This is the implementation of OC-SVM (One Class Support Vector Machine).
- Class: 1
- Problem: Linearly Non-separable
- Decision Boundary: Hyperplane + Kernel
Please build the source file according to the procedure.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ cd ..
The following hierarchical relationships are recommended.
The following is an example for Toy Dataset.
Please set the shell for executable file.
$ vi scripts/
If you want to view specific examples of command line arguments, please view "src/main.cpp" or add "--help" to the argument.
./OC-SVM \
--dataset ${DATA} \
--nd 2 \
--nu 0.003 \
--lr 0.0001 \
--kernel "rbf" \
--gamma 5.0
Please execute the following to start the program.
$ sh scripts/