This is the implementation of "Skip-GANomaly" corresponding to 2-dimensional shape.
Original paper: S. Akçay, A. Atapour-Abarghouei, and T. P. Breckon. Skip-ganomaly: Skip connected and adversarially trained encoder-decoder anomaly detection. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2019. link
Please build the source file according to the procedure.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j4
$ cd ..
- MVTec Anomaly Detection Dataset (MVTec AD)
This is a dataset for benchmarking anomaly detection methods with a focus on industrial inspection.
Link: official
Please create a link for the dataset.
The following hierarchical relationships are recommended.
| |--train
| | |--image1.png
| | |--image2.bmp
| | |--image3.jpg
| |
| |--valid
| |--test_anomaly
| |--test_normal
You should substitute the path of training normal data for "<training_path>", test anomaly data for "<test_anomaly_path>", test normal data for "<test_normal_path>", respectively.
The following is an example for "MVTecAD".
$ cd datasets
$ mkdir MVTecAD
$ cd MVTecAD
$ ln -s <training_path> ./train
$ ln -s <test_anomaly_path> ./test_anomaly
$ ln -s <test_normal_path> ./test_normal
$ cd ../..
Please set the shell for executable file.
$ vi scripts/
The following is an example of the training phase.
If you want to view specific examples of command line arguments, please view "src/main.cpp" or add "--help" to the argument.
./Skip-GANomaly2d \
--train true \
--epochs 300 \
--dataset ${DATA} \
--size 256 \
--batch_size 16 \
--gpu_id 0 \
--nc 3
Please execute the following to start the program.
$ sh scripts/
Please set the shell for executable file.
$ vi scripts/
The following is an example of the test phase.
If you want to view specific examples of command line arguments, please view "src/main.cpp" or add "--help" to the argument.
./Skip-GANomaly2d \
--test true \
--dataset ${DATA} \
--test_dir "test_anomaly" \
--test_result_dir "test_result_anomaly" \
--heatmap_max ${HEATMAP_MAX} \
--size 256 \
--gpu_id 0 \
--nc 3
./Skip-GANomaly2d \
--test true \
--dataset ${DATA} \
--test_dir "test_normal" \
--test_result_dir "test_result_normal" \
--heatmap_max ${HEATMAP_MAX} \
--size 256 \
--gpu_id 0 \
--nc 3
Please execute the following to start the program.
$ sh scripts/
Please set the shell for executable file.
$ vi scripts/
The following is an example of the anomaly detection phase.
If you want to view specific examples of command line arguments, please view "src/main.cpp" or add "--help" to the argument.
./Skip-GANomaly2d \
--AD true \
--dataset ${DATA} \
--anomaly_path "test_result_anomaly/anomaly_score.txt" \
--normal_path "test_result_normal/anomaly_score.txt" \
--n_thresh 256
Please execute the following to start the program.
$ sh scripts/
This code is inspired by skip-ganomaly.