtower responded) array of the response of each watchtower.

    "result": {
        "vault_id": "vault_uid",
        "opinions": [
                "accepted": true,
                "reason": "",
                "sig": "ECDSA (secp256k1) signature of this exact json with no space and 'sig:\"\"'"
                "accepted": true,
                "reason": "",
                "sig": "ECDSA (secp256k1) signature of this exact json with no space and 'sig:\"\"'"
                "accepted": true,
                "reason": "",
                "sig": "ECDSA (secp256k1) signature of this exact json with no space and 'sig:\"\"'"

The vault_uid is sha256(vault txid).
The wallet needs to insert the vault_uid field in each opinion object in order to be able to validate the signature.

Sync server

The sync server allows wallets to exchange signatures without the need for them to be interconnected.

As each wallet will verify and store signatures locally, the server isn't trusted and can be managed by the organisation deploying Revault.

All transactions are signed paying a fixed 253perkw feerate. FIXME: see

Rough flow

  WALLET                      SYNC_SERVER
    ||   -A-- sig   -------->    ||   // A: Here is a sig for this id !
    ||   -C-- sig   -------->    ||
    ||   -B-- sig   -------->    ||
    ||   -C-- get_sigs  ---->    ||   // C: I gave my sig but now am waiting for everyone to complete..
    ||   -A-- get_sigs  ---->    ||
    ||   -B-- get_sigs  ---->    ||
    ||   -A-- err_sig   ---->    ||   // A: Huh lol. This sig isn't valid.
    ||   <-- get_sigs error--    ||   // Server: Someone's is unhappy with the sig so I erased all of them, try again.
    ||   -A-- sig  --------->    ||
    ||   -B-- sig  --------->    ||
    ||   -C-- sig  --------->    ||
    ||   -A-- get_sigs  ---->    ||
    ||   -B-- get_sigs  ---->    ||
    ||   -C-- get_sigs  ---->    ||
            ...(polling)              // Eventually they all retrieve the sigs.

Messages format


Sent by a wallet at any point in time to share the signature for a transaction with all participants.

The wallet can safely post its signature for both the cancel and emergency of each vault utxo without waiting for others. However, it must wait for everyone to have signed the cancel and emergency transactions and its watchtower to have verified and stored the signature before sharing its signature for the unvault transaction.

Revocation transactions (cancel and emergencys) are signed with the ALL|ANYONECANPAY flag.

    "method": "sig",
    "params": {
        "pubkey": "Secp256k1 public key used to sign the transaction (hex)",
        "signature": "Bitcoin ECDSA signature as hex",
        "id": "tx uid"

The tx uid is sha256(txid). It's used when polling.

No explicit ACK from the server as the wallet can just get_sigs for its own signature.


Sent by a wallet to retrieve all signatures for a specific transaction.

    "method": "get_sigs",
    "params": {
        "id": "tx uid"

The server answers with a (possibly incomplete) mapping of each pubkey to each signature required for this transaction.

    "result": {
        "signatures": {
            "pukeyA": "sig",
            "pubkeyC": "sig"

Note the absence of pubkeyB above.

If a wallet notices its transaction to be absent, it must send it again. It can either mean the server didn't store it (no explicit ACK) or someone was unhappy with it (no explicit error from the server).


FIXME: should we crash instead of handling this (potentially adversarial) scenario ?

Sent by a wallet to express its dreadful unhapiness with one of the returned signatures. It results in the server erasing all the signatures for this transaction and make other wallets send a new signature.

This should not happen, but hey.

    "method": "err_sig",
    "params": {
        "id": "tx uid"

Cosigning server

A cosigning server is ran by each non-fund-manager participant. It is happy to sign any transaction input, but only once.

Rough flow

  WALLET                      COSIG_SERVER
    ||   -A-- sign  -------->    ||   // A: I need you to sign this transaction input
    ||   <-- sign result ----    ||   // Server: *signs* .. Here you go.
    ||   -B-- sign  -------->    ||   // B: I need you to sign this same transaction input
    ||   <-- sign result ----    ||   // Server: I already signed an input spending this txid, here is the existing signature

Messages format


Sent at any point in time by a manager who'll soon attempt to unvault and spend a vault utxo.

The index specifies which input should be signed by the cosigner, as a single spend transaction might spend from multiple vaults.

    "method": "sign",
    "params": {
        "tx": "psbt",
        "index": 0

The server shall return the existing signature if it already signed a transaction spending this txid (no matter the actual transaction), or sign it, store this sig for future use, then return it (once again, no matter the actual transaction).

    "result": {
        "signature": "sig as hex"