This is the implementation of "ResNet" for Multiclass Classification.
Original paper: K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, and J. Sun. Deep residual learning for image recognition. In Proceesings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2016. link
Please build the source file according to the procedure.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j4
$ cd ..
THE MNIST DATABASE of handwritten digits
This is the dataset of 28x28 grayscale for handwritten digits in 10 classes that has a training set of 60000 images and a test set of 10000 images.
Link: official -
The CIFAR-10 dataset
This is the dataset of 32x32 color based on labeled tiny images in 10 classes that has a training set of 50000 images and a test set of 10000 images.
Link: official -
The CIFAR-100 dataset
This is the dataset of 32x32 color based on labeled tiny images in 100 classes that has a training set of 50000 images and a test set of 10000 images.
Link: official
Please create a link for the dataset.
The following hierarchical relationships are recommended.
| |--train
| | |--class1
| | | |--image1.png
| | | |--image2.bmp
| | | |--image3.jpg
| | |
| | |--class2
| | |--class3
| |
| |--valid
| |--test
The following is an example for "MNIST".
This is downloaded and placed, maintaining the above hierarchical relationships.
$ cd datasets
$ sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
$ pip3 install scikit-image
$ sh ../../../scripts/
$ cd ..
Please set the text file for class names.
$ vi list/MNIST.txt
In case of "MNIST", please set as follows.
Please set the shell for executable file.
$ vi scripts/
The following is an example of the training phase.
If you want to view specific examples of command line arguments, please view "src/main.cpp" or add "--help" to the argument.
./ResNet \
--train true \
--n_layers 50 \
--epochs 300 \
--dataset ${DATA} \
--class_list "list/${DATA}.txt" \
--class_num 10 \
--size 224 \
--batch_size 16 \
--gpu_id 0 \
--nc 1
Please execute the following to start the program.
$ sh scripts/
Please set the shell for executable file.
$ vi scripts/
The following is an example of the test phase.
If you want to view specific examples of command line arguments, please view "src/main.cpp" or add "--help" to the argument.
./ResNet \
--test true \
--n_layers 50 \
--dataset ${DATA} \
--class_list "list/${DATA}.txt" \
--class_num 10 \
--size 224 \
--gpu_id 0 \
--nc 1
Please execute the following to start the program.
$ sh scripts/
This code is inspired by pytorch-cifar.