- Test.log file can only be viewed when the GrandMA Software is shut down.
- All functions that are about managing fixture types and there files are now outsourced to the csfixtype module for clarity reasons.
- Versioning of the 'csfixtype' module changed to match semantic versioning (2.0.0). csfixtype is now on version 1.0.0.
- When multiple CSFs are created, only the first one works correctly. All following CSFs are triggered erroneously by the first one or don't work at all due to wrong dmx addresses assigned to the dmx remotes.
- When number of steps is too high, not alle steps can be triggered by the CSF. (Limit for steps is now 100!)
- DMX remotes don't work when the CSF name contains a dot. (A dot is now an illegal character for the name input.)
- More then one universe can be used for CSFs if necessary.
- CSF is now executable, even if Test.lua file is absent.
- Can be tested automatically by using an added test mode.
- Console can't import the necessary modules due to a wrong 'package.path configuration.'
- Enhanced precision by created DMX-Profiles.
- In case of an invalid user input, an error message is displayed.
- Invalid Executornumber 'PAGE'.00 is chosen when all Executors on the chosen page are taken. FIXED.
- Invalid Executornumber 'PAGE'.0.01 is chosen when all Executors on the chosen page are taken and the preferred executor number were entered without an page (e.g. "10" instead of "1.10") FIXED.
- CSContainer can be moved to any executor.
- Using CSF names twice is prevented by requesting user to enter the CSF name until the chosen name is not already in use.
- The CSFader now gets labeled according to the scheme "[CSF Name] CSF".
- CSContainer is now assigned to an executor, to enable executor options.
- The system variable $CSC_[CSF NAME] is added which contains the executor number of the CSContainer. If CSContainer is moved, it has to be updated.
- CSFader is now swop protected.
- "React To Master" is disabled for CSFixtures
- Performance enhancements through code optimizations.
- When running CSF more then one time, CSLayer gets recreated and overwritten every time. Fixed. Changings for the User: 1.1. The second CSFixture is appended to the existing Layer and the existing Universe. 1.2. Added GrandMA2 show variables $CSF_ADDR_CACHE and $CSF_UNI to enable patching and using multiple CSFixtures. These variables shall not be changed by the user.
- When "1.10" is entered as executor number, it gets misinterpreted as "1.1" Fixed.
- Finding an alternative executor fails sometimes and leads to a plugin crash. Fixed.
- DMX Profiles can now be associated with the mode and the fixture version they were created with. Schema is "CSF_Profile [INDEX]/[STEPS]_[VERSION]" (without []).
- Performace enhancements through code optimizations.